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Date:      Mon, 25 Apr 2005 23:21:05 -0400
From:      "Gwendolyn R. Schmidt" <>
Subject:   SysAdmin with newly minted diploma
Message-ID:  <>

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Hello, I've been a Systems Administrator, primarly on 
FreeBSD systems, since 1997.  I am currently graduating 
from the University of Pittsburgh with a bachelor's degree 
in Computer Science, and am looking for a job that can 
utilise my Systems Administration skills and my recently 
renewed programming skills.  

I much prefer to work with FreeBSD systems, I first 
learned systems administration on FreeBSD (2.x) and 
continue to keep my own colocated box running FreeBSD 5.x 
(it is 5.2, but I'm going to be upgrading it sometime next 

My work experience is primarily with pair Networks, Inc;
which I worked for between 1997 and 1999, then again in 2001
until 2003.  I left pair Networks, Inc to pursue my degree
full time.  In between 1999 and 2001, I worked for companies
in Silicon Valley (most notably Inktomi Corporation).  

pair Networks, Inc is a web hosting provider, hosting 
thousands of accounts on solely FreeBSD machines.  The Unix 
I have secondary experience on is Solaris, which I learned 
during my time in Silicon Valley.

I graduate at the end of this week, and will be available
for hire at the beginning of June.  I am currently in
Pittsburgh, PA, but I am willing to relocate for a position.

My resume is at:

It is also attached below in text format.

Thank you for any consideration,
Gwendolyn R. Schmidt.

