From Sun Dec 20 17:18:14 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0F9C1A4D6B4 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:18:14 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C81E917F0 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:18:13 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([] by with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:128) (Exim 4.83 (FreeBSD)) (envelope-from ) id 1aAhN2-0004AW-2I for; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:02:09 +0100 Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:02:07 +0100 From: Toby User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Set GPIO at boot on Raspberry Pi Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Score: -2.9 (--) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see The administrator of that system for details. Content preview: Hi all Is there a way to set GPIOs at boot? I'd like to set GPIO 28 to out and high before usb devices are probed, in order to be able to use my usb disk. If I have it plugged in during boot, I can't get it to work. It works though if I boot the pi, then plug in the disk and then set the pin to high. [...] Content analysis details: (-2.9 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -1.0 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP 0.0 TVD_RCVD_IP Message was received from an IP address -1.9 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] X-SA-Exim-Connect-IP: X-SA-Exim-Mail-From: X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No (on; SAEximRunCond expanded to false X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:18:14 -0000 Hi all Is there a way to set GPIOs at boot? I'd like to set GPIO 28 to out and high before usb devices are probed, in order to be able to use my usb disk. If I have it plugged in during boot, I can't get it to work. It works though if I boot the pi, then plug in the disk and then set the pin to high. Thanks, Toby From Sun Dec 20 17:20:56 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 45492A4D82B for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:20:56 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 0B42819DA for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:20:54 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from [] ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 747D02285DE for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:20:46 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: Set GPIO at boot on Raspberry Pi To: References: <> From: Karl Denninger Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:20:40 -0600 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.4.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha-512; boundary="------------ms090105090903000300080206" X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:20:56 -0000 This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms090105090903000300080206 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 12/20/2015 11:02, Toby wrote: > Hi all > > Is there a way to set GPIOs at boot? I'd like to set GPIO 28 to out and= > high before usb devices are probed, in order to be able to use my usb > disk. If I have it plugged in during boot, I can't get it to work. It > works though if I boot the pi, then plug in the disk and then set the > pin to high. > > Thanks, > Toby I've had good luck setting the state FIRST, then the pin config to desired (in this case, OUT.) I have this general problem with driving a relay board, in that the jackwads that designed the board set it up to be active LOW, so if you set the config first you chatter the outputs, and FreeBSD's GPIO config rejects "active low" config as a setting. The pins should come up configured as inputs so the peripheral shouldn't be upset about that. --=20 Karl Denninger /The Market Ticker/ /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ --------------ms090105090903000300080206 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgMFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCC Bl8wggZbMIIEQ6ADAgECAgEpMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4G A1UECBMHRmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3Rl bXMgTExDMRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhND dWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMB4XDTE1MDQyMTAyMjE1OVoXDTIwMDQxOTAyMjE1OVowWjEL MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBM TEMxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUthcmwgRGVubmluZ2VyIChPQ1NQKTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggIPADCCAgoCggIBALmEWPhAdphrWd4K5VTvE5pxL3blRQPyGF3ApjUjgtavqU1Y8pbI3Byg XDj2/Uz9Si8XVj/kNbKEjkRh5SsNvx3Fc0oQ1uVjyCq7zC/kctF7yLzQbvWnU4grAPZ3IuAp 3/fFxIVaXpxEdKmyZAVDhk9az+IgHH43rdJRIMzxJ5vqQMb+n2EjadVqiGPbtG9aZEImlq7f IYDTnKyToi23PAnkPwwT+q1IkI2DTvf2jzWrhLR5DTX0fUYC0nxlHWbjgpiapyJWtR7K2YQO aevQb/3vN9gSojT2h+cBem7QIj6U69rEYcEDvPyCMXEV9VcXdcmW42LSRsPvZcBHFkWAJqMZ Myiz4kumaP+s+cIDaXitR/szoqDKGSHM4CPAZV9Yh8asvxQL5uDxz5wvLPgS5yS8K/o7zDR5 vNkMCyfYQuR6PAJxVOk5Arqvj9lfP3JSVapwbr01CoWDBkpuJlKfpQIEeC/pcCBKknllbMYq yHBO2TipLyO5Ocd1nhN/nOsO+C+j31lQHfOMRZaPQykXVPWG5BbhWT7ttX4vy5hOW6yJgeT/ o3apynlp1cEavkQRS8uJHoQszF6KIrQMID/JfySWvVQ4ksnfzwB2lRomrdrwnQ4eG/HBS+0l eozwOJNDIBlAP+hLe8A5oWZgooIIK/SulUAsfI6Sgd8dTZTTYmlhAgMBAAGjgfQwgfEwNwYI KwYBBQUHAQEEKzApMCcGCCsGAQUFBzABhhtodHRwOi8vY3VkYXN5c3RlbXMubmV0Ojg4ODgw CQYDVR0TBAIwADARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCBaAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgXgMCwGCWCGSAGG+EIB DQQfFh1PcGVuU1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUxRyULenJaFwX RtT79aNmIB/u5VkwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUJHGbnYV9/N3dvbDKkpQDofrTbTUwHQYDVR0RBBYw FIESa2FybEBkZW5uaW5nZXIubmV0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBPf3cYtmKowmGIYsm6 eBinJu7QVWvxi1vqnBz3KE+HapqoIZS8/PolB/hwiY0UAE1RsjBJ7yEjihVRwummSBvkoOyf G30uPn4yg4vbJkR9lTz8d21fPshWETa6DBh2jx2Qf13LZpr3Pj2fTtlu6xMYKzg7cSDgd2bO sJGH/rcvva9Spkx5Vfq0RyOrYph9boshRN3D4tbWgBAcX9POdXCVfJONDxhfBuPHsJ6vEmPb An+XL5Yl26XYFPiODQ+Qbk44Ot1kt9s7oS3dVUrh92Qv0G3J3DF+Vt6C15nED+f+bk4gScu+ JHT7RjEmfa18GT8DcT//D1zEke1Ymhb41JH+GyZchDRWtjxsS5OBFMzrju7d264zJUFtX7iJ 3xvpKN7VcZKNtB6dLShj3v/XDsQVQWXmR/1YKWZ93C3LpRs2Y5nYdn6gEOpL/WfQFThtfnat HNc7fNs5vjotaYpBl5H8+VCautKbGOs219uQbhGZLYTv6okuKcY8W+4EJEtK0xB08vqr9Jd0 FS9MGjQE++GWo+5eQxFt6nUENHbVYnsr6bYPQsZH0CRNycgTG9MwY/UIXOf4W034UpR82TBG 1LiMsYfb8ahQJhs3wdf1nzipIjRwoZKT1vGXh/cj3gwSr64GfenURBxaFZA5O1acOZUjPrRT n3ci4McYW/0WVVA3lDGCBRMwggUPAgEBMIGWMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4GA1UECBMH RmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExD MRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNDdWRhIFN5 c3RlbXMgTExDIENBAgEpMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAwUAoIICTTAYBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxCwYJKoZI hvcNAQcBMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0xNTEyMjAxNzIwNDBaME8GCSqGSIb3DQEJBDFCBECy W4icXUMswFg8y4Zkgr3Nr0/RdsvZssb+w9Tz+rFSKNc4kZiZe+GFcvKjoLzOeaAwde/iqLON gOcOyVJgmHI7MGwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDzFfMF0wCwYJYIZIAWUDBAEqMAsGCWCGSAFlAwQBAjAK BggqhkiG9w0DBzAOBggqhkiG9w0DAgICAIAwDQYIKoZIhvcNAwICAUAwBwYFKw4DAgcwDQYI KoZIhvcNAwICASgwgacGCSsGAQQBgjcQBDGBmTCBljCBkDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNV BAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExEjAQBgNVBAcTCU5pY2V2aWxsZTEZMBcGA1UEChMQQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1z IExMQzEcMBoGA1UEAxMTQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTQ3Vk YSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQQIBKTCBqQYLKoZIhvcNAQkQAgsxgZmggZYwgZAxCzAJBgNVBAYT AlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIEwdGbG9yaWRhMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlOaWNldmlsbGUxGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1 ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMxHDAaBgNVBAMTE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ExIjAgBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQEWE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ECASkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggIAKVhMFa8Q EwmtdBPqAeHZ9uFrTJAC3dD1hzrokJDunEx2Y4dmoOwc5gCXosmyiOh0rAHqkVvR5MaftDBF Og3sN2QLvvvv1UN3TxaKsndrIsWRa82RlH4R3m7fV7V6wmJ/mfuPqrEE4IA1QnIfS5MIjw5u lALOcGIfFvzp2W7p1LWwaaINB9dG7g2rnnKi0QQkIwm5hKiXygd9Ayp0FSLsMxH7F6BHcOMz ww7xRjaTfb5Nz1Bc7WGCtngBwUw1HGNyq5y4FDHwBpTqROrVQIy0n5IdgpTVGVvfFuVfcMAv yTeQ5VhUFvFTLQMeKFIfCYmdrz1KmpECZWPiuVMEEB+sftk02oVjq2APa55IRyA5KWUIpqXB cNXMxq5MEaZAv/lom3/GdJ1BusSuE+g3rkcwtxD2QNoo7sAWZsiIj0G4vlwHfmtmBfoQjE0M 849iBAWVAvRIhK961eWEK/inu4WRrABTmHQ5F0tQKbbhPVH+8D/wQT7L0c/Mo9zUp9TzWP2O 7oHuWi8f65/HE+6XF582/7LVdYy3xpTArAjcrd2JJV8llWQkuKaMqN3dL0s1H7DnkrJp59dt SjIsDqEE139v+ceBdEtBOFYKUU8iUB02nfOgA47Uo3O3DeTn9Y42Q9dGM06dsOTClmP6mbpe eqjRtZMtiLMLeCtRCLnuvLTGO64AAAAAAAA= --------------ms090105090903000300080206-- From Sun Dec 20 17:42:54 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9A5B5A4DA40 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:42:54 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7F4F81AA1 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:42:54 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (unknown []) by (Halon Mail Gateway) with ESMTPSA; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:43:00 +0000 (UTC) Received: from rev (rev []) by (8.14.9/8.14.9) with ESMTP id tBKHglkf032264; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 10:42:47 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Set GPIO at boot on Raspberry Pi From: Ian Lepore To: Karl Denninger , Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 10:42:47 -0700 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.16.5 FreeBSD GNOME Team Port Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:42:54 -0000 On Sun, 2015-12-20 at 11:20 -0600, Karl Denninger wrote: > On 12/20/2015 11:02, Toby wrote: > > Hi all > > > > Is there a way to set GPIOs at boot? I'd like to set GPIO 28 to out > > and > > high before usb devices are probed, in order to be able to use my > > usb > > disk. If I have it plugged in during boot, I can't get it to work. > > It > > works though if I boot the pi, then plug in the disk and then set > > the > > pin to high. > > > > Thanks, > > Toby > I've had good luck setting the state FIRST, then the pin config to > desired (in this case, OUT.) > > I have this general problem with driving a relay board, in that the > jackwads that designed the board set it up to be active LOW, so if > you > set the config first you chatter the outputs, and FreeBSD's GPIO > config > rejects "active low" config as a setting. > > The pins should come up configured as inputs so the peripheral > shouldn't > be upset about that. > I'm not sure what you mean by "FreeBSD's GPIO config rejects active low" -- what config are you refering to? But I don't think pin state when changing config is quite what Toby was asking; he needs a way to configure driven pins very early in boot. Right now we have no way of preconfiguring gpio pins to be driven a certain way early in boot. By manipulating the device-tree data you can configure a pin as input or output, and usually you can configure pull up/down values for inputs, but there's no standard device-tree syntax to configure the drive value when configuring a pin to be driven. Maybe we could add some dev.gpioc tunables so that pins could be configured via loader.conf. -- Ian From Sun Dec 20 18:56:16 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 42B73A4E390 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:56:16 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 069FC19D1 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:56:15 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([] by with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:128) (Exim 4.83 (FreeBSD)) (envelope-from ) id 1aAj9K-0004jp-VR for; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:56:12 +0100 Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:56:06 +0100 From: Toby User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Re: Set GPIO at boot on Raspberry Pi References: <> <> <> In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Score: -2.9 (--) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see The administrator of that system for details. Content preview: On 20/12/15 18:42, Ian Lepore wrote: > But I don't think pin state when changing config is quite what Toby was > asking; he needs a way to configure driven pins very early in boot. Yes, that was my question. [...] Content analysis details: (-2.9 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -1.0 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP 0.0 TVD_RCVD_IP Message was received from an IP address -1.9 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] X-SA-Exim-Connect-IP: X-SA-Exim-Mail-From: X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No (on; SAEximRunCond expanded to false X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:56:16 -0000 On 20/12/15 18:42, Ian Lepore wrote: > But I don't think pin state when changing config is quite what Toby was > asking; he needs a way to configure driven pins very early in boot. Yes, that was my question. > Right now we have no way of preconfiguring gpio pins to be driven a > certain way early in boot. By manipulating the device-tree data you > can configure a pin as input or output, and usually you can configure > pull up/down values for inputs, but there's no standard device-tree > syntax to configure the drive value when configuring a pin to be > driven. Can you be a bit more specific on how I would do that? > Maybe we could add some dev.gpioc tunables so that pins could be > configured via loader.conf. That's what linux has, setting max_usb_current=1 in their /boot/config.txt sets GPIO38 to high. I don't know if they have a generic way of configuring pins though. Thanks, Toby From Sun Dec 20 19:27:41 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F3E5CA4D61A for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:27:40 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "CAcert Class 3 Root" (not verified)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8F2D519D3 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:27:39 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.15.2/8.15.2) with ESMTPS id tBKJ2wv3044754 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=OK) for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:03:04 +1100 (AEDT) (envelope-from X-Bogosity: Ham, spamicity=0.000000 Received: from ( []) by (8.15.2/8.15.2) with ESMTPS id tBKJ2rev058479 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=NO) for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:02:53 +1100 (AEDT) (envelope-from Received: (from peter@localhost) by (8.15.2/8.15.2/Submit) id tBKJ2rqZ058478 for; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:02:53 +1100 (AEDT) (envelope-from peter) Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:02:53 +1100 From: Peter Jeremy To: Subject: BCM2835 (Raspberry Pi) peripherals Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha512; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="+HP7ph2BbKc20aGI" Content-Disposition: inline X-PGP-Key: User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30) X-Greylist: Sender succeeded STARTTLS authentication, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.4.3 ( []); Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:03:04 +1100 (AEDT) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:27:41 -0000 --+HP7ph2BbKc20aGI Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FreeBSD doesn't currently include kernel support for a number of BCM2835 peripherals - the random number generator and being able to do DMA into the PWM (driving it as a serialiser) are of current interest to me. Is anyone working on either of these? --=20 Peter Jeremy --+HP7ph2BbKc20aGI Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQJ8BAEBCgBmBQJWdvtdXxSAAAAAAC4AKGlzc3Vlci1mcHJAbm90YXRpb25zLm9w ZW5wZ3AuZmlmdGhob3JzZW1hbi5uZXRFRUIyOTg2QzMwNjcxRTc0RTY1QzIyN0Ux NkE1OTdBMEU0QTIwQjM0AAoJEBall6Dkogs078YP/38BvtyYDFFdvkZl5F86qDwp dI7703etX3CNyeOlopea1YqSZjzoJIPuhRxyHb6MwRqiG5UNiwi9DKcpmsh4F2P9 ZvMmNhGBsp4wXJHQLSn3m6eKUlqespn32uZbqXlWlHNooNigCspRJYhF0fm7AiKU oznD83Ar1PthzYWk0Ap6cjGQOvAIBFY3rQm1KHM1MO0XLbxQWgZQ3MUNxYRDZoVe t1EwjZAnSTz5GMx0bdQo1RWYjHmzWuc6WTxYxwjVVsb5iI9RTwhhtCQgyDy1mc66 lkv5PFbL/djG5kxTrTbFHMTSvNrio63aVIrRhUko1igEVqO90fZVcOUyxZLCPppP clKrJ6avEJsdjsvxH+VHLpFsg5d7e6KvyE3tN8bk1B5zsww4m5qbWB85GCRi8+wv ernMTKqNkKO49EzzHcSIt7HBGPLzeB/WHzK4AhOzZWulvK2PRhkL0OwW11evJF3r YM0N1KfkB+PR5SR/PAuEZLfjb6hNo7fBqg8hN8x6j554D7oTWJ+MYum24ga0lnhA i897UF40ca18eBs1VBikjivWqriO2Fv7Nem9eduglLfW0YchFL2ZRBzo5tDxwkrm 97mdJqYewCh4bt5BCjuRhdVr5em3ICI5+npULt+Z7+H7WUlu1/2YQxV8AwpVsRpY kFqG9A8m2TgLM6p+Lco+ =basM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --+HP7ph2BbKc20aGI-- From Sun Dec 20 20:17:28 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B0C30A4D72F for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:17:28 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA (128/128 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 4ADC71FE5 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:17:28 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s2048; t=1450642454; bh=XpxMvottz8X7mfVjra6qRYjKs1dv/kAyMcnypxOcCtM=; h=Subject:From:In-Reply-To:Date:Cc:References:To:From:Subject; b=Tc2kTr6v3PQ5PcPS1AuQSzPluSKy2WdTLm5SVNojAbOdZAGRgtNaYzGoxccHBdzWiol3TBxOOteJcxf0PMG3zIeLoXJcamkW4HXJypxWqIy7Aa7YlHt9riZ7V+6jAu0MtNO93OV6gxQ+pSV1EHTUeY1i55Z/ucCygRYyQzebC/gUMHU2w48+DC+pLbyy3FP7ADoFH6v1ObX+PIS03Z3LpRw5UGaFEbuEvyYG4DqAy2jD5uUNjVvHcK4NohT4IDZmB+824fFgvViykJKY4QNMFIGk6VxKhNwJT3RoqASvdcJI3QUmSKpW4lk4MfKMIp23wZNd2LqqLPAQqTS5kG+CrA== Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 20 Dec 2015 20:14:14 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 20 Dec 2015 20:14:14 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 20 Dec 2015 20:14:14 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-YMail-OSG: Kz8vUqoVM1kfWkpEJc1DPZPjyyoKaaHshBUYNUeJdYAZEz1 dEiuDhkIffCCy_IuH7fkHw3d9qYVrn..REHaWLoKZmJhgB_MBHvmsdekWip6 YOm_fFRmpRos7Ir2phdO_P_f2aYN7nLyTeW3HkzKMP3VpofY4iF6TpRZpTJQ Qa0HAx0y.02YlOj2nuYr2efSW3BE1nb_puE9ZQnWNA6sYNxSK.aHm2_zkNJs FP_bao4NUm6c0uxQsxC32IwLxj8Xg_6Gwj0RnqbQFkeH9qJ76XEMPd5JsUwL SkPmLFoBpYbveK9P30K.CHm6tSn4ou2VTZmGVC07LbRU8ZGkXi23W6X2B9rj Kprl2eyjKLCyjmccc5ZaWUJYOIugrRV91kHD2hzXROFmhxWJjqeUqMCX64vL Ed5OokF2BlkxbtYrGmMpM2DA3joXP2FsTJ5rUpl2aRqBCXrcQihVP9Akvw5K vsQAzTFyZeZOMihiCvKKYUutLtxv1lMJNoZkaDdy9int2bLSwEVONlRSH8bC Qe4R_RpDsdOZx0H8w1P9xtVkWgFvHyf_yXWWEZy5LlNe6PSvC X-Yahoo-SMTP: .8Dytk6swBAeTUTcf.ezO8BKaYfn.mUV Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC" Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) Subject: Re: u-boot and ubldr on arm64 From: Thomas Skibo In-Reply-To: Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 12:14:12 -0800 Cc: "" Message-Id: <> References: <> To: Adrian Chadd X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 20:17:28 -0000 --Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > On Dec 18, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Adrian Chadd = wrote: >=20 > hey cool! >=20 > Can you post your patches to freebsd and uboot? Let's get them > somewhere reviewed! >=20 >=20 > -a >=20 >=20 Ok. I=E2=80=99m attaching my changes so far. I=E2=80=99ve run out of time = to play with this until after the holidays. I=E2=80=99ve attached an unrelated patch to sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c = that gets me up and running with an FDT kernel. Opinions welcome from = the arm64 guys. Cheers, =E2=80=94Thomas =E2=80=94 Thomas Skibo --Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ubldr-patches.txt Content-Type: text/plain; name="ubldr-patches.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Index: sys/boot/Makefile.arm64 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/Makefile.arm64 (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/Makefile.arm64 (working copy) @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ SUBDIR+=3D fdt .endif =20 -SUBDIR+=3D efi +SUBDIR+=3D efi uboot Index: sys/boot/arm64/Makefile =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/arm64/Makefile (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/arm64/Makefile (working copy) @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ # $FreeBSD$ =20 +SUBDIR=3D uboot + .include Index: sys/boot/arm64/ =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/ 2015-12-19 17:47:30.916631000 -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# $FreeBSD$ + +.include "../" Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/version =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/version 2015-12-12 07:04:07.979566000 = -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +$FreeBSD$ + +NOTE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE TO THE BOOTBLOCKS HERE. The format of this +file is important. Make sure the current version number is on line 6. + +1.2: Extended with NAND FS support. +1.1: Flattened Device Tree blob support. +1.0: Added storage support. Booting from HDD, USB, etc. is now = possible. +0.5: Initial U-Boot/arm version (netbooting only). Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/conf.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/conf.c 2015-12-12 07:02:16.820511000 -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/*- + * Copyright (c) 2008 Semihalf, Rafal Jaworowski + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in = the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the = distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' = AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, = THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR = PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE = LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR = CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE = GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS = INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, = STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN = ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY = OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include +__FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); + +#include +#include "bootstrap.h" +#include "libuboot.h" + +#if defined(LOADER_NET_SUPPORT) +#include "dev_net.h" +#endif + +struct devsw *devsw[] =3D { +#if defined(LOADER_DISK_SUPPORT) || defined(LOADER_CD9660_SUPPORT) + &uboot_storage, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_NET_SUPPORT) + &netdev, +#endif + NULL +}; + +struct fs_ops *file_system[] =3D { +#if defined(LOADER_UFS_SUPPORT) + &ufs_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_CD9660_SUPPORT) + &cd9660_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_EXT2FS_SUPPORT) + &ext2fs_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_NANDFS_SUPPORT) + &nandfs_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_NFS_SUPPORT) + &nfs_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT) + &tftp_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT) + &gzipfs_fsops, +#endif +#if defined(LOADER_BZIP2_SUPPORT) + &bzipfs_fsops, +#endif + NULL +}; + +struct netif_driver *netif_drivers[] =3D { +#if defined(LOADER_NET_SUPPORT) + &uboot_net, +#endif + NULL, +}; + +struct file_format *file_formats[] =3D { + &uboot_elf, + NULL +}; + +extern struct console uboot_console; + +struct console *consoles[] =3D { + &uboot_console, + NULL +}; Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/Makefile =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/Makefile 2015-12-17 09:03:26.981847000 = -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +# $FreeBSD$ + +.include + +FILES=3D ubldr ubldr.bin + +NEWVERSWHAT=3D "U-Boot loader" ${MACHINE_ARCH} +BINDIR?=3D /boot +INSTALLFLAGS=3D -b +WARNS?=3D 1 +# Address at which ubldr will be loaded. +# This varies for different boards and SOCs. +UBLDR_LOADADDR?=3D 0x1000000 + +# Architecture-specific loader code +SRCS=3D start.S conf.c self_reloc.c vers.c + +.if !defined(LOADER_NO_DISK_SUPPORT) +LOADER_DISK_SUPPORT?=3D yes +.else +LOADER_DISK_SUPPORT=3D no +.endif +LOADER_UFS_SUPPORT?=3D yes +LOADER_CD9660_SUPPORT?=3D no +LOADER_EXT2FS_SUPPORT?=3D no +.if ${MK_NAND} !=3D "no" +LOADER_NANDFS_SUPPORT?=3D yes +.else +LOADER_NANDFS_SUPPORT?=3D no +.endif +LOADER_NET_SUPPORT?=3D yes +LOADER_NFS_SUPPORT?=3D yes +LOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT?=3D no +LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT?=3D no +LOADER_BZIP2_SUPPORT?=3D no +.if ${MK_FDT} !=3D "no" +LOADER_FDT_SUPPORT=3D yes +.else +LOADER_FDT_SUPPORT=3D no +.endif + +.if ${LOADER_DISK_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_DISK_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_UFS_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_UFS_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_CD9660_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_CD9660_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_EXT2FS_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_EXT2FS_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_NANDFS_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_NANDFS_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_BZIP2_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_BZIP2_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_NET_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_NET_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_NFS_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_NFS_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_TFTP_SUPPORT +.endif +.if ${LOADER_FDT_SUPPORT} =3D=3D "yes" +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../fdt +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.OBJDIR}/../../fdt +CFLAGS+=3D -DLOADER_FDT_SUPPORT +LIBUBOOT_FDT=3D ${.OBJDIR}/../../uboot/fdt/libuboot_fdt.a +LIBFDT=3D ${.OBJDIR}/../../fdt/libfdt.a +.endif + +CFLAGS+=3D -DNETIF_OPEN_CLOSE_ONCE + +.if ${MK_FORTH} !=3D "no" +# Enable BootForth +BOOT_FORTH=3D yes +CFLAGS+=3D -DBOOT_FORTH -I${.CURDIR}/../../ficl = -I${.CURDIR}/../../ficl/aarch64 +LIBFICL=3D ${.OBJDIR}/../../ficl/libficl.a +.endif + +# Always add MI sources +.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../common +.include "${.CURDIR}/../../common/" +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../common +CFLAGS+=3D -I. + +CLEANFILES+=3D vers.c + +CFLAGS+=3D -ffreestanding -msoft-float + +LDFLAGS=3D -nostdlib -static -T = ${.CURDIR}/ldscript.${MACHINE_CPUARCH} + +# Pull in common loader code +.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../uboot/common +.include "${.CURDIR}/../../uboot/common/" +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../uboot/common + +# U-Boot standalone support library +LIBUBOOT=3D ${.OBJDIR}/../../uboot/lib/libuboot.a +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../uboot/lib +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.OBJDIR}/../../uboot/lib + +# where to get libstand from +CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../lib/libstand/ + +# clang doesn't understand %D as a specifier to printf +NO_WERROR.clang=3D + +DPADD=3D ${LIBFICL} ${LIBUBOOT} ${LIBFDT} ${LIBUBOOT_FDT} = ${LIBSTAND} +LDADD=3D ${LIBFICL} ${LIBUBOOT} ${LIBFDT} ${LIBUBOOT_FDT} = -lstand + +OBJS+=3D ${SRCS:N*.h:R:S/$/.o/g} + +vers.c: ${.CURDIR}/../../common/ ${.CURDIR}/version + sh ${.CURDIR}/../../common/ ${.CURDIR}/version = ${NEWVERSWHAT} + help.common help.uboot ${.CURDIR}/../../fdt/help.fdt + cat ${.ALLSRC} | \ + awk -f ${.CURDIR}/../../common/merge_help.awk > ${.TARGET} + +ldscript.abs: + echo "UBLDR_LOADADDR =3D ${UBLDR_LOADADDR};" >${.TARGET} + +ldscript.pie: + echo "UBLDR_LOADADDR =3D 0;" >${.TARGET} + +ubldr: ${OBJS} ldscript.abs ${.CURDIR}/ldscript.${MACHINE_CPUARCH} = ${DPADD} + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -T ldscript.abs ${LDFLAGS} \ + -o ${.TARGET} ${OBJS} ${LDADD} + +ubldr.pie: ${OBJS} ldscript.pie ${.CURDIR}/ldscript.${MACHINE_CPUARCH} = ${DPADD} + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -T ldscript.pie ${LDFLAGS} -pie -Wl,-Bsymbolic \ + -o ${.TARGET} ${OBJS} ${LDADD} + +ubldr.bin: ubldr.pie + ${OBJCOPY} -S -O binary ubldr.pie ${.TARGET} + +CLEANFILES+=3D ldscript.abs ldscript.pie ubldr ubldr.pie ubldr.bin + +.if !defined(LOADER_ONLY) +.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../forth +.include "${.CURDIR}/../../forth/" + +# Install loader.rc. +FILES+=3D loader.rc +# Put sample menu.rc on disk but don't enable it by default. +FILES+=3D menu.rc +FILESNAME_menu.rc=3D menu.rc.sample +.endif + +.include Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/start.S =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/start.S 2015-12-16 13:38:31.463576000 = -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/*- + * Copyright (c) 2008 Semihalf, Rafal Czubak + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in = the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the = distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' = AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, = THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR = PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE = LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR = CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE = GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS = INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, = STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN = ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY = OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * $FreeBSD$ + */ + +#include +#include + + .text + .extern _C_LABEL(self_reloc), _C_LABEL(main) + .weak _DYNAMIC + +/* + * Entry point to the loader that U-Boot passes control to. + */ + .globl _start +_start: + + /*=20 + * Do self-relocation when the weak external symbol _DYNAMIC is = non-NULL. + * When linked as a dynamic relocatable file, the linker = automatically + * defines _DYNAMIC with a value that is the offset of the = dynamic + * relocation info section. + * Note that we're still on u-boot's stack here, but the = self_reloc=20 + * code uses only a couple dozen bytes of stack space. + */ + ldr x15, =3D.here_off /* .here_off is a symbol = whose value */ + ldr x0, [x15] /* is its own offset in the text = seg. */ + sub x0, x15, x0 /* Get its pc-relative address = and */ + ldr x1, .dynamic_off /* subtract its value and we get = */ + cmp x1, #0 /* x0 =3D physaddr we were = loaded at. */ + b.eq 2f + add x1, x1, x0 /* x1 =3D dynamic section = physaddr. */ + bl _C_LABEL(self_reloc) /* Do reloc if _DYNAMIC is = non-NULL. */ +2:=09 + /* Hint where to look for the API signature */ + ldr x15, =3Duboot_address + mov x0, sp + str x0, [x15] + + /* Save U-Boot's x18 */ + ldr x15, =3Dsaved_regs + str x18, [x15, #0] + + /*=20 + * Start loader. This is basically a tail-recursion call; if = main() + * returns, it returns to u-boot (which reports the value = returned x0). + */ + b main + + /*=20 + * Data for self-relocation, in the text segment for pc-rel = access. + */ + .align 3 +.here_off: + .quad . +.dynamic_off: + .quad _DYNAMIC + +/* + * syscall() + */ +ENTRY(syscall) + /* Save caller's lr, x18 */ + ldr x15, =3Dsaved_regs + str x18, [x15, #8] + str lr, [x15, #16] +=09 + /* Restore U-Boot's x18 */ + ldr x18, saved_regs +=09 + /* Call into U-Boot */ + ldr lr, =3Dreturn_from_syscall + ldr x15, syscall_ptr + br x15 +return_from_syscall: + /* Restore loader's x18 and lr */ + ldr lr, saved_regs + 16 + ldr x18, saved_regs + 8 + /* Return to caller */ + ret + +/* + * Data section + */ + .data + .align 3 + .globl syscall_ptr +syscall_ptr: + .quad 0 + + .globl uboot_address +uboot_address: + .quad 0 + +saved_regs: + .quad 0 /* U-Boot's x18 */ + .quad 0 /* Loader's x18 */ + .quad 0 /* Loader's lr */ Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/help.uboot =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/help.uboot 2015-12-12 07:02:24.667806000 = -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +$FreeBSD$ + = +#########################################################################= ###### +# Tubenv DShow or import U-Boot environment variables + + ubenv [varname ...] + + Display U-Boot environment variables, or import them into the + loader environment (which makes them available in the kernel). + = +#########################################################################= ###### +# Tubenv Simport DImport U-Boot env vars + + ubenv import [varname ...] + + If no variable names are specified, all U-Boot environment + variables are imported. Each variable is prefixed with "uboot." + to avoid any possible conflicts with loader or kernel variables. + = +#########################################################################= ###### +# Tubenv Sshow DShow U-Boot env vars + + ubenv show [varname ...] + + If no variable names are specified, all U-Boot environment + variables are shown. + Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/loader.conf =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/loader.conf 2015-12-14 12:03:37.518477000 = -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This is defaults/loader.conf for ARM 64, containing defaults for = loader(8). +# Do not modify the contents of this file, instead put your = customizations +# into /boot/loader.conf or /boot/loader.conf.local +# $FreeBSD$ + +autoboot_delay=3D10 +bootfile=3D"kernel" # Kernel name (possibly absolute path) +kernel=3D"kernel" # /boot sub-directory containing kernel and = modules +loader_conf_files=3D"/boot/loader.conf /boot/loader.conf.local" +module_path=3D"/boot/kernel;/boot/modules;/boot/dtb" +nextboot_conf=3D"/boot/nextboot.conf" +nextboot_enable=3D"NO" +verbose_loading=3D"NO" Index: sys/boot/arm64/uboot/ldscript.aarch64 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- /dev/null 2015-12-19 17:44:00.000000000 -0800 +++ sys/boot/arm64/uboot/ldscript.aarch64 2015-12-12 = 07:03:01.792999000 -0800 @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* $FreeBSD$ */ + +OUTPUT_ARCH(aarch64) +ENTRY(_start) +SECTIONS +{ + /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */ + . =3D UBLDR_LOADADDR + SIZEOF_HEADERS; + .text : + { + *(.text) + /* .gnu.warning sections are handled specially by elf32.em. */ + *(.gnu.warning) + *(.gnu.linkonce.t*) + } =3D0 + _etext =3D .; + PROVIDE (etext =3D .); + .interp : { *(.interp) } + .hash : { *(.hash) } + .dynsym : { *(.dynsym) } + .dynstr : { *(.dynstr) } + .gnu.version : { *(.gnu.version) } + .gnu.version_d : { *(.gnu.version_d) } + .gnu.version_r : { *(.gnu.version_r) } + .rela.text : + { *(.rela.text) *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.t*) } + : + { *( *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.d*) } + .rela.rodata : + { *(.rela.rodata) *(.rela.gnu.linkonce.r*) } + : { *( } + .rela.got1 : { *(.rela.got1) } + .rela.got2 : { *(.rela.got2) } + .rela.ctors : { *(.rela.ctors) } + .rela.dtors : { *(.rela.dtors) } + .rela.init : { *(.rela.init) } + .rela.fini : { *(.rela.fini) } + .rela.bss : { *(.rela.bss) } + .rela.plt : { *(.rela.plt) } + .rela.sdata : { *(.rela.sdata) } + .rela.sbss : { *(.rela.sbss) } + .rela.sdata2 : { *(.rela.sdata2) } + .rela.sbss2 : { *(.rela.sbss2) } + .init : { *(.init) } =3D0 + .fini : { *(.fini) } =3D0 + .rodata : { *(.rodata) *(.gnu.linkonce.r*) } + .rodata1 : { *(.rodata1) } + .sdata2 : { *(.sdata2) } + .sbss2 : { *(.sbss2) } + /* Adjust the address for the data segment to the next page up. */ + . =3D ((. + 0x1000) & ~(0x1000 - 1)); + .data : + { + *(.data) + *(.gnu.linkonce.d*) + CONSTRUCTORS + } + .data1 : { *(.data1) } + .got1 : { *(.got1) } + .dynamic : { *(.dynamic) } + /* Put .ctors and .dtors next to the .got2 section, so that the = pointers + get relocated with -mrelocatable. Also put in the .fixup pointers. + The current compiler no longer needs this, but keep it around for = 2.7.2 */ + PROVIDE (_GOT2_START_ =3D .); + .got2 : { *(.got2) } + PROVIDE (__CTOR_LIST__ =3D .); + .ctors : { *(.ctors) } + PROVIDE (__CTOR_END__ =3D .); + PROVIDE (__DTOR_LIST__ =3D .); + .dtors : { *(.dtors) } + PROVIDE (__DTOR_END__ =3D .); + PROVIDE (_FIXUP_START_ =3D .); + .fixup : { *(.fixup) } + PROVIDE (_FIXUP_END_ =3D .); + PROVIDE (_GOT2_END_ =3D .); + PROVIDE (_GOT_START_ =3D .); + .got : { *(.got) } + .got.plt : { *(.got.plt) } + PROVIDE (_GOT_END_ =3D .); + /* We want the small data sections together, so single-instruction = offsets + can access them all, and initialized data all before = uninitialized, so + we can shorten the on-disk segment size. */ + .sdata : { *(.sdata) } + _edata =3D .; + PROVIDE (edata =3D .); + .sbss : + { + PROVIDE (__sbss_start =3D .); + *(.sbss) + *(.scommon) + *(.dynsbss) + PROVIDE (__sbss_end =3D .); + } + .plt : { *(.plt) } + .bss : + { + PROVIDE (__bss_start =3D .); + *(.dynbss) + *(.bss) + *(COMMON) + } + _end =3D . ; + PROVIDE (end =3D .); + /* Stabs debugging sections. */ + .stab 0 : { *(.stab) } + .