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Date:      Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:07:11 -0800 (PST)
From:      Danial Thom <>
To:        Drew Tomlinson <>
Subject:   Re: Polling For 100 mbps Connections? (Was Re: Freebsd Theme Song)
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--- Drew Tomlinson <>

> Ted Mittelstaedt wrote, On 12/13/2005 12:44 AM:
> >  
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Drew Tomlinson
> []
> >>Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 12:30 PM
> >>To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> >>Cc: Michael Vince;;
> >>Kris Kennaway
> >>Subject: Polling For 100 mbps Connections?
> (Was Re: Freebsd Theme Song)
> >>
> >>
> >>On 12/12/2005 8:13 AM Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Michael,
> >>>
> >>> Fundamentally, here's the problem Danial is
> claiming exists:
> >>>
> >>>it takes a certain amount of time to get the
> packet clocked in
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>from the network into the ethernet receiver.
>  This is hardware
> >>    
> >>
> >>>dependent and cannot be changed.
> >>>
> >>>It takes a certain amount of time to get the
> packet out of
> >>>the hardware in the ethernet card into main
> ram, this also
> >>>hardware dependent and cannot be changed.
> (unless the device
> >>>driver is terribly inefficient, which we
> will assume it's not)
> >>>
> >>>Once in main ram, the information in the
> packet has to go through
> >>>a number of code statements.  The more code
> statements the
> >>>longer the information in the packet is
> sitting around in
> >>>the FreeBSD system's memory.
> >>>
> >>>It then takes a certain amount of time to
> get the information
> >>>out of main memory into the other sending
> ethernet nic's buffers,
> >>>
> >>>and it takes time to get it out of the
> sending nic back to the
> >>>wire.
> >>>
> >>>Danial is claiming the slowness is in the
> main ram section of
> >>>things, not in the ethernet driver code.
> >>>
> >>>polling makes the ethernet driver more
> efficient at high data
> >>>rates, but it does nothing for the speed of
> processing within
> >>>the TCPIP stack itself.  At low data rates
> polling is less
> >>>efficient than the interrupt method.  And
> unless the nic driver
> >>>is terribly inefficient to start with, the
> time it adds to the
> >>>packet path in the system is minor compared
> to the time spent
> >>>in the TCP/IP stack.
> >>>
> >>>Ted
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>Thanks for the explanation.  So would polling
> be beneficial or
> >>detrimental for a 100 mbps Ethernet card?
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Yes, if you were running 100Mbt's of bandwidth
> through it.
> >  
> >
> I assume you mean "yes it's beneficial"?  :)

Thats just not true, or at least not globally.
The right answer is: It depends on the hardware.
Polling should NEVER be used for hardware that
has built-in hardware interrupt throttling (such
as fxp and em driver cards). polling has a LOT of
overhead. Hardware hold offs give you the benefit
of controlled interrupt reduction without
adulterating your system with tons of extra clock
interrupts. This has been discussed over and
over, and still some of the people who are
supposed to know about this have no clue

polling is ONLY a POSSIBLE advantage is your
hardware actually interrupts for every event.
Good controllers do not. I don't know the specs
of every card/chipset, but with intel cards you
definitely do NOT want to use polling, as an

Regardless of the hardware, if you see a
substantial increase with performance its because
the OS is broken and not because of the polling,
particularly if you have a relatively low volume
of traffic. The same number of cpu cycles are
needed to process the packets whether you poll or

As an example, changing the number of receive
interrupts per second from 10,000 to 25000 on an
em card (4.9 OS, which is known NOT to be broken)
pushing 100Kpps yields about a 3% difference in
cpu load (no noticable difference in
performance). For an average load server doing
less than 1K pps, on a modern processor the cpu
load difference is not significant enough to make
much noticable difference in performance.

Of course anyone using a realtek or cheap
controller on an expensive machine is just a
plain fool; spend the extra relative pennies for
a controller that actually works properly. I'm
amazed at the number of idiots running MP
machines with cheap ethernet controllers. Its
like putting $25. tires on a porche.


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