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Date:      Mon, 9 Apr 2007 21:57:58 -0600
From:      Brad Davis <>
Subject:   [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report, First Quarter of 2007
Message-ID:  <>

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   This report covers FreeBSD related projects between January and March
   2007. This quarter ended with a big bang as a port of Sun's critically
   acclaimed ZFS was added to the tree and thus will be available in the
   upcoming FreeBSD 7.0 release. Earlier this year exciting benchmark
   results showed the fruits of our SMP work. Read more on the details in
   the "SMP Scalability" report.

   During the summer, FreeBSD will once again take part in Google's
   Summer of Code initiative. Student selection is underway and we are
   looking forward to a couple of exciting projects to come.

   BSDCan is approaching rapidly, and will be held May 16-19th in Ottawa.

   Thanks to all the reporters for the excellent work! We hope you enjoy


     * FreeBSD and ZFS
     * SMP Scalability
     * USB

FreeBSD Team Reports

     * FreeBSD Security Officer and Security Team
     * Problem Report Database
     * Release Engineering
     * The FreeBSD Foundation


     * Building Linux Device Drivers on FreeBSD
     * Update of the Linux compatibility environment in the kernel

Network Infrastructure

     * FAST_IPSEC Upgrade
     * Importing trunk(4) from OpenBSD
     * Intel 3945ABG Wireless LAN Driver: wpi
     * Multi-link PPP daemon (MPD)

Userland Programs

     * GCC 4.1 integration
     * malloc(3)


     * Ports Collection
     * X.Org 7.2 integration


     * BSDCan 2007
     * EuroBSDCon 2007

BSDCan 2007


   Contact: Dan Langille <>

   The Schedule and the Tutorials have been released. Once again, we have
   a very strong collection of Speakers .

   BSDCan: Low Cost. High Value. Something for Everyone.

   Everyone is going to be there. Make your plans now.

Building Linux Device Drivers on FreeBSD


   Contact: Luigi Rizzo <>

   The above URL documents some work done around January to build an
   emulation layer for the Linux kernel API that would allow Linux device
   driver to be built on FreeBSD with as little as possible
   modifications. Initially the project focused on USB webcams, a
   category of devices for which there was basically no support so far.
   The emulation layer, available as a port ( devel/linux-kmod-compat )
   simulates enough of the Linux USB stack to let us build, from
   unmodified Linux sources, two webcam drivers, also available as ports
   ( multimedia/linux-gspca-kmod and multimedia/linux-ov511-kmod ), with
   the former supporting over 200 different cameras.

   While some of the functions map one-to-one, for others it was
   necessary to build a full emulation (e.g. collecting input from
   various function calls, and then mapping sets of Linux data structures
   into functionally equivalent sets of FreeBSD data structures). But
   overall, this project shows that the software interfaces are
   reasonably orthogonal to each other so one does not need to implement
   the full Linux kernel API to get something working. More work is
   necessary to cover other aspects of the Linux kernel API, e.g. memory
   mapping, PCI bus access, and the network stack API, so we can extend
   support to other families of peripherals.

Open tasks:

    1. Implement more subsystems (e.g. the network interface API; the
       memory management/pci bus access API).
    2. Address licensing issues. In the current port, the C code is
       entirely new and under a FreeBSD license. Many of the headers have
       been rewritten (and documented) from scratch (and so under a
       FreeBSD license as well). Some of the other headers are still
       taken from various Linux distributions and need to be rewritten to
       generate BSD-licensed code that can be imported in the kernel
       instead of being made available as a port. While this is not a
       concern with GNU drivers, it may be an important feature for
       drivers that are available under a dual license.

EuroBSDCon 2007


   Contact: EuroBSDCon 2007 Organizing Committee <>

   The sixth EuroBSDCon will take place at Symbion in Copenhagen, Denmark
   on Friday the 14th and Saturday 15th of September 2007.