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) } + /* DWARF debug sections. + Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the = beginning + of the section so we begin them at 0. */ + /* DWARF 1 */ + .debug 0 : { *(.debug) } + .line 0 : { *(.line) } + /* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */ + .debug_srcinfo 0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) } + .debug_sfnames 0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) } + /* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */ + .debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) } + .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) } + /* DWARF 2 */ + .debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info) } + .debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) } + .debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) } + .debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) } + .debug_str 0 : { *(.debug_str) } + .debug_loc 0 : { *(.debug_loc) } + .debug_macinfo 0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) } + /* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions */ + .debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) } + .debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) } + .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) } + .debug_varnames 0 : { *(.debug_varnames) } + /* These must appear regardless of . */ +} Index: sys/boot/common/load_elf.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/common/load_elf.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/common/load_elf.c (working copy) @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ * leave dest set to the value calculated by = archsw.arch_loadaddr() and * passed in to this function. */ -#ifndef __arm__ +#if !defined(__arm__) && !defined(__aarch64__) if (ehdr->e_type =3D=3D ET_EXEC) dest =3D (ehdr->e_entry & ~PAGE_MASK); #endif @@ -370,6 +370,24 @@ #ifdef ELF_VERBOSE printf("ehdr->e_entry 0x%08x, va<->pa off %llx\n", = ehdr->e_entry, off); #endif +#elif defined(__aarch64__) + /* + * The elf headers in arm kernels specify virtual addresses in = all + * header fields, even the ones that should be physical = addresses. + * We assume the entry point is in the first 2MB, and masking = the lower + * bits will leave us with the virtual address the kernel was = linked + * at. We subtract that from the load offset, making 'off' into = the + * value which, when added to a virtual address in an elf = header, + * translates it to a physical address. We do the va->pa = conversion on + * the entry point address in the header now, so that later we = can + * launch the kernel by just jumping to that address. + */ +#define KERN_ALIGN (2 * 1024 * 1024) /* XXX: where should this go? */ + off -=3D ehdr->e_entry & ~(KERN_ALIGN-1); + ehdr->e_entry +=3D off; +#ifdef ELF_VERBOSE + printf("ehdr->e_entry %p, va<->pa off 0x%llx\n", ehdr->e_entry, = off); +#endif #else off =3D 0; /* other archs use direct mapped kernels = */ #endif Index: sys/boot/efi/loader/bootinfo.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/efi/loader/bootinfo.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/efi/loader/bootinfo.c (working copy) @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ if (fp->f_args) MOD_ARGS(addr, fp->f_args, c); v =3D fp->f_addr; -#if defined(__arm__) +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) v -=3D __elfN(relocation_offset); #endif MOD_ADDR(addr, v, c); @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ vm_offset_t dtbp; int dtb_size; #endif -#if defined(__arm__) +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) vm_offset_t vaddr; int i; /* @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ md =3D file_findmetadata(kfp, MODINFOMD_KERNEND); bcopy(&kernend, md->md_data, sizeof kernend); =20 -#if defined(__arm__) +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) *modulep -=3D __elfN(relocation_offset); =20 /* Do relocation fixup on metadata of each module. */ Index: sys/boot/uboot/common/main.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/common/main.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/common/main.c (working copy) @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ size =3D memsize(si, t[i]); if (size > 0) printf("%s: %lldMB\n", ub_mem_type(t[i]), - size / 1024 / 1024); + (unsigned long long)size / 1024 / 1024); } } =20 @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ { =20 printf("heap base at %p, top at %p, used %d\n", end, sbrk(0), - sbrk(0) - end); + (int)(sbrk(0) - end)); =20 return (CMD_OK); } @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ } =20 /* If ldvar is malformed or there's no variable name left, punt. = */ - if (ldvar[0] =3D=3D 0 || var[0] =3D=3D 0) + if ((action =3D=3D UBENV_IMPORT && ldvar[0] =3D=3D 0) || var[0] = =3D=3D 0) return; =20 val =3D ub_env_get(var); Index: sys/boot/uboot/fdt/Makefile =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/fdt/Makefile (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/fdt/Makefile (working copy) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ CFLAGS+=3D -I${.CURDIR}/../../common -I${.CURDIR}/../../.. -I. =20 machine: - ln -sf ${.CURDIR}/../../../${MACHINE_CPUARCH}/include machine + ln -sf ${.CURDIR}/../../../${MACHINE}/include machine =20 CLEANFILES+=3D machine =20 Index: sys/boot/uboot/lib/Makefile =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/lib/Makefile (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/lib/Makefile (working copy) @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ .endif =20 machine: - ln -sf ${.CURDIR}/../../../${MACHINE_CPUARCH}/include machine + ln -sf ${.CURDIR}/../../../${MACHINE}/include machine =20 CLEANFILES+=3D machine =20 Index: sys/boot/uboot/lib/copy.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/lib/copy.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/lib/copy.c (working copy) @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ * MD primitives supporting placement of module data=20 */ =20 -#ifdef __arm__ +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) #define KERN_ALIGN (2 * 1024 * 1024) #else #define KERN_ALIGN PAGE_SIZE Index: sys/boot/uboot/lib/disk.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/lib/disk.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/lib/disk.c (working copy) @@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ } =20 if (size % SI(dev).bsize) { - stor_printf("size=3D%d not multiple of device block = size=3D%d\n", - size, SI(dev).bsize); + stor_printf("size=3D%ld not multiple of device block = size=3D%d\n", + (long)size, SI(dev).bsize); return (EIO); } bcount =3D size / SI(dev).bsize; Index: sys/boot/uboot/lib/elf_freebsd.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/lib/elf_freebsd.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/lib/elf_freebsd.c (working copy) @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ return (error); =20 entry =3D (void *)e->e_entry; - printf("Kernel entry at 0x%x...\n", (unsigned)entry); + printf("Kernel entry at 0x%p...\n", entry); =20 dev_cleanup(); printf("Kernel args: %s\n", fp->f_args); Index: sys/boot/uboot/lib/glue.c =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D --- sys/boot/uboot/lib/glue.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/boot/uboot/lib/glue.c (working copy) @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ { int c; =20 - if (!syscall(API_GETC, NULL, (uint32_t)&c)) + if (!syscall(API_GETC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&c)) return (-1); =20 return (c); @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ { int t; =20 - if (!syscall(API_TSTC, NULL, (uint32_t)&t)) + if (!syscall(API_TSTC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&t)) return (-1); =20 return (t); @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ ub_putc(char c) { =20 - syscall(API_PUTC, NULL, (uint32_t)&c); + syscall(API_PUTC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&c); } =20 void ub_puts(const char *s) { =20 - syscall(API_PUTS, NULL, (uint32_t)s); + syscall(API_PUTS, NULL, (uintptr_t)s); } =20 /**************************************** @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ si.mr_no =3D UB_MAX_MR; memset(&mr, 0, sizeof(mr)); =20 - if (!syscall(API_GET_SYS_INFO, &err, (u_int32_t)&si)) + if (!syscall(API_GET_SYS_INFO, &err, (uintptr_t)&si)) return (NULL); =20 return ((err) ? NULL : &si); @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ { char *value; =20 - if (!syscall(API_ENV_GET, NULL, (uint32_t)name, = (uint32_t)&value)) + if (!syscall(API_ENV_GET, NULL, (uintptr_t)name, = (uintptr_t)&value)) return (NULL); =20 return (value); @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ub_env_set(const char *name, char *value) { =20 - syscall(API_ENV_SET, NULL, (uint32_t)name, (uint32_t)value); + syscall(API_ENV_SET, NULL, (uintptr_t)name, (uintptr_t)value); } =20 static char env_name[256]; @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ * internally, which handles such case */ env =3D NULL; - if (!syscall(API_ENV_ENUM, NULL, (uint32_t)last, = (uint32_t)&env)) + if (!syscall(API_ENV_ENUM, NULL, (uintptr_t)last, = (uintptr_t)&env)) return (NULL); =20 if (env =3D=3D NULL || last =3D=3D env) --Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=u-boot-patches.txt Content-Type: text/plain; name="u-boot-patches.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable diff --git a/api/api.c b/api/api.c index c5f6edb..2639ee5 100644 --- a/api/api.c +++ b/api/api.c @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static int API_getc(va_list ap) { int *c; =20 - if ((c =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((c =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 *c =3D getc(); @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static int API_tstc(va_list ap) { int *t; =20 - if ((t =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((t =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 *t =3D tstc(); @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ static int API_putc(va_list ap) { char *c; =20 - if ((c =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((c =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 putc(*c); @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static int API_puts(va_list ap) { char *s; =20 - if ((s =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((s =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 puts(s); @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static int API_get_sys_info(va_list ap) { struct sys_info *si; =20 - si =3D (struct sys_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + si =3D (struct sys_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (si =3D=3D NULL) return API_ENOMEM; =20 @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static int API_udelay(va_list ap) { unsigned long *d; =20 - if ((d =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((d =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 udelay(*d); @@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ static int API_get_timer(va_list ap) { unsigned long *base, *cur; =20 - cur =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + cur =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (cur =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 - base =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + base =3D (unsigned long *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (base =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ static int API_dev_enum(va_list ap) struct device_info *di; =20 /* arg is ptr to the device_info struct we are going to fill out = */ - di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (di =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static int API_dev_open(va_list ap) int err =3D 0; =20 /* arg is ptr to the device_info struct */ - di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (di =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ static int API_dev_close(va_list ap) int err =3D 0; =20 /* arg is ptr to the device_info struct */ - di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (di =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ static int API_dev_write(va_list ap) int err =3D 0; =20 /* 1. arg is ptr to the device_info struct */ - di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (di =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -329,12 +329,12 @@ static int API_dev_write(va_list ap) return API_ENODEV; =20 /* 2. arg is ptr to buffer from where to get data to write */ - buf =3D (void *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + buf =3D (void *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (buf =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 /* 3. arg is length of buffer */ - len =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + len =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (len =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; if (*len <=3D 0) @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ static int API_dev_read(va_list ap) int *len_net, *act_len_net; =20 /* 1. arg is ptr to the device_info struct */ - di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + di =3D (struct device_info *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (di =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -397,23 +397,23 @@ static int API_dev_read(va_list ap) return API_ENODEV; =20 /* 2. arg is ptr to buffer from where to put the read data */ - buf =3D (void *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + buf =3D (void *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (buf =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 if (di->type & DEV_TYP_STOR) { /* 3. arg - ptr to var with # of blocks to read */ - len_stor =3D (lbasize_t *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + len_stor =3D (lbasize_t *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (!len_stor) return API_EINVAL; if (*len_stor <=3D 0) return API_EINVAL; =20 /* 4. arg - ptr to var with start block */ - start =3D (lbastart_t *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + start =3D (lbastart_t *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); =20 /* 5. arg - ptr to var where to put the len actually = read */ - act_len_stor =3D (lbasize_t *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + act_len_stor =3D (lbasize_t *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (!act_len_stor) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -422,14 +422,14 @@ static int API_dev_read(va_list ap) } else if (di->type & DEV_TYP_NET) { =20 /* 3. arg points to the var with length of packet to = read */ - len_net =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + len_net =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (!len_net) return API_EINVAL; if (*len_net <=3D 0) return API_EINVAL; =20 /* 4. - ptr to var where to put the len actually read */ - act_len_net =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + act_len_net =3D (int *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); if (!act_len_net) return API_EINVAL; =20 @@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ static int API_env_get(va_list ap) { char *name, **value; =20 - if ((name =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((name =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; - if ((value =3D (char **)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((value =3D (char **)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 *value =3D getenv(name); @@ -476,9 +476,9 @@ static int API_env_set(va_list ap) { char *name, *value; =20 - if ((name =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((name =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; - if ((value =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((value =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 setenv(name, value); @@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ static int API_env_enum(va_list ap) int i, n; char *last, **next; =20 - last =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); + last =3D (char *)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t); =20 - if ((next =3D (char **)va_arg(ap, u_int32_t)) =3D=3D NULL) + if ((next =3D (char **)va_arg(ap, uintptr_t)) =3D=3D NULL) return API_EINVAL; =20 if (last =3D=3D NULL) @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ static cfp_t calls_table[API_MAXCALL] =3D { NULL, }; * The main syscall entry point - this is not reentrant, only one call = is * serviced until finished. * - * e.g. syscall(1, int *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t); + * e.g. syscall(1, int *, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t); * * call: syscall number * diff --git a/examples/api/crt0.S b/examples/api/crt0.S index 78d35a2..eb6312e 100644 --- a/examples/api/crt0.S +++ b/examples/api/crt0.S @@ -25,6 +25,22 @@ syscall: mtctr %r11 bctr =20 +#elif defined(CONFIG_ARM64) + + .text + .globl _start +_start: + ldr x14, =3Dsearch_hint + mov x15, sp + str x15, [x14] + b main + + + .globl syscall +syscall: + ldr x15, syscall_ptr + br x15 + #elif defined(CONFIG_ARM) =20 .text @@ -45,10 +61,10 @@ syscall: #endif =20 .globl syscall_ptr + .align 3 syscall_ptr: - .align 4 - .long 0 + .quad 0 =20 .globl search_hint search_hint: - .long 0 + .quad 0 diff --git a/examples/api/demo.c b/examples/api/demo.c index 8c30457..e1693ef 100644 --- a/examples/api/demo.c +++ b/examples/api/demo.c @@ -43,12 +43,11 @@ int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) if (sig->version > API_SIG_VERSION) return -3; =20 - printf("API signature found @%x\n", (unsigned int)sig); + printf("API signature found @0x%p\n", sig); test_dump_sig(sig); =20 printf("\n*** Consumer API test ***\n"); - printf("syscall ptr 0x%08x@%08x\n", (unsigned int)syscall_ptr, - (unsigned int)&syscall_ptr); + printf("syscall ptr 0x%p @0x%p\n", syscall_ptr, &syscall_ptr); =20 /* console activities */ ub_putc('B'); @@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ void test_dump_sig(struct api_signature *sig) printf("signature:\n"); printf(" version\t=3D %d\n", sig->version); printf(" checksum\t=3D 0x%08x\n", sig->checksum); - printf(" sc entry\t=3D 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)sig->syscall); + printf(" sc entry\t=3D 0x%p\n", (void *)sig->syscall); } =20 void test_dump_si(struct sys_info *si) @@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ void test_dump_di(int handle) struct device_info *di =3D ub_dev_get(handle); =20 printf("device info (%d):\n", handle); - printf(" cookie\t=3D 0x%08x\n", (uint32_t)di->cookie); + printf(" cookie\t=3D 0x%p\n", di->cookie); printf(" type\t\t=3D 0x%08x\n", di->type); =20 if (di->type =3D=3D DEV_TYP_NET) { diff --git a/examples/api/glue.c b/examples/api/glue.c index d619518..d5c1809 100644 --- a/examples/api/glue.c +++ b/examples/api/glue.c @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ static int valid_sig(struct api_signature *sig) int api_search_sig(struct api_signature **sig) { unsigned char *sp; - uint32_t search_start =3D 0; - uint32_t search_end =3D 0; + uintptr_t search_start =3D 0; + uintptr_t search_end =3D 0; =20 if (sig =3D=3D NULL) return 0; @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ int ub_getc(void) { int c; =20 - if (!syscall(API_GETC, NULL, (uint32_t)&c)) + if (!syscall(API_GETC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&c)) return -1; =20 return c; @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ int ub_tstc(void) { int t; =20 - if (!syscall(API_TSTC, NULL, (uint32_t)&t)) + if (!syscall(API_TSTC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&t)) return -1; =20 return t; @@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ int ub_tstc(void) =20 void ub_putc(char c) { - syscall(API_PUTC, NULL, (uint32_t)&c); + syscall(API_PUTC, NULL, (uintptr_t)&c); } =20 void ub_puts(const char *s) { - syscall(API_PUTS, NULL, (uint32_t)s); + syscall(API_PUTS, NULL, (uintptr_t)s); } =20 /**************************************** @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ struct sys_info * ub_get_sys_info(void) si.mr_no =3D UB_MAX_MR; memset(&mr, 0, sizeof(mr)); =20 - if (!syscall(API_GET_SYS_INFO, &err, (u_int32_t)&si)) + if (!syscall(API_GET_SYS_INFO, &err, (uintptr_t)&si)) return NULL; =20 return ((err) ? NULL : &si); @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ char * ub_env_get(const char *name) { char *value; =20 - if (!syscall(API_ENV_GET, NULL, (uint32_t)name, = (uint32_t)&value)) + if (!syscall(API_ENV_GET, NULL, (uintptr_t)name, = (uintptr_t)&value)) return NULL; =20 return value; @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ char * ub_env_get(const char *name) =20 void ub_env_set(const char *name, char *value) { - syscall(API_ENV_SET, NULL, (uint32_t)name, (uint32_t)value); + syscall(API_ENV_SET, NULL, (uintptr_t)name, (uintptr_t)value); } =20 static char env_name[256]; @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ const char * ub_env_enum(const char *last) * 'name=3Dval' string), since the API_ENUM_ENV call uses = envmatch() * internally, which handles such case */ - if (!syscall(API_ENV_ENUM, NULL, (uint32_t)last, = (uint32_t)&env)) + if (!syscall(API_ENV_ENUM, NULL, (uintptr_t)last, = (uintptr_t)&env)) return NULL; =20 if (!env) @@ -396,7 +396,8 @@ int ub_display_get_info(int type, struct = display_info *di) { int err =3D 0; =20 - if (!syscall(API_DISPLAY_GET_INFO, &err, (uint32_t)type, = (uint32_t)di)) + if (!syscall(API_DISPLAY_GET_INFO, &err, (uintptr_t)type, + (uintptr_t)di)) return API_ESYSC; =20 return err; diff --git a/examples/api/glue.h b/examples/api/glue.h index 91c8c1c..3e27a4e 100644 --- a/examples/api/glue.h +++ b/examples/api/glue.h @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ #define UB_MAX_DEV 6 /* max devices number */ =20 extern void *syscall_ptr; -extern uint32_t search_hint; +extern uintptr_t search_hint; =20 int syscall(int, int *, ...); int api_search_sig(struct api_signature **sig); diff --git a/examples/api/libgenwrap.c b/examples/api/libgenwrap.c index c1afa5b..4f78c15 100644 --- a/examples/api/libgenwrap.c +++ b/examples/api/libgenwrap.c @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ int printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; uint i; - char printbuffer[256]; + char printbuffer[512]; =20 va_start (args, fmt); =20 --Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=machdep-patch.txt Content-Type: text/plain; name="machdep-patch.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Index: sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c =================================================================== --- sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c (revision 292455) +++ sys/arm64/arm64/machdep.c (working copy) @@ -766,8 +766,19 @@ try_load_dtb(caddr_t kmdp) { vm_offset_t dtbp; + struct mem_region mem_regions[FDT_MEM_REGIONS]; + uint32_t memsize; /* XXX: fdt_get_mem_regions() can't handle 64-bit */ + int i, mem_regions_sz; dtbp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_DTBP, vm_offset_t); +#ifdef FDT_DTB_STATIC + /* + * If the device tree blob was not retrieved from metadata, + * try to use the statically embedded one. + */ + if (dtbp == (vm_offset_t)NULL) + dtbp = (vm_offset_t)&fdt_static_dtb; +#endif if (dtbp == (vm_offset_t)NULL) { printf("ERROR loading DTB\n"); return; @@ -778,6 +789,19 @@ if (OF_init((void *)dtbp) != 0) panic("OF_init failed with the found device tree"); + + /* Grab physical memory regions information from device tree. */ + if (fdt_get_mem_regions(mem_regions, &mem_regions_sz, &memsize) != 0) { + printf("No physical memory regions in DTB\n"); + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < mem_regions_sz; i++) { + if (!add_physmap_entry(mem_regions[i].mr_start, + mem_regions[i].mr_size, physmap, + &physmap_idx)) + break; + } } #endif @@ -822,10 +846,6 @@ boothowto = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_HOWTO, int); kern_envp = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_ENVP, char *); -#ifdef FDT - try_load_dtb(kmdp); -#endif - /* Find the address to start allocating from */ lastaddr = MD_FETCH(kmdp, MODINFOMD_KERNEND, vm_offset_t); @@ -833,8 +853,13 @@ physmap_idx = 0; efihdr = (struct efi_map_header *)preload_search_info(kmdp, MODINFO_METADATA | MODINFOMD_EFI_MAP); - add_efi_map_entries(efihdr, physmap, &physmap_idx); + if (efihdr != NULL) + add_efi_map_entries(efihdr, physmap, &physmap_idx); +#ifdef FDT + try_load_dtb(kmdp); +#endif + /* Print the memory map */ mem_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < physmap_idx; i += 2) { --Apple-Mail=_2EBD3790-110C-4818-8F3E-DA21896228AC-- From Sun Dec 20 21:07:51 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 865C2A4D355 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:07:51 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 4B9FB1791 for ; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:07:50 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([] by with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:128) (Exim 4.83 (FreeBSD)) (envelope-from ) id 1aAlCk-0005PH-Q3 for; Sun, 20 Dec 2015 22:07:48 +0100 Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 22:07:45 +0100 From: Toby User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Cannot build RBPI2 kernel on pi Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Score: -2.9 (--) X-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "", has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see The administrator of that system for details. Content preview: Hi With a fresh checkout of head (I think 292519, but not 100% sure), I cannot build the kernel on my raspberry pi 2. I've started out in multiuser mode, with little else running, 1GB of /tmp and 1GB of /var/tmp and 1.8GB swap (all on an USB stick). [...] Content analysis details: (-2.9 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -1.0 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP 0.0 TVD_RCVD_IP Message was received from an IP address -1.9 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1% [score: 0.0000] X-SA-Exim-Connect-IP: X-SA-Exim-Mail-From: X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No (on; SAEximRunCond expanded to false X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:07:51 -0000 Hi With a fresh checkout of head (I think 292519, but not 100% sure), I cannot build the kernel on my raspberry pi 2. I've started out in multiuser mode, with little else running, 1GB of /tmp and 1GB of /var/tmp and 1.8GB swap (all on an USB stick). make buildkernel KENRCONF=RPI2 fails with the following error: ERROR: ctfmerge: No ctf sections found to merge :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk if_de.kld export_syms | xargs -J% objcopy % if_de.kld ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o if_de.ko if_de.kld objcopy --strip-debug if_de.ko ===> dtb/rpi (all) Generating rpi.dtb from rpi.dts converting rpi.dts -> /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RPI2/modules/usr/src/sys/modules/dtb/rpi/rpi.dtb Unable to open file ./bcm2835.dtsi Segmentation fault (core dumped) *** Error code 139 Stop. make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/dtb/rpi *** Error code 1 Stop. make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules *** Error code 1 Thanks for any hints, Toby From Mon Dec 21 08:39:25 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D620EA4E3E9 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:39:25 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:4010:c04::233]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7B5D71B55 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:39:25 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id sv6so4443997lbb.0 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 00:39:25 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=u8iv9AtydNwSGwtZythrsdaKhhH9AM08nAhqOWorFWQ=; b=hTUGeJwclQO+a0MMbM4NM2xrZkD1nB6SUW7/M/430EjXuyfRwbhno8OPu6vOq6BffT eFzlIL5EF/ixPU7qcGIeGuhubyuWb4zW1aHbzIcJgn37r69EHdjfHuHvjHTscZOM6Bjl C3ow4otbC7yH3B/6l8N2jNS/82P5VS9GfuQOCuz+tRZHooCR+ht8fTa7YCK8yGhOnOF4 JJZ/h/6BS9b3pzJgp8yfuC36+zGNWPrY8YEo2cbEFQlqQth6tKzXaDuUMMT4UVBcyI85 Ic/K+p037Z36GW6nD9OJRfdBc6zVXYVxzaYpsirdd41/TFneO8sryKSLNE3byxlcK9lL ZS4A== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=u8iv9AtydNwSGwtZythrsdaKhhH9AM08nAhqOWorFWQ=; b=WIUAeluivFWWYKfqxYZsYSvAPJuEzwogP0ETV5pKW8/1RuHkg+Ctg7PWCkcAqHtHdc POSsAwxnj7vh5fby8b8VK+/NQPxuFHOu+l0Jv8TfdU2XK805sZygKUzf0+Dm1/ukiqdS lNvZckxvWThVN5psLZY1Ve/PswK8U8QpA9xFZrvXz62memgZ2Eu1TcXt7W0PI1brT+sX 81le9E1Jv4J9cH5ASgZTHR7Cfo66pcynWHd7XTZptQiNctTAcVIRfVG8npX3RD4gDXnO zxgluTp9O8LPKlqz1jpWop+Ck2FC5pIcF/9uJt+hZzGqMfTZn3iOyteE54X2Nz+jGwpc ovUg== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQm/JMbpYrxv00mVg3FQ4JNWw1REdoK/aJKLQ+Y9KsSXI4M75q5sqGv2+sq5LC/w9rnvwrSPuCRhZelqMNurmOXTCO5ZaA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id xv4mr6088763lbb.60.1450687163319; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 00:39:23 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 00:39:23 -0800 (PST) X-Originating-IP: [2001:44b8:3164:6d12:850c:4f50:469:9980] Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:39:23 +1100 Message-ID: Subject: 10.x stable/release for rpi 2? From: Tom Storey To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:39:25 -0000 Sorry, I must be blind or something .. Are there any 10.x stable or release images for the rpi 2? I only see 11 current images for rpi 2, but I see 10.2 (where did 10.1 go?) stable for rpi B. Thanks! From Mon Dec 21 13:15:08 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D89E8A4CA8C for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:15:08 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 860E81613 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:15:08 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from [] ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id A637C228F09 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 07:15:06 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: 10.x stable/release for rpi 2? To: References: From: Karl Denninger Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 07:14:59 -0600 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.4.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha-512; boundary="------------ms050508090705040601080905" X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:15:09 -0000 This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms050508090705040601080905 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 12/21/2015 02:39, Tom Storey wrote: > Sorry, I must be blind or something .. > > Are there any 10.x stable or release images for the rpi 2? > > I only see 11 current images for rpi 2, but I see 10.2 (where did 10.1 > go?) stable for rpi B. > > Thanks! > There aren't any for the Rpi 2; at present only 11-Current is available --=20 Karl Denninger /The Market Ticker/ /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ --------------ms050508090705040601080905 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgMFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCC Bl8wggZbMIIEQ6ADAgECAgEpMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4G A1UECBMHRmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3Rl bXMgTExDMRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhND dWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMB4XDTE1MDQyMTAyMjE1OVoXDTIwMDQxOTAyMjE1OVowWjEL MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBM TEMxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUthcmwgRGVubmluZ2VyIChPQ1NQKTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggIPADCCAgoCggIBALmEWPhAdphrWd4K5VTvE5pxL3blRQPyGF3ApjUjgtavqU1Y8pbI3Byg XDj2/Uz9Si8XVj/kNbKEjkRh5SsNvx3Fc0oQ1uVjyCq7zC/kctF7yLzQbvWnU4grAPZ3IuAp 3/fFxIVaXpxEdKmyZAVDhk9az+IgHH43rdJRIMzxJ5vqQMb+n2EjadVqiGPbtG9aZEImlq7f IYDTnKyToi23PAnkPwwT+q1IkI2DTvf2jzWrhLR5DTX0fUYC0nxlHWbjgpiapyJWtR7K2YQO aevQb/3vN9gSojT2h+cBem7QIj6U69rEYcEDvPyCMXEV9VcXdcmW42LSRsPvZcBHFkWAJqMZ Myiz4kumaP+s+cIDaXitR/szoqDKGSHM4CPAZV9Yh8asvxQL5uDxz5wvLPgS5yS8K/o7zDR5 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h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=7AWAz99SXuzGt18yVNisG4jt3U/CnTims5Eto4WFxvQ=; b=pJE6TrRK3z3EymoFV3Pg9KIxW98xJhgk9WNB9+sKjRiyr6SEsAk7K501B1VvtbsrOF HewWwCMTjz0VwfmoDxJZUxIBA+Yo1ceNW1/TL866ouUkUWwfOSxc5QzXhTUj9O68q53D /0Vf1GGhDr4hKTvnUms4NTzkk4hNYwUNwDQeFzpr7sbX8FHVkjk8LxhTEN7lLxKmqAi0 ayLlC8C4hHdYkn+iqgZejB8hjqeJyS5pkTCfeZVfXQD7TibkLOQ+pfqVCqvnKtjI2Hu5 LlvjGEZHERaORCM6yGON8il75F63XkIXb2I9VpdUNnfMNij+ltFOv06pq6CVtMss83gw 5Prw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id j185mr16327212ywf.66.1450706651586; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:04:11 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 06:04:11 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:04:11 -0200 Message-ID: Subject: Re: Set GPIO at boot on Raspberry Pi From: Luiz Otavio O Souza To: Toby Cc: "" Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:04:12 -0000 On 20 December 2015 at 16:56, Toby wrote: > > That's what linux has, setting max_usb_current=1 in their > /boot/config.txt sets GPIO38 to high. I don't know if they have a > generic way of configuring pins though. > This seems to be a firmware thing, all settings in config.txt are parsed by firmware. After all the high current mode has to be enabled as early as possible to allow the system boot with a high current device plugged in. If the firmware sets this pin high, FreeBSD GPIO driver won't change it. Try to update the firmware and see if that helps. Luiz From Mon Dec 21 20:33:05 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A50E6A4E0A5 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:33:05 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA (128/128 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 63E1E1D40 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:33:05 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s2048; t=1450729815; bh=OuKVloWWxIMlPFMo8etfzalbIxcacSqTI9wziH68+y4=; h=From:Subject:Date:To:From:Subject; b=XvxhJV+TvTzhxrE1NJpA/T9vGBvyM6v4yN7GJMPpkmlqXOH1XwIb9cGxdBmjR87jRG9mJJdv5zMYgdLXeg6rcURFarXumTT1Y7cujYAdUEH/4Rp279deAjX2cnYjOxe78gv9CdmunwJ33xpEdabH7KRTu5aB2Hse0zILE3cxXhE1CP04tzAZoL/f70QeDTiQoPsTtqR5CRfgjczd2OPXB3lThVEnNOs6tItTGNXSZQZqPWi7ASa71+JjlF35KcyOqtiHMJasVxUeBVhVCWI5in2OBN1JEkMgeo2kXDbf1EdugtjZRzT3aBRe2y43iJyFkWy7SzwJnEYGA7rhipYv7g== Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 21 Dec 2015 20:30:15 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 21 Dec 2015 20:30:15 -0000 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 21 Dec 2015 20:30:15 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-YMail-OSG: JWMdLXUVM1nmDOSIWbQTj_zd8UaVuDkmiZla4cgRjxA88S. AaE9lrxGgW2.7SvV1fLoFuv6ZPaPSp_H.oy9QdIdHIaYI5LancwGh2dt1Mcz .6LKbCj6S3YV94S2ymeXpyykOP_c3R1t8OupldWDCrIIFlvmsuEyBqR56LX2 JMcA4_i63SXSQg2ozWzCzSbhnpsB.trPLkXUEHsWkAdkkWuKz3X0JahOixn. 6aryCVMj7WLMrIY_4tMOCgs0oUrz_PVDS47f4Ml_6ubCRweqOz9dw1TNTQx9 l7n2YbxiwAfYW0LrMbEY3.PRN_uKsKWrH1_PLeCDEL8dpctVbaCKZNJrrnf3 TJ.fU58fjQ5DDrQ.pH.FOiTTZKHU2_jF6nTDwLLUmxngqto4_Ck_F1rVkpH9 QJfs3WykHTYJRtwvSum7FIPiui31zXjr5YOjkxflSiHHmvt.DhkNbPyhR1oM aNAQfp.vwbll8cOg70pHIKAvsNV_XjHg8FJyYY4mu5svIAOvid8hGsIStzL9 eLC9lKd0saYHg4sofL7UK30H2z3Qe3JWRHw4FVfmS4ReHfQZYn6SsQkmN0A- - X-Yahoo-SMTP: .8Dytk6swBAeTUTcf.ezO8BKaYfn.mUV From: Thomas Skibo Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: Re: u-boot and ubldr on arm64 Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:30:13 -0800 To: Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:33:05 -0000 Don=E2=80=99t apply my patches in the previous message, they=E2=80=99re = malformed. Sorry about that. I=E2=80=99ll have to recreate them later. Sorry, =E2=80=94Thomas =E2=80=94=E2=80=94 Thomas Skibo From Mon Dec 21 20:57:06 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 74B32A4E9DE for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:57:06 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 599E01D5E; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:57:06 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2C167FA3; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:57:06 +0000 (UTC) Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:57:02 +0000 (GMT) From: To:,,,,, Message-ID: <> Subject: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1930 - Failure MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Jenkins-Job: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 X-Jenkins-Result: FAILURE Precedence: bulk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:57:06 -0000 FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1930 - Failure: Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Change summaries: 292559 by jhb: As previously noted in r290409, purge old entries from MAINTAINERS. 