From owner-freebsd-hubs Mon Jan 29 9:26:33 2001 Delivered-To: Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2583B37B69B; Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:25:30 -0800 (PST) Received: from (unverified []) by (Rockliffe SMTPRA 2.1.2) with SMTP id ; Tue, 30 Jan 2001 01:34:00 +0800 Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 01:34:00 +0800 Message-ID: Reply-To: From: To: Subject:狂人資訊軟體更新資訊 本次新增一百三十多片......狂人資訊軟體更新資訊狂人資訊軟體更新資訊 本次新增一百三十多片...狂人資訊軟體更新資訊 本次新增一百三十多片.. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=big5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Sender: owner-freebsd-hubs@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: PGh0bWw+DQoNCjxoZWFkPg0KPG1ldGEgaHR0cC1lcXVpdj0iQ29udGVudC1MYW5ndWFnZSIg Y29udGVudD0iemgtdHciPg0KPG1ldGEgaHR0cC1lcXVpdj0iQ29udGVudC1UeXBlIiBjb250 ZW50PSJ0ZXh0L2h0bWw7IGNoYXJzZXQ9YmlnNSI+DQo8bWV0YSBuYW1lPSJHRU5FUkFUT1Ii IGNvbnRlbnQ9Ik1pY3Jvc29mdCBGcm9udFBhZ2UgNC4wIj4NCjxtZXRhIG5hbWU9IlByb2dJ ZCIgY29udGVudD0iRnJvbnRQYWdlLkVkaXRvci5Eb2N1bWVudCI+DQo8dGl0bGU+q2Wpubr0 r7g8L3RpdGxlPg0KPC9oZWFkPg0KDQo8Ym9keT4NCg0KPGRpdiBhbGlnbj0iY2VudGVyIj4N CiAgPGNlbnRlcj4NCiAgPHRhYmxlIGJvcmRlcj0iMSIgd2lkdGg9IjQ1MSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIx MyI+DQogICAgPHRyPg0KICAgICAgPHRkIHdpZHRoPSI0NTEiIGhlaWdodD0iMTMiIGJnY29s b3I9IiM4MDgwODAiPjxzdHJvbmc+DQogICAgICAgIDxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly9nby50by9j cmF6eXgxIj4NCiAgICAgICAgPGZvbnQgY29sb3I9IiNGRkZGRkYiPg0KICAgICAgICA8bWFy cXVlZSBhbGlnbj0ibWlkZGxlIiBiZWhhdmlvcj0iYWx0ZXJuYXRlIj6rZam5qGekSLjqsFSl 5qx5pKSk37r0r7g8L21hcnF1ZWU+DQogICAgICAgIDwvZm9udD4NCiAgICAgICAgPC9hPg0K ICAgICAgICA8L3N0cm9uZz48L3RkPg0KICAgIDwvdHI+DQogIDwvdGFibGU+DQogIDwvY2Vu dGVyPg0KPC9kaXY+DQo8Zm9udCBTSVpFPSIzIj4NCjxibG9ja3F1b3RlPg0KICA8YmxvY2tx dW90ZT4NCiAgICA8YmxvY2txdW90ZT4NCiAgICAgIDxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ0Ij48Zm9udCBj b2xvcj0iI0ZGMDAwMCI+oXWp2rW0sbWo/KF2pbuvuLBUrqe90MJJv++hQDxhIGhyZWY9Im1h aWx0bzpmcmVlYmFua25vQDEwOC56em4uY29tIj6zb7jMPC9hPjwvZm9udD48L3A+DQogICAg ICA8cCBhbGlnbj0ibGVmdCI+PGZvbnQgY29sb3I9IiNGRjAwMDAiPqW7r7imYqasqOyxeqq6 pl7C0K7JoUGlsrftusmzdKjDq0/D0qdSsKOxeqq6uOquxqFDpbuvuKjDpKO3UbN5pqi0Y6nK tGDA9KFJPC9mb250PjwvcD4NCiAgICAgIDxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ0Ij48Zm9udCBjb2xvcj0i I0ZGMDAwMCI+oXXEQLdOsbWo/KF2pbuvuLBUrqe90MJJv++hQDxhIGhyZWY9Im1haWx0bzpm cmVlYmFua3llc0AxMDguenpuLmNvbSI+s2+4zDwvYT48L2ZvbnQ+PC9wPg0KICAgICAgPHAg