Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 04:24:02 +0000 From: "Teske, Devin" <> To: "<>" <> Cc: "" <>, Devin Teske <>, "" <> Subject: Re: network.subr _aliasN handling Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <20131228055324.GA72764@aim7400.DataIX.local> References: <20131228055324.GA72764@aim7400.DataIX.local>
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--_002_A7699871A1704AD5B740ED8BE17C7107fisglobalcom_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-ID: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On Dec 27, 2013, at 9:53 PM, <> wrote: > Curious what everyone's opinion would be on modifying the handling of _al= iasN functions or providing a wrapper around it to handle non-sequential or= dering. >=20 > My goal on this is simple and based around groupings similiar to that of = the way user id(1)'s in passwd and group are handled or denoted for use on = modern systems. >=20 > I.e.: I would like to achieve this... >=20 > *_alias[1-99] =3D System type addresses "Importand addresses or internal" > *_alias[100-199] =3D Aliases for interface 1 > *_alias[200-299] =3D Aliases for interface 2 > etc... >=20 > NOt looking to achieve some sort of prefered naming convention for the in= terface aliases, but loosen them so they may be defined by the user in what= ever means neccesary to their benefit. >=20 > In a scheme similiar to above I attempted to set an address on every othe= r 4th alias leaving 3 space rule room for insertion of further addresses bu= t was surprised when the processing of the aliases ceased at the first non-= sequential space. >=20 > So why not just grab every _aliasN no matter of what it is for the interf= ace and shove them into an arrary to be processed by a "for" statement ? th= e order would still be kept without having to inspect every defintion of al= ias and incrementing prehistorically. >=20 > As well this could provide early loading of the addresses into their resp= ective arrays so they may be processed and provided to any other functions = that may need to access them earlier on in script fallthrough. >=20 > Looking at _alias'N' sequentialy feels like a neucense. You mean something like the attached? --=20 Devin _____________ The information contained in this message is proprietary and/or confidentia= l. If you are not the intended recipient, please: (i) delete the message an= d all copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message in any ma= nner; and (iii) notify the sender immediately. In addition, please be aware= that any message addressed to our domain is subject to archiving and revie= w by persons other than the intended recipient. Thank you. --_002_A7699871A1704AD5B740ED8BE17C7107fisglobalcom_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="patch.txt" Content-Description: patch.txt Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="patch.txt"; size=1783; creation-date="Sun, 29 Dec 2013 04:24:02 GMT"; modification-date="Sun, 29 Dec 2013 04:24:02 GMT" Content-ID: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SW5kZXg6IGV0Yy9uZXR3b3JrLnN1YnINCj09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCi0tLSBldGMvbmV0d29yay5zdWJy CShyZXZpc2lvbiAyNTU3MTIpDQorKysgZXRjL25ldHdvcmsuc3Vicgkod29ya2luZyBjb3B5KQ0K QEAgLTEwMjcsOSArMTAyNyw4IEBAIGlmYWxpYXNfYWZfY29tbW9uKCkNCiAJX2FjdGlvbj0kMw0K IA0KIAkjIGlmY29uZmlnX0lGX2FsaWFzTiB3aGljaCBzdGFydHMgd2l0aCAkX2FmDQotCWFsaWFz PTANCi0Jd2hpbGUgOiA7IGRvDQotCQlpZmNvbmZpZ19hcmdzPWBnZXRfaWZfdmFyICRfaWYgaWZj b25maWdfSUZfYWxpYXMke2FsaWFzfWANCisJZm9yIGFsaWFzIGluIGBsaXN0X3ZhcnMgaWZjb25m aWdfJHtfaWZ9X2FsaWFzWzAtOV1cKmA7IGRvDQorCQlldmFsIGlmY29uZmlnX2FyZ3M9XCJcJCRh bGlhc1wiDQogCQlfaWFmPQ0KIAkJY2FzZSAkaWZjb25maWdfYXJncyBpbg0KIAkJaW5ldFwgKikJ X2lhZj1pbmV0IDs7DQpAQCAtMTA1MSwxNSArMTA1MCwxMyBAQCBpZmFsaWFzX2FmX2NvbW1vbigp DQogCQkJd2FybiAiXCRpZmNvbmZpZ18ke19pZn1fYWxpYXMke2FsaWFzfSBuZWVkcyAiIFwNCiAJ CQkgICAgIlwiaW5ldFwiIGtleXdvcmQgZm9yIGFuIElQdjQgYWRkcmVzcy4iDQogCQllc2FjDQot CQlhbGlhcz0kKCgkYWxpYXMgKyAxKSkNCiAJZG9uZQ0KIA0KIAkjIGJhY2t3YXJkIGNvbXBhdGli aWxpdHk6IGlwdjZfaWZjb25maWdfSUZfYWxpYXNOLg0KIAljYXNlICRfYWYgaW4NCiAJaW5ldDYp DQotCQlhbGlhcz0wDQotCQl3aGlsZSA6IDsgZG8NCi0JCQlpZmNvbmZpZ19hcmdzPWBnZXRfaWZf dmFyICRfaWYgaXB2Nl9pZmNvbmZpZ19JRl9hbGlhcyR7YWxpYXN9YA0KKwkJZm9yIGFsaWFzIGlu IGBsaXN0X3ZhcnMgaXB2Nl9pZmNvbmZpZ18ke19pZn1fYWxpYXNbMC05XVwqYDsgZG8NCisJCQll dmFsIGlmY29uZmlnX2FyZ3M9XCJcJCRhbGlhc1wiDQogCQkJY2FzZSAke19hY3Rpb259OiIke2lm Y29uZmlnX2FyZ3N9IiBpbg0KIAkJCSo6IiIpDQogCQkJCWJyZWFrDQpAQCAtMTA3MSw3ICsxMDY4 LDYgQEAgaWZhbGlhc19hZl9jb21tb24oKQ0KIAkJCQkgICAgImluc3RlYWQuIg0KIAkJCTs7DQog CQkJZXNhYw0KLQkJCWFsaWFzPSQoKCRhbGlhcyArIDEpKQ0KIAkJZG9uZQ0KIAllc2FjDQogDQpJ bmRleDogZXRjL3JjLnN1YnINCj09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCi0tLSBldGMvcmMuc3VicgkocmV2aXNpb24g MjU1NzEyKQ0KKysrIGV0Yy9yYy5zdWJyCSh3b3JraW5nIGNvcHkpDQpAQCAtNTQsNiArNTQsMjAg QEAgSklEPWAkUFMgLXAgJCQgLW8gamlkPWANCiAjCWZ1bmN0aW9ucw0KICMJLS0tLS0tLS0tDQog DQorIyBsaXN0X3ZhcnMgcGF0dGVybg0KKyMJTGlzdCB2YXJzIG1hdGNoaW5nIHBhdHRlcm4uDQor IyANCitsaXN0X3ZhcnMoKQ0KK3sNCisJc2V0IHwgeyB3aGlsZSByZWFkIExJTkU7IGRvDQorCQl2 YXI9IiR7TElORSUlPSp9Ig0KKwkJY2FzZSAiJHZhciIgaW4NCisJCSIkTElORSJ8KlshYS16QS1a MC05X10qKSBjb250aW51ZSA7Ow0KKwkJJDEpIGVjaG8gJHZhcg0KKwkJZXNhYw0KKwlkb25lOyB9 DQorfQ0KKw0KICMgc2V0X3JjdmFyX29ic29sZXRlIG9sZHZhciBbbmV3dmFyXSBbbXNnXQ0KICMJ RGVmaW5lIG9ic29sZXRlIHZhcmlhYmxlLg0KICMJR2xvYmFsIHZhcmlhYmxlICRyY3ZhcnNfb2Jz b2xldGUgaXMgdXNlZC4NCg== --_002_A7699871A1704AD5B740ED8BE17C7107fisglobalcom_--
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