292558 by tuexen: Stop processing of a SACK when the association has been aborted. MFC after: 3 days 292557 by imp: Configure the Atmel eval boards to boot the same way. This gives them the same layout as other embedded systems. 292556 by ian: Add a mips implementation of OF_decode_addr(). 292555 by ian: Implement OF_decode_addr() for arm. Move most of powerpc's implementation into a new function that other platforms can share. This creates a new ofw_reg_to_paddr() function (in a new ofw_subr.c file) that contains most of the existing ppc implementation, mostly unchanged. The ppc code now calls the new MI code from the MD code, then creates a ppc-specific bus_space mapping from the results. The new arm implementation does the same in an arm-specific way. This also moves the declaration of OF_decode_addr() from ofw_machdep.h to openfirm.h, except on sparc64 which uses a different function signature. This will help all FDT platforms to set up early console access using OF_decode_addr(). The end of the build log: [...truncated 174129 lines...] cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_gate/../../../geom/gate/g_gate.c -o g_gate.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o intpm.kld intpm.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk intpm.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % intpm.kld --- intpm.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o intpm.ko.full intpm.o --- intpm.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug intpm.ko.full intpm.ko.debug --- intpm.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=intpm.ko.debug intpm.ko.full intpm.ko --- all_subdir_ismt --- ===> i2c/controllers/ismt (all) --- ismt.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers/ismt/../../../../dev/ismt/ismt.c -o ismt.o --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_eli --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_eli_integrity.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- all_subdir_iicbus --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iiconf.o --- iicbus.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbus/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbus.c -o iicbus.o --- all_subdir_geom --- --- g_eli_privacy.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_eli/../../../geom/eli/g_eli_privacy.c -o g_eli_privacy.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicbus.o --- iicbus.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o iicbus.kld iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o iicbus.kld iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk iicbus.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % iicbus.kld --- iicbus.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o iicbus.ko.full iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o --- iicbus.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug iicbus.ko.full iicbus.ko.debug --- iicbus.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=iicbus.ko.debug iicbus.ko.full iicbus.ko --- all_subdir_controllers --- --- all_subdir_nfsmb --- ===> i2c/controllers/nfsmb (all) --- all_subdir_ismt --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g ismt.o --- all_subdir_nfsmb --- --- nfsmb.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers/nfsmb/../../../../dev/nfsmb/nfsmb.c -o nfsmb.o --- all_subdir_ismt --- --- ismt.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o ismt.kld ismt.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o ismt.kld ismt.o --- all_subdir_geom --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_eli_privacy.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk ismt.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % ismt.kld --- ismt.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o ismt.ko.full ismt.o --- ismt.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug ismt.ko.full ismt.ko.debug --- ismt.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=ismt.ko.debug ismt.ko.full ismt.ko --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_gate --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_gate.o --- exresnte.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -c -O -pipe -g -nostdinc -I. -I/usr/src/sys -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/libfdt -D_KERNEL -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include opt_global.h -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -Werror /usr/src/sys/contrib/dev/acpica/components/executer/exresnte.c --- modules-all --- --- all_subdir_geom_eli --- --- geom_eli.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o geom_eli.kld g_eli.o g_eli_crypto.o g_eli_ctl.o g_eli_integrity.o g_eli_key.o g_eli_key_cache.o g_eli_privacy.o pkcs5v2.o --- all_subdir_geom_gate --- --- geom_gate.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o geom_gate.kld g_gate.o --- all_subdir_geom_eli --- ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o geom_eli.kld g_eli.o g_eli_crypto.o g_eli_ctl.o g_eli_integrity.o g_eli_key.o g_eli_key_cache.o g_eli_privacy.o pkcs5v2.o --- all_subdir_geom_gate --- ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o geom_gate.kld g_gate.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk geom_gate.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % geom_gate.kld --- geom_gate.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o geom_gate.ko.full g_gate.o --- geom_gate.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug geom_gate.ko.full geom_gate.ko.debug --- geom_gate.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=geom_gate.ko.debug geom_gate.ko.full geom_gate.ko --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- all_subdir_viapm --- ===> i2c/controllers/viapm (all) --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_eli --- :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk geom_eli.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % geom_eli.kld --- geom_eli.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o geom_eli.ko.full g_eli.o g_eli_crypto.o g_eli_ctl.o g_eli_integrity.o g_eli_key.o g_eli_key_cache.o g_eli_privacy.o pkcs5v2.o --- geom_eli.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug geom_eli.ko.full geom_eli.ko.debug --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- viapm.o --- --- all_subdir_geom --- --- geom_eli.ko --- --- all_subdir_i2c --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers/viapm/../../../../dev/viapm/viapm.c -o viapm.o --- all_subdir_geom --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=geom_eli.ko.debug geom_eli.ko.full geom_eli.ko --- all_subdir_geom_journal --- ===> geom/geom_journal (all) --- exresnte.o --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g exresnte.o --- modules-all --- --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- all_subdir_iicbb --- ===> i2c/iicbb (all) --- all_subdir_geom --- --- g_journal.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_journal/../../../geom/journal/g_journal.c -o g_journal.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbb_if.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c iicbb_if.c -o iicbb_if.o --- all_subdir_controllers --- --- all_subdir_nfsmb --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g nfsmb.o --- nfsmb.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o nfsmb.kld nfsmb.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o nfsmb.kld nfsmb.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk nfsmb.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % nfsmb.kld --- nfsmb.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o nfsmb.ko.full nfsmb.o --- nfsmb.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug nfsmb.ko.full nfsmb.ko.debug --- nfsmb.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=nfsmb.ko.debug nfsmb.ko.full nfsmb.ko --- all_subdir_iicbb --- --- iicbb.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c -o iicbb.o --- iicbb_if.o --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicbb_if.o --- all_subdir_if_disc --- ===> if_disc (all) --- if_disc.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/if_disc/../../net/if_disc.c -o if_disc.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbb.o --- In file included from /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c:56: In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/ofw_bus.h:34: /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/openfirm.h:177:47: error: unknown type name 'bus_space_tag_t'; did you mean 'bus_dma_tag_t'? int OF_decode_addr(phandle_t dev, int regno, bus_space_tag_t *ptag, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bus_dma_tag_t /usr/src/sys/sys/_bus_dma.h:43:29: note: 'bus_dma_tag_t' declared here typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t; ^ In file included from /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c:56: In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/ofw_bus.h:34: /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/openfirm.h:178:7: error: unknown type name 'bus_space_handle_t' bus_space_handle_t *phandle); ^ 2 errors generated. *** [iicbb.o] Error code 1 make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb 1 error make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb *** [all_subdir_iicbb] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c --- all_subdir_controllers --- --- all_subdir_viapm --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g viapm.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[6]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers/viapm *** [all_subdir_viapm] Error code 2 make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers 1 error make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers *** [all_subdir_controllers] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c 2 errors make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c *** [all_subdir_i2c] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules --- all_subdir_if_disc --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g if_disc.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/if_disc *** [all_subdir_if_disc] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules --- all_subdir_geom --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_journal.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_journal *** [all_subdir_geom_journal] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom 1 error make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom *** [all_subdir_geom] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules 3 errors make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules *** [modules-all] Error code 2 make[2]: stopped in /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC 1 error make[2]: stopped in /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC *** [buildkernel] Error code 2 make[1]: stopped in /usr/src 1 error make[1]: stopped in /usr/src *** [buildkernel] Error code 2 make: stopped in /usr/src 1 error make: stopped in /usr/src Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure [PostBuildScript] - Execution post build scripts. [FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + export 'PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin' + export 'jname=FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64' + echo 'clean up jail FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64' clean up jail FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo jail -r FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo ifconfig igb0 inet6 2610:1c1:1:607c::104:1 -alias + sudo umount FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64/usr/src + sudo umount FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64/dev + sudo rm -fr FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + true + sudo chflags -R noschg FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo rm -fr FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 Email was triggered for: Failure - Any Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any From Mon Dec 21 22:40:25 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2ED96A4EA92 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:40:25 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:4010:c07::22f]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A66551782 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:40:24 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id y184so118757715lfc.1 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:40:24 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=jU3MzGipV6wBYyuaZ4i84hgssqXV9w7Qpe53zQdY56g=; b=AIGx6zl5QIwK79ixsCMdDb8XEpdxXLaREq3+mJEh94/SSAMVtXko+vKkZtZ6BJ+7uV aFsrcjsby/unTDg4Z5oiglzEC3x8/2QTA5XKZvqJC3PVcx3TUzjk08V4M6nP4M7wegR2 KIJbItsF3CfDuaOTQjmzcSkCo3ELC3uDoAjjCitjtYW4CBB0OqV3A7/RBA55Ri18dVYM t3gZKntG2a8q+1yaxZXOToehvhA3YKmRW4WsWOHg4vyvfRZuI8L4rUtvjwQdmlUXNE5X eu2l7/mHDG70o7SVBXXfuanrKs+qn0/MX8Yg1OD/s7oY4edf2j6Dxwco93LUnWTfYTbV ldWg== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date :message-id:subject:from:to:cc:content-type; bh=jU3MzGipV6wBYyuaZ4i84hgssqXV9w7Qpe53zQdY56g=; b=UAm6jk+/wAmrFyXHZp27TVmu0Brd3WtxuDXu3IeYFp/xlJDWN/gRHVVWXH3T2a5r8h ng827mrKawiKihxamA+R1ZHuBjzGplcBRGqT8j2q40rL3XKE4g9W5h/KfKkxjMxMLXHz CD4/7ROS1rr1WcxqxoOyC2G9yDVt1E+WoW2G7kxsDVX8zFqB/mWBFLHhe33HsjD/a8W8 m8njvrQPhOAg7EyKAI0Uh5hmmcGgic6Oqy30NTLGBihIUJ+QOnVsM/jYlcIMwmn3T9J4 4zZBCS3mwj6B60UGgT1RQXIcZI3vGDzUkCXwSbkTP2kM5HuwJppjCIcqKwmJVFF3Ovi0 gaaw== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQnLBHMoxTXtX5bhBgNrh3D1Oh1/Il4KpPN6+Yq21Jl0Yi0UaqmzwwFsw1k9PSYx3lIsQ9EH+dUIp/HDfUAXmidGb/aVag== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id q188mr7442894lfe.129.1450737622777; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:40:22 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:40:22 -0800 (PST) X-Originating-IP: [2001:44b8:3164:6d12:850c:4f50:469:9980] In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:40:22 +1100 Message-ID: Subject: Re: 10.x stable/release for rpi 2? From: Tom Storey To: Karl Denninger Cc: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:40:25 -0000 Got it. At least Im not blind. :-) On 22 December 2015 at 00:14, Karl Denninger wrote: > > On 12/21/2015 02:39, Tom Storey wrote: >> Sorry, I must be blind or something .. >> >> Are there any 10.x stable or release images for the rpi 2? >> >> I only see 11 current images for rpi 2, but I see 10.2 (where did 10.1 >> go?) stable for rpi B. >> >> Thanks! >> > There aren't any for the Rpi 2; at present only 11-Current is available > > -- > Karl Denninger > > /The Market Ticker/ > /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ From Mon Dec 21 22:56:58 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0F8D5A4F2BB for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:56:58 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E3BFA13AD; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:56:57 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 15E5FFE8; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:56:58 +0000 (UTC) Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:56:55 +0000 (GMT) From: To:,,,,,, Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Subject: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1931 - Still Failing MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Jenkins-Job: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 X-Jenkins-Result: FAILURE Precedence: bulk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 22:56:58 -0000 FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1931 - Still Failing: Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Change summaries: 292571 by gonzo: - Add driver for i.MX 6 HDMI framer - Enable HDMI driver in IMX6 config Reviewed by: andrew, ian, mmel Differential Revision: 292570 by ngie: Integrate tools/regression/mac/mac_bsdextended and tools/regression/mac/mac_portacl into the FreeBSD test suite as tests/sys/mac/bsdextended and tests/sys/mac/portacl, respectively MFC after: 1 month Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division 292569 by ngie: Make the mac_portacl testcases work / more robust - A trap(1) call has been added to the test scripts to better ensure that the tests do a better job at trying to restore the test host state at the end of the tests (if the test was interrupted before it would leave the system in an odd state, potentially making the test results for subsequent runs non-deterministic). - Add root user checks - Fix nc(1) usage: -- -o is deprecated -- Using `-w 10` will make the call timeout after 10 seconds so it doesn't block indefinitely - Use local variables - Be more terse in the error messages - Parameterize out "" MFC after: 1 week Sponsored by: EMC / Isilon Storage Division 292567 by imp: Revert this change. It broke the trampoline build. Until I'm sure nothing else is broken, I'm reverting. 292565 by gonzo: Add CCM functions to enable HDMI framer and IPU units (video controller) Reviewed by: andrew, ian Differential Revision: 292564 by jlh: Add port for IRC over TLS/SSL, as noted in RFC 7194. PR: 192505 Submitted by: MFC after: 3 days 292563 by emaste: loader.efi: strip trailing whitespace Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation The end of the build log: [...truncated 175467 lines...] /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug lpbb.ko.full lpbb.ko.debug --- lpbb.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=lpbb.ko.debug lpbb.ko.full lpbb.ko --- all_subdir_pcf --- ===> i2c/controllers/pcf (all) --- pcf.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/controllers/pcf/../../../../dev/pcf/pcf.c -o pcf.o --- all_subdir_geom --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_mountver.o --- geom_mountver.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o geom_mountver.kld g_mountver.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o geom_mountver.kld g_mountver.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk geom_mountver.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % geom_mountver.kld --- geom_mountver.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o geom_mountver.ko.full g_mountver.o --- geom_mountver.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug geom_mountver.ko.full geom_mountver.ko.debug --- geom_mountver.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=geom_mountver.ko.debug geom_mountver.ko.full geom_mountver.ko --- exfield.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -c -O -pipe -g -nostdinc -I. -I/usr/src/sys -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/libfdt -D_KERNEL -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include opt_global.h -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -Werror /usr/src/sys/contrib/dev/acpica/components/executer/exfield.c ctfconvert -L VERSION -g exfield.o --- modules-all --- --- all_subdir_geom_multipath --- ===> geom/geom_multipath (all) --- all_subdir_i2c --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g pcf.o --- pcf.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o pcf.kld pcf.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o pcf.kld pcf.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk pcf.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % pcf.kld --- pcf.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o pcf.ko.full pcf.o --- pcf.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug pcf.ko.full pcf.ko.debug --- pcf.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=pcf.ko.debug pcf.ko.full pcf.ko --- all_subdir_geom --- --- g_multipath.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_multipath/../../../geom/multipath/g_multipath.c -o g_multipath.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- all_subdir_iicbus --- ===> i2c/iicbus (all) --- iicbus_if.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c iicbus_if.c -o iicbus_if.o ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicbus_if.o --- iiconf.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbus/../../../dev/iicbus/iiconf.c -o iiconf.o --- all_subdir_if_bridge --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g if_bridge.o --- if_bridge.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o if_bridge.kld if_bridge.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o if_bridge.kld if_bridge.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk if_bridge.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % if_bridge.kld --- if_bridge.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o if_bridge.ko.full if_bridge.o --- if_bridge.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug if_bridge.ko.full if_bridge.ko.debug --- if_bridge.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=if_bridge.ko.debug if_bridge.ko.full if_bridge.ko --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbus.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbus/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbus.c -o iicbus.o --- iiconf.o --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iiconf.o --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_nop --- ===> geom/geom_nop (all) --- g_nop.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_nop/../../../geom/nop/g_nop.c -o g_nop.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbus.o --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicbus.o --- iicbus.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o iicbus.kld iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o iicbus.kld iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk iicbus.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % iicbus.kld --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_multipath --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_multipath.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbus.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o iicbus.ko.full iicbus_if.o iiconf.o iicbus.o --- all_subdir_geom --- --- geom_multipath.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o geom_multipath.kld g_multipath.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o geom_multipath.kld g_multipath.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbus.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug iicbus.ko.full iicbus.ko.debug --- all_subdir_geom --- :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk geom_multipath.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % geom_multipath.kld --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicbus.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=iicbus.ko.debug iicbus.ko.full iicbus.ko --- all_subdir_iicbb --- ===> i2c/iicbb (all) --- all_subdir_geom --- --- geom_multipath.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o geom_multipath.ko.full g_multipath.o --- geom_multipath.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug geom_multipath.ko.full geom_multipath.ko.debug --- geom_multipath.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=geom_multipath.ko.debug geom_multipath.ko.full geom_multipath.ko --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- all_subdir_iicsmb --- ===> i2c/iicsmb (all) --- all_subdir_iicbb --- --- iicbb_if.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c iicbb_if.c -o iicbb_if.o --- all_subdir_iicsmb --- --- iicsmb.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicsmb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicsmb.c -o iicsmb.o --- all_subdir_iicbb --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicbb_if.o --- iicbb.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c -o iicbb.o --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_nop --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_nop.o --- geom_nop.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o geom_nop.kld g_nop.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o geom_nop.kld g_nop.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk geom_nop.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % geom_nop.kld --- geom_nop.ko.full --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -Bshareable -d -warn-common -o geom_nop.ko.full g_nop.o --- geom_nop.ko.debug --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --only-keep-debug geom_nop.ko.full geom_nop.ko.debug --- geom_nop.ko --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=geom_nop.ko.debug geom_nop.ko.full geom_nop.ko --- all_subdir_if_edsc --- ===> if_edsc (all) --- all_subdir_i2c --- In file included from /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c:56: In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/ofw_bus.h:34: /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/openfirm.h:177:47: error: unknown type name 'bus_space_tag_t'; did you mean 'bus_dma_tag_t'? int OF_decode_addr(phandle_t dev, int regno, bus_space_tag_t *ptag, ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bus_dma_tag_t /usr/src/sys/sys/_bus_dma.h:43:29: note: 'bus_dma_tag_t' declared here typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t; ^ In file included from /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb/../../../dev/iicbus/iicbb.c:56: In file included from /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/ofw_bus.h:34: /usr/src/sys/dev/ofw/openfirm.h:178:7: error: unknown type name 'bus_space_handle_t' bus_space_handle_t *phandle); ^ --- all_subdir_iicsmb --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g iicsmb.o --- all_subdir_if_edsc --- --- if_edsc.o --- cc -B/usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -fno-common -g -fPIC -I/usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC -mgeneral-regs-only -ffixed-x18 -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error-tautological-compare -Wno-error-empty-body -Wno-error-parentheses-equality -Wno-error-unused-function -Wno-error-pointer-sign -Wno-error-shift-negative-value -std=iso9899:1999 -c /usr/src/sys/modules/if_edsc/../../net/if_edsc.c -o if_edsc.o --- all_subdir_i2c --- --- iicsmb.kld --- /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/ld -d -warn-common -r -d -o iicsmb.kld iicsmb.o ctfmerge -L VERSION -g -o iicsmb.kld iicsmb.o :> export_syms awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk iicsmb.kld export_syms | xargs -J% /usr/local/aarch64-freebsd/bin/objcopy % iicsmb.kld --- all_subdir_iicbb --- 2 errors generated. *** [iicbb.o] Error code 1 make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb 1 error make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicbb *** [all_subdir_iicbb] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c --- all_subdir_iicsmb --- A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c/iicsmb *** [all_subdir_iicsmb] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c 2 errors make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/i2c *** [all_subdir_i2c] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules --- all_subdir_if_edsc --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g if_edsc.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/if_edsc *** [all_subdir_if_edsc] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules --- all_subdir_geom --- --- all_subdir_geom_mirror --- ctfconvert -L VERSION -g g_mirror.o A failure has been detected in another branch of the parallel make make[5]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom/geom_mirror *** [all_subdir_geom_mirror] Error code 2 make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom 1 error make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/geom *** [all_subdir_geom] Error code 2 make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules 3 errors make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules *** [modules-all] Error code 2 make[2]: stopped in /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC 1 error make[2]: stopped in /usr/obj/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC *** [buildkernel] Error code 2 make[1]: stopped in /usr/src 1 error make[1]: stopped in /usr/src *** [buildkernel] Error code 2 make: stopped in /usr/src 1 error make: stopped in /usr/src Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure [PostBuildScript] - Execution post build scripts. [FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + export 'PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin' + export 'jname=FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64' + echo 'clean up jail FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64' clean up jail FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo jail -r FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo ifconfig igb0 inet6 2610:1c1:1:607c::104:1 -alias + sudo umount FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64/usr/src + sudo umount FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64/dev + sudo rm -fr FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + true + sudo chflags -R noschg FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 + sudo rm -fr FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 Email was triggered for: Failure - Any Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any From Tue Dec 22 01:00:18 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CED019D5C55 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:18 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C27E61DED; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:18 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D31D910E0; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:18 +0000 (UTC) Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:15 +0000 (GMT) From: To:,,,,, Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Subject: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1932 - Fixed MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Jenkins-Job: FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 X-Jenkins-Result: SUCCESS Precedence: bulk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:18 -0000 FreeBSD_HEAD_arm64 - Build #1932 - Fixed: Build information: Full change log: Full build log: Change summaries: 292577 by ian: Include machine/_bus.h so that bus_space_[tag|handle]_t will be available. It appears that all platforms except aarch64 are getting the file via various header pollution, and ensuring _bus.h is included before any openfirmware headers in every consumer of ofw/fdt stuff seems like more of a career path than a task, so I'm taking this easy way out. 292576 by emaste: boot1.efi: show EFI error number, not full status value EFI return values set the high bit to indicate an error. The log messages changed here are printed only in the case of an error, so including the error bit is redundant. Also switch to decimal to match the error definitions (in sys/boot/efi/include/efierr.h). MFC after: 1 week Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation 292575 by emaste: rtld: Use common NT_FREEBSD_* note types introduced in r291909 Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation 292574 by gonzo: Add i.MX 6 IPU driver and enable it in IMX6 config Current functionality is somewhat limited: driver assumes that there is only one active IPU unit (IPU1) and that video output is DI0 and video mode is 1024x768. For more advanced functionality driver requires proper clock management which is work in progress. At the moment driver assumes that pixel clock is configured by u-boot for 1026x768 mode. Reviewed by: andrew, ian, mmel Differential Revision: 292573 by asomers: Fix "mount -a" for NFS and ZFS filesystems with shared mountpoints sbin/mount.c Check whether an fstab entry has the same fstype as a mounted filesystem before declaring it to be mounted. This will allow NFS filesystems that share a mountpoint with a local filesystem to be automatically mounted at boot. This is not such an unusual situation. For example, if somebody uses the standard installer with a ZFS root, he'll get a /usr/home filesystem, even though he may choose to mount /usr/home over NFS. Reviewed by: trasz MFC after: 4 weeks Sponsored by: Spectra Logic Corp Differential Revision: From Tue Dec 22 03:48:59 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DA330A4C159 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 03:48:59 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:400c:c09::232]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 65A8C17E0 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 03:48:59 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id p187so93969250wmp.0 for ; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:48:59 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=from:content-type:subject:message-id:date:to:mime-version; bh=dIaqdr+FqTwKxw9thbQe9hzK6u9eRjqxWR9HDrLrDro=; b=ISBopy0/V+gJiFIOZyGzfM25lNozWpsoh8XY5fKAXuDAhQJ7UmVQ6t+Q+bLyVvIx7N gun52PeLurI7mviSLDmgwB5r13bu1hE9/hJniuB9CEzaERemU1wFuz4vwoERfOxCbBGm aeYTTDX0I6Hon5TqNOiX9xRk8xONLiQtVblWRih2djZkiHb8Is1ST+spXok3wPw+k58q lG+2T5SDxtPEIt5Wicqg4yfuUqp2XFZzHqVzdUN6Z/VHKP8erSKxZbxtKpslSOKDvSDT DtrTZYvXVvm+ijQ8UA9pmYawsxNjVFm/AyN5EAgjKzfvtLDlvxi/xr5/+QrRugfvV9lL rAbQ== X-Received: by with SMTP id uq6mr24535736wjc.126.1450756137746; Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:48:57 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id 198sm22896336wmr.18.2015. for (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:48:56 -0800 (PST) From: Sylvain Garrigues Subject: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi Message-Id: Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 04:48:55 +0100 To: Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 03:48:59 -0000 Hello, I=E2=80=99d like to boot FreeBSD directly with u-boot, without ubldr, = using an image provided by the u-boot mkimage tool. The reason is = simple: mkimage can deal with compressed kernels and will therefore = speed my boot time. And I want to try it anyway, as it seems possible = reading = = = and various other=20 Before going there and using an mkimage, I=E2=80=99d like to boot the = kernel image just with the same bootelf version provided by the = sysutils/u-boot-rpi2 port. It doesn=E2=80=99t display anything and = crashes (I think I can see =C2=AB illegal instruction =C2=BB just before = the board reboots). I don=E2=80=99t understand why, and this is my first = question. Then I looked at the mkimage utility, although we can specify and = freebsd kernel type through the -O flag, the bootm command only = understands linux and NetBSD. I guess I should use linux there? Thanks for your help, Sylvain PS: FYI, below is: 1/ info about my kernel (I can see the entry point is at 0xc0100100), = copied into the fat partition # readelf -h = /root/crochet/work/obj/arm.armv6/root/crochet/src/sys/RPI2/kernel = =20 ELF Header: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00=20 Class: ELF32 Data: 2's complement, little endian Version: 1 (current) OS/ABI: UNIX - System V ABI Version: 0 Type: EXEC (Executable file) Machine: ARM Version: 0x1 Entry point address: 0xc0100100 Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file) Start of section headers: 6235080 (bytes into file) Flags: 0x5000202, has entry point, = Version5 EABI, Size of this header: 52 (bytes) Size of program headers: 32 (bytes) Number of program headers: 6 Size of section headers: 40 (bytes) Number of section headers: 38 Section header string table index: 35 [root@clad /usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-rpi2]# =20 2/ the interesting part of my include/configs/rpi-common.h from u-boot: #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ ENV_DEVICE_SETTINGS \ "loadaddr=3D0x02000000\0" \ "Fatboot=3D" \ "env exists loaderdev || env set loaderdev ${fatdev}; " \ "echo Booting from: ${fatdev} ${bootfile}; " \ "fatload ${fatdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootfile} && bootelf = ${loadaddr}; " \ "\0" \ "preboot=3D" \ "fdt addr 0x100; " \ "env set bootfile kernel; " \ =20 "env set fatdev 'mmc 0'; " \ "\0" #undef CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run Fatboot" #undef CONFIG_PREBOOT #define CONFIG_PREBOOT "run preboot"= From Tue Dec 22 15:23:52 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AEAB5A4F4E4 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:23:52 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4002:c07::236]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 749F31155 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:23:52 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id 140so166805197ykp.0 for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 07:23:52 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:cc:content-type; bh=BMDXX5gtEt4RcJmPCPGFu+SjXhvP2bgsXzDhM00GBZc=; b=OlRYVhuSfE5UVRNmGFitsUqVlmMwu48PasFzlYhcbmTgq8Z0Um0ryX80zJEsLMjv6p dmW9hMzDd5afrS230K/0rVwwm6wRme/GQQ+Vd7OgN7e+Z8fE6XXtINHmEj1m232O1Xk0 qgjrOibj6F3ClTDu3PS4Tsmq2g7fmKeHOUpyle2sdAmn3Fgv6AcdKjN73u0EeNdwHynf fVw5sn7ozzQCPXLA3NDw/E8tYyB3S5bWp63sh1I7M2PNeEkr/3OqpI2lJh2/FsDYaWwZ 3Yn5yPbNDzyD6aTQaU7RN+PBcGLbVzgA0TafDsiP6dPFW4GzoKOAiGDoQuhQrAH5kxW3 2nIg== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:cc :content-type; bh=BMDXX5gtEt4RcJmPCPGFu+SjXhvP2bgsXzDhM00GBZc=; b=CrgwfXhHwTDthiftRKyLv118F4Ilv9s/wsKHsCylL5p8fzL7h4QLouGORjYG3fJYNJ Oueylj0cWjw+fSYhHqyU0gobyrmOTf9mJ9/ZAJoADOWKrrAdc9r3c3Ar0lGmjgtt63Zl lKN6PorHU7Ce68DM7vY6mtC06zVq4JDy/uX6QzdCJHNwPqsWW1g6cuwyjsEGbB8q1By5 5GppwpY+DjxkwHOUj+9r6VB1aS55NuU2/cpLQhFmitZTw3dW+SNRC85FhI8E3IU4oZaI JNOh6QSsAGcDlb6sAB3NGFMxFbUZ4MFc6uMfQTUwzVEv/5umJqliihgwSqIolK6HwvaF sjRg== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQl5eaPlOFLvECUPXn4pYSId7eqQ99FvvSVTX97CnsMsS4bTsRY4xWB5RO/iIxRG4I2AiuJPUP3K4UGLCwxki5yxn+PHqA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id m124mr19249114ywe.215.1450797831313; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 07:23:51 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 07:23:51 -0800 (PST) Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 16:23:51 +0100 Message-ID: Subject: Translation Fault (L1) while using pmap-v6-new From: Bartosz Szczepanek To:, Cc: Marcin Wojtas Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=94eb2c0773ec60b22605277e31ba X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:23:52 -0000 --94eb2c0773ec60b22605277e31ba Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hello, currently I'm working on support for Armada38x on FreeBSD-CURRENT (patchset was submitted to Phabricator - After switching to ARM_NEW_PMAP problems related with PCIe subsystem emerged, even though that worked fine on FreeBSD-10.2. My setup consists of Marvell Armada38x GP development board equipped with Cortex-A9, PCIe controller serviced by arm/mv/mv_pci.c driver and RealTek GE PCI card (re driver). Enabling ARM_NEW_PMAP leads to 'Translation Fault (L1)' on write: > Starting Network: lo0 re0. > lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 > options=600003 > inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 > inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 > inet netmask 0xff000000 > nd6 options=21 > re0: flags=8802 metrnelric 0 mtu 1500 > mod options=8209b aN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGbortGING,VLAN_HWCSUM: 'T,WOL_MAGIC,LINKSransTATE> > on F ether 64lati:70:02:10:f7:20 > ault (L1)' on write > trapframe: 0xefe78b40 > FSR=00000805, FAR=80000060, spsr=60000013 > r0 =c0e796c0, r1 =80000000, r2 =00000004, r3 =00010000 > r4 =c57f1000, r5 =c57f1000, r6 =00000000, r7 =00000001 > r8 =c0e47e8c, r9 =c5be3780, r10=c57efb00, r11=efe78be0 > r12=efe78d43, ssp=efe78bd0, slr=c0971ef4, pc =c0971f64 > [ thread pid 241 tid 100068 ] > Stopped at re_gmii_readreg+0x50: str r3, [r1, #0x060] > db> (re_gmii_readreg is function in re driver, I made it non-static so it is visible in debugger) Address it crashes on lies in the PCI devices' memory range, and it was accessed successfully several times during boot proccess before crash (I put printfs in the exact function where fault occurs). So it seems just like the memory mapping has disappeared at some point. I put kdb_enter in re attach function (long before translation fault), from that point I see that 0x80000000 mapping exists: > pcib0: mem 0xf1080000-0xf1081fff irq 1 on ofwbus0 > [ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ] > Stopped at kdb_enter+0x58: ldrb r15, [r15, r15, ror r15]! > db> show pmap > pmap: 0xC0EAC544 > PT2MAP: 0xBFC00000 > pt2tab: 0xC0F04000 > 0x80000000: Section 0x8001041A, s:1 g:1 > 0x80100000: Section 0x8011041A, s:1 g:1 > 0x80200000: Section 0x8021041A, s:1 g:1 > 0x80300000: Section 0x8031041A, s:1 g:1 > ... Doing 'show pmap' after crash gives me long, long log without 0x80000000 occuring. On the other hand, adding vtophys(0x80000060) line before affected write operation translates address correctly. It is visible in log attached. I've also tried to track various functions removing mapping in pmap-v6-new, but with no luck. However, problem seems to lie there, as system boots fine without ARM_NEW_PMAP option. I would be grateful for you advice - what else can I do to investigate the issue? Best regards, Bartosz Szczepanek --94eb2c0773ec60b22605277e31ba Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="pmap_a38x_log.txt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pmap_a38x_log.