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Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:35:00 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andrzej Bialecki <>
To: Jim Flowers <>
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Subject: Re: PicoBSD Router Questions/Comments
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On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Jim Flowers wrote:

> I am just now compiling the new picobsd router configuration (picobsd 0.4)
> and have developed the following questions/comments:
> 1. build/clean does not remove the
> $(SRC}/sys/i386/conf/PICOBBSD${suffix}.${SIZE} file.  If you make changes in
> source files remove this manually so the test will fail and the kernel will
> be rebuilt.

Currently the test that is performed is in fact slightly wrong, and should
be corrected: I check for the presence of the
...../i386/PICOBSD.../kernel, which is insufficient. I'll correct this to
support dependency of the build process on the config file.

> 2. There is no way to edit the configuration files (to change the hostname
> for example).  I added ee to the router/crunch.conf file for this.  Is there
> a better way?  Can't use nfs as the mount command doesn't support it.

"router" still waits for someone to write a command-line tool to edit
configuration... :-). Seriously, I didn't add 'ee' because it's overkill -
we wouldn't use even half of its functions, it's too big and consumes too
much memory as compared to such very well defined (and limited) task. I
repeat: it simply needs a small command-line config utility, that's all.
In the meantime, you can mount the floppy on some other machine and edit
it there...

> 3. The update script does not work, probably because the custom shell does
> not support scripts.  The script commands can be entered manually to mount
> the floppy and copy the editied conf files.  Is there a better way?

Yes. You can source-in the /stand/update. i.e.

(49)/# . /stand/update

will do the job. I forgot to mention this in the docs, and it's not so

> 4. On "umount /dev/fd0a", an error message is displayed "part 1, stat=0,
> size=2880\n dkl: slice 1 overlaps slice 0".  Does this indicate a problem?

No, it's harmless. It comes from DEVFS code, which is still experimental
and its author left many diagnostic messages on...

> 5.  There is no Makefile in tinyware/simple_httpd so the build/clean script
> fails at this point and doesn't go on.  Solution was to copy and edit
> Makefile from tinyware/sps.

Yep. One more omission... :(

> 6. The file /README referenced on the splash screen is not present.

I'll correct this as well. Thanks!

Well, what can I say... I can only say that when only a single person
prepares such a project it's error prone. I hope that availability of the
picobsd source tree in official CVS tree will help us all to do it

Andrzej Bialecki

| <>     | When in problem or in  |  if(halt_per_mth > 0) {  |
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| Network in Poland   | scream and shout.      |  }                       |
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I'm glad to announce that the whole PicoBSD source tree has been imported
into official FreeBSD CVS tree under:


and I was assigned the maintainer of this tree. From this point on, all
changes and new features will go there.

Now you can track the changes in picobsd as closely as you track the rest
of FreeBSD sources. I hope that this will help us all to develop it better
and quicker than previously.

Andrzej Bialecki

| <>     | When in problem or in  |  if(halt_per_mth > 0) {  |
| Research & Academic | doubt, run in circles, |      fetch("FreeBSD");   |
| Network in Poland   | scream and shout.      |  }                       |
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	Where can I get more info about wetscape in xpreview2 ?
	I tried to surf using wetscape from the xpreview2 but
	it appeared to me that it can only access the local file



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Sorry that this is a little off topic, but it does relate to a PicoBSD
project I'm working on :-)

Anyone know of a software RAID-5 solution for FreeBSD? Pref. something
that has source code under a BSD-style license...but commercial offerings
could be an option.

Yes, I know I could use a hardware solution :-p But I need some more
flexibility and don't really want to write one from scratch.



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Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 17:18:53 +0000
From: Mike Smith <>
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> Sorry that this is a little off topic, but it does relate to a PicoBSD
> project I'm working on :-)
> Anyone know of a software RAID-5 solution for FreeBSD? Pref. something
> that has source code under a BSD-style license...but commercial offerings
> could be an option.
> Yes, I know I could use a hardware solution :-p But I need some more
> flexibility and don't really want to write one from scratch.

The first question is "why do you think you need RAID-5"?

The second one is "why do you want it in software?"

You might be able to license the Vinum RAID-5 module from Cybernet 
Systems when it's available; you should talk initially with Greg Lehey 
( about this to guage the likelihood of such a 
license being viable.

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\

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From owner-freebsd-small  Tue Sep  1 23:04:57 1998
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Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 15:33:28 +0930
From: Greg Lehey <>
To: Mike Smith <>, Marc Nicholas <>
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Subject: Software RAID-5 (was: A little off topic...)
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On Tuesday,  1 September 1998 at 17:18:53 +0000, Mike Smith wrote:
>> Sorry that this is a little off topic, but it does relate to a PicoBSD
>> project I'm working on :-)

Well, it would have been a good topic for FreeBSD-questions,
especially if the subject had mentioned what you really want to know.

>> Anyone know of a software RAID-5 solution for FreeBSD? Pref. something
>> that has source code under a BSD-style license...but commercial offerings
>> could be an option.
>> Yes, I know I could use a hardware solution :-p But I need some more
>> flexibility and don't really want to write one from scratch.
> The first question is "why do you think you need RAID-5"?
> The second one is "why do you want it in software?"
> You might be able to license the Vinum RAID-5 module from Cybernet
> Systems when it's available; you should talk initially with Greg Lehey
> ( about this to guage the likelihood of such a
> license being viable.