YWxpZ249ImxlZnQiPjxmb250IGNvbG9yPSIjRkYwMDAwIj6lu6+4pmKmrKjssXqquqZewtCr 4aFBpbKxTqhDprizzLdzuOqwVLBluUaxeqq6q0i9Y6FDsXqqurC3sWShQbROrE+n2q3Mqrqw XbRJoUk8L2ZvbnQ+PC9wPg0KICAgICAgPHAgYWxpZ249ImxlZnQiPjxmb250IGNvbG9yPSIj RkYwMDAwIj6hdaZzpN+vfcNhoXalu6+4q0i9Y6rMvdCvZLdOPC9mb250PjwvcD4NCiAgICAg IDxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ0Ij48Zm9udCBjb2xvcj0iI0ZGMDAwMCI+pnCqR7F6rE+kz6v+qKmk SKRooUG90L1UqXexeqq6uXG4o6S6s6OsT6W/qqmqurNuxemhQzwvZm9udD48L3A+DQogICAg ICA8cCBhbGlnbj0ibGVmdCI+PGZvbnQgY29sb3I9IiNGRjAwMDAiPqZwqkexeqV1rE+3Ua5p snuxeqq6pVykT6FBoXWmYbJ5rE+26qq6oXY8L2ZvbnQ+PC9wPg0KICAgICAgPHAgYWxpZ249 ImxlZnQiPjxmb250IGNvbG9yPSIjRkYwMDAwIj6mcKpHsXqsT6ZQpuaqurjcoUG0Tr3Qptum 5qtPraunYaFJPC9mb250PjwvcD4NCiAgICA8L2Jsb2NrcXVvdGU+DQogIDwvYmxvY2txdW90 ZT4NCjwvYmxvY2txdW90ZT4NCjwvZm9udD4NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJjZW50ZXIiPqFAPC9wPg0K PHAgYWxpZ249ImNlbnRlciI+PGltZyBib3JkZXI9IjAiIHNyYz0iaHR0cDovL2Z0cC53b3Js ZC5uZXQudHcvfmNvb2xidWcvMDAuanBnIiB3aWR0aD0iNjQwIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjQyMCI+PC9w Pg0KDQo8L2JvZHk+DQoNCjwvaHRtbD4NPEhUTUw+DQo8QSBuYW1lPSINCqhnpEgNClBNIDEx OjQ2OjU4DQoyMDAxLzEvMjkNCjEwMDAwMw0KIj48L2E+DQo8L0hUTUw+DTxIVE1MPg0KPEEg bmFtZT0iDQqoZ6RIDQpQTSAxMTo0NzozMA0KMjAwMS8xLzI5DQoxMDAwMDMNCiI+PC9hPg0K PC9IVE1MPg08SFRNTD4NCjxBIG5hbWU9Ig0KqGekSA0KQU0gMTI6MTg6NTINCjIwMDEvMS8z MA0KMTAwMDAzDQoiPjwvYT4NCjwvSFRNTD4NPEhUTUw+DQo8QSBuYW1lPSINCqhnpEi46rBU s27F6afzt3O46rBUIKW7pri3c7xXpECmyqRUpFGmaKT5oUShRKFEqGekSLjqsFSzbsXpp/O3 c7jqsFQgpbumuLdzvFekQKbKpFQNCkFNIDEyOjIwOjU1DQoyMDAxLzEvMzANCjEwMDAwMw0K Ij48L2E+DQo8L0hUTUw+DTxIVE1MPg0KPEEgbmFtZT0iDQqoZ6RIuOqwVLNuxemn87dzuOqw VCClu6a4t3O8V6RApsqkVKRRpmik+aFEqGekSLjqsFSzbsXpp/MNCkFNIDEyOjIxOjA1DQoy MDAxLzEvMzANCjEwMDAwMw0KIj48L2E+DQo8L0hUTUw+DTxIVE1MPg0KPEEgbmFtZT0iDQqo Z6RIuOqwVLNuxekNCkFNIDEyOjM3OjEzDQoyMDAxLzEvMzANCjEwMDAwMw0KIj48L2E+DQo8 L0hUTUw+DTxIVE1MPg0KPEEgbmFtZT0iDQqoZ6RIuOqwVLNuxemn87dzuOqwVCClu6a4DQpB TSAxMjo1NDo0NA0KMjAwMS8xLzMwDQoxMDAwMDMNCiI+PC9hPg0KPC9IVE1MPg08SFRNTD4N CjxBIG5hbWU9Ig0KqGekSLjqsFSzbsXpp/O3c7jqsFQgpbumuLdzvFekQKbKpFSkUaZopPmh RKFEoUShRA0KQU0gMDE6MDc6MjINCjIwMDEvMS8zMA0KMTAwMDAzDQoiPjwvYT4NCjwvSFRN TD4NPEhUTUw+DQo8QSBuYW1lPSINCqhnpEi46rBUs27F6afzt3O46rBUIKW7pri3c7xXpECm yqRUpFGmaA0KQU0gMDE6MTE6NTgNCjIwMDEvMS8zMA0KMTAwMDAzDQoiPjwvYT4NCjwvSFRN TD4NPEhUTUw+DQo8QSBuYW1lPSINCqhnpEi46rBUs27F6afzt3O46rBUIKW7pri3c7xXpECm yqRUpFGmaKT5oUShRKFEDQpBTSAwMToxNDowNw0KMjAwMS8xLzMwDQoxMDAwMDMNCiI+PC9h