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_iihj89ga0 IyMgU3RhcnRpbmcgYXBwbGljYXRpb24gYXQgMHgwMDkwMDAwMCAuLi4KS0RCOiBkZWJ1Z2dlciBi YWNrZW5kczogZGRiCktEQjogY3VycmVudCBiYWNrZW5kOiBkZGIKQ29weXJpZ2h0IChjKSAxOTky LTIwMTUgVGhlIEZyZWVCU0QgUHJvamVjdC4KQ29weXJpZ2h0IChjKSAxOTc5LCAxOTgwLCAxOTgz LCAxOTg2LCAxOTg4LCAxOTg5LCAxOTkxLCAxOTkyLCAxOTkzLCAxOTk0CglUaGUgUmVnZW50cyBv ZiB0aGUgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSBvZiBDYWxpZm9ybmlhLiBBbGwgcmlnaHRzIHJlc2VydmVkLgpGcmVl QlNEIGlzIGEgcmVnaXN0ZXJlZCB0cmFkZW1hcmsgb2YgVGhlIEZyZWVCU0QgRm91bmRhdGlvbi4K RnJlZUJTRCAxMS4wLUNVUlJFTlQgIzE5MSAzOGIzMDAzKGRldmVsLWZic2QtYTM4eC1ic3otdXBz dHJlYW0pLWRpcnR5OiBUdWUgRGVjIDIyIDE1OjU5OjUwIENFVCAyMDE1CiAgICBic3pAZmJzZDov dXNyL2hvbWUvYnN6L2J1aWxkL2FybS5hcm12Ni91c3IvaG9tZS9ic3ovZnJlZWJzZC1uZXRhc3Ev 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ICAgcjQgPSAweDAwMDM1ZjIwICByNSA9IDB4YmZiZmRlYjgKICAgICAgICAgcjYgPSAweGJmYmZk ZWJhICByNyA9IDB4MDAwMDAwMzYKICAgICAgICAgcjggPSAweDAwMDAwMDAwICByOSA9IDB4MDAw MzdjZGMKICAgICAgICByMTAgPSAweGJmYmZlZTE4CnN3aV9leGl0KCkgYXQgc3dpX2V4aXQKICAg ICAgICAgcGMgPSAweGMwZDE3YzRjICBsciA9IDB4YzBkMTdjNGMgKHN3aV9leGl0KQogICAgICAg ICBzcCA9IDB4ZWZlODBlNTAgIGZwID0gMHhiZmJmZTY3MApkYj4gCgo= --94eb2c0773ec60b22605277e31ba-- From Tue Dec 22 16:53:15 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 77CE1A4E36D for ; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 16:53:15 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 000251A8F; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 16:53:14 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id AEB273AC89; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:46:23 +0100 (CET) Subject: Re: Translation Fault (L1) while using pmap-v6-new To: Bartosz Szczepanek ,, References: Cc: Marcin Wojtas From: Michal Meloun Organization: Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:46:23 +0100 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.2.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Greylist: Sender succeeded SMTP AUTH, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.4.3 (; Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:46:23 +0100 (CET) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 16:53:15 -0000 Dne 22.12.2015 v 16:23 Bartosz Szczepanek napsal(a): > Hello, > > currently I'm working on support for Armada38x on FreeBSD-CURRENT > (patchset was submitted to Phabricator - > After switching to ARM_NEW_PMAP > problems related with PCIe subsystem emerged, even though that worked > fine on FreeBSD-10.2. > > My setup consists of Marvell Armada38x GP development board equipped > with Cortex-A9, PCIe controller serviced by arm/mv/mv_pci.c driver and > RealTek GE PCI card (re driver). Enabling ARM_NEW_PMAP leads to > 'Translation Fault (L1)' on write: > >> Starting Network: lo0 re0. >> lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 >> options=600003 >> inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 >> inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 >> inet netmask 0xff000000 >> nd6 options=21 >> re0: flags=8802 metrnelric 0 mtu 1500 >> mod options=8209b aN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGbortGING,VLAN_HWCSUM: 'T,WOL_MAGIC,LINKSransTATE> >> on F ether 64lati:70:02:10:f7:20 >> ault (L1)' on write >> trapframe: 0xefe78b40 >> FSR=00000805, FAR=80000060, spsr=60000013 >> r0 =c0e796c0, r1 =80000000, r2 =00000004, r3 =00010000 >> r4 =c57f1000, r5 =c57f1000, r6 =00000000, r7 =00000001 >> r8 =c0e47e8c, r9 =c5be3780, r10=c57efb00, r11=efe78be0 >> r12=efe78d43, ssp=efe78bd0, slr=c0971ef4, pc =c0971f64 >> [ thread pid 241 tid 100068 ] >> Stopped at re_gmii_readreg+0x50: str r3, [r1, #0x060] >> db> > > (re_gmii_readreg is function in re driver, I made it non-static so it > is visible in debugger) > Address it crashes on lies in the PCI devices' memory range, and it > was accessed successfully several times during boot proccess before > crash (I put printfs in the exact function where fault occurs). So it > seems just like the memory mapping has disappeared at some point. I > put kdb_enter in re attach function (long before translation fault), > from that point I see that 0x80000000 mapping exists: > >> pcib0: mem 0xf1080000-0xf1081fff irq 1 on ofwbus0 >> [ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ] >> Stopped at kdb_enter+0x58: ldrb r15, [r15, r15, ror r15]! >> db> show pmap >> pmap: 0xC0EAC544 >> PT2MAP: 0xBFC00000 >> pt2tab: 0xC0F04000 >> 0x80000000: Section 0x8001041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80100000: Section 0x8011041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80200000: Section 0x8021041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80300000: Section 0x8031041A, s:1 g:1 >> ... > > Doing 'show pmap' after crash gives me long, long log without > 0x80000000 occuring. On the other hand, adding vtophys(0x80000060) > line before affected write operation translates address correctly. It > is visible in log attached. > > I've also tried to track various functions removing mapping in > pmap-v6-new, but with no luck. However, problem seems to lie there, as > system boots fine without ARM_NEW_PMAP option. I would be grateful for > you advice - what else can I do to investigate the issue? > > Best regards, > Bartosz Szczepanek > > > > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" > Isn't 0x80000060 little strange address for KVA? Michal From Wed Dec 23 10:45:27 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 06F27A501E8 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:45:27 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c05::22b]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id CD58D1007 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:45:26 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id mv3so64946290igc.0 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:45:26 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=ld9OD/6hFIqb9fiVtf9c2BkUDStfaDw0CNYUrmyySlY=; b=bzZv1V7D/lDP5xi+eJN7kSnML8F5sxjVRrpupegBN6os8P0epucSaipdIq0JOZ6bO6 jy/3kZ8xDSpgSAiHJk+BaEdkEWHuouXq0V7Bt/gpZlGe0Ai2WY9RlUQFDn1vOQTSMsqK OQxQyATVGFcOp5uA0MUCOlNFW/42ik2WaGF5o1L8gL9DBO+715xnAmb+ahawoh2phgSh H30PFsapQ8PXZp3ARmlpUKd5zKeDUtjsMVz4F6hAPyEcZ/FFy64U/WWBzNCj7aieyO0q OkuCfanYXr8XxNp2hpiF+sqACYZ2nUc311srzgk1M113oZbp3l7CaPB/6/aOCCDZSGLD xYUQ== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id u20mr30275754igr.26.1450867526189; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:45:26 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:45:26 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: References: Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:45:26 +0100 Message-ID: Subject: Re: Translation Fault (L1) while using pmap-v6-new From: Svatopluk Kraus To: Bartosz Szczepanek Cc: "" , Marcin Wojtas Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:45:27 -0000 On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Bartosz Szczepanek wrote: > Hello, > > currently I'm working on support for Armada38x on FreeBSD-CURRENT > (patchset was submitted to Phabricator - > After switching to ARM_NEW_PMAP > problems related with PCIe subsystem emerged, even though that worked > fine on FreeBSD-10.2. > > My setup consists of Marvell Armada38x GP development board equipped > with Cortex-A9, PCIe controller serviced by arm/mv/mv_pci.c driver and > RealTek GE PCI card (re driver). Enabling ARM_NEW_PMAP leads to > 'Translation Fault (L1)' on write: > >> Starting Network: lo0 re0. >> lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 >> options=600003 >> inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 >> inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 >> inet netmask 0xff000000 >> nd6 options=21 >> re0: flags=8802 metrnelric 0 mtu 1500 >> mod options=8209b aN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGbortGING,VLAN_HWCSUM: 'T,WOL_MAGIC,LINKSransTATE> >> on F ether 64lati:70:02:10:f7:20 >> ault (L1)' on write >> trapframe: 0xefe78b40 >> FSR=00000805, FAR=80000060, spsr=60000013 >> r0 =c0e796c0, r1 =80000000, r2 =00000004, r3 =00010000 >> r4 =c57f1000, r5 =c57f1000, r6 =00000000, r7 =00000001 >> r8 =c0e47e8c, r9 =c5be3780, r10=c57efb00, r11=efe78be0 >> r12=efe78d43, ssp=efe78bd0, slr=c0971ef4, pc =c0971f64 >> [ thread pid 241 tid 100068 ] >> Stopped at re_gmii_readreg+0x50: str r3, [r1, #0x060] >> db> > > (re_gmii_readreg is function in re driver, I made it non-static so it > is visible in debugger) > Address it crashes on lies in the PCI devices' memory range, and it > was accessed successfully several times during boot proccess before > crash (I put printfs in the exact function where fault occurs). So it > seems just like the memory mapping has disappeared at some point. I > put kdb_enter in re attach function (long before translation fault), > from that point I see that 0x80000000 mapping exists: > >> pcib0: mem 0xf1080000-0xf1081fff irq 1 on ofwbus0 >> [ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ] >> Stopped at kdb_enter+0x58: ldrb r15, [r15, r15, ror r15]! >> db> show pmap >> pmap: 0xC0EAC544 >> PT2MAP: 0xBFC00000 >> pt2tab: 0xC0F04000 >> 0x80000000: Section 0x8001041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80100000: Section 0x8011041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80200000: Section 0x8021041A, s:1 g:1 >> 0x80300000: Section 0x8031041A, s:1 g:1 >> ... According to the show pmap output, there is a global mapping (g:1) on many addresses which are not from KVA (as Michal has already written). KVA starts at 0xC0000000 and global mapping outside of KVA space is not allowed. Thus,probably some malicious driver is doing bad mapping. Maybe it's just coincidence, but 0x80000060 looks like physical address of re(4) memory resource? > > Doing 'show pmap' after crash gives me long, long log without > 0x80000000 occuring. On the other hand, adding vtophys(0x80000060) > line before affected write operation translates address correctly. It > is visible in log attached. > > I've also tried to track various functions removing mapping in > pmap-v6-new, but with no luck. However, problem seems to lie there, as > system boots fine without ARM_NEW_PMAP option. I would be grateful for > you advice - what else can I do to investigate the issue? > > Best regards, > Bartosz Szczepanek From Wed Dec 23 16:53:40 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F3D82A4F081 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 16:53:39 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:4010:c04::22f]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 9139F1E31 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 16:53:39 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id sv6so42546146lbb.0 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 08:53:39 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id:subject:to :cc:content-type; bh=ZMR3TfwaKlwamLjRVO9JUJ8JQOXYlRm8tMNQR8N2FpU=; b=xT8Vnrgtzg58FpDmfoDTu6gOV3FNx2axxHvQYVV2K2MYok7W0KLLv+0RWjeoAFrUgl cM/U2mNZYYNpZxK1YHJX4mKaUuvqedPDKissbUCnzYpDzQIDAk4etlkI+VBGvpeQa/yx VFO7g7k0I9NkY/3OASj/Mb7E0lTxRSbd2k07hRP+TLN3Y3ckO8xKGrd299ED72LKuhS8 TjoJmSmOQMwZyiFxQqhNI+hsnW0OmX/xEtnxLpIBAaNzh6eVAmhvdrCCc4ayNWxGn48F wY5sb2ICzVQkiZ8DbJSRG2j5f0lOCMl3WoVbnhDKXFWWJhikFH4m85p/JsumnDYh8Kwj bDXw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date :message-id:subject:to:cc:content-type; bh=ZMR3TfwaKlwamLjRVO9JUJ8JQOXYlRm8tMNQR8N2FpU=; b=SZPysuSK8GoCBDuXOPhoWbRH5fx7tI+RbgpP3ZzFxolRJ9PrXK096NS5fuzBQj/8YB wZeHk4kpVu9XQuw8rUDqq03dU9hDhY/M8ILd7XppFFvnbKiseOA4LZr/ra2DExJGWXHG IyGbT9hSXPajpL+nLnqes6bvGNePWX8Y/bRb8Isd+zzXEgJOPhUuq+/jpXHrHEhsLf3A xeJFsnih/lBLp24wmSrcgsycoE53VOl5RHijvl0F/fvN7dijd+8nhGiyNsG0MVvCEUWb i79fVo93Y0/3hMpEz92AtevOOCoID4EMZseEAfmcGqdpQ9U1CooUUtrQKnuSYdUqGf0D f3og== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQnD1iQ2RHwR5ZXULUq39bhmtb2M0NmkTfwRDXkp5QX3bVqAA2ng+F5U4j7ALMqT764bgqPl9KsWSbre6dMUR7jrD1/lkQ== X-Received: by with SMTP id xm10mr8965463lbb.22.1450889616951; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 08:53:36 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 08:53:17 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: References: From: Zbigniew Bodek Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 17:53:17 +0100 Message-ID: Subject: Re: Various panics while using HWPMC on ARM64 To: Ruslan Bukin Cc: Andrew Turner , "" , Ed Maste Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 16:53:40 -0000 Hi, I go into new panics although quite similar to the previously mentioned in both SMP and UP but this time I tried to use DTrace. Can anyone check this on another ARM64 platform? I used ThunderX and FreeBSD-CURRENT r292654. Best regards zbb Please check out below for panic outputs: SMP: -------- root@thunder_crb4:~ # procsystime Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end... ^C Elapsed Times for all processes, x0: 1 x1: 0 x2: ffffff800052c911 x3: deadc0d8 x4: 1a2 x5: ffffff854a976860 x6: 0 x7: 100 x8: deadc0de x9: 0 x10: c4d4ae68 x11: 6c4d4ae68 x12: 80000000 x13: 0 x14: b x15: 274f x16: ffffff80481a97f8 x17: ffffff8048196814 x18: ffffff854a9764b0 x19: 989680 x20: ffffff8000708000 x21: ffffff8000702038 x22: ffffffc004219000 x23: ffffff8000702050 x24: 3938700 x25: 3938700 x26: ffffff80006e2000 x27: ffffffc0041129a0 x28: 39386ff x29: ffffff854a976530 x30: ffffff854a976530 sp: ffffff854a9764b0 lr: ffffff8000244760 elr: ffffff80002448e8 spsr: 600003c5 far: deadc174 esr: 96000007 panic: data abort in critical section or under mutex cpuid = 0 KDB: enter: panic [ thread pid 11 tid 100004 ] Stopped at kdb_enter+0x40: db> UP: -------- root@thunder_crb4:~ # kldload dtraceall IMPLEMENT ME: dtrace_toxic_ranges x0: ffffff8000299740 x1: ffffffc0040cd100 x2: ffffff8000299740 x3: ffffff8043655a70 x4: ffffff8000299740 x5: 0 x6: ffffff87cba9c0a8 x7: 0 x8: ffffffc0129484d0 x9: 1 x10: 1 x11: 0 x12: ffffffc003e7ed88 x13: ffffffc007ab0280 x14: 400000 x15: ffffff800068c000 x16: ffffff80436687b8 x17: ffffff8000299690 x18: ffffff87cba9c010 x19: ffffff8043655a70 x20: ffffff8000299740 x21: ffffff8000299740 x22: ffffffc0040cd100 x23: ffffffc003e7ed40 x24: 8 x25: 1 x26: ffffff8043669000 x27: ffffff8043669000 x28: ffffff8043669000 x29: ffffff87cba9c030 x30: ffffff87cba9c030 sp: ffffff87cba9c010 lr: ffffff80002996c0 elr: ffffffc0040cd100 spsr: 800003c5 panic: Unknown kernel exception 0 esr_el1 2000000 KDB: enter: panic [ thread pid 719 tid 100062 ] Stopped at kdb_enter+0x40: db> 2015-12-14 16:24 GMT+01:00 Zbigniew Bodek : > Hello, > > Did you have time to look into that? Do you have any clues what could > be wrong here? > We would like to use hwpmc for profiling so your help will be very > much appreciated. > > Best regards > zbb > > 2015-12-09 13:06 GMT+01:00 Zbigniew Bodek : >> Hello Ed, >> >> Done. I also check what happens when SMP is disabled and the kassert >> is triggered: >> >> root@thunderx_crb4:~ # pmcstat -S CPU_CYCLES -O cpu_cycles.pmc >> ^Cpanic: [pmc,4256] cpu 0 didn't find a sample to collect >> KDB: stack backtrace: >> db_trace_self() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x28 >> pc = 0xffffff80004e9aac lr = 0xffffff800006d8b4 >> sp = 0xffffff87cba976e0 fp = 0xffffff87cba97800 >> >> db_trace_self_wrapper() at vpanic+0x9c >> pc = 0xffffff800006d8b4 lr = 0xffffff800027136c >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97810 fp = 0xffffff87cba97880 >> >> vpanic() at kassert_panic+0x160 >> pc = 0xffffff800027136c lr = 0xffffff80002712cc >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97890 fp = 0xffffff87cba97950 >> >> kassert_panic() at pmc_capture_user_callchain+0x1a4 >> pc = 0xffffff80002712cc lr = 0xffffff80000e1444 >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97960 fp = 0xffffff87cba979c0 >> >> pmc_capture_user_callchain() at pmc_hook_handler+0x7c0 >> pc = 0xffffff80000e1444 lr = 0xffffff80000dfb78 >> sp = 0xffffff87cba979d0 fp = 0xffffff87cba97a50 >> >> pmc_hook_handler() at ast+0x14c >> pc = 0xffffff80000dfb78 lr = 0xffffff80002b976c >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97a60 fp = 0xffffff87cba97a90 >> >> ast() at handle_el0_sync+0x90 >> pc = 0xffffff80002b976c lr = 0xffffff80004eb224 >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97aa0 fp = 0xffffff87cba97bb0 >> >> handle_el0_sync() at 0x406d60 >> pc = 0xffffff80004eb224 lr = 0x0000000000406d60 >> sp = 0xffffff87cba97bc0 fp = 0x0000007ffffff540 >> >> KDB: enter: panic >> [ thread pid 679 tid 100061 ] >> Stopped at kdb_enter+0x40: >> db> >> >> >> when invariants options is disabled I only get: >> >> root@thunderx_crb4:~ # pmcstat -S CPU_CYCLES -O cpu_cycles.pmc >> ^Cpmcstat: WARNING: sampling was paused at least 1 time. >> Please consider tuning the "kern.hwpmc.nsamples" tunable. >> >> >> Best regards >> zbb >> >> 2015-12-08 20:59 GMT+01:00 Ed Maste : >>> On 8 December 2015 at 14:34, Zbigniew Bodek wrote: >>>> Hello, >>>> >>>> I encountered some problems with FreeBSD on ARM64 while using hwpmc. >>>> Some of the errors that I found are listed below: >>>> >>>> * panic: Unknown kernel exception 0 esr_el1 2000000 >>>> * panic: data abort in critical section or under mutex >>>> * panic: VFP exception in the kernel >>>> * panic: Unknown kernel exception 21 esr_el1 86000006 >>> >>> Can you add these notes to PR 204686? I think there are SMP issues in >>> arm64 hwpmc that need to be resolved. From Wed Dec 23 22:02:07 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6735DA50B3C for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:02:07 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BC3191B28 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:02:06 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.0:DHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1:16) (Exim 4.72) (envelope-from ) id 1aBrTk-0001r5-1y for; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 23:01:57 +0100 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=----------7Q8RxOqXNDXZskN6CFMV3p To: Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 23:01:43 +0100 Subject: ports-mgmt/pkg does not build MIME-Version: 1.0 From: "Ronald Klop" Message-ID: User-Agent: Opera Mail/12.16 (FreeBSD) X-Authenticated-As-Hash: 398f5522cb258ce43cb679602f8cfe8b62a256d1 X-Virus-Scanned: by clamav at X-Spam-Level: / X-Spam-Score: -0.2 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.2 required=5.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED, BAYES_50 autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 X-Scan-Signature: 45b8b234c327cf3ce4cda0428fe56d1c X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:02:07 -0000 ------------7Q8RxOqXNDXZskN6CFMV3p Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I upgraded my Sheevaplug from CURRENT r285336 (Jul 10) to r292343 (Dec 16). This went from clang 3.6.1 to 3.7.0. This runs, but building potrs-mgmt/pkg does not work. The error of clang is: error: no handler registered for module format 'raw' fatal error: error in backend: unknown module format See for more information. What could be the cause of this? Or what information can I provide to help? Regards, Ronald. ------------7Q8RxOqXNDXZskN6CFMV3p Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=config.log Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=config.log Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64 VGhpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRhaW5zIGFueSBtZXNzYWdlcyBwcm9kdWNlZCBieSBjb21w aWxlcnMgd2hpbGUKcnVubmluZyBjb25maWd1cmUsIHRvIGFpZCBkZWJ1Z2dpbmcg aWYgY29uZmlndXJlIG1ha2VzIGEgbWlzdGFrZS4KCkl0IHdhcyBjcmVhdGVkIGJ5 IHBrZyBjb25maWd1cmUgMS42LjIsIHdoaWNoIHdhcwpnZW5lcmF0ZWQgYnkgR05V IEF1dG9jb25mIDIuNjkuICBJbnZvY2F0aW9uIGNvbW1hbmQgbGluZSB3YXMKCiAg JCAuL2NvbmZpZ3VyZSAtLWRpc2FibGUtbWFpbnRhaW5lci1tb2RlIC0tcHJlZml4 PS91c3IvbG9jYWwgLS1sb2NhbHN0YXRlZGlyPS92YXIgLS1tYW5kaXI9L3Vzci9s b2NhbC9tYW4gLS1pbmZvZGlyPS91c3IvbG9jYWwvaW5mby8gLS1idWlsZD1hcm0t cG9ydGJsZC1mcmVlYnNkMTEuMAoKIyMgLS0tLS0tLS0tICMjCiMjIFBsYXRmb3Jt LiAjIwojIyAtLS0tLS0tLS0gIyMKCmhvc3RuYW1lID0gc2hlZXZhMi5rbG9wLndz CnVuYW1lIC1tID0gYXJtCnVuYW1lIC1yID0gMTEuMC1DVVJSRU5UCnVuYW1lIC1z ID0gRnJlZUJTRAp1bmFtZSAtdiA9IEZyZWVCU0QgMTEuMC1DVVJSRU5UICMxMiBy 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ZWZzLmguICMjCiMjIC0tLS0tLS0tLS0tICMjCgovKiBjb25mZGVmcy5oICovCiNk ZWZpbmUgUEFDS0FHRV9OQU1FICJwa2ciCiNkZWZpbmUgUEFDS0FHRV9UQVJOQU1F ICJwa2ciCiNkZWZpbmUgUEFDS0FHRV9WRVJTSU9OICIxLjYuMiIKI2RlZmluZSBQ QUNLQUdFX1NUUklORyAicGtnIDEuNi4yIgojZGVmaW5lIFBBQ0tBR0VfQlVHUkVQ T1JUICJodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vZnJlZWJzZC9wa2ciCiNkZWZpbmUgUEFD S0FHRV9VUkwgIiIKI2RlZmluZSBQQUNLQUdFICJwa2ciCiNkZWZpbmUgVkVSU0lP TiAiMS42LjIiCgpjb25maWd1cmU6IGV4aXQgNzcK ------------7Q8RxOqXNDXZskN6CFMV3p-- From Wed Dec 23 22:21:58 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A5913A4F11C for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:21:58 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8ACB41316 for ; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:21:58 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (unknown []) by (Halon Mail Gateway) with ESMTPSA; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:22:14 +0000 (UTC) Received: from rev (rev []) by (8.14.9/8.14.9) with ESMTP id tBNMLtPv004272; Wed, 23 Dec 2015 15:21:55 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: ports-mgmt/pkg does not build From: Ian Lepore To: Ronald Klop , Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 15:21:55 -0700 In-Reply-To: References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.16.5 FreeBSD GNOME Team Port Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:21:58 -0000 On Wed, 2015-12-23 at 23:01 +0100, Ronald Klop wrote: > Hello, > > I upgraded my Sheevaplug from CURRENT r285336 (Jul 10) to r292343 > (Dec > 16). This went from clang 3.6.1 to 3.7.0. > This runs, but building potrs-mgmt/pkg does not work. > The error of clang is: > error: no handler registered for module format 'raw' > fatal error: error in backend: unknown module format > > See for more information. > > What could be the cause of this? Or what information can I provide to > help? > > Regards, > Ronald. This isn't a problem with ports, it's a problem with clang 3.7 -- it just doesn't work on armv4/5. It works to crossbuild from amd64, but when run native on arm it fails. It's a known problem that nobody is working on, because the old arm stuff just doesn't get any love anymore. When I needed to do a bit of testing on dreamplug recently I just switched to the old gcc compiler. -- Ian From Thu Dec 24 06:39:11 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 20414A50041 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:39:11 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E9AD01DA1 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:39:10 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.14.4/8.14.4) id tBO6Jx6J081303; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:19:59 GMT (envelope-from Received: from [] ( []) by with SMTP id 5t9t8wkvu9ygu2h57nbyaafx3a; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:19:59 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) Subject: Re: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi From: Tim Kientzle In-Reply-To: Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:18:44 -0800 Cc: freebsd-arm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: <> References: To: Sylvain Garrigues X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:39:11 -0000 Actually, it would be more interesting to go a step further and boot the = FreeBSD kernel directly from the firmware, bypassing both U-Boot and = ubldr. Warner did some work long ago to allow the FreeBSD kernel to boot from a = Linux boot loader, which should make this possible. You might try = looking at that code and seeing if you can get it to work. Cheers, Tim > On Dec 21, 2015, at 7:48 PM, Sylvain Garrigues = wrote: >=20 > Hello, >=20 > I=E2=80=99d like to boot FreeBSD directly with u-boot, without ubldr, = using an image provided by the u-boot mkimage tool. The reason is = simple: mkimage can deal with compressed kernels and will therefore = speed my boot time. And I want to try it anyway, as it seems possible = reading = = = and various other=20 >=20 > Before going there and using an mkimage, I=E2=80=99d like to boot the = kernel image just with the same bootelf version provided by the = sysutils/u-boot-rpi2 port. It doesn=E2=80=99t display anything and = crashes (I think I can see =C2=AB illegal instruction =C2=BB just before = the board reboots). I don=E2=80=99t understand why, and this is my first = question. >=20 > Then I looked at the mkimage utility, although we can specify and = freebsd kernel type through the -O flag, the bootm command only = understands linux and NetBSD. I guess I should use linux there? >=20 > Thanks for your help, > Sylvain >=20 >=20 > PS: FYI, below is: >=20 > 1/ info about my kernel (I can see the entry point is at 0xc0100100), = copied into the fat partition >=20 > # readelf -h = /root/crochet/work/obj/arm.armv6/root/crochet/src/sys/RPI2/kernel = =20 > ELF Header: > Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00=20 > Class: ELF32 > Data: 2's complement, little endian > Version: 1 (current) > OS/ABI: UNIX - System V > ABI Version: 0 > Type: EXEC (Executable file) > Machine: ARM > Version: 0x1 > Entry point address: 0xc0100100 > Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file) > Start of section headers: 6235080 (bytes into file) > Flags: 0x5000202, has entry point, = Version5 EABI, > Size of this header: 52 (bytes) > Size of program headers: 32 (bytes) > Number of program headers: 6 > Size of section headers: 40 (bytes) > Number of section headers: 38 > Section header string table index: 35 > [root@clad /usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-rpi2]# =20 >=20 > 2/ the interesting part of my include/configs/rpi-common.h from = u-boot: >=20 > #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ > ENV_DEVICE_SETTINGS \ > "loadaddr=3D0x02000000\0" \ > "Fatboot=3D" \ > "env exists loaderdev || env set loaderdev ${fatdev}; " \ > "echo Booting from: ${fatdev} ${bootfile}; " \ > "fatload ${fatdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootfile} && bootelf = ${loadaddr}; " \ > "\0" \ > "preboot=3D" \ > "fdt addr 0x100; " \ > "env set bootfile kernel; " \ =20 > "env set fatdev 'mmc 0'; " \ > "\0" > #undef CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND > #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run Fatboot" > #undef CONFIG_PREBOOT > #define CONFIG_PREBOOT "run preboot" > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" From Thu Dec 24 10:51:12 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 063ADA5101C for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 10:51:12 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:400c:c09::22e]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7E26C1731 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 10:51:11 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id l126so178177992wml.0 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 02:51:11 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=content-type:mime-version:subject:from:in-reply-to:date:cc :message-id:references:to; bh=M/uWTZOyQM8lge6LME/4xfIXAveLOxCfOezKlQo4mXs=; b=ZEyzOklZCNI2MFhonhszFX7De3e4PDL9cyv6zJA7tWMEEXf1nwDWSpFYMrdrGhGkB8 d3Ybdk9dLd4q5f8zg+NJ/uZ3D5kQ1kQG1Y+Nkd+87Y6Dk182ROSa4baOQX4if/eR6FpO kOQFtvdSjEplIvpe08yRaKoPhZqNo4fsqsf3yRKYBiXt1E0pCsCNlADjkkqIp29fmfJu xQQtKxKFPv6zgMBXSg5qM8hE9KCL0F3MkKpcJ8VWjqR2laHl/atHsN8ljp8zcbvxDAh0 Oq626yJfHyjPNGiDX9h6S7qm1n8ZdrGv88KEah/V1FdnnebrQoAqifmFxE4AneDjvpA2 Kv/g== X-Received: by with SMTP id 132mr41997702wmn.62.1450954269746; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 02:51:09 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id m70sm30654253wmb.0.2015. (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Thu, 24 Dec 2015 02:51:08 -0800 (PST) Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) Subject: Re: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi From: Sylvain Garrigues In-Reply-To: <> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 11:51:07 +0100 Cc: freebsd-arm Message-Id: <> References: <> To: Tim Kientzle X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 10:51:12 -0000 If I look at what gonzo did for VERSATILEPB, I think it can be done = easily by writing a tiny assembly code that does something like what he = did: # set r0..r3 to zero /usr/bin/printf "\0\0\240\343" > ${WORKDIR}/first_commands /usr/bin/printf "\0\020\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands /usr/bin/printf "\0\040\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands /usr/bin/printf "\0\060\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands =20 # jump to kernel entry point /usr/bin/printf "\001\366\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands =20 # install kernel [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin board_default_installkernel ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D1M count=3D4 if=3D/dev/zero dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D1 conv=3Dnotrunc = if=3D${WORKDIR}/first_commands dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D64k oseek=3D15 conv=3Dnotrunc = if=3D${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin/boot/kernel/kernel.bin The only problem for the Raspberry pi is that, if I am correct, the DTB = is modified by the firmware (bootcode.bin) so I can=E2=80=99t statically = compile the DTB in the kernel like for VERSATILEPB :( I would need to = mimic what loader does and create a kernel environment variable which = contains the address to the DTB. This is a good exercice, but it doesn=E2=80=99t solve my project which = is to: 1/ have a self-extracting kernel or have a loader which uncompress the = kernel, so that it takes much less time to start (my benchmark is = raspbian or openelec).=20 =3D=3D> I compiled ubldr with LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT and compressed kernel = to kernel.gz, reducing the size by 2. The loader does manage to load, = uncompress and boot the kernel.gz, but the loading time is worse than = when uncompressed, so I=E2=80=99m stuck I don=E2=80=99t know what=E2=80=99= s wrong? 