You might also like to check out

You'll have to pay Cybernet for RAID-5.  I don't know how much (I
suspect they don't, either), but they're Good Guys, and I don't think
it would be expensive.  If you want to beta test it, now's a good
time to ask (but it won't imply a license to use it after beta).  It
*does* imply a BSD-style license in 18 months, however.

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Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 10:54:53 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andrzej Bialecki <>
To: francis yeung <>
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On Tue, 1 Sep 1998, francis yeung wrote:

> Greetings,
> 	Where can I get more info about wetscape in xpreview2 ?
> 	I tried to surf using wetscape from the xpreview2 but
> 	it appeared to me that it can only access the local file
> 	system. 

No, it just requires that you use the full URL specifier, i.e. you can't
use '', but ''.

In any case, wetscape is very, very, very limited and buggy... :-((

There is new release of W-system, which I'm planning to patch to get it
working on FreeBSD, but I'm overloaded these days...

Andrzej Bialecki

--------------------   ++-------++  -------------------------------------
 <>       ||PicoBSD||   FreeBSD in your pocket? Go and see:
 Research & Academic   |+-------+|       "Small & Embedded FreeBSD"
 Network in Poland     | |TT~~~| |
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does FreeBSD run on CompactPCI?
any issues, recommended vendors?


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To: "Gregory D. Moncreaff" <>
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Subject: Re: CompactPCI 
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Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 22:34:00 -0400
From: Jerry Hicks <>
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> does FreeBSD run on CompactPCI?
> any issues, recommended vendors?
> thanks,
> -g

Yes, we have run FreeBSD on CompactPCI but only to test it briefly.

When implemented properly on Intel hardware, you should be able to run nearly
any PC-based operating system on CompactPCI as though it were a standard

We've run FreeBSD on Ziatech hardware (uniprocessor only) and have enjoyed
a very good relationship with them for some time.  Ziatech is also the
original innovator of of CompactPCI.

They might be willing to arrange for compatibility testing for FreeBSD. I'll

Good Luck,

Jerry Hicks

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From owner-freebsd-small  Thu Sep  3 20:47:48 1998
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Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:47:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Marc Nicholas <>
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On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Gregory D. Moncreaff wrote:

> does FreeBSD run on CompactPCI?
> any issues, recommended vendors?

You shouldn't have too many issues. We played with CompactPCI a while
back, but it was too expensive for our implementation and the peripherals
just weren't available at that time.


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Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:59:40 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andrzej Bialecki <>
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Subject: Flash disk test results
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A few days ago I received a SanDisk IDE flash disk sent to me by Goran
Hasse of Raditex AB ( - thanks, Goran, for your
involvement! Below I describe my first impressions and experiences (with
some more to follow in next few days).

Well, to begin with the equipment characteristics: it's a 40MB silicon
disk which is equipped with normal IDE and power supply connectors. I
plugged it into the IDE bus, and BIOS recognized it without any problem as
yet another IDE disk.

Then I booted FreeBSD, and it also saw it as yet another IDE disk. I then
created one slice on it, covering the whole disk (in so called "dedicated"
mode - there's no sense to waste space for partition table). Then I went
on with disklabeling it (with -B to make it bootable), and finally did
newfs. All these steps went as usual.

Then I installed slightly modified version of PicoBSD (no MFS in kernel -
all binaries were taken from flash) on that IDE flash disk. This required
modification of startup scripts, in order to mount the flash (/dev/wd0s1a)
as /, and read-only. I'll probably modify this setup further to create
after startup a small MFS and mount it on /tmp, and to mount flash
read-write, but with noatime (to minimize write operations to the flash).

All these operations I did on one machine, and then took out the flash
disk and fitted it into another, test machine - an oldish 486DX with
floppy, no HDD. (BTW. this begs quite another question of convenient
bootstrapping the system using only one machine...).

Then I rebooted, and withheld my breath.. :-)

Well, in short: it was a total success, and it has shown some other
advantages I wasn't quite aware of at that moment.

First impression is, that it's blazingly fast - the whole booting process,
from turning machine on to the login: prompt, takes ca. 30 seconds, and it
can be further tuned down.

The setup I tried uses less memory, because now it's possible to
keep all binaries on the disk, and not on the ramdisk. The difference is
quite substantial, something like 1-2MB of RAM :-).

It was a funny story, indeed: at first I didn't notice this, but then I
suddenly realized that I forgot to put all of those memory chips in the
sockets, and I was running with only 4MB of RAM installed! The picobsd
flavor I used was incidentally the "net" version, AND I was already
running two sessions using full-blown /bin/sh, running inetd _and_ SNMPd
in background! Isn't it amazing?! I can't wait to see what can be done
with "router" version, which uses _so_ less memory than "net"...

So, in the next few days I'm going to perform some other tests to see what
are the capabilities and constraints of various setups. But, in short: it
looks _very_ promising for embedded applications, where the 386SX/4MB RAM
is a standard, and thus far it seems that you can run many things on such
low-end equipment.

Andrzej Bialecki

--------------------   ++-------++  -------------------------------------
 <>       ||PicoBSD||   FreeBSD in your pocket? Go and see:
 Research & Academic   |+-------+|       "Small & Embedded FreeBSD"
 Network in Poland     | |TT~~~| |
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