Pg0KPC9IVE1MPg08SFRNTD4NCjxBIG5hbWU9Ig0KqGekSLjqsFSzbsXpp/O3c7jqsFQgpbum uLdzvFcNCkFNIDAxOjI2OjI1DQoyMDAxLzEvMzANCjEwMDAwMw0KIj48L2E+DQo8L0hUTUw+ DQo= To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-hubs" in the body of the message From owner-freebsd-hubs Thu Feb 1 11:49:39 2001 Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3F11B37B6A2; Thu, 1 Feb 2001 11:49:11 -0800 (PST) Received: from stephen ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id TAA08633; Thu, 1 Feb 2001 19:03:06 GMT From: "Mailer" To: Subject: Win a top of the range iMac, Palm Pilot or Discman Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 18:58:28 -0000 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0026_01C08C80.F6699130" X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0) Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6700 Sender: owner-freebsd-hubs@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C08C80.F6699130 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Connect to your future and start 2001 as a winner Win a top of the range iMac, Palm Pilot or Discman All you have to do to win is register with planetgraduate, the new international site for students, graduates and employers. Simply click here to get started Take just a few seconds to register and enter our draw to win either a Palm Pilot or Sony Discman. Take a few minutes more and enter your CV with planetgraduate's CV Builder and you could win the incredibly cool iMac and be connected to the Internet in a couple of clicks. Enter our prize draw today to win one of these top prizes:- A top of the range iMac One of two Palm Pilots One of three Portable CD players Discman iMac Palm Pilot PS Double your chances of winning a Discman or Palm Pilot by helping us let your friends know about this great competition. The draw will take place on Friday 23rd February 2001 Prizes may differ from models shown To unsubscribe from this email, reply to this email with the word 'unsubscribe' only in the subject line or send an email to get a job now | study net . the village | relax & enjoy . top deals | behind the scenes contact us . privacy policy . terms of use . copyright ------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C08C80.F6699130 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
3D"go 3Dplanetgraduate
Connect to your future and start 2001 as a=20 winner
Win a top = of the range=20 iMac, Palm Pilot or Discman