   The estimated price for the two day conference is 200EUR, excluding
   Legoland trip and social event. The whole-day trip to Legoland is
   expected to cost around 130EUR including transportation, some food on
   the way, and entry fee. Arrangements have been made with a newly
   renovated Hostel which offers beds for 23EUR per night and 10EUR
   breakfast. A lounge with sponsored Internet connection will be
   available at the Hostel. Staying at the hostel is of course entirely
   optional and several Hotels exists in the area. Reservation for the
   conference and exact prices are expected to be ready no later than 1st
   of May.

   As of this writing 10 presentations have been accepted and more are in
   the process of being evaluated.

   For FreeBSD Developers, a by invitation Developers summit will be held
   in connection with the conference. Exactly when this will take place
   has not yet been decided.

   We are still looking for more sponsors.

   A public IRC channel #eurobsdcon on EFnet has been created for
   discussion and questions about the conference.

   More details will follow on the EuroBSDCon 2007 web site as they
   become available.



   Contact: George Neville-Neil <>
   Contact: Bjoern Zeeb <>

   There are currently two p4 branches being used for this work:
   gnn_fast_ipsec: a dual stack branch which contains both Kame and
   FAST_IPSEC with v6 enabled. gnn_radical_ipsec: a single stack branch,
   still in progress, where Kame IPsec has been removed and only FAST

Open tasks:

    1. Test the patch!

FreeBSD and ZFS


   Contact: Pawel Jakub Dawidek <>

   The ZFS file system in now part of the FreeBSD operating system. ZFS
   was ported from the OpenSolaris operating system and is under CDDL
   license. As an experimental feature ZFS will be available in FreeBSD

FreeBSD Security Officer and Security Team


   Contact: Security Officer <>
   Contact: Security Team <>

   In the time since the last status report, one security advisory has
   been issued concerning a problem in the base system of FreeBSD; this
   problem was in "contributed" code maintained outside of FreeBSD. In
   addition, several Errata Notices have been issued in collaboration
   with the release engineering team, including one concerning FreeBSD
   Update. The Vulnerabilities and Exposures Markup Language (VuXML)
   document has continued to be updated by the Security Team and Ports
   Committers documenting new vulnerabilities in the FreeBSD Ports
   Collection; since the last status report, 21 new entries have been
   added, bringing the total up to 890.

   The following FreeBSD releases are supported by the FreeBSD Security
   Team: FreeBSD 5.5, FreeBSD 6.1, and FreeBSD 6.2. Of particular note,
   FreeBSD 4.11 and FreeBSD 6.0 are no longer supported. The respective
   End of Life dates of supported releases are listed on the web site.

GCC 4.1 integration

   Contact: Alexander Kabaev <>
   Contact: Kris Kennaway <>

   A version of GCC 4.1 is being prepared for inclusion into FreeBSD
   7.0-CURRENT. Work was started late in 2006 but progress on certain
   technical points (e.g. correctly integrating and bootstrapping a
   shared libgcc_s into the build) was slow due to lack of developer
   time. The remaining outstanding issue is that compiling with -O2 is
   shown to lead to runtime failures of certain binaries (e.g. some port
   builds); it is not currently known whether these are due to
   application errors or GCC miscompilations. It is believed that the
   current snapshot is otherwise ready for inclusion, and this will
   likely happen within a week or two.

Importing trunk(4) from OpenBSD


   Contact: Andrew Thompson <>

   Work has completed to port over trunk(4) from OpenBSD and this also
   includes merging 802.3ad LACP from agr(4) in NetBSD. This driver
   allows aggregation of multiple network interfaces as one virtual
   interface using a number of different protocols/algorithms.
     * failover - Sends traffic through the secondary port if the master
       becomes inactive.
     * fec - Supports Cisco Fast EtherChannel.
     * lacp - Supports the IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol
       (LACP) and the Marker Protocol.
     * loadbalance - Static loadbalancing using an outgoing hash.
     * roundrobin - Distributes outgoing traffic using a round-robin
       scheduler through all active ports.