2/ have the bootloader / kernel display a nice splash screen while the = kernel boots =3D=3D> for that I looked at u-boot splash screen but the quality of the = rendering is too poor (8-bit bitmap). I looked at the VT frame buffer = but the slash screen feature is also limited. So I might now look into = the misc/raspberrypi-userland port and understand how the hello_jpeg = sample code does that with the GPU, then I plan to port it in the kernel = initialization code, not sure it=E2=80=99s going to work)=20 Have a good day > Le 24 d=C3=A9c. 2015 =C3=A0 07:18, Tim Kientzle a = =C3=A9crit : >=20 > Actually, it would be more interesting to go a step further and boot = the FreeBSD kernel directly from the firmware, bypassing both U-Boot and = ubldr. >=20 > Warner did some work long ago to allow the FreeBSD kernel to boot from = a Linux boot loader, which should make this possible. You might try = looking at that code and seeing if you can get it to work. >=20 > Cheers, >=20 > Tim >=20 >=20 >> On Dec 21, 2015, at 7:48 PM, Sylvain Garrigues > wrote: >>=20 >> Hello, >>=20 >> I=E2=80=99d like to boot FreeBSD directly with u-boot, without ubldr, = using an image provided by the u-boot mkimage tool. The reason is = simple: mkimage can deal with compressed kernels and will therefore = speed my boot time. And I want to try it anyway, as it seems possible = reading = = > = and various other=20 >>=20 >> Before going there and using an mkimage, I=E2=80=99d like to boot the = kernel image just with the same bootelf version provided by the = sysutils/u-boot-rpi2 port. It doesn=E2=80=99t display anything and = crashes (I think I can see =C2=AB illegal instruction =C2=BB just before = the board reboots). I don=E2=80=99t understand why, and this is my first = question. >>=20 >> Then I looked at the mkimage utility, although we can specify and = freebsd kernel type through the -O flag, the bootm command only = understands linux and NetBSD. I guess I should use linux there? >>=20 >> Thanks for your help, >> Sylvain >>=20 >>=20 >> PS: FYI, below is: >>=20 >> 1/ info about my kernel (I can see the entry point is at 0xc0100100), = copied into the fat partition >>=20 >> # readelf -h = /root/crochet/work/obj/arm.armv6/root/crochet/src/sys/RPI2/kernel = =20 >> ELF Header: >> Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00=20 >> Class: ELF32 >> Data: 2's complement, little endian >> Version: 1 (current) >> OS/ABI: UNIX - System V >> ABI Version: 0 >> Type: EXEC (Executable file) >> Machine: ARM >> Version: 0x1 >> Entry point address: 0xc0100100 >> Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file) >> Start of section headers: 6235080 (bytes into file) >> Flags: 0x5000202, has entry point, = Version5 EABI, >> Size of this header: 52 (bytes) >> Size of program headers: 32 (bytes) >> Number of program headers: 6 >> Size of section headers: 40 (bytes) >> Number of section headers: 38 >> Section header string table index: 35 >> [root@clad /usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-rpi2]# =20 >>=20 >> 2/ the interesting part of my include/configs/rpi-common.h from = u-boot: >>=20 >> #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ >> ENV_DEVICE_SETTINGS \ >> "loadaddr=3D0x02000000\0" \ >> "Fatboot=3D" \ >> "env exists loaderdev || env set loaderdev ${fatdev}; " \ >> "echo Booting from: ${fatdev} ${bootfile}; " \ >> "fatload ${fatdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootfile} && bootelf = ${loadaddr}; " \ >> "\0" \ >> "preboot=3D" \ >> "fdt addr 0x100; " \ >> "env set bootfile kernel; " \ =20 >> "env set fatdev 'mmc 0'; " \ >> "\0" >> #undef CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND >> #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run Fatboot" >> #undef CONFIG_PREBOOT >> #define CONFIG_PREBOOT "run preboot" >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> = >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to " = " From Thu Dec 24 14:34:22 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C4417A51CE7 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:34:22 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8342B1D41 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:34:22 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by with esmtp id 1aC6y6-000Eep-Si for; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 16:34:14 +0200 From: Daniel Braniss Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: rpi wifi/wlan0 stopped working Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 16:34:14 +0200 To: Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:34:22 -0000 with an older current, my rpi sees the wifi, and it actually works, with a more resent current, ifconfig does not show it. when I take out the dongle: root@:~ # ugen0.4: at usbus0 (disconnected) urtwn0: at uhub1, port 4, addr 4 (disconnected) when I re insert it: ugen0.4: at usbus0 urtwn0: on = usbus0 urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8188EU, RF 6052 1T1R but: root@:~ # ifconfig lo0: flags=3D8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 options=3D600003 inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128=20 inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1=20 inet netmask 0xff000000=20 groups: lo=20 nd6 options=3D21 ue0: flags=3D8843 metric 0 mtu = 1500 options=3D80001 ether b8:27:eb:8e:39:ef media: Ethernet autoselect (none) status: no carrier nd6 options=3D29 no wlan0, nada any idea what I=E2=80=99m missing? cheers, danny From Thu Dec 24 14:47:21 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9FE93A4F1BC for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:47:21 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c06::235]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 72FDC12A2 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:47:21 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id o67so243858960iof.3 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:47:21 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; bh=IKM7HqEKcd7fH4Twh1WDS9mVGPhbKQGfuzw/Bohyw5U=; b=ISfi3VdwGnmexul11B7HiZV/A/LE+huzNR/JpoBSTWw5hDpzha1rh7itPvJ3QMZgsN t8orX8tzccJeGnifraECGIpLOjscUH9yRPte9TaLo9qSnO2QTTf/Tw9wWilAdD3rNqZw +cMLoQrbWeZt09LjhpmJLCv5PemBzBMMcD8fyDlyhhxH996GcFP3qDzMynVNHjk0qDDg PPbXDCXKk+5u5UzxT9wJngGj2Rd8mu12re9wOLvwxZEflb99MQndJL0Ae+N/HD1DI2NQ PwqsDCbYm/TSNIRGTsCMYlTTK09tc9/07FctMFb34Ql8PMaSKap0hOEcAcOUT0U2D2Gy QlrA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id l21mr34664421ioe.123.1450968440791; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:47:20 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:47:20 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:47:20 -0800 Message-ID: Subject: Re: rpi wifi/wlan0 stopped working From: Adrian Chadd To: Daniel Braniss Cc: "" Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:47:21 -0000 try 'sysctl net.wlan.devices' ; see if urtwn0 shows up. Newer -head removed the need for the hardware interface in ifconfig, as it's not used. -a On 24 December 2015 at 06:34, Daniel Braniss wrote: > with an older current, my rpi sees the wifi, and it actually works, > with a more resent current, ifconfig does not show it. > > when I take out the dongle: > root@:~ # ugen0.4: at usbus0 (disconnected) > urtwn0: at uhub1, port 4, addr 4 (disconnected) > > when I re insert it: > > ugen0.4: at usbus0 > urtwn0: on usbus0 > urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8188EU, RF 6052 1T1R > > but: > > root@:~ # ifconfig > lo0: flags=3D8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 > options=3D600003 > inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 > inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 > inet netmask 0xff000000 > groups: lo > nd6 options=3D21 > ue0: flags=3D8843 metric 0 mtu 15= 00 > options=3D80001 > ether b8:27:eb:8e:39:ef > media: Ethernet autoselect (none) > status: no carrier > nd6 options=3D29 > > no wlan0, nada > > any idea what I=E2=80=99m missing? > > cheers, > danny > > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" From Thu Dec 24 15:20:19 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6A552A4FE12 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:20:19 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3F881150A for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:20:18 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (unknown []) by (Halon Mail Gateway) with ESMTPSA; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:19:48 +0000 (UTC) Received: from rev (rev []) by (8.14.9/8.14.9) with ESMTP id tBOFKE8r005789; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 08:20:14 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi From: Ian Lepore To: Sylvain Garrigues , Tim Kientzle Cc: freebsd-arm Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 08:20:14 -0700 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-13" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.16.5 FreeBSD GNOME Team Port Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:20:19 -0000 On Thu, 2015-12-24 at 11:51 +0100, Sylvain Garrigues wrote: > If I look at what gonzo did for VERSATILEPB, I think it can be done > easily by writing a tiny assembly code that does something like what > he did: > > # set r0..r3 to zero > /usr/bin/printf "\0\0\240\343" > ${WORKDIR}/first_commands > /usr/bin/printf "\0\020\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands > /usr/bin/printf "\0\040\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands > /usr/bin/printf "\0\060\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands > > # jump to kernel entry point > /usr/bin/printf "\001\366\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands > > # install kernel > [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin > board_default_installkernel ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin > > dd of=$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=1M count=4 if=/dev/zero > dd of=$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=1 conv=notrunc > if=${WORKDIR}/first_commands > dd of=$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=64k oseek=15 conv=notrunc > if=${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin/boot/kernel/kernel.bin > > The only problem for the Raspberry pi is that, if I am correct, the > DTB is modified by the firmware (bootcode.bin) so I canÿt statically > compile the DTB in the kernel like for VERSATILEPB :( I would need to > mimic what loader does and create a kernel environment variable which > contains the address to the DTB. > > This is a good exercice, but it doesnÿt solve my project which is to: > > 1/ have a self-extracting kernel or have a loader which uncompress > the kernel, so that it takes much less time to start (my benchmark is > raspbian or openelec). > ==> I compiled ubldr with LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT and compressed kernel > to kernel.gz, reducing the size by 2. The loader does manage to load, > uncompress and boot the kernel.gz, but the loading time is worse than > when uncompressed, so Iÿm stuck I donÿt know whatÿs wrong? > > 2/ have the bootloader / kernel display a nice splash screen while > the kernel boots > ==> for that I looked at u-boot splash screen but the quality of the > rendering is too poor (8-bit bitmap). I looked at the VT frame buffer > but the slash screen feature is also limited. So I might now look > into the misc/raspberrypi-userland port and understand how the > hello_jpeg sample code does that with the GPU, then I plan to port it > in the kernel initialization code, not sure itÿs going to work) What version of u-boot are you using for this? I don't understand the obsession with the time it takes to load the kernel unless something unusual is happening. On my systems the time it takes to load a kernel, whether it's u-boot or ubldr doing the work, is pretty much exactly the time it takes to read the media the kernel is on. On an sdcard that's usually a few seconds, on gigabit ethernet it tends to be far less than one second. But all of that assumes that caching is enabled in u-boot, and it wasn't in some of the older ports. When u-boot starts does it say anything about the caches being enabled or disabled? Is the dcache command available? If not, it's probably not enabled, and a newer u-boot may fix the problem. I hope to be updating all our u-boot ports over the next month or so. -- Ian From Thu Dec 24 15:40:19 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 92270A50744 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:40:19 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:400c:c09::22c]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3098010E7; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:40:19 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id l126so185340225wml.0; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:40:19 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=content-type:mime-version:subject:from:in-reply-to:date:cc :content-transfer-encoding:message-id:references:to; bh=tLYxRmnd9VXg+efs0pVJKUVQekfMRYminzCoTGphhsQ=; b=rl/C9kg3lqV2ZRGCa3Uu3UPOEiJAb1qm0vZKbtKqAqVe77wqBfShdbALyfDsYstznc U1yMwXpeukVEwIRbF/6CNfAsxOGwPho6307hPcO0Ak/dm052tlfISMyNGqY9IE9Edmk8 NhDS+ciGHhToZoW/M/mxnlVN8xgWvcDmhNR9tVbfsZgAODiBGlLb0CSSSp0s7boaiIeU yw+ayceagG4AARglGQOYvaR+T52rbqwXa95G46qN6/W8AbW8cIsNEoFh2Dke9/LQkrpB 7iQscuJ5d9Je3mWECFSggWtdprDPG1FLxS4mD6iFuiiJfdh70a4fVD9tHzmostpTbpoS n1ig== X-Received: by with SMTP id xb3mr42718782wjc.96.1450971616528; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:40:16 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id x125sm32687873wmg.1.2015. (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Thu, 24 Dec 2015 07:40:15 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.2 \(3112\)) Subject: Re: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi From: Sylvain Garrigues In-Reply-To: <> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 16:40:13 +0100 Cc: Tim Kientzle , freebsd-arm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> <> <> To: Ian Lepore X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3112) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:40:19 -0000 Hello Ian, I=E2=80=99m using u-boot from the ports (sysutils/u-boot-rpi2). It = doesn=E2=80=99t display anything about cache being enabled. I was just comparing the time it takes to have the Linux kernel prints = its first lines, and the time it takes for the FreeBSD kernel to print = its own (the =C2=AB Copyright =C2=BB line) when used with u-boot+loader. For the former, it=E2=80=99s under a second, for the latter it=E2=80=99s = about 3-4 seconds (mainly spent when the loader loads the elf kernel). So I was wondered how they made it and was led to believe the Linux = kernel is compressed (and self-extracting), leading to less loading time = from the SD card which apparently is the bottleneck. So since the FreeBSD kernel has no =C2=AB self-extracting =C2=BB = feature, and since ubldr doesn=E2=80=99t seem to support the extracting = of a gzip kernel (well it seems to work with LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT but I = see no gain), I was trying to use the compression and extraction feature = of u-boot with the use of recent mkimage with support for lzma = compression. I thought I could boot directly a LZMA compressed = kernel.bin with mkimage, without ubldr. But I forgot about the kernel = expecting a variable with the DTB address, which is set up by ubldr, so = I give up and will wait to see if someone is interested in implementing = a self-extracting kernel in the future. Best, Sylvain =20 > Le 24 d=C3=A9c. 2015 =C3=A0 16:20, Ian Lepore a = =C3=A9crit : >=20 > On Thu, 2015-12-24 at 11:51 +0100, Sylvain Garrigues wrote: >> If I look at what gonzo did for VERSATILEPB, I think it can be done >> easily by writing a tiny assembly code that does something like what >> he did: >>=20 >> # set r0..r3 to zero >> /usr/bin/printf "\0\0\240\343" > ${WORKDIR}/first_commands >> /usr/bin/printf "\0\020\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands >> /usr/bin/printf "\0\040\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands >> /usr/bin/printf "\0\060\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands >>=20 >> # jump to kernel entry point >> /usr/bin/printf "\001\366\240\343" >> ${WORKDIR}/first_commands >>=20 >> # install kernel >> [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin ] && mkdir ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin >> board_default_installkernel ${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin >>=20 >> dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D1M count=3D4 if=3D/dev/zero >> dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D1 conv=3Dnotrunc >> if=3D${WORKDIR}/first_commands >> dd of=3D$VERSATILEPB_FLASH bs=3D64k oseek=3D15 conv=3Dnotrunc >> if=3D${WORKDIR}/_.kernel.bin/boot/kernel/kernel.bin >>=20 >> The only problem for the Raspberry pi is that, if I am correct, the >> DTB is modified by the firmware (bootcode.bin) so I can=C2=B4t = statically >> compile the DTB in the kernel like for VERSATILEPB :( I would need to >> mimic what loader does and create a kernel environment variable which >> contains the address to the DTB. >>=20 >> This is a good exercice, but it doesn=C2=B4t solve my project which = is to: >>=20 >> 1/ have a self-extracting kernel or have a loader which uncompress >> the kernel, so that it takes much less time to start (my benchmark is >> raspbian or openelec).=20 >> =3D=3D> I compiled ubldr with LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT and compressed = kernel >> to kernel.gz, reducing the size by 2. The loader does manage to load, >> uncompress and boot the kernel.gz, but the loading time is worse than >> when uncompressed, so I=C2=B4m stuck I don=C2=B4t know what=C2=B4s = wrong? >>=20 >> 2/ have the bootloader / kernel display a nice splash screen while >> the kernel boots >> =3D=3D> for that I looked at u-boot splash screen but the quality of = the >> rendering is too poor (8-bit bitmap). I looked at the VT frame buffer >> but the slash screen feature is also limited. So I might now look >> into the misc/raspberrypi-userland port and understand how the >> hello_jpeg sample code does that with the GPU, then I plan to port it >> in the kernel initialization code, not sure it=C2=B4s going to work)=20= >=20 > What version of u-boot are you using for this? I don't understand the > obsession with the time it takes to load the kernel unless something > unusual is happening. On my systems the time it takes to load a > kernel, whether it's u-boot or ubldr doing the work, is pretty much > exactly the time it takes to read the media the kernel is on. On an > sdcard that's usually a few seconds, on gigabit ethernet it tends to = be > far less than one second. But all of that assumes that caching is > enabled in u-boot, and it wasn't in some of the older ports. >=20 > When u-boot starts does it say anything about the caches being enabled > or disabled? Is the dcache command available? If not, it's probably > not enabled, and a newer u-boot may fix the problem. I hope to be > updating all our u-boot ports over the next month or so. >=20 > -- Ian From Thu Dec 24 15:48:38 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 150ACA50B1B for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:48:38 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D38221A34 for ; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:48:37 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (unknown []) by (Halon Mail Gateway) with ESMTPSA; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:48:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: from rev (rev []) by (8.14.9/8.14.9) with ESMTP id tBOFmZmE005842; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 08:48:35 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Booting the ELF kernel without ubldr on Raspberry Pi From: Ian Lepore To: Sylvain Garrigues Cc: Tim Kientzle , freebsd-arm Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 08:48:35 -0700 In-Reply-To: References: <> <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-7" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.16.5 FreeBSD GNOME Team Port Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 15:48:38 -0000 On Thu, 2015-12-24 at 16:40 +0100, Sylvain Garrigues wrote: > Hello Ian, > > I¢m using u-boot from the ports (sysutils/u-boot-rpi2). It doesn¢t > display anything about cache being enabled. > > I was just comparing the time it takes to have the Linux kernel > prints its first lines, and the time it takes for the FreeBSD kernel > to print its own (the « Copyright » line) when used with u > -boot+loader. > For the former, it¢s under a second, for the latter it¢s about 3-4 > seconds (mainly spent when the loader loads the elf kernel). > > So I was wondered how they made it and was led to believe the Linux > kernel is compressed (and self-extracting), leading to less loading > time from the SD card which apparently is the bottleneck. > > So since the FreeBSD kernel has no « self-extracting » feature, and > since ubldr doesn¢t seem to support the extracting of a gzip kernel > (well it seems to work with LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT but I see no gain), I > was trying to use the compression and extraction feature of u-boot > with the use of recent mkimage with support for lzma compression. I > thought I could boot directly a LZMA compressed kernel.bin with > mkimage, without ubldr. But I forgot about the kernel expecting a > variable with the DTB address, which is set up by ubldr, so I give up > and will wait to see if someone is interested in implementing a self > -extracting kernel in the future. > > Best, > Sylvain Don't hold your breath for a self-extracting armv6 kernel, that seems highly unlikely, especially considering that LOADER_GZIP_SUPPORT apparently works (I've been meaning to test that for months). Hmm, in our config patches for rpi2 u-boot I see +#define CONFIG_SYS_DCACHE_OFF that's probably why loading the kernel is so slow. It was probably disabled because it caused problems in ubldr, but I've developed some u -boot patches since then to do proper cache maintenance before launching standalone apps. -- Ian From Fri Dec 25 07:06:11 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7E3B7A514F0 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:06:11 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 4396B19C6 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:06:10 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 5750 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 06:39:36 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 06:39:36 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 01:39:31 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 21550 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 06:39:31 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 06:39:31 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 3AA1BB1E001; Thu, 24 Dec 2015 22:39:23 -0800 (PST) From: Mark Millard Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 22:39:29 -0800 To:, FreeBSD Toolchain Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:06:11 -0000 [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved below = came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used as-is. When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : > libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o > Bus error (core dumped) > *** [] Error code 138 It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of "vst1.64 = {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in register r0 that ended = in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. =46rom what I read = such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have .64 require 8 byte = alignment. The evidence of the code and register value follow. > # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core > . . . > #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at = /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 > 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); > . . . > (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 > 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 > 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf > 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} > 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] > 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 > 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] > 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 > 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 > 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 > 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 > 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 > 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 > 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 > 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 > 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] > 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> > 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 > (gdb) info all-registers > r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 > r1 0xffdf 65503 > r2 0x0 0 > r3 0x0 0 > r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 > r5 0x0 0 > r6 0x0 0 > r7 0x0 0 > r8 0x20359df4 540384756 > r9 0x0 0 > r10 0x0 0 > r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 > r12 0x2037b208 540520968 > sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 > lr 0x2035a004 540385284 > pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 > f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) > fps 0x0 0 > cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have the = alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: > Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >=20 > . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): > =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) > =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. > If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: > # more /etc/make.conf=20 > WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork > WITH_DEBUG=3D > WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D > MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D > # > TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 > TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi > CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a > CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a > CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a > .export CC > .export CXX > .export CPP > AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export AS > .export AR > .export LD > .export NM > .export OBJCOPY > .export OBJDUMP > .export RANLIB > .export SIZE > .export STRINGS > .endif Other context: > # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU > 11.0-CURRENT > 11.0-CURRENT > FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec 22 = 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 (earlier = experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put in place = via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context would not = be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in its ar = activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this far = using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 before = finding such a problem. =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at From Fri Dec 25 07:44:23 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8C3FAA510F9 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:44:23 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 4900C1A2D for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:44:23 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by with esmtp id 1aCN2u-0001Nh-Fb; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:44:16 +0200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: rpi wifi/wlan0 stopped working From: Daniel Braniss In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:44:16 +0200 Cc: "" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> To: Adrian Chadd X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:44:23 -0000 > On 24 Dec 2015, at 16:47, Adrian Chadd wrote: >=20 > try 'sysctl net.wlan.devices' ; see if urtwn0 shows up. >=20 > Newer -head removed the need for the hardware interface in ifconfig, > as it's not used. >=20 ok, it shows up. net.wlan.hwmp.inact: 5000 net.wlan.hwmp.rootconfint: 2000 net.wlan.hwmp.rannint: 1000 net.wlan.hwmp.rootint: 2000 net.wlan.hwmp.roottimeout: 5000 net.wlan.hwmp.net_diameter_traversal_time: 510 net.wlan.hwmp.maxpreq_retries: 30 net.wlan.hwmp.pathlifetime: 5000 net.wlan.hwmp.targetonly: 0 net.wlan.addba_maxtries: 3 net.wlan.addba_backoff: 10000 net.wlan.addba_timeout: 250 net.wlan.recv_bar: 1 net.wlan.mesh.maxholding: 2 net.wlan.mesh.maxretries: 2 net.wlan.mesh.backofftimeout: 5000 net.wlan.mesh.confirmtimeout: 40 net.wlan.mesh.holdingtimeout: 40 net.wlan.mesh.retrytimeout: 40 net.wlan.mesh.gateint: 10000 net.wlan.cac_timeout: 60 net.wlan.nol_timeout: 1800 net.wlan.devices: urtwn0 something must have changed in the startup, since I can not get wlan0 = started. i have in /boot/loader.conf wlan_xauth_load=3D=E2=80=9CYES=E2=80=9D in /etc/rc.conf wlans_urtwn0=3Dwlan0 ifconfig_wlan0=3D=E2=80=9CWPA SYNCDHCP=E2=80=9D cheers and season greetings danny >=20 > -a >=20 >=20 > On 24 December 2015 at 06:34, Daniel Braniss = wrote: >> with an older current, my rpi sees the wifi, and it actually works, >> with a more resent current, ifconfig does not show it. >>=20 >> when I take out the dongle: >> root@:~ # ugen0.4: at usbus0 (disconnected) >> urtwn0: at uhub1, port 4, addr 4 (disconnected) >>=20 >> when I re insert it: >>=20 >> ugen0.4: at usbus0 >> urtwn0: on = usbus0 >> urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8188EU, RF 6052 1T1R >>=20 >> but: >>=20 >> root@:~ # ifconfig >> lo0: flags=3D8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 >> options=3D600003 >> inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 >> inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 >> inet netmask 0xff000000 >> groups: lo >> nd6 options=3D21 >> ue0: flags=3D8843 metric 0 = mtu 1500 >> options=3D80001 >> ether b8:27:eb:8e:39:ef >> media: Ethernet autoselect (none) >> status: no carrier >> nd6 options=3D29 >>=20 >> no wlan0, nada >>=20 >> any idea what I=E2=80=99m missing? >>=20 >> cheers, >> danny >>=20 >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" From Fri Dec 25 08:31:44 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E714DA5041B for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:31:44 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id AC4681E0E for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:31:44 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 22767 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 08:31:43 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 08:31:43 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 03:31:41 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 25540 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 08:31:41 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 08:31:41 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id DF8A2B1E001; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:31:41 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: <> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:31:41 -0800 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> To:, FreeBSD Toolchain X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:31:45 -0000 On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard wrote: > [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >=20 > The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved below = came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used as-is. >=20 > When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >=20 > The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : >=20 >> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >> Bus error (core dumped) >> *** [] Error code 138 >=20 > It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of "vst1.64 = {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in register r0 that ended = in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. =46rom what I read = such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have .64 require 8 byte = alignment. The evidence of the code and register value follow. >=20 >> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >> . . . >> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at = /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >> . . . >> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >> (gdb) info all-registers >> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >> r1 0xffdf 65503 >> r2 0x0 0 >> r3 0x0 0 >> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >> r5 0x0 0 >> r6 0x0 0 >> r7 0x0 0 >> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >> r9 0x0 0 >> r10 0x0 0 >> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >> fps 0x0 0 >> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >=20 > The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >=20 >> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>=20 >> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >=20 > So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >=20 > The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >=20 >> # more /etc/make.conf=20 >> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >> WITH_DEBUG=3D >> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >> # >> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >> .export CC >> .export CXX >> .export CPP >> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export AS >> .export AR >> .export LD >> .export NM >> .export OBJCOPY >> .export OBJDUMP >> .export RANLIB >> .export SIZE >> .export STRINGS >> .endif >=20 >=20 > Other context: >=20 >> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >> 11.0-CURRENT >> 11.0-CURRENT >> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec = 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >=20 >=20 >=20 > I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that the = _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar but = that was not my intent. is from my buildworld, including the fseeko implementation: Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ done. Loaded symbols for /lib/ head/sys/sys/_types.h has: /* * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte * stream conversions. */ typedef union { char __mbstate8[128]; __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ } __mbstate_t; suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the same = not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: > (gdb) bt > #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at = /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 > #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 > #2 0x00016138 in ?? () > (gdb) print fp > $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc > (gdb) print *fp > $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>,=20 > _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { > _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not 8-byte = aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to __mbstate8 = is a multiple of 8 bytes. It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the memset = implementation combination: SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 mixed with vst1.64 instructions I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate FreeBSD's = intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required by the = design to be constant (once initialized). =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at From Fri Dec 25 08:43:20 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 775A2A508D4 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:43:20 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C1CE61295 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:43:18 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by with esmtp id 1aCNxx-00020h-8F; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 10:43:13 +0200 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: rpi wifi/wlan0 stopped working -- Solved From: Daniel Braniss In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 10:43:13 +0200 Cc: "" Message-Id: <> References: <> To: Adrian Chadd X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 08:43:20 -0000 > On 25 Dec 2015, at 09:44, Daniel Braniss wrote: >=20 >>=20 >> On 24 Dec 2015, at 16:47, Adrian Chadd > wrote: >>=20 >> try 'sysctl net.wlan.devices' ; see if urtwn0 shows up. >>=20 >> Newer -head removed the need for the hardware interface in ifconfig, >> as it's not used. >>=20 >=20 > ok, it shows up. > net.wlan.hwmp.inact: 5000 > net.wlan.hwmp.rootconfint: 2000 > net.wlan.hwmp.rannint: 1000 > net.wlan.hwmp.rootint: 2000 > net.wlan.hwmp.roottimeout: 5000 > _diameter_traversal_time: = 510 > net.wlan.hwmp.maxpreq_retries: 30 > net.wlan.hwmp.pathlifetime: 5000 > net.wlan.hwmp.targetonly: 0 > net.wlan.addba_maxtries: 3 > net.wlan.addba_backoff: 10000 > net.wlan.addba_timeout: 250 > net.wlan.recv_bar: 1 > net.wlan.mesh.maxholding: 2 > net.wlan.mesh.maxretries: 2 > net.wlan.mesh.backofftimeout: 