From owner-freebsd-doc  Mon Aug 11 07:50:01 1997
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Subject: ee (default) word-wrap can cause vipw/chsh indigestion
Sender: owner-freebsd-doc@FreeBSD.ORG
Precedence: bulk

  As a newbie to FreeBSD 2.2.2-R, I had set my default editor to
ee (in an effort to avoid vi).  When I used vipw or chsh to
change the default shell (specified at the end of a line in the
/etc/passwd file), ee word-wrapped (evidently obeying the right
margin option is on by default), and inserted a newline in the
process.  Unfortunately, this resulted in pwd_mkdb errors, and
no change to the default shell:

"/etc/pw.000237" 14 lines, 303 characters
chsh: rebuilding the database...
pwd_mkdb: corrupted entry
pwd_mkdb: at line #13
pwd_mkdb: /etc/pw.000237: Inappropriate file type or format
chsh: /etc/master.passwd: unchanged

   I still think ee is easier to get started with than vi, but
perhaps a caveat or other warning either in the man page for ee,
or in the FAQ (even though it likely won't be frequently asked
-- perhaps a troubleshooting grab bag: "warnings, pitfalls, and
unanticipated interactions"? ;-) will help someone else who's
but still has a long way to go before knowing the ropes.  To be
honest, the ee man page already says:

       There  are  three  states  for text operation in ee:
       form, margins, and automatic formatting.

       "Free-form" is best  used  for  things  like 
       There  are  no restrictions on the length of lines, and
       formatting takes place.

   I just needed to be hit over the head more emphatically that
using chsh/vipw is a "thing like programming".
   Many thanks and best regards to all of you who are making
FreeBSD useful to even those of us who are still learning those

Alex Ling, MD         (301) 496-7700 x235 (voice)
Bldg 10, Rm 1C-660   NIH Clinical Center   Bethesda, Md 20892-1182