   This will be committed shortly, further testing is welcome.

Intel 3945ABG Wireless LAN Driver: wpi


   Contact: Benjamin Close <>

   Work is slowly continuing on this driver, focusing mainly on dealing
   with the newly released firmware for the card. The old firmware was
   not redistributable, the new firmware can be redistributed but has a
   completely different API. With the new firmware changes almost
   complete, the driver is approaching a state ready for -CURRENT.

Open tasks:

    1. Fix mbuf leakage (potential fix pending).
    2. Integrate s/w control of radio transmitter.



   Contact: Jason Evans <>

   malloc(3) has recently been enhanced to reduce memory overhead,
   fragmentation, and mapped memory retention. As an added bonus, it
   tends to be a bit faster. See the above URL for my email to the
   -current mailing list for a more detailed description of the

Multi-link PPP daemon (MPD)


   Contact: Alexander Motin <>

   Stable release 4.1 of mpd4 branch was released in February providing
   many new features and fixes. Mpd3 branch was declared legacy.

   Since the release several new features have been implemented in CVS:
     * Link repeater functionality (aka L2TP/PPTP Access Concentrator),
     * Per-interface traffic filtering using ng_bpf,
     * Very fast traffic shaping/rate-limiting using ng_car.

   ng_car node has been updated, to support shaping and very fast
   Cisco-like rate-limiting. ng_ppp node has been completely re-factored
   to confirm to the protocol stack model.

Open tasks:

    1. LAC/PAC testing.
    2. Traffic filtering/shaping/rate-limiting testing.
    3. PPTP modification for multiple bindings support.
    4. Dynamic link/bundle creation.

Ports Collection


   Contact: Mark Linimon <>

   The ports count is nearing 17,000. The PR count has been stable at
   around 700. The 'new port' PR backlog is at a multi-year low. We
   appreciate all the hard work of our ports committers.

   Since the long 6.2 release cycle ended, portmgr has once again been
   able to do experimental ports runs. As a result of six run/commit
   cycles, the portmgr PR count is now the lowest in quite some time.
   Please see the CHANGES and UPDATING files for details. Many thanks to
   Pav among others for keeping the build cluster busy.

   We have received new hardware, resulting in a significant speedup of
   our package building capability: the AMD64 package builds now use 4
   8-core machines (and one lonely UP system), which means a full AMD64
   build is about 5 times faster than it was. Also, the i386 cluster
   gained an 8-core and roughly doubled its performance too. Two of the
   sparc64 build machines have recently brought back online, so package
   builds there have been restarted there after a long period offline.

   linimon continues to work on improvements to portsmon to allow
   graphing of the dependent ports of ignored/failed ports. This work
   will be presented at BSDCan. In addition, pages that show the state of
   port uploads on ftp* have been added, as well as ports
   that have NO_PACKAGE set. Also, the individual port overview page now
   shows the latest package that has been uploaded to the ftp servers for
   each buildenv.

   A number of absent maintainers have been replaced by some new
   volunteers who had been sending PRs to update and/or fix their ports.
   Welcome! This helps to spread the workload.

   Since the last report, support for FreeBSD 4.X has been dropped from
   the Ports Collection. Anyone still using RELENG_4 should have stayed
   with the ports infrastructure as of the RELENG_4_EOL tag, as later
   commits remove that support. 4.X served us long and well but the
   burden of trying to support 4 major branches finally became too much
   to ask of our volunteers. Use of 4.X, even with the RELENG_4_EOL tag,
   is no longer recommended; we recommend either 6.2-RELEASE or RELENG_6,
   depending on your needs.

   There have been new releases of the ports tinderbox code, the
   portmaster update utility, and portupgrade. A new utility, pkgupgrade,
   has been introduced by Michel Talon, which appears interesting.

   KDE was updated to 3.5.6.

   GNOME was updated to 2.18.

   XFree86 version 3 was removed as being years out of date.