5000 > net.wlan.mesh.confirmtimeout: 40 > net.wlan.mesh.holdingtimeout: 40 > net.wlan.mesh.retrytimeout: 40 > net.wlan.mesh.gateint: 10000 > net.wlan.cac_timeout: 60 > net.wlan.nol_timeout: 1800 > net.wlan.devices: urtwn0 >=20 > something must have changed in the startup, since I can not get wlan0 = started. > i have > in /boot/loader.conf > wlan_xauth_load=3D=E2=80=9CYES=E2=80=9D >=20 > in /etc/rc.conf > wlans_urtwn0=3Dwlan0 > ifconfig_wlan0=3D=E2=80=9CWPA SYNCDHCP=E2=80=9D >=20 several (GRRRR) mergemaster later and all is ok again! thanks, > cheers and season greetings > danny >=20 >=20 >>=20 >> -a >>=20 >>=20 >> On 24 December 2015 at 06:34, Daniel Braniss = wrote: >>> with an older current, my rpi sees the wifi, and it actually works, >>> with a more resent current, ifconfig does not show it. >>>=20 >>> when I take out the dongle: >>> root@:~ # ugen0.4: at usbus0 (disconnected) >>> urtwn0: at uhub1, port 4, addr 4 (disconnected) >>>=20 >>> when I re insert it: >>>=20 >>> ugen0.4: at usbus0 >>> urtwn0: on = usbus0 >>> urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8188EU, RF 6052 1T1R >>>=20 >>> but: >>>=20 >>> root@:~ # ifconfig >>> lo0: flags=3D8049 metric 0 mtu 16384 >>> options=3D600003 >>> inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 >>> inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 >>> inet netmask 0xff000000 >>> groups: lo >>> nd6 options=3D21 >>> ue0: flags=3D8843 metric 0 = mtu 1500 >>> options=3D80001 >>> ether b8:27:eb:8e:39:ef >>> media: Ethernet autoselect (none) >>> status: no carrier >>> nd6 options=3D29 >>>=20 >>> no wlan0, nada >>>=20 >>> any idea what I=E2=80=99m missing? >>>=20 >>> cheers, >>> danny >>>=20 >>> _______________________________________________ >>> mailing list >>> >>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" >=20 > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > = > To unsubscribe, send any mail to " = " From Fri Dec 25 12:26:57 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 74697A522D3 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:26:57 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c05::22f]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 45EED1DFF for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:26:57 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id m11so93272094igk.1 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:26:57 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=nE68fhLm7gPTYFhlHaMRe+KdT7fAiYoUGa7APwwCWRY=; b=mQTNg/cJyoZsFs3WKCh3ZZEWgrvRheJDtL2DS2NomMzjXcyapiEAb+icZqNr8FVU8H kPbQgmV1ZUfU2saTMNS8TyP1BWG7aOfclqZL649O4/u+vHyie/T/JkSQnj04eH3ZgDE6 b/nKKbDf95ShrHGIac44TSIvCVGW/N0F9i+Q0RKfgPb/XkJGsaC6TO3urInbRQM06dis ZgkjsCYMNm926QtLx0Yctb7CApWi7Xb8EjNcOD9UAHzwdHqeGR6WEZFwqruVurhcS/Oo WCkJHGofM7wdDsPCNdvSd6W5sI9yXO+koa6kVCzz4JpMF0VDPi56gyIMBLrJPblk6zfO 8prQ== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id xg1mr13339740igb.62.1451046416517; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:26:56 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:26:56 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:26:56 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: References: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:26:56 -0500 Message-ID: Subject: Re urtwn From: Alan Corey To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:26:57 -0000 I haven't used FreeBSD in a while frankly but happened to notice the urtwn post. I have several of them which seem to be from 2 different generations. OpenBSD 5.8 (the latest) has major changes to the urtwn driver. I found it easier to stick my cards in a box for now than to upgrade just for that. I was seeing unreliable performance, often an error about buffer space, and a hard crash about once a week. There is another driver in the works, don't know how long before it gets to FreeBSD. From Fri Dec 25 14:25:00 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D4650A510C2 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 99CA117E1 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 4731 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 14:24:58 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 14:24:58 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:25:04 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 9553 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 14:25:03 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 14:25:03 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 0EA50B1E001; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:24:56 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:24:57 -0800 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> To:, FreeBSD Toolchain X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 -0000 [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard wrote: > On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 >> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>=20 >> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved below = came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used as-is. >>=20 >> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>=20 >> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : >>=20 >>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>> Bus error (core dumped) >>> *** [] Error code 138 >>=20 >> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of "vst1.64 = {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in register r0 that ended = in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. =46rom what I read = such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have .64 require 8 byte = alignment. The evidence of the code and register value follow. >>=20 >>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>> . . . >>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>> . . . >>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>> (gdb) info all-registers >>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>> r2 0x0 0 >>> r3 0x0 0 >>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>> r5 0x0 0 >>> r6 0x0 0 >>> r7 0x0 0 >>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>> r9 0x0 0 >>> r10 0x0 0 >>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> fps 0x0 0 >>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>=20 >> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>=20 >>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>=20 >>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>=20 >> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>=20 >> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>=20 >>> # more /etc/make.conf=20 >>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> # >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >>=20 >> Other context: >>=20 >>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>> 11.0-CURRENT >>> 11.0-CURRENT >>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec = 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >=20 >=20 > I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that the = _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar but = that was not my intent. >=20 > is from my buildworld, including the fseeko implementation: >=20 > Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ > done. > Loaded symbols for /lib/ >=20 >=20 > head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >=20 > /* > * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte > * stream conversions. > */ > typedef union { > char __mbstate8[128]; > __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ > } __mbstate_t; >=20 > suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >=20 > But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >=20 >> (gdb) bt >> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at = /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >> (gdb) print fp >> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >> (gdb) print *fp >> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>,=20 >> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >=20 > The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >=20 > It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >=20 > SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >=20 > mixed with >=20 > vst1.64 instructions >=20 > I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >=20 > I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: > # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host > TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 > TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi > FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 > TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 > VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 > # > KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG > TARGET=3Darm > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} > .export TARGET_ARCH > .endif > # > WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D > # > # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . > # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC=20 > WITHOUT_BOOT=3D > # > WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D > WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D > WITH_CLANG=3D > WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D > WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D > WITH_LLDB=3D > WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D > # > WITHOUT_LIB32=3D > WITHOUT_GCC=3D > WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D > # > NO_WERROR=3D > MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D > #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE > # > WITH_DEBUG=3D > WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D > # > # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... > # > #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc > X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang > CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > .export XCC > .export XCXX > .export XCPP > XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export XAS > .export XAR > .export XLD > .export XNM > .export XOBJCOPY > .export XOBJDUMP > .export XRANLIB > .export XSIZE > .export XSTRINGS > .endif > # > # Host compiler stuff: > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > .export CC > .export CXX > .export CPP > AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export AS > .export AR > .export LD > .export NM > .export OBJCOPY > .export OBJDUMP > .export RANLIB > .export SIZE > .export STRINGS > .endif make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: > $ more /etc/make.conf=20 > WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork > WITH_DEBUG=3D > WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D > MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D > # > TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 > TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi > CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > .export CC > .export CXX > .export CPP > AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export AS > .export AR > .export LD > .export NM > .export OBJCOPY > .export OBJDUMP > .export RANLIB > .export SIZE > .export STRINGS > .endif =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at From Fri Dec 25 14:25:01 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F3774A510CA for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B80B517E2 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 31889 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 14:25:05 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 14:25:05 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:25:00 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 14342 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 14:25:00 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 44428B1E002; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:24:56 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:24:57 -0800 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> To:, FreeBSD Toolchain X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:25:01 -0000 [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard wrote: > On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 >> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>=20 >> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved below = came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used as-is. >>=20 >> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>=20 >> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : >>=20 >>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>> Bus error (core dumped) >>> *** [] Error code 138 >>=20 >> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of "vst1.64 = {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in register r0 that ended = in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. =46rom what I read = such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have .64 require 8 byte = alignment. The evidence of the code and register value follow. >>=20 >>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>> . . . >>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>> . . . >>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>> (gdb) info all-registers >>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>> r2 0x0 0 >>> r3 0x0 0 >>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>> r5 0x0 0 >>> r6 0x0 0 >>> r7 0x0 0 >>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>> r9 0x0 0 >>> r10 0x0 0 >>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>> fps 0x0 0 >>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>=20 >> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>=20 >>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>=20 >>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>=20 >> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>=20 >> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>=20 >>> # more /etc/make.conf=20 >>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> # >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >>=20 >> Other context: >>=20 >>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>> 11.0-CURRENT >>> 11.0-CURRENT >>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec = 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >=20 >=20 > I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that the = _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar but = that was not my intent. >=20 > is from my buildworld, including the fseeko implementation: >=20 > Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ > done. > Loaded symbols for /lib/ >=20 >=20 > head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >=20 > /* > * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte > * stream conversions. > */ > typedef union { > char __mbstate8[128]; > __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ > } __mbstate_t; >=20 > suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >=20 > But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >=20 >> (gdb) bt >> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at = /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >> (gdb) print fp >> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >> (gdb) print *fp >> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>,=20 >> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >=20 > The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >=20 > It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >=20 > SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >=20 > mixed with >=20 > vst1.64 instructions >=20 > I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >=20 > I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: > # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host > TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 > TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi > FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 > TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 > VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 > # > KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG > TARGET=3Darm > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} > .export TARGET_ARCH > .endif > # > WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D > # > # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . > # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC=20 > WITHOUT_BOOT=3D > # > WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D > WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D > WITH_CLANG=3D > WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D > WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D > WITH_LLDB=3D > WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D > # > WITHOUT_LIB32=3D > WITHOUT_GCC=3D > WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D > # > NO_WERROR=3D > MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D > #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE > # > WITH_DEBUG=3D > WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D > # > # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... > # > #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc > X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang > CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > .export XCC > .export XCXX > .export XCPP > XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export XAS > .export XAR > .export XLD > .export XNM > .export XOBJCOPY > .export XOBJDUMP > .export XRANLIB > .export XSIZE > .export XSTRINGS > .endif > # > # Host compiler stuff: > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin > .export CC > .export CXX > .export CPP > AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export AS > .export AR > .export LD > .export NM > .export OBJCOPY > .export OBJDUMP > .export RANLIB > .export SIZE > .export STRINGS > .endif make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: > $ more /etc/make.conf=20 > WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork > WITH_DEBUG=3D > WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D > MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D > # > TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 > TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi > CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ > .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 > CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 > .export CC > .export CXX > .export CPP > AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as > AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar > LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld > NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm > OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy > OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump > RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib > SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size > #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings > STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings > .export AS > .export AR > .export LD > .export NM > .export OBJCOPY > .export OBJDUMP > .export RANLIB > .export SIZE > .export STRINGS > .endif =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at From Fri Dec 25 16:56:46 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4747EA52F0B for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:56:46 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::16:76]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 388A2139C for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:56:46 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by (8.15.2/8.15.2) with ESMTP id tBPGuk63031722 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:56:46 GMT (envelope-from From: To: Subject: [Bug 205602] arm (rpi2) context: issue identified for Bus Errors from some software (such as ar). . . Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:56:46 +0000 X-Bugzilla-Reason: AssignedTo X-Bugzilla-Type: new X-Bugzilla-Watch-Reason: None X-Bugzilla-Product: Base System X-Bugzilla-Component: arm X-Bugzilla-Version: 11.0-CURRENT X-Bugzilla-Keywords: X-Bugzilla-Severity: Affects Only Me X-Bugzilla-Who: X-Bugzilla-Status: New X-Bugzilla-Priority: --- X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To: X-Bugzilla-Target-Milestone: --- X-Bugzilla-Flags: X-Bugzilla-Changed-Fields: bug_id short_desc product version rep_platform op_sys bug_status bug_severity priority component assigned_to reporter Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Bugzilla-URL: Auto-Submitted: auto-generated MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:56:46 -0000 Bug ID: 205602 Summary: arm (rpi2) context: issue identified for Bus Errors from some software (such as ar). . . Product: Base System Version: 11.0-CURRENT Hardware: arm OS: Any Status: New Severity: Affects Only Me Priority: --- Component: arm Assignee: Reporter: I was getting Bus Errors during attempts to build ports on a rpi2, such as during /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar activity. That example traced back to _fseeko use and the memset use at line 299 of /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c that was in use via /usr/lib/debug/lib/ : #0 =C2=A00x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); . . . (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 (gdb) info all-registers r0 =C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0= 0x20651ea4 543497892 . . . When SCTLR bit[1] =3D=3D 1 the vst1.64 instructions require 8 byte alignmen= t but the address in r0 is only 4 byte aligned (as was the address of the start of the containing FILE structure). (FILE start address probably from a memory allocator?) I did another build/install world/kernel with "-fmax-type-align=3D4" added = and the same port now builds fine on the rpi2, no tools getting Bus Errors. (make.conf on the rpi2 also causing -fmax-type-align=3D4 to be used.) So if SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 is supposed to be true/possible and if various me= mory allocator alignments are not to be to sufficiently big figures, then it app= ears that the standard clang 3.7 compile options for armv6/armv7a need to prevent presuming bigger alignment figures than 4 for pointers of unknown origin (or from memory allocators). Note: My experiments were with -march=3Darmv7a explicitly in use, not just -target armv6--freebsd11.0-gnueabi . --=20 You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug.= From Fri Dec 25 17:57:10 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CBDFCA51561 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:57:10 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c05::230]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 9506810B3 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:57:10 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id to4so113932816igc.0 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:57:10 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=Ptum3UTmuqyuTJI55FThy3Cpl0b8IGi9oYKCMlAAxWE=; b=Q0a54dv9IfppD/wbv/4tN4chaVq83viQZcMkaQ2Eppc2esKOcJCe/SmPhPg0nUYmHl 7lpf+scz/ihG47AxvD/x2nd/sJyttw4R4FT/lnEOsVn4nOcqTbRmL7hnCcK7qKHqO+Yc dQK9oXawSOXxK1PZcIqapvPoQHqt7xAKDd860yxWiiASUL3vcHhqkSGJrtxiBzcsM0OZ Th30NjzkPgSHsweFggSMCa0I9B6GjOMXToo3uGmgtu0HgMJvkNLNiG74NSSXoUr/csKe BPr4t5hajk0qVVJWwfYBMJpSzSTMxRBrINF83iOcAuJ+vvupgIfNC9INqunXg9Ggiyft 2Mng== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id m6mr13903018igx.22.1451066230052; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:57:10 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:57:09 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: References: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 09:57:09 -0800 Message-ID: Subject: Re: Re urtwn From: Adrian Chadd To: Alan Corey Cc: "" Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:57:10 -0000 is urtwn on -head giving you trouble? It shouldn't be; it should mostly work now. -a On 25 December 2015 at 04:26, Alan Corey wrote: > I haven't used FreeBSD in a while frankly but happened to notice the urtwn > post. I have several of them which seem to be from 2 different generations. > > OpenBSD 5.8 (the latest) has major changes to the urtwn driver. I found it > easier to stick my cards in a box for now than to upgrade just for that. I > was seeing unreliable performance, often an error about buffer space, and a > hard crash about once a week. There is another driver in the works, don't > know how long before it gets to FreeBSD. > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" From Fri Dec 25 19:53:54 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 54A5FA51A9E for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 19:53:54 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4003:c06::22c]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 1C7081BB6 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 19:53:53 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id o124so150823553oia.1 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 11:53:53 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from:in-reply-to:date:cc :message-id:references:to; bh=2LW2LlAOFfr/9Bk4M2K8Ib+ZIOSAU2vcto1tHmfq70g=; b=COzKV8bBoC2EiAQQZF5GKe+hBixZgfil3c1crw8WQK5klXM3/nYqLGhg2EGZMt8e3w yPfILQhlMQs5oWo1lOaUXX71/td25QK1aSGlIcBgc4zXT6/grYLcxF2SbSoiSkgir4TM 9d7o3XHtZMQcnXVnNESXnMYmEg4lpeZJx6A9IVfkEf9ax7GOapgeKGyi36iwpwlWc70H VRrqF/8fbzJ+Lu26Eupv7veYBPj5XeJwPmgMEexF/0ZjURlzakMO2/rR2dBKeXVukafb ndLjW/DBoUyJ4KJ6jVJSAZm1b5DcxIxUEIe7Ytde4J9GCze4TjHYv1sBN+2p44q3zJ1Z Z4uw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from :in-reply-to:date:cc:message-id:references:to; bh=2LW2LlAOFfr/9Bk4M2K8Ib+ZIOSAU2vcto1tHmfq70g=; b=F7lcF+M3cF5e7L9ptXZJqZTWMt0H1PEoUSg13zF9SPKwa5QUzI8tcS+MzDoKgjtb2X LvNBRCjIHEZOCKydW8QTfkqGOe6VYq59kBSJ3CGqXWGLnuV+fNiiQDlyEB/9kauvPfXo CEaPS1Ur9aYVBlenpPovxbQYNpxUl6clOEmumRNGBXHZqS2krMOOIt5JRXQSzhuaM3nT A0uX29w25ihrKkfaYyk8cGoBYXVkOLCXiyQO1poNPjxytMNrKHyFjNwmkdvXI/b3tF9z 4lvWfQMsct5BTKpqSz14rrSFxb2wrhqabBgRp+KzcfQwNLnxh7RQQmAeT+JZbxcc4JZA Iz7g== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQlkggdTgeGsaJdYU/92yORoX3VAd347pm2nK6xBoVA2tDmQbK0Vhtxx96uewQPQr7bZkFzrWFtXGjTlwZ3MWNp3suZTuw== X-Received: by with SMTP id j186mr23975786oib.74.1451073232546; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 11:53:52 -0800 (PST) Received: from ?IPv6:2601:280:4900:3700:e997:dd6f:8139:f929? ([2601:280:4900:3700:e997:dd6f:8139:f929]) by with ESMTPSA id mm4sm13622866obb.1.2015. (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Fri, 25 Dec 2015 11:53:51 -0800 (PST) Sender: Warner Losh Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Apple-Mail=_B83D07DB-888A-4D4F-96E0-1636BFAA4EB5"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Pgp-Agent: GPGMail 2.5.2 From: Warner Losh In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 12:53:49 -0700 Cc:, FreeBSD Toolchain Message-Id: <> References: <> To: Mark Millard X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 19:53:54 -0000 --Apple-Mail=_B83D07DB-888A-4D4F-96E0-1636BFAA4EB5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of FILE = * today like: g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is wrong. = Maybe we need to do something like g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would result = in proper alignment for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses ALIGN = afterwards to use roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared 8-byte = aligned offset (or technically, the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on today=E2=80=99= s systems. If we do this, we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may need = to round up sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it has the = 8-byte alignment for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve not = chased that belief to ground. If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, spelled = with the ugly max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making with = the compiler will always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is clearly = wrong. This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a valid = FILE * from fopen (and friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99t = hard coded into binaries, so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some =E2=80=98fak= e=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given the = alignment requirements that would naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still be = ahead. At least for all CONFORMING implementations[*]... TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler options = are a band-aide. Warner [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of the = FILE structure in one of its .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but even = that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, since it never allocates a new one. > On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 > [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >=20 > On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 >> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>=20 >>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>=20 >>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>=20 >>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : >>>=20 >>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>=20 >>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>=20 >>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>> . . . >>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>> . . . >>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>=20 >>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>>=20 >>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>=20 >>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>>=20 >>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>=20 >>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>=20 >>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>> # >>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> .export CC >>>> .export CXX >>>> .export CPP >>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>> .export AS >>>> .export AR >>>> .export LD >>>> .export NM >>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>> .export RANLIB >>>> .export SIZE >>>> .export STRINGS >>>> .endif >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> Other context: >>>=20 >>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec = 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>=20 >>=20 >> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that the = _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar but = that was not my intent. >>=20 >> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko implementation: >>=20 >> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >> done. >> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>=20 >>=20 >> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>=20 >> /* >> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >> * stream conversions. >> */ >> typedef union { >> char __mbstate8[128]; >> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >> } __mbstate_t; >>=20 >> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>=20 >> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>=20 >>> (gdb) bt >>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>> (gdb) print fp >>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>> (gdb) print *fp >>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>=20 >> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>=20 >> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>=20 >> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>=20 >> mixed with >>=20 >> vst1.64 instructions >>=20 >> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >>=20 >> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >=20 >=20 > I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >=20 > src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >=20 >> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >> # >> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >> TARGET=3Darm >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >> .export TARGET_ARCH >> .endif >> # >> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >> # >> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >> # >> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >> WITH_CLANG=3D >> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >> WITH_LLDB=3D >> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >> # >> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >> # >> NO_WERROR=3D >> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >> # >> WITH_DEBUG=3D >> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >> # >> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >> # >> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> .export XCC >> .export XCXX >> .export XCPP >> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export XAS >> .export XAR >> .export XLD >> .export XNM >> .export XOBJCOPY >> .export XOBJDUMP >> .export XRANLIB >> .export XSIZE >> .export XSTRINGS >> .endif >> # >> # Host compiler stuff: >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> .export CC >> .export CXX >> .export CPP >> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export AS >> .export AR >> .export LD >> .export NM >> .export OBJCOPY >> .export OBJDUMP >> .export RANLIB >> .export SIZE >> .export STRINGS >> .endif >=20 > make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >=20 >> $ more /etc/make.conf >> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >> WITH_DEBUG=3D >> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >> # >> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> .export CC >> .export CXX >> .export CPP >> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export AS >> .export AR >> .export LD >> .export NM >> .export OBJCOPY >> .export OBJDUMP >> .export RANLIB >> .export SIZE >> .export STRINGS >> .endif >=20 >=20 >=20 > =3D=3D=3D > Mark Millard > markmi at >=20 >=20 >=20 > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" --Apple-Mail=_B83D07DB-888A-4D4F-96E0-1636BFAA4EB5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc Content-Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: GPGTools - iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWfZ7OAAoJEGwc0Sh9sBEABzwP/1I+blTKkKLGQXoESMEjWeio 5aSCqiKQrqx2thpeAsTDWbWBnXXfcjPY5Kgs+t5gjLMaj/oI6Lq360ySSksdGvlp 1wf7x2LTG1NiJ2oAdRBWCYs+sYW7JCjicjw1SI28rqo6o+Wno5nvrnTTLm2gnyhx GLZ2prxOXo6vCVDhU60R6vc5jj98UbtLTS6TdWlV+urLTlvRaP1jXLz2aSmVchLn hjSZVlvMgszPQR90Fh5Fa873flpbzCHcg6usy8gOU/IqMOnPC4pcEstaCTbtwbkP OMOaYZ3w8uLCESqzhM5qMriVbToKOs/ZZ9EQwHMkdlJ2qACq4umtWItyqhyhgdh5 4NsVDVJdmIOtXeGBY5uAi0fVurModb/qjhDJWGoxd4up+BmA+znPZ3GPcdLhcNUm 2W4YYu6Lx0emrA7WhHU19ZIBSe0Nb6F1LC4CCPDNUdSvCLEX9g7yjsOsmeSijbQS O/AACTVX0QdUfVHDZaPhgy9C/GVlV8zCovsFh9/1owZEngXA9BoqtSYbgMIEQxVl owF+elTanSHf+b25B7s9oBs2Vivqhg5XLWKcLU0JN69wnMg1MnEZk9e99g0qSui3 BqendD3Mm3iA2/5eZU1fIMPNpCzqv2GHyUwyGS3Vy1s8PmaEUy/OHfifHtnAx6vN k+rxdgljeSUtGkjrb4ZP =M8/v -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Apple-Mail=_B83D07DB-888A-4D4F-96E0-1636BFAA4EB5-- From Fri Dec 25 22:14:11 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 93D35A50040 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:14:11 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 56D271459 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:14:10 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 31764 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 22:14:08 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 22:14:08 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:14:10 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 513 invoked from network); 25 Dec 2015 22:14:10 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 25 Dec 2015 22:14:10 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 375C11C43E4; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:14:04 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: <> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 14:14:07 -0800 Cc:, FreeBSD Toolchain , Ian Lepore ,, Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: <> References: <> <> To: Warner Losh X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:14:11 -0000 [I'm going to break much of the earlier "original material" text to tail = of the message.] > On 2015-Dec-25, at 11:53 AM, Warner Losh wrote: >=20 > So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? >=20 > I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of = FILE * today like: > g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); > but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, > due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is = wrong. Maybe we > need to do something like > g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); > which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would = result in proper alignment > for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses ALIGN = afterwards to use > roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared 8-byte = aligned offset (or technically, > the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on today=E2=80=99= s systems. If we do this, > we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may = need to round up > sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it has = the 8-byte alignment > for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve not = chased that belief to ground. > If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, spelled = with the ugly > max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making = with the compiler will > always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is clearly = wrong. >=20 > This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a valid = FILE * from fopen (and > friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99t= hard coded into binaries, > so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some = =E2=80=98fake=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc > (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given the = alignment requirements that would > naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still be = ahead. At least for all CONFORMING > implementations[*]... >=20 > TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler options = are a band-aide. >=20 > Warner >=20 > [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of the = FILE structure in one of its > .