                              Gwendolyn R Schmidt                              
                               6622 Woodwell St
                             Pittsburgh, PA 15217                              
                                +1 412 422 5647                                
--------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
Professional Expertise                  Work Experience                        
--------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
Programming Languages                                                          
                                        July 2004 - August 2004                
  * Perl, C/C++, Java, PHP, Pascal,     Instructor for Carnegie Mellon         
    FORTRAN, BASIC.                     University HCII Computer Workshop for  
  * SH, CSH, and ZSH Shell scripting.   ASD students                           
Education (Classes)                         Worked with students (mostly high  
                                            school age) on the Autistic        
  * Operating Systems                       spectrum in teaching web design    
  * Programming Languages for Web           (with Dreamweaver) and perl.       
    Applications                            Additionally, provided technical   
  * Design and Analysis of Algorithms       support for the Windows XP laptops.
  * Software Engineering                                                       
  * Data Communication and Computer                                            
    Networks                            June 2001 - November 2003              
                                        System Administrator, Quickserve       
UNIX Systems                            Department, pair Networks, Inc.        
  * Fluency with FreeBSD and Solaris        Setting up dedicated servers for   
  * Familiarity with Linux, AIX, and        high end clients, maintaining the  
    HP-UX.                                  servers and installing accounts,   
  * FreeBSD experience: working with        software, domains, and databases,  
    the Apache Web Server, adding           and tuning/configuring Apache,     
    domain names to DNS, fixing             MySQL, PHP, and other software     
    account errors, adding new user         packages at clients' requests.     
    accounts, installing 2.2.7 to           Additionally, providing support for
    current, mounting devices,              these and other customers of pair  
    installing special software,            Networks' 500+ FreeBSD servers.    
    maintaining security, and                                                  
    monitoring 500+ servers.                                                   
  * Solaris experience: Adding          June 2000 - April 2001                 
    accounts, installing 2.5+,          Custom System Administrator, Dedicated 
    familiar with Jumpstart             Search Clusters, Inktomi Corporation.  
    procedures, mounting devices, and                                          
    monitoring 200+ servers.                Setting up and maintaining         
  * Provided training and support for       customized search clusters (10+    
    the use of basic UNIX facilities,       clusters of 2-35 nodes each) for   
    including: commands, mail readers,      high-end clients using Inktomi's   
    web page development, software          search software on Solaris         
    usage, domain name additions, and       clusters, using Perl for scripting 
    script development.                     customized options and automating  
                                            the maintenance.                   
  * Experienced with installation,      September 1999 - June 2000             
    configuration, and maintenance of   UNIX Systems and Networks Administrator
    the Apache web server.              Consultant, Taos Mountain.             
  * Experienced with hosting and        Contracts:                             
    maintaining the server side of                                             
    domain name registration (DNS/        * E-Greetings (November 1999 - June  
    BIND).                                  2000), Developing a web package in 
  * Experienced with MySQL database         Perl5 for inventory tracking; part 
    administration and manipulation.        of the team (of 3) to install and  
  * Experienced with qmail, sendmail,       jumpstart 50+ Solaris Servers into 
    and postfix mail administration.        the network; and general Ops       
  * Experienced with TCP/IP networking      documentation/maintenance.         
    concepts.                             * Plexus Software (October 1999),    
  * Experienced with security packages      maintaining a cluster of AIX,      
    and techniques, such as tripwire        HP-UX, and Solaris machines and    
    and firewalling.                        aiding in user support.            
                                        April 1997 - August 1999               
  * Created and maintained pages for    System Administrator, Upgrade          
    the following organizations:        Department, pair Networks, Inc.        
      + Dr Ranjana's Site on her work                                          
        with the Missionaries of            Maintaining systems, records, and  
        Charity (web development, back      files for a Web Presence Provider, 
        end programming, and systems        including both individual and      
        administration) (June               commercial accounts;               
        2002-present)                       responsibilities include data      
      + Geek Girls Coalition (Systems       security maintenance, systems      
        administration, CGI                 maintenance (for 150+ server       
        development, some writing, and      network), server installation (30+ 
        general administration)             FreeBSD servers), maintaining and  
        (February 2000 - 2002)              developing system scripts, and     
      + Pittsburgh Goth/Industrial          customer support. Responsible for  
        Events page (March 1997 -           clients' Internet domains,         
        August 1999)                        including registration and updating
      + Pittsburgh chapter of the           of DNS records and support for     
        Camarilla (March-September,         performance and other issues.      
      + Hillman Computing Labs                                                 
        (1995-1996)                     January 1994 - April 1996              
  * Experienced with formatting the     Computer Lab Consultant, Computing and 
    pages from scratch, using up to     Information Services, University of    
    HTML 4.0.                           Pittsburgh.                            
  * Familiar with Dreamweaver                                                  
    software.                               January 1995-April 1996            
                                                Disk Repair (PC and Mac) Team  
--------------------------------------      February 1995-April 1996           
                                                Hillman Lab HTML page          
Activities                                      Maintainer                     
                                            March 1995-April 1996              
--------------------------------------          Computer Maintainance Team     
                                                (Windows for Workgroups 3.1,   
  * Returned to the University of               Mac OS 7.x)                    
    Pittsburgh May 2002, major:             July 1995-April 1996               
    Computer Science;                           Lab documentation Developer    
    graduation May 2005.                    January 1996                       
  * Part of the Tech Collective with            MacOS 7.5 Installation Team    
    Pittsburgh's Indymedia Center;          January 1996                       
    specifically running one of the             Promoted to Computer Lab       
    round-robin media mirrors (June             Consultant II                  
    2003 - present)                                                            
  * Maintains a colocation server                                              
    ( running the                                                  
    following services for users:                                              
    Apache webserver with many mods                                            
    (such as mod_php), DNS                                                     
    (authoritative DNS server, and                                             
    domain hosting), Postfix                                                   
    mailserver, Procmail, Icecast,                                             
    MySQL, NCFtpd (soon to be                                                  
    ProFTPd), OpenSSH, and many other                                          
    useful applications.                                                       
  * Memberships in:                                                            
      + SAGE/USENIX (Sept 1999 - Sept                                          
      + BayLISA (May 2000 - 2001)                                              
      + PghSage (June 2001 - 2003)                                             

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