   We have added 3 new committers since the last report.

Open tasks:

    1. Most of the remaining ports PRs are "existing port/PR assigned to
       committer". Although the maintainer-timeout policy is helping to
       keep the backlog down, we are going to need to do more to get the
       ports in the shape they really need to be in.
    2. Although we have added many maintainers, we still have many
       unmaintained ports. The number of buildable packages on AMD64 lags
       behind a bit; sparc64 requires even more work.

Problem Report Database


   Contact: Mark Linimon <bugmeister_at_freebsd_dot_org>

   We have added Remko Lodder to the bugmeister team. Remko has been
   doing a great deal of work to go through antique PRs, especially in
   the i386 category, and it was time to recognize that hard work. As a
   result of his work the i386 count is at a multi-year low.

   Remko has also been instrumental in working with some new volunteers
   who are interested in finding out how they can contribute. Our current
   plans are to ask them to look through the PR backlog and, firstly, ask
   for feedback from the submitters, and secondly, identify PRs that need
   action by committers. We also have some committers who have
   volunteered to review those PRs. If you are interested in helping,
   please subscribe to Our thanks to our current
   helpers, including Harrison Grundy.

   The overall PR count has dropped to around 5100, a significant

Release Engineering


   Contact: Release Engineering Team <>

   During the past quarter, the Release Engineering team has begun
   planning and preparing for FreeBSD 7.0, which is scheduled for release
   later in 2007. The HEAD codeline has been placed in a "slush" mode,
   meaning that large changes should be coordinated with the Release
   Engineering team before being committed.

   The RE team also produced snapshots of FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE and
   7.0-CURRENT for February and March 2007, corresponding roughly to the
   state of those development branches at the start of the respective
   months. While they have not had the benefit of extensive testing, and
   should not be used in production, they can be useful for experimenting
   with or testing new features.

SMP Scalability


   Contact: Kris Kennaway <>
   Contact: Jeff Roberson <>
   Contact: Attilio Rao <>
   Contact: Robert Watson <>

   Over the past few months there has been a substantially increased
   focus on improving scalability of FreeBSD on large SMP hardware. This
   has been driven in part by the new availability of 8-core hardware to
   the project, which allows easy profiling of scalability bottlenecks
   and benchmarking of proposed changes. Significant progress has been
   made on certain application workloads such as MySQL and PostgreSQL,
   with the result that FreeBSD 7 now has excellent scaling to at least
   8-CPU systems with prospects for further improvements. Progress with
   other application workloads has been limited by the need to set up a
   suitable test case; please contact me if you are interested in
   helping. As part of this general effort, work is progressing steadily
   on removing the last remaining Giant-locked code from the kernel. A
   complete list of remaining Giant-locked code is found here: Many of these sub-tasks have owners,
   but some do not. The major remaining Giant-locked subsystem with no
   owner is the TTY subsystem. In parallel, profiling of contention and
   bottlenecks in other subsystems has lead to a number of experimental
   changes which are being developed. Work is in progress by Jeff
   Roberson and Attilio Rao to break up the global scheduler spinlock in
   favor of a set of per-CPU scheduling locks, which is expected to
   improve performance on systems with many CPUs. Experimental changes by
   Robert Watson to allow for multiple netisr threads show good promise
   for improving loopback IP performance on large SMP systems, which can
   otherwise easily saturate a single netisr thread. A variety of other
   changes are being profiled and evaluated to improve SMP performance
   under various workloads. The majority of these changes are collected
   in the //depot/user/kris/contention/ Perforce branch.

The FreeBSD Foundation


   Contact: Deb Goodkin <>

   The FreeBSD Foundation ended Q1 raising over $65,000. We're a quarter
   of the way to our goal of raising $250,000 this year. We continued our
   mission of supporting developer communication by helping FreeBSD
   developers attend AsiaBSDCon. We are a sponsor of BSDCan and are
   currently accepting travel grant applications for this conference.