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but even = that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, > since it never allocates a new one. >=20 The ARM documentation mentions cases of 16 byte alignment requirements. = I've no clue if the clang code generation ever creates such code. There = might be wider requirements possible in arm code as well. (I'm not an = arm expert.) As an example of an implication: "The malloc() function = returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes suitably aligned for = any use." In other words: aligned to some figure that is a multiple of = *every* alignment requirement that the code generator can produce, = possibly being the least common multiple. "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." is a means of controlling/limiting the range = of potential alignments to no more than a fixed, predefined value. Above = that and the code generation has to work in small size accesses and = build-up/split-up bigger values. Using "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." allows = defining a figure as part of an ABI that is then not subject to code = generator updates that could increase the maximum alignment figure and = break things: It turns off such new capabilities. Other options need not = work that way to preserve the ABI. But in the most fundamental terms process wise as far as I can tell. . . While the FILE case that occurred is a specific example, every = memory-allocation-like operation is at a potential issue for all such = "allocated" objects where the related code generation requires alignment = to avoid Bus Error (given the SCTLR bit[1] in use). How many other places in FreeBSD might sometimes return mis-aligned = pointers for the existing code generation and ABI combination? How many other places are subject to breakage when "internal" = structs/unions/fields involved are changed to be of a different size = because the code is not fully auto-adjusting to match the code = generation yet --even if right now "it works"? How fragile will things = be for future work? What would it take to find out and deal with them all? (I do not have = the background knowledge to span much.) My experiment avoided potentially changing parts of the ABI and also = avoided dealing with such a "lots of code to investigate" issue. It may = not be the long term 11.0-RELEASE solution. Even if not, it may be = appropriate for various temporary purposes that need to avoid Bus Errors = in the process. For example if Ian has a good reason to use clang 3.7 = instead of gcc 4.2.1. Other notes: > I believe that since it has the 8-byte alignment > for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8 There are some C/C++ language rules about the address of a structure = equalling the address of the first field, uniformity of the offsets, and = the like. But. . . The C and C++ languages specify no specific numerical alignment figures, = not even relative to specific sizeof(...) expressions. To use an old = example: a 68010 only needs alignment for >=3D 2 byte things and even = alignment is all that is then required. Some other contexts take a lot = more to meet the specifications. There are some implications of the = modern memory model(s) created to cover concurrency explicitly, such as = avoiding interactions that can happen via, for example, separate objects = (in part) sharing a cache line. (I've only looked at C++ for this, and = only to a degree.) The detailed alignment rules are more "implementation defined" than = "predefined by the standard". But the definition is trying to meet = language criteria. It is not a fully independent choice. May be some other standards that FreeBSD is tied to specify more = specifics, such as a N byte integer always aligns to some multiple of N = (a waste on the 68010), including the alignment for union or struct that = it may be a part of tracking. But such rules force padding that may or = may not be required to meet the language's more abstract criteria and = such rules may not match the existing/in-use ABI. So far as I can tell explicitly declared alignments may well be = necessary. If that one "popular package", say, formed an array of FILE = copies then the resultant alignments need not all match the ones = produced by your example code unless the FILE declaration forces the = compiler to match, causing sizeof(FILE) to track as well. FILE need not = be the only such issue. My background and reference material are mostly tied the languages --and = so my notes tend to be limited to that much context. Original material: > On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 > [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >=20 > On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 >> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>=20 >>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>=20 >>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>=20 >>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar : >>>=20 >>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>=20 >>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>=20 >>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>> . . . >>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>> . . . >>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>=20 >>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>>=20 >>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>=20 >>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>>=20 >>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus error = would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>=20 >>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>=20 >>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>> # >>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>> .export CC >>>> .export CXX >>>> .export CPP >>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>> .export AS >>>> .export AR >>>> .export LD >>>> .export NM >>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>> .export RANLIB >>>> .export SIZE >>>> .export STRINGS >>>> .endif >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> Other context: >>>=20 >>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue Dec = 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>=20 >>=20 >> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that the = _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar but = that was not my intent. >>=20 >> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko implementation: >>=20 >> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >> done. >> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>=20 >>=20 >> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>=20 >> /* >> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >> * stream conversions. >> */ >> typedef union { >> char __mbstate8[128]; >> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >> } __mbstate_t; >>=20 >> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>=20 >> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>=20 >>> (gdb) bt >>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>> (gdb) print fp >>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>> (gdb) print *fp >>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>=20 >> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>=20 >> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>=20 >> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>=20 >> mixed with >>=20 >> vst1.64 instructions >>=20 >> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >>=20 >> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >=20 >=20 > I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >=20 > src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >=20 >> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >> # >> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >> TARGET=3Darm >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >> .export TARGET_ARCH >> .endif >> # >> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >> # >> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >> # >> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >> WITH_CLANG=3D >> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >> WITH_LLDB=3D >> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >> # >> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >> # >> NO_WERROR=3D >> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >> # >> WITH_DEBUG=3D >> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >> # >> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >> # >> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> .export XCC >> .export XCXX >> .export XCPP >> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export XAS >> .export XAR >> .export XLD >> .export XNM >> .export XOBJCOPY >> .export XOBJDUMP >> .export XRANLIB >> .export XSIZE >> .export XSTRINGS >> .endif >> # >> # Host compiler stuff: >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >> .export CC >> .export CXX >> .export CPP >> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export AS >> .export AR >> .export LD >> .export NM >> .export OBJCOPY >> .export OBJDUMP >> .export RANLIB >> .export SIZE >> .export STRINGS >> .endif >=20 > make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >=20 >> $ more /etc/make.conf >> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >> WITH_DEBUG=3D >> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >> # >> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >> .export CC >> .export CXX >> .export CPP >> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >> .export AS >> .export AR >> .export LD >> .export NM >> .export OBJCOPY >> .export OBJDUMP >> .export RANLIB >> .export SIZE >> .export STRINGS >> .endif >=20 >=20 >=20 > =3D=3D=3D > Mark Millard > markmi at >=20 >=20 >=20 > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" From Fri Dec 25 23:42:43 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 159B4A51AB5 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:42:43 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4003:c06::229]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id CF08F19AA for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:42:42 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id y66so152117629oig.0 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 15:42:42 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from:in-reply-to:date:cc :message-id:references:to; bh=4r33SfTRwWXipcaagNiw6yQTSTgqBm90O8/kDIAGj6o=; b=nBVh+F8zWGO24NnBMAKqZiM066Tp0v8wdK9rzewJkLz+9cGmKFtkQS+ED2MsDTYD+/ uj4+s6k2JzmPl7HxC7ek4ZBmhLJA3SMZyl2MIUmljULtVkzGK2jiN44jdOLKxcYoEj3d JAlKG96sRon5KCkw1AQq9SlT1KyEgf6Zri69meVwKfbr0rbFNn2gtwZ8a0LIJ+URNRY4 kP7wxvg3TyTQ7zDel/pBQWYBMA2Fqb30NBW7Foc6g6xiArYRxm4pmMJqblxtUsp+QugT o9EGpROgAXNzlvZNvqlRG6tAcege5hF/YW6Lc9RPLAsfa+V8pTNJNiB2wvW/QCWOsTJ3 a7YQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from :in-reply-to:date:cc:message-id:references:to; bh=4r33SfTRwWXipcaagNiw6yQTSTgqBm90O8/kDIAGj6o=; b=Uywa4moyQEWJmWXp0trdzfNcKFAd2ov58KhdDoUAqEt34hzduk7ozwuO/A+RuzBxr7 XnxH3M0SY3nPrtr8JhGWR5zeqHdDCgPh3KKjDDRmOTnlY6drTjmyweGNWIOe3V8PLzpX Yix0Ga6Gs6cMR1VBb1NwO2zLtsCoCqycrp82JHeLQUNU4GAxYeZnH9y3AgYRXQk0L06l HlkvoWhmhm1h7221GzlKySx7uS5pRhWVoF6AfQgDU8VsB4d1rNHld2NSJt4nVtQkq+5h 8tPs7HdyIaS1AN5SYL2lt1jVfM705vnk8UbEGh84NpBznuiisJaDriiJ0YCFLaBwisjB UG4A== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQmgBXX59RILBSwZE9fAkwaUJopgV96YT+3zdgmm8dEV1Lgnb3tDHl7zpmN14PNY1nionL9NuKg0daLwJjvQUbEfUtUAog== X-Received: by with SMTP id w64mr23002113oia.84.1451086961655; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 15:42:41 -0800 (PST) Received: from ?IPv6:2601:280:4900:3700:7ce5:ac5c:f359:9182? ([2601:280:4900:3700:7ce5:ac5c:f359:9182]) by with ESMTPSA id kp2sm10045777obb.12.2015. (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Fri, 25 Dec 2015 15:42:40 -0800 (PST) Sender: Warner Losh Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Apple-Mail=_918263EA-3FFB-4ABA-8809-80F83519528B"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Pgp-Agent: GPGMail 2.5.2 From: Warner Losh In-Reply-To: <> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 16:42:38 -0700 Cc: freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain , Ian Lepore ,, Message-Id: <> References: <> <> <> To: Mark Millard X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:42:43 -0000 --Apple-Mail=_918263EA-3FFB-4ABA-8809-80F83519528B Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > On Dec 25, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 > [I'm going to break much of the earlier "original material" text to = tail of the message.] >=20 >> On 2015-Dec-25, at 11:53 AM, Warner Losh wrote: >>=20 >> So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? >>=20 >> I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of = FILE * today like: >> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); >> but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, >> due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is = wrong. Maybe we >> need to do something like >> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); >> which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would = result in proper alignment >> for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses ALIGN = afterwards to use >> roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared 8-byte = aligned offset (or technically, >> the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on today=E2=80= =99s systems. If we do this, >> we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may = need to round up >> sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it has = the 8-byte alignment >> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve not = chased that belief to ground. >> If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, spelled = with the ugly >> max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making = with the compiler will >> always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is = clearly wrong. >>=20 >> This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a = valid FILE * from fopen (and >> friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99= t hard coded into binaries, >> so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some = =E2=80=98fake=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc >> (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given the = alignment requirements that would >> naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still be = ahead. At least for all CONFORMING >> implementations[*]... >>=20 >> TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler = options are a band-aide. >>=20 >> Warner >>=20 >> [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of = the FILE structure in one of its >> .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but even = that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, >> since it never allocates a new one. >>=20 >=20 > The ARM documentation mentions cases of 16 byte alignment = requirements. I've no clue if the clang code generation ever creates = such code. There might be wider requirements possible in arm code as = well. (I'm not an arm expert.) As an example of an implication: "The = malloc() function returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes = suitably aligned for any use." In other words: aligned to some figure = that is a multiple of *every* alignment requirement that the code = generator can produce, possibly being the least common multiple. >=20 > "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." is a means of controlling/limiting the = range of potential alignments to no more than a fixed, predefined value. = Above that and the code generation has to work in small size accesses = and build-up/split-up bigger values. Using "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." = allows defining a figure as part of an ABI that is then not subject to = code generator updates that could increase the maximum alignment figure = and break things: It turns off such new capabilities. Other options need = not work that way to preserve the ABI. That=E2=80=99s true, as far as it goes=E2=80=A6 But I=E2=80=99m not sure = it goes far enough. The premise here is that the problem is wide-spread, = when in fact I think it is quite narrow. > But in the most fundamental terms process wise as far as I can tell. . = . >=20 > While the FILE case that occurred is a specific example, every = memory-allocation-like operation is at a potential issue for all such = "allocated" objects where the related code generation requires alignment = to avoid Bus Error (given the SCTLR bit[1] in use). The problem isn=E2=80=99t general. The problem isn=E2=80=99t malloc. = Malloc will generally return the right thing on arm (and if it = doesn=E2=80=99t, then we need to make sure it does). The problem is we get a boatload of FILEs from the system all at once, = and those are misaligned because of a bug in the code. One that=E2=80=99s = fixed, I believe, in > How many other places in FreeBSD might sometimes return mis-aligned = pointers for the existing code generation and ABI combination? It isn=E2=80=99t an ABI thing, just a code bug thing. The only reason it = was an issue was due to the optimizing nature of clang. We=E2=80=99ve had to deal with the arm alignment issues for years. I = wager there are very few indeed. The only reason this was was brought to = light was better code-gen from clang. > How many other places are subject to breakage when "internal" = structs/unions/fields involved are changed to be of a different size = because the code is not fully auto-adjusting to match the code = generation yet --even if right now "it works"? How fragile will things = be for future work? If there are others, I=E2=80=99ll bet they could be counted on one hand = since very few things do the =E2=80=98slab=E2=80=99 allocator that FILE = does. > What would it take to find out and deal with them all? (I do not have = the background knowledge to span much.) >=20 > My experiment avoided potentially changing parts of the ABI and also = avoided dealing with such a "lots of code to investigate" issue. It may = not be the long term 11.0-RELEASE solution. Even if not, it may be = appropriate for various temporary purposes that need to avoid Bus Errors = in the process. For example if Ian has a good reason to use clang 3.7 = instead of gcc 4.2.1. The review above doesn=E2=80=99t change the ABI either. > Other notes: >=20 >> I believe that since it has the 8-byte alignment >> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8 >=20 > There are some C/C++ language rules about the address of a structure = equalling the address of the first field, uniformity of the offsets, and = the like. But. . . >=20 > The C and C++ languages specify no specific numerical alignment = figures, not even relative to specific sizeof(...) expressions. To use = an old example: a 68010 only needs alignment for >=3D 2 byte things and = even alignment is all that is then required. Some other contexts take a = lot more to meet the specifications. There are some implications of the = modern memory model(s) created to cover concurrency explicitly, such as = avoiding interactions that can happen via, for example, separate objects = (in part) sharing a cache line. (I've only looked at C++ for this, and = only to a degree.) >=20 > The detailed alignment rules are more "implementation defined" than = "predefined by the standard". But the definition is trying to meet = language criteria. It is not a fully independent choice. Many of them are actually defined by a combination of the standard = language definition, as well as the ABI standard. This is why we know = that mbstate_t must be 8 byte aligned. > May be some other standards that FreeBSD is tied to specify more = specifics, such as a N byte integer always aligns to some multiple of N = (a waste on the 68010), including the alignment for union or struct that = it may be a part of tracking. But such rules force padding that may or = may not be required to meet the language's more abstract criteria and = such rules may not match the existing/in-use ABI. It is all spelled out in the ARM EABI docs. > So far as I can tell explicitly declared alignments may well be = necessary. If that one "popular package", say, formed an array of FILE = copies then the resultant alignments need not all match the ones = produced by your example code unless the FILE declaration forces the = compiler to match, causing sizeof(FILE) to track as well. FILE need not = be the only such issue. Arrays of FILEs isn=E2=80=99t an issue (except that it encodes the size = of FILE into the app). It=E2=80=99s the specifically quirky way that = libc does it that=E2=80=99s the problem. > My background and reference material are mostly tied the languages = --and so my notes tend to be limited to that much context. Understood. While there may be issues with alignment still, tossing a = big hammer at the problem because they might exist will likely mean they = will persist far longer than fixing them one at a time. When we first = ported to arm, there were maybe half a dozen places that needed fixing. = I doubt there=E2=80=99s more now. Can you try the patch in the above code review w/o the -f switch and let = me know if it works for you? Warner > Original material: >=20 >> On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >> [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >>=20 >> On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>>=20 >>>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>>=20 >>>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>>=20 >>>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = : >>>>=20 >>>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>>=20 >>>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>>=20 >>>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>>> . . . >>>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>>> . . . >>>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>>=20 >>>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>>>=20 >>>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>>=20 >>>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>>>=20 >>>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus = error would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>>=20 >>>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>>=20 >>>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>>> # >>>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> .export CC >>>>> .export CXX >>>>> .export CPP >>>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>>> .export AS >>>>> .export AR >>>>> .export LD >>>>> .export NM >>>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>>> .export RANLIB >>>>> .export SIZE >>>>> .export STRINGS >>>>> .endif >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Other context: >>>>=20 >>>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue = Dec 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that = the _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = but that was not my intent. >>>=20 >>> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko = implementation: >>>=20 >>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >>> done. >>> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>>=20 >>> /* >>> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >>> * stream conversions. >>> */ >>> typedef union { >>> char __mbstate8[128]; >>> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >>> } __mbstate_t; >>>=20 >>> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>>=20 >>> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>>=20 >>>> (gdb) bt >>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>>> (gdb) print fp >>>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>>> (gdb) print *fp >>>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>>=20 >>> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>>=20 >>> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>>=20 >>> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>>=20 >>> mixed with >>>=20 >>> vst1.64 instructions >>>=20 >>> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >>>=20 >>> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >>=20 >>=20 >> I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >>=20 >> src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >>=20 >>> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >>> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >>> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >>> # >>> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >>> TARGET=3Darm >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >>> .export TARGET_ARCH >>> .endif >>> # >>> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >>> # >>> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >>> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >>> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >>> # >>> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >>> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >>> WITH_CLANG=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >>> WITH_LLDB=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >>> # >>> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >>> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >>> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >>> # >>> NO_WERROR=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >>> # >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> # >>> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >>> # >>> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >>> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export XCC >>> .export XCXX >>> .export XCPP >>> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export XAS >>> .export XAR >>> .export XLD >>> .export XNM >>> .export XOBJCOPY >>> .export XOBJDUMP >>> .export XRANLIB >>> .export XSIZE >>> .export XSTRINGS >>> .endif >>> # >>> # Host compiler stuff: >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >> make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >>=20 >>> $ more /etc/make.conf >>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> # >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> =3D=3D=3D >> Mark Millard >> markmi at >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" --Apple-Mail=_918263EA-3FFB-4ABA-8809-80F83519528B Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc Content-Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: GPGTools - iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWfdRuAAoJEGwc0Sh9sBEAg6EP/11K319mkZa0LbiV0g4Zbo5k RV44oXg/ucQsROpqDqp0DVzcMkJgGp9TjR6B0J9spviCviWJN5s6Ut5AKF9niV7g IGodpS2yaFRa7sOrv9o3ZffOOVajzOaXpkoeyeesv8+wS78B1wrpVGoKT35CC/mc SVbktqz5HpFAuPKXzCeV7ywAEpzH/NPNZFWrfT0Hi7P2UTS4KuRUemdw8adF5EDr pgARcaxIRpmUDoyU7TaRRxvrMknoqvo5vUcU5w5rLEiMrbH6pQAqdyJuDcUfa0aC 1cP/v+hjbqxFMNxTEFcQFqUgnUjrECKmOsijHJ4OCanNWK0Odiu8h4ORiyD59EyX ayTvbXMDqjiSVG449j775TkHARm8/lVJ2G4BfC4ig8AjflBDQTJpTLPxmKWS81xe Yz2uQfc6sAUKTdvG63/PwIAp1dK9ZaG2hiuSZDeGPKCVbRjFPfux3OTVj/+fUF7u IdrpturezDOhn2kfRea3IpTGeSxOTgKC1VtAx4HSUZ4GIgAiRj4xZEDl6Ww9qzaW 2GOEThC4k1pK+WL6NCoZb38pRiWONojGXErYtgs+wg+PdlXEY5heDX/6RduIs2UW 8lq+YeRGwkSHtvKt/4FnmcCSFWsEjlZ1+0uQu3VgoRZKHjnbxpASxGs7pgS7nGrU sw2TR+Xv0rOMjhVdj8v5 =qpY9 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Apple-Mail=_918263EA-3FFB-4ABA-8809-80F83519528B-- From Sat Dec 26 01:17:49 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2D979A51932 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:17:49 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c06::234]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 001B11EB7 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:17:48 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id o67so267506437iof.3 for ; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:17:48 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=csu7nGxIczcphfra8cgJAvJHCGZ4A06UJ+oF8qh24F8=; b=SRwlhG17W05y7Pp9YuCqcb+pXzXSzUzW1DNVLx3Z+F6cLfr9o3VHd31HoblkR2ofXj XMKqteI8OiTC8rfQ303vw51AOJcCHCbYE47s82k9XIwvos0lTnpZnf1bkZ3i4qs8fJHW vp31bFwU0lY7UDlFOrJs4+dInVdanB08sgXZHPJTbk4ILUkh6cBHOrFK5bw+OIsxats2 SRZuXTDytCTOPvy6Nfaq52y8YDlHzwZCsk/COH5+a97SNHKt2LQwSRbgZJRGLLeuqNBZ esTXBU+WAAikNm0zEC/OP6flcrKaB9GSlG+/6sTzGBYQxqrMTGii4Fhu+tYPPjIUyxpQ 5CaA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id b101mr12350804iod.37.1451092667474; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:17:47 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:17:47 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: References: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:17:47 -0500 Message-ID: Subject: Re: Re urtwn From: Alan Corey To: Adrian Chadd Cc: "" Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:17:49 -0000 No, I was just saying it had undergone a lot of work in the last 6 months or so, at least the OpenBSD drivers for it changed just about completely between 5.7 and 5.8 Don't know who actually did the work. OK, it's got a FreeBSD copyright, Kevin Lo 2014. I'm running 5.7, figures. I had noticed that the cards I bought most recently only worked with some urtwn drivers. But at under $5 each on eBay it's no big deal. I haven't booted my Pi in about 11 months, been playing with Debian on phones. The battery, display, portability, camera I wanted in my Pi in phones instead. On 12/25/15, Adrian Chadd wrote: > is urtwn on -head giving you trouble? > > It shouldn't be; it should mostly work now. > > > > -a > > > On 25 December 2015 at 04:26, Alan Corey wrote: >> I haven't used FreeBSD in a while frankly but happened to notice the >> urtwn >> post. I have several of them which seem to be from 2 different >> generations. >> >> OpenBSD 5.8 (the latest) has major changes to the urtwn driver. I found >> it >> easier to stick my cards in a box for now than to upgrade just for that. >> I >> was seeing unreliable performance, often an error about buffer space, and >> a >> hard crash about once a week. There is another driver in the works, don't >> know how long before it gets to FreeBSD. >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" > -- Credit is the root of all evil. - AB1JX From Sat Dec 26 01:21:15 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 120EDA51A0E for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:21:15 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C5DAF1F99 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:21:14 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 28656 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 01:21:19 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 01:21:19 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:21:11 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 6825 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 01:21:11 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 01:21:11 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 3BDCE1C43E5; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:21:07 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: <> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 17:21:11 -0800 Cc: freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain , Ian Lepore ,, Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> <> <> <> To: Warner Losh X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 01:21:15 -0000 > On 2015-Dec-25, at 3:42 PM, Warner Losh wrote: >=20 >=20 >> On Dec 25, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >> [I'm going to break much of the earlier "original material" text to = tail of the message.] >>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-25, at 11:53 AM, Warner Losh wrote: >>>=20 >>> So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? >>>=20 >>> I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of = FILE * today like: >>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); >>> but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, >>> due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is = wrong. Maybe we >>> need to do something like >>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); >>> which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would = result in proper alignment >>> for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses ALIGN = afterwards to use >>> roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared 8-byte = aligned offset (or technically, >>> the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on = today=E2=80=99s systems. If we do this, >>> we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may = need to round up >>> sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it has = the 8-byte alignment >>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve not = chased that belief to ground. >>> If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, = spelled with the ugly >>> max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making = with the compiler will >>> always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is = clearly wrong. >>>=20 >>> This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a = valid FILE * from fopen (and >>> friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99= t hard coded into binaries, >>> so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some = =E2=80=98fake=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc >>> (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given the = alignment requirements that would >>> naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still be = ahead. At least for all CONFORMING >>> implementations[*]... >>>=20 >>> TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler = options are a band-aide. >>>=20 >>> Warner >>>=20 >>> [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of = the FILE structure in one of its >>> .