From owner-cvs-all Thu Oct 27 02:34:37 1994 Return-Path: cvs-all-owner Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.8/8.6.6) id CAA09231 for cvs-all-outgoing; Thu, 27 Oct 1994 02:34:37 -0700 Received: (from jkh@localhost) by (8.6.8/8.6.6) id CAA09222 for cvs-all; Thu, 27 Oct 1994 02:34:36 -0700 Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 02:34:36 -0700 From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" Message-Id: <> To: cvs-all Subject: change to reload1.c deleted Sender: Precedence: bulk The following change to cc/cc_int/reload1.c has been cvs admin'd out: revision 1.2 date: 1994/10/25 13:18:17; author: dima; state: Exp; lines: +48 -50 Fixing problem with cc1. Reload() pass. The cc1 used to fail (core dumped) during, for example, compiling syscons.o with NCONS > 8. This has happend when reload() thinks that a lack of register groups occures. Now it's okay. --- Untested changes to the C compiler are really bad news, and this is not a mistake I expect to see repeated, especially not 1 day before ALPHA release. Jordan