All you=20 have to do to win is register with planetgraduate, the new = international=20 site for students, graduates and employers.
Simply=20 click here to get started

Take just = a few=20 seconds to register and enter our draw to win either a Palm Pilot = or Sony=20 Discman. Take a few minutes more and enter your CV with = planetgraduate's=20 CV Builder and you could win the incredibly cool iMac and be = connected to=20 the Internet in a couple of clicks.

Enter our prize = draw today to=20 win one of these top prizes:-

A=20 top of the range iMac
One of two Palm = Pilots=20
One of=20 three Portable CD players
  3D"WIN 3D"Win 3D"Win  
  Discman=20 iMac Palm = Pilot  
  PS = Double=20 your chances of winning a Discman or Palm Pilot by helping us let = your=20 friends know about this great competition.
The draw=20 will take place on Friday 23rd February 2001
Prizes may differ from models shown

To unsubscribe = from this=20 email, reply to this email with the word 'unsubscribe' only in the = subject=20 line
or send an email to unsubscribe@planetgraduate= .com
  get a=20 job now  |  study=20 net  .  the=20 village  |  relax=20 & enjoy  .  top=20 deals&nbs= p; |  behind= =20 the scenes    
  contact=20 us  .  privacy=20 policy  .  terms=20 of use  .  copyright
------=_NextPart_000_0026_01C08C80.F6699130-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-hubs" in the body of the message From owner-freebsd-hubs Fri Feb 2 5:39:28 2001 Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2DEB037B401; Fri, 2 Feb 2001 05:38:57 -0800 (PST) Received: from stephen ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id NAA07523; Fri, 2 Feb 2001 13:33:54 GMT From: "Mailer" To: Subject: Win a top of the range iMac, Palm Pilot or Discman Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 13:29:20 -0000 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01C08D1C.26677910" X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0) Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6700 Sender: owner-freebsd-hubs@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C08D1C.26677910 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Connect to your future and start 2001 as a winner Win a top of the range iMac, Palm Pilot or DiskMan All you have to do to win is register with planetgraduate, the new international site for students, graduates and employers. Simply click here to get started Take just a few seconds to register and enter our draw to win either a Palm Pilot or Sony DiskMan. Take a few minutes more and enter your CV with planetgraduate's CV Builder and you could win the incredibly cool iMac and be connected to the Internet in a couple of clicks. Enter our prize draw today to win one of these top prizes:- A top of the range iMac One of two Palm Pilots One of three Portable CD players DiskMan iMac Palm Pilot PS Double your chances of winning a DiskMan or Palm Pilot by helping us let your friends know about this great competition. The draw will take place on Friday 23rd February 2001 Prizes may differ from models shown get a job now | study net . the village | relax & enjoy . top deals | behind the scenes contact us . privacy policy . terms of use . copyright ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C08D1C.26677910 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
3D"go 3Dplanetgraduate
Connect to your=20 future and start 2001 as a winner
Win=20 a top of the range iMac, Palm Pilot or=20 DiskMan

All=20 you have to do to win is register with planetgraduate, the = new=20 international site for students, graduates and employers. =
S= imply=20 click here to get started

Take = just a few=20 seconds to register and enter our draw to win either a Palm = Pilot or=20 Sony DiskMan. Take a few minutes more and enter your CV with = planetgraduate's CV Builder and you could win the incredibly = cool=20 iMac and be connected to the Internet in a couple of clicks. =

Enter our = prize draw=20 today to win one of these top = prizes:-

A top of the range iMac
One of two = Palm Pilots=20
One of three Portable CD = players
  3D"WIN 3D"Win 3D"Win  
  DiskMan iMac Palm=20 Pilot  
  P= S=20 Double your chances of winning a DiskMan or Palm Pilot by = helping us=20 let your friends know about this great = competition.
The draw will take place on Friday 23rd February = 2001
Prizes may differ from models = shown
  get=20 a job now  |  study=20 net  .  the=20 village  |  relax=20 & enjoy  .  top=20 deals&nbs= p; |  behind= =20 the = scenes    
  contact=20 us  .  privacy=20 policy  .  terms=20 of use  .  copyright
------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C08D1C.26677910-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-hubs" in the body of the message From owner-freebsd-hubs Fri Feb 2 10: 5:10 2001 Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B107337B4EC for ; Fri, 2 Feb 2001 10:04:53 -0800 (PST) Received: from (localhost []) by (8.11.1/8.11.1) with ESMTP id f12I4qi84354 for ; Fri, 2 Feb 2001 11:04:52 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-Id: <> To: Subject: anoncvs modules strangeness Organization: The Frobozz Magic Homing Pigeon Company Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 11:04:51 -0700 From: Lyndon Nerenberg Sender: owner-freebsd-hubs@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: [Where should questions about anoncvs go to, anyway?] I just noticed something that caught me by surprise: # cd /usr/src # cvs -d co -d . src cvs server: existing repository /home/ncvs does not match /home/ncvs/src cvs server: ignoring module src # The culprit is the entry: src src in CVSROOT/modules. I'm a bit puzzled why that entry is there. ?? --lyndon To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-hubs" in the body of the message