From owner-cvs-gnu Sat Dec 3 08:48:20 1994 Return-Path: cvs-gnu-owner Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.8/8.6.6) id IAA26689 for cvs-gnu-outgoing; Sat, 3 Dec 1994 08:38:18 -0800 Received: (from ats@localhost) by (8.6.8/8.6.6) id IAA26637; Sat, 3 Dec 1994 08:32:03 -0800 Date: Sat, 3 Dec 1994 08:32:03 -0800 From: Andreas Schulz Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-gnu Subject: cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/dc decimal.c decimal.h Sender: Precedence: bulk ats 94/12/03 08:32:02 Modified: gnu/usr.bin/dc decimal.c decimal.h Log: Throw out the abort call, the reasoning seems to be false :-). Change a round to a truncate. Problem reported from Christoph Kukulies: 9.8 2 / p did an IOT trap. There is one remaining problem.: 9.8 2 % p shows on other machines 1.8 but does here in the moment 1.