   The foundation provided support that helped the ZFS file system
   development. We continued working to upgrade the project's network
   testbed with 10Gigabit interconnects. We attended SCALE where we
   received an offer from No Starch Press to include a foundation ad in
   their BSD books. Our first ad will appear in the book "Designing BSD

   For more information on what we've been up to, check out our website
   at .

Update of the Linux compatibility environment in the kernel


   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <>
   Contact: Roman Divacky <>
   Contact: Emulation Mailinglist <>

   Since the last status report AMD64 was feature synced with i386.
   Notably TLS and futexes are now available on AMD64. Many thanks to
   Jung-Uk Kim for doing the TLS work.

   Currently the focus is to implement the *at() family of linux syscalls
   and to find and fix the remaining futex problems.

   We need some more testers and bug reporters. So if you have a little
   bit of time and a favorite linux application, please play around with
   it on -CURRENT. If there is a problem, have a look at the Wiki if we
   already know about it and report on emulation@. We are specially
   interested in reports about the 2.6 compatibility (sysctl
   compat.linux.osversion=2.6.16), but only with the most recent -current
   and maybe with some patches we have in the perforce repository
   (available from the wiki).

   We would like to thank all the people which tested the changes /
   submitted patches and thus helped improve the linux compatibility



   Contact: Hans Petter Sirevaag Selasky <>

   During the last three months not too much has changed. Here is a quick
   list of changes:
    1. There has been some cleanups in the UCOM layer, generally to to
       create a context for all the callbacks so that they can call
       sleeping functions. This is achieved using the USB config thread
       system. The reason for this is that the code becomes simpler when
       synchronous operation is applied versus asynchronous. But
       asynchronous behavior is the most secure, hence then all USB
       resources are preallocated for each transfer. After the change,
       only data transfers are done asynchronously. All configuration is
       now done synchronously. This makes the USB device drivers look
       more like in the old USB stack.
    2. moscom.c has been imported from OpenBSD. It is called umoscom.c
       under FreeBSD.
    3. ugensa.c has been imported from NetBSD.
    4. f_axe.c has now has support for Ax88178 and Ax88772, which is
       derived from OpenBSD.

   In my last status report I asked for access to Sparc64 boxes with
   FreeBSD installed. Testing is ongoing and some problems remain with
   EHCI PCI Cards. I am not exactly sure where the problem is, but it
   appears that DMA-able memory does not get synced properly.

   Markus Brueffer is still working on the USB HID parser and support.
   Nothing has been committed yet.

   Several people have reported success with my new USB stack. Some claim
   2x improvements, others have seen more. But don't expect too much.

   If you want to test the new USB stack, checkout the USB perforce tree
   or download the SVN version of the USB driver from my USB homepage. At
   the moment the tarballs are a little out of date.

   Ideas and comments with regard to the new USB API are welcome at .

X.Org 7.2 integration


   Contact: Florent Thoumie <>
   Contact: Dejan Lesjak <>
   Contact: Kris Kennaway <>

   X.Org 7.2 is now on final approach for landing into the ports tree.
   Work had proceeded at a slow pace for the first few months of the year
   due to reduced availability of flz@, the single developer working on
   integration. Recently lesi@ was recruited back into the task and
   readiness of the ports collection was pushed to completion (i.e. there
   are no major regressions apparent on package builds). The remaining
   tasks which need to be completed are a review of the diff to make sure
   no unintentional changes or regressions slip in to the CVS tree in the
   big merge, and completion of an upgrade script to manage the migration
   from X.Org 6.9 (X.Org 7.2 is so fundamentally different that it cannot
   be upgraded "automatically" using the existing tools like
   portupgrade). We hope to have these finished within a week or two, at
   which stage the ports collection will be frozen for the integration,
   and we will likely remain in a ``mini-freeze'' for a week or two in
   order to focus committer attention on resolving the inevitable
   undetected problems which will emerge from this major change.

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