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but even = that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, >>> since it never allocates a new one. >>>=20 >>=20 >> The ARM documentation mentions cases of 16 byte alignment = requirements. I've no clue if the clang code generation ever creates = such code. There might be wider requirements possible in arm code as = well. (I'm not an arm expert.) As an example of an implication: "The = malloc() function returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes = suitably aligned for any use." In other words: aligned to some figure = that is a multiple of *every* alignment requirement that the code = generator can produce, possibly being the least common multiple. >>=20 >> "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." is a means of controlling/limiting the = range of potential alignments to no more than a fixed, predefined value. = Above that and the code generation has to work in small size accesses = and build-up/split-up bigger values. Using "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." = allows defining a figure as part of an ABI that is then not subject to = code generator updates that could increase the maximum alignment figure = and break things: It turns off such new capabilities. Other options need = not work that way to preserve the ABI. >=20 > That=E2=80=99s true, as far as it goes=E2=80=A6 But I=E2=80=99m not = sure it goes far enough. The premise here is that the problem is = wide-spread, when in fact I think it is quite narrow. >=20 >> But in the most fundamental terms process wise as far as I can tell. = . . >>=20 >> While the FILE case that occurred is a specific example, every = memory-allocation-like operation is at a potential issue for all such = "allocated" objects where the related code generation requires alignment = to avoid Bus Error (given the SCTLR bit[1] in use). >=20 > The problem isn=E2=80=99t general. The problem isn=E2=80=99t malloc. = Malloc will generally return the right thing on arm (and if it = doesn=E2=80=99t, > then we need to make sure it does). >=20 > The problem is we get a boatload of FILEs from the system all at once, = and those are misaligned because of a bug in the code. One that=E2=80=99s = fixed, I believe, in >=20 >=20 >> How many other places in FreeBSD might sometimes return mis-aligned = pointers for the existing code generation and ABI combination? >=20 > It isn=E2=80=99t an ABI thing, just a code bug thing. The only reason = it was an issue was due to the optimizing nature of clang. >=20 > We=E2=80=99ve had to deal with the arm alignment issues for years. I = wager there are very few indeed. The only reason this was was brought to = light was better code-gen from clang. >=20 >> How many other places are subject to breakage when "internal" = structs/unions/fields involved are changed to be of a different size = because the code is not fully auto-adjusting to match the code = generation yet --even if right now "it works"? How fragile will things = be for future work? >=20 > If there are others, I=E2=80=99ll bet they could be counted on one = hand since very few things do the =E2=80=98slab=E2=80=99 allocator that = FILE does. >=20 >> What would it take to find out and deal with them all? (I do not have = the background knowledge to span much.) >>=20 >> My experiment avoided potentially changing parts of the ABI and also = avoided dealing with such a "lots of code to investigate" issue. It may = not be the long term 11.0-RELEASE solution. Even if not, it may be = appropriate for various temporary purposes that need to avoid Bus Errors = in the process. For example if Ian has a good reason to use clang 3.7 = instead of gcc 4.2.1. >=20 > The review above doesn=E2=80=99t change the ABI either. >=20 >> Other notes: >>=20 >>> I believe that since it has the 8-byte alignment >>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8 >>=20 >> There are some C/C++ language rules about the address of a structure = equalling the address of the first field, uniformity of the offsets, and = the like. But. . . >>=20 >> The C and C++ languages specify no specific numerical alignment = figures, not even relative to specific sizeof(...) expressions. To use = an old example: a 68010 only needs alignment for >=3D 2 byte things and = even alignment is all that is then required. Some other contexts take a = lot more to meet the specifications. There are some implications of the = modern memory model(s) created to cover concurrency explicitly, such as = avoiding interactions that can happen via, for example, separate objects = (in part) sharing a cache line. (I've only looked at C++ for this, and = only to a degree.) >>=20 >> The detailed alignment rules are more "implementation defined" than = "predefined by the standard". But the definition is trying to meet = language criteria. It is not a fully independent choice. >=20 > Many of them are actually defined by a combination of the standard = language definition, as well as the ABI standard. This is why we know = that mbstate_t must be 8 byte aligned. >=20 >> May be some other standards that FreeBSD is tied to specify more = specifics, such as a N byte integer always aligns to some multiple of N = (a waste on the 68010), including the alignment for union or struct that = it may be a part of tracking. But such rules force padding that may or = may not be required to meet the language's more abstract criteria and = such rules may not match the existing/in-use ABI. >=20 > It is all spelled out in the ARM EABI docs. >=20 >> So far as I can tell explicitly declared alignments may well be = necessary. If that one "popular package", say, formed an array of FILE = copies then the resultant alignments need not all match the ones = produced by your example code unless the FILE declaration forces the = compiler to match, causing sizeof(FILE) to track as well. FILE need not = be the only such issue. >=20 > Arrays of FILEs isn=E2=80=99t an issue (except that it encodes the = size of FILE into the app). It=E2=80=99s the specifically quirky way = that libc does it that=E2=80=99s the problem. >=20 >> My background and reference material are mostly tied the languages = --and so my notes tend to be limited to that much context. >=20 > Understood. While there may be issues with alignment still, tossing a = big hammer at the problem because they might exist will likely mean they = will persist far longer than fixing them one at a time. When we first = ported to arm, there were maybe half a dozen places that needed fixing. = I doubt there=E2=80=99s more now. >=20 > Can you try the patch in the above code review w/o the -f switch and = let me know if it works for you? >=20 > Warner buildworld/buildkernel has been started on amd64 for a rpi2 target. That = and install kernel/world and starting up a port rebuild on the rpi2 and = waiting for it means it will be a few hours even if I start the next = thing just as each prior thing finishes. I may give up and go to sleep = first. As for presumptions: I'll take your word on expected status of things. = I've no clue. But absent even the hear-say status information at the = time I did not presume that what was in front of me was all there is to = worry about --nor did I try to go figure it all out on my own. I took a = path to cover both possibilities for local-only vs. more-wide-spread (so = long as that path did not force a split-up of some larger form of atomic = action). In my view "-mno-unaligned-access" is an even bigger hammer than I used. = I find no clang statement about what its ABI consequences would be, = unlike for what I did: What mix of more padding for alignment vs. more = but smaller accesses? But as I remember I've seen = "-mno-unaligned-access" in use in ports and the like so its consequences = may be familiar material for some folks. Absent any questions about ABI consequences "-mno-unaligned-access" does = well mark the expected SCTLR bit[1] status, far better than what I did. = Again: I was covering my ignorance while making any significant = investigation/debugging as unlikely as I could. > Original material: >=20 >> On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >> [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >>=20 >> On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>>=20 >>>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>>=20 >>>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>>=20 >>>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = : >>>>=20 >>>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>>=20 >>>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>>=20 >>>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>>> . . . >>>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>>> . . . >>>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>>=20 >>>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>>>=20 >>>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>>=20 >>>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>>>=20 >>>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus = error would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>>=20 >>>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>>=20 >>>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>>> # >>>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> .export CC >>>>> .export CXX >>>>> .export CPP >>>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>>> .export AS >>>>> .export AR >>>>> .export LD >>>>> .export NM >>>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>>> .export RANLIB >>>>> .export SIZE >>>>> .export STRINGS >>>>> .endif >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Other context: >>>>=20 >>>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue = Dec 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that = the _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = but that was not my intent. >>>=20 >>> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko = implementation: >>>=20 >>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >>> done. >>> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>>=20 >>> /* >>> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >>> * stream conversions. >>> */ >>> typedef union { >>> char __mbstate8[128]; >>> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >>> } __mbstate_t; >>>=20 >>> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>>=20 >>> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>>=20 >>>> (gdb) bt >>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>>> (gdb) print fp >>>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>>> (gdb) print *fp >>>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>>=20 >>> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>>=20 >>> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>>=20 >>> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>>=20 >>> mixed with >>>=20 >>> vst1.64 instructions >>>=20 >>> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >>>=20 >>> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >>=20 >>=20 >> I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >>=20 >> src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >>=20 >>> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >>> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >>> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >>> # >>> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >>> TARGET=3Darm >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >>> .export TARGET_ARCH >>> .endif >>> # >>> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >>> # >>> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >>> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >>> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >>> # >>> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >>> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >>> WITH_CLANG=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >>> WITH_LLDB=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >>> # >>> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >>> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >>> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >>> # >>> NO_WERROR=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >>> # >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> # >>> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >>> # >>> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >>> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export XCC >>> .export XCXX >>> .export XCPP >>> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export XAS >>> .export XAR >>> .export XLD >>> .export XNM >>> .export XOBJCOPY >>> .export XOBJDUMP >>> .export XRANLIB >>> .export XSIZE >>> .export XSTRINGS >>> .endif >>> # >>> # Host compiler stuff: >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >> make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >>=20 >>> $ more /etc/make.conf >>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> # >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> =3D=3D=3D >> Mark Millard >> markmi at >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" From Sat Dec 26 03:06:42 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 477C0A51FF1 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 03:06:42 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D20191A81 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 03:06:39 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=default; h=Content-Transfer-Encoding:Content-Type:MIME-Version:Message-ID: Subject:To:From:Date; bh=19eaBkUdWa8foj7xVFLGuQ3Pd5Gg9J6udR+bJvfZXaM=; b=kOoo pcV/scd/x6JZinrWuKdNnc/nhJhM01NVbCDC/zLzyTseRp5deNAakYEwooIoObELD0zmoZPy29Thk z/4nMd4NMyH/XqYHY2gWx9OQ167ZP8DY0H8U8G14ofIk6RNx+kxfPvVLgW8Ye837dPIh6Khpy0GGj Pv+2KA+npwRnQ=; Received: from [] (port=29254 by with esmtpsa (TLSv1.2:AES128-GCM-SHA256:128) (Exim 4.86) (envelope-from ) id 1aCfBJ-003GWN-TJ for; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:06:10 -0700 Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 11:05:45 +0800 From: Erich Dollansky To: Subject: differences in top's bookkeeping between 10.2 and 11 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [47 12] / [47 12] X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - X-Get-Message-Sender-Via: authenticated_id: X-Authenticated-Sender: X-Source: X-Source-Args: X-Source-Dir: X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 03:06:42 -0000 Hi, I do not know if this is of any interest. I have a test program which starts 1000 threads which use a tiny amount of CPU time every second. This all works fine, only top surprises me a bit. FreeBSD 10.2-STABLE FreeBSD 10.2-STABLE #0 r291083: Fri Nov 20 09:20:23 UTC 2015 arm reports: load averages: 119.74, 76.30, 53.35 and 1046 root 1001 40 0 165M 33664K umtxn 3:38 0.05% test and idle shows values between 30 and 50%. while FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r291495: Tue Dec 1 09:13:20 UTC 2015 arm reports: load averages: 4.63, 7.64, 4.79 and 1360 root 1001 38 0 199M 47928K uwait 1 2:24 35.89% test and idle shows values around 80 to 90%. The program reaches the hardware limits on 10.2 but top claims that it takes less than 1% of CPU time. The 30 to 40% as claimed under 11 sounds much more reasonable to me. I have read of top's bookkeeping habits but never saw it that extreme. Erich From Sat Dec 26 04:32:16 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CDC57A515B5 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 04:32:16 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 88FAB1C44 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 04:32:15 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 25657 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 04:32:13 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 04:32:13 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:32:19 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 30084 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 04:32:19 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 04:32:19 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 829F51C43BC; Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:32:07 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:32:12 -0800 Cc: freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain , Ian Lepore ,, Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: References: <> <> <> <> To: Warner Losh X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 04:32:17 -0000 [I am again breaking off another section of older material.] Mixed news I'm afraid. The specific couple of ports that I attempted did build, the same ones = that originally got the Bus Error in ar using (indirectly) _fseeko and = memset that I reported. So I expect that you fixed one error. But when I tried to buildworld, clang++ 3.7 processing = usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/ materials quickly got a Bus Error at = nearly the same type of instruction (it has a "!" below that the earlier = one did not), but with r4 holding the misaligned address this time: > --- _bootstrap-tools-lib/clang/libllvmsupport --- > --- APFloat.o --- > clang++: error: unable to execute command: Bus error (core dumped) > . . . > # gdb clang++ usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/clang++.core > . . . > Core was generated by `clang++'. > Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error. > #0 0x00c3bb9c in = clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializatio= nType () > [New Thread 22a18000 (LWP 100128/)] > (gdb) x/40i 0x00c3bb60 > . . . > 0xc3bb9c = <_ZN5clang35DependentTemplateSpecializationTypeC2ENS_21ElaboratedTypeKeywo= rdEPNS_19NestedNameSpecifierEPKNS_14IdentifierInfoEjPKNS_16TemplateArgumen= tENS_8QualTypeE+356>:=09 > vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r4]! > . . . > (gdb) info all-registers > r0 0xbfbf81a8 -1077968472 > r1 0x22f07e14 586186260 > r2 0xc416bc 12850876 > r3 0x2 2 > r4 0x22f07dfc 586186236 > . . . Thus it appears that there is more code around that likely generates = pointers not aligned so to allow the code generation that is in use for = what is pointed to. At this point I have no clue if the issue is just inside clang itself = vs. if it is in something that clang is layered on top of. Nor if there = is just one bad thing or many. Note: I had not yet tried buildworld/buildkernel for the context of the = "-f" option that I was experimenting with earlier. So I do not have a = direct compare and contrast at this point. Older material: On 2015-Dec-25, at 5:21 PM, Mark Millard wrote: > On 2015-Dec-25, at 3:42 PM, Warner Losh wrote: >=20 >=20 >> On Dec 25, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >> [I'm going to break much of the earlier "original material" text to = tail of the message.] >>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-25, at 11:53 AM, Warner Losh wrote: >>>=20 >>> So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? >>>=20 >>> I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of = FILE * today like: >>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); >>> but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, >>> due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is = wrong. Maybe we >>> need to do something like >>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); >>> which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would = result in proper alignment >>> for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses ALIGN = afterwards to use >>> roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared 8-byte = aligned offset (or technically, >>> the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on = today=E2=80=99s systems. If we do this, >>> we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may = need to round up >>> sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it has = the 8-byte alignment >>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve not = chased that belief to ground. >>> If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, = spelled with the ugly >>> max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making = with the compiler will >>> always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is = clearly wrong. >>>=20 >>> This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a = valid FILE * from fopen (and >>> friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99= t hard coded into binaries, >>> so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some = =E2=80=98fake=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc >>> (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given the = alignment requirements that would >>> naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still be = ahead. At least for all CONFORMING >>> implementations[*]... >>>=20 >>> TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler = options are a band-aide. >>>=20 >>> Warner >>>=20 >>> [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of = the FILE structure in one of its >>> .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but even = that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, >>> since it never allocates a new one. >>>=20 >>=20 >> The ARM documentation mentions cases of 16 byte alignment = requirements. I've no clue if the clang code generation ever creates = such code. There might be wider requirements possible in arm code as = well. (I'm not an arm expert.) As an example of an implication: "The = malloc() function returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes = suitably aligned for any use." In other words: aligned to some figure = that is a multiple of *every* alignment requirement that the code = generator can produce, possibly being the least common multiple. >>=20 >> "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." is a means of controlling/limiting the = range of potential alignments to no more than a fixed, predefined value. = Above that and the code generation has to work in small size accesses = and build-up/split-up bigger values. Using "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." = allows defining a figure as part of an ABI that is then not subject to = code generator updates that could increase the maximum alignment figure = and break things: It turns off such new capabilities. Other options need = not work that way to preserve the ABI. >=20 > That=E2=80=99s true, as far as it goes=E2=80=A6 But I=E2=80=99m not = sure it goes far enough. The premise here is that the problem is = wide-spread, when in fact I think it is quite narrow. >=20 >> But in the most fundamental terms process wise as far as I can tell. = . . >>=20 >> While the FILE case that occurred is a specific example, every = memory-allocation-like operation is at a potential issue for all such = "allocated" objects where the related code generation requires alignment = to avoid Bus Error (given the SCTLR bit[1] in use). >=20 > The problem isn=E2=80=99t general. The problem isn=E2=80=99t malloc. = Malloc will generally return the right thing on arm (and if it = doesn=E2=80=99t, > then we need to make sure it does). >=20 > The problem is we get a boatload of FILEs from the system all at once, = and those are misaligned because of a bug in the code. One that=E2=80=99s = fixed, I believe, in >=20 >=20 >> How many other places in FreeBSD might sometimes return mis-aligned = pointers for the existing code generation and ABI combination? >=20 > It isn=E2=80=99t an ABI thing, just a code bug thing. The only reason = it was an issue was due to the optimizing nature of clang. >=20 > We=E2=80=99ve had to deal with the arm alignment issues for years. I = wager there are very few indeed. The only reason this was was brought to = light was better code-gen from clang. >=20 >> How many other places are subject to breakage when "internal" = structs/unions/fields involved are changed to be of a different size = because the code is not fully auto-adjusting to match the code = generation yet --even if right now "it works"? How fragile will things = be for future work? >=20 > If there are others, I=E2=80=99ll bet they could be counted on one = hand since very few things do the =E2=80=98slab=E2=80=99 allocator that = FILE does. >=20 >> What would it take to find out and deal with them all? (I do not have = the background knowledge to span much.) >>=20 >> My experiment avoided potentially changing parts of the ABI and also = avoided dealing with such a "lots of code to investigate" issue. It may = not be the long term 11.0-RELEASE solution. Even if not, it may be = appropriate for various temporary purposes that need to avoid Bus Errors = in the process. For example if Ian has a good reason to use clang 3.7 = instead of gcc 4.2.1. >=20 > The review above doesn=E2=80=99t change the ABI either. >=20 >> Other notes: >>=20 >>> I believe that since it has the 8-byte alignment >>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8 >>=20 >> There are some C/C++ language rules about the address of a structure = equalling the address of the first field, uniformity of the offsets, and = the like. But. . . >>=20 >> The C and C++ languages specify no specific numerical alignment = figures, not even relative to specific sizeof(...) expressions. To use = an old example: a 68010 only needs alignment for >=3D 2 byte things and = even alignment is all that is then required. Some other contexts take a = lot more to meet the specifications. There are some implications of the = modern memory model(s) created to cover concurrency explicitly, such as = avoiding interactions that can happen via, for example, separate objects = (in part) sharing a cache line. (I've only looked at C++ for this, and = only to a degree.) >>=20 >> The detailed alignment rules are more "implementation defined" than = "predefined by the standard". But the definition is trying to meet = language criteria. It is not a fully independent choice. >=20 > Many of them are actually defined by a combination of the standard = language definition, as well as the ABI standard. This is why we know = that mbstate_t must be 8 byte aligned. >=20 >> May be some other standards that FreeBSD is tied to specify more = specifics, such as a N byte integer always aligns to some multiple of N = (a waste on the 68010), including the alignment for union or struct that = it may be a part of tracking. But such rules force padding that may or = may not be required to meet the language's more abstract criteria and = such rules may not match the existing/in-use ABI. >=20 > It is all spelled out in the ARM EABI docs. >=20 >> So far as I can tell explicitly declared alignments may well be = necessary. If that one "popular package", say, formed an array of FILE = copies then the resultant alignments need not all match the ones = produced by your example code unless the FILE declaration forces the = compiler to match, causing sizeof(FILE) to track as well. FILE need not = be the only such issue. >=20 > Arrays of FILEs isn=E2=80=99t an issue (except that it encodes the = size of FILE into the app). It=E2=80=99s the specifically quirky way = that libc does it that=E2=80=99s the problem. >=20 >> My background and reference material are mostly tied the languages = --and so my notes tend to be limited to that much context. >=20 > Understood. While there may be issues with alignment still, tossing a = big hammer at the problem because they might exist will likely mean they = will persist far longer than fixing them one at a time. When we first = ported to arm, there were maybe half a dozen places that needed fixing. = I doubt there=E2=80=99s more now. >=20 > Can you try the patch in the above code review w/o the -f switch and = let me know if it works for you? >=20 > Warner buildworld/buildkernel has been started on amd64 for a rpi2 target. That = and install kernel/world and starting up a port rebuild on the rpi2 and = waiting for it means it will be a few hours even if I start the next = thing just as each prior thing finishes. I may give up and go to sleep = first. As for presumptions: I'll take your word on expected status of things. = I've no clue. But absent even the hear-say status information at the = time I did not presume that what was in front of me was all there is to = worry about --nor did I try to go figure it all out on my own. I took a = path to cover both possibilities for local-only vs. more-wide-spread (so = long as that path did not force a split-up of some larger form of atomic = action). In my view "-mno-unaligned-access" is an even bigger hammer than I used. = I find no clang statement about what its ABI consequences would be, = unlike for what I did: What mix of more padding for alignment vs. more = but smaller accesses? But as I remember I've seen = "-mno-unaligned-access" in use in ports and the like so its consequences = may be familiar material for some folks. Absent any questions about ABI consequences "-mno-unaligned-access" does = well mark the expected SCTLR bit[1] status, far better than what I did. = Again: I was covering my ignorance while making any significant = investigation/debugging as unlikely as I could. > Original material: >=20 >> On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >> [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >>=20 >> On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>>=20 >>>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>>=20 >>>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>>=20 >>>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = : >>>>=20 >>>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>>=20 >>>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>>=20 >>>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>>> . . . >>>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>>> . . . >>>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; 0x00000000 >>>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 <_fseeko+1540> >>>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>>=20 >>>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly have = the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then from = what I read the following applies: >>>>=20 >>>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>>=20 >>>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault occurs. >>>>=20 >>>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus = error would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>>=20 >>>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>>=20 >>>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>>> # >>>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>> .export CC >>>>> .export CXX >>>>> .export CPP >>>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>>> .export AS >>>>> .export AR >>>>> .export LD >>>>> .export NM >>>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>>> .export RANLIB >>>>> .export SIZE >>>>> .export STRINGS >>>>> .endif >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Other context: >>>>=20 >>>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue = Dec 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that = the _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = but that was not my intent. >>>=20 >>> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko = implementation: >>>=20 >>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >>> done. >>> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>>=20 >>> /* >>> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >>> * stream conversions. >>> */ >>> typedef union { >>> char __mbstate8[128]; >>> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >>> } __mbstate_t; >>>=20 >>> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>>=20 >>> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>>=20 >>>> (gdb) bt >>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>>> (gdb) print fp >>>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>>> (gdb) print *fp >>>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>>=20 >>> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>>=20 >>> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>>=20 >>> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>>=20 >>> mixed with >>>=20 >>> vst1.64 instructions >>>=20 >>> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing 8-byte = alignment is introduced. >>>=20 >>> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >>=20 >>=20 >> I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >>=20 >> src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >>=20 >>> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >>> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >>> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >>> # >>> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >>> TARGET=3Darm >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >>> .export TARGET_ARCH >>> .endif >>> # >>> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >>> # >>> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >>> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >>> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >>> # >>> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >>> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >>> WITH_CLANG=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >>> WITH_LLDB=3D >>> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >>> # >>> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >>> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >>> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >>> # >>> NO_WERROR=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >>> # >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> # >>> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >>> # >>> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >>> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export XCC >>> .export XCXX >>> .export XCPP >>> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export XAS >>> .export XAR >>> .export XLD >>> .export XNM >>> .export XOBJCOPY >>> .export XOBJDUMP >>> .export XRANLIB >>> .export XSIZE >>> .export XSTRINGS >>> .endif >>> # >>> # Host compiler stuff: >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >> make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >>=20 >>> $ more /etc/make.conf >>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>> # >>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>> .export CC >>> .export CXX >>> .export CPP >>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>> .export AS >>> .export AR >>> .export LD >>> .export NM >>> .export OBJCOPY >>> .export OBJDUMP >>> .export RANLIB >>> .export SIZE >>> .export STRINGS >>> .endif >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> =3D=3D=3D >> Mark Millard >> markmi at >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> _______________________________________________ >> mailing list >> >> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" From Sat Dec 26 16:45:39 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 442BFA520E5 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:45:39 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4003:c06::230]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 04CAA1F50 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:45:38 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id l9so129230402oia.2 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 08:45:38 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from:in-reply-to:date:cc :message-id:references:to; bh=MafQe3JvzPs7LCo3zWvMQI+8oUDIOVswkIZw0ddqrnQ=; b=WU0ltwcHWk8RCVwg4XOi/r8zgWs1Q3mSL3bM00siP2n3DRJbx2AU7QznTe1py8S0ua Y8Uj7OqII5UYFrVjyFvsV2nfR3j7TNoEKXg+IFjsnAibUuv3JN+ssjwN4nBNhssQrwW5 UR7F8BDHUXAMlYpMxmjfwTn3IrosJyBTNXbQ153dVNQHbdsHhH5b5c1Jvu2SResJX5dr /1BjVnx64vHBf32AfZz9mZFDPJeo9AtFFb/2/GOQUehGCD8x87k4QBZdpDp32Ke3qOqF Mqk16DbECA2rQVnQ440UYFN6w7JGelbCoqZ6Ryiffa0oWZlGQhObQJ8MwNDP64BGkt2I rNdA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:sender:subject:mime-version:content-type:from :in-reply-to:date:cc:message-id:references:to; bh=MafQe3JvzPs7LCo3zWvMQI+8oUDIOVswkIZw0ddqrnQ=; b=aQjen0kj45Fxe5YcSYLxMJl/2JSHzBNIW8z4LUWU3nAGYM0dVC1f+ymOkzQZ0caJ6Z MwCpeA17AcXtAK2C6CpfS4wob0NZ1mWYv26QFQ++nfcbIFKeL4jNIiK3Uhd6xVFMdBTg jAuiZ8Xe10nGcUBVcokQwfJbtcAFp4kgQnn0ByFxmVjwE1ER5yD1/NLG/nzWpolUXn5X aseJcc15bj4DUcXAg1LO3ifwyR1qBdzwnDy8f/dvxUckGy7MLInwZhdT6O5TIqCceq85 +tMZmx/J0rCVaBR2gGV/jqsNTDL2/OJJAE/zi1dqjU789wiR3f1P0K4VL+wYLlbOShKw y0aA== X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQlSP/bHsY8j4KXc8MNGeCZSKzHeYN+zJ0gvdzAGiTo/Yknfw40SBZLrFPjczPmg8sr/vQwzPn/ApJAxbCGWvvMVy44RXA== X-Received: by with SMTP id c126mr25328023oih.112.1451148337712; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 08:45:37 -0800 (PST) Received: from ?IPv6:2601:280:4900:3700:f8f5:b3fe:63a6:7f79? ([2601:280:4900:3700:f8f5:b3fe:63a6:7f79]) by with ESMTPSA id bi2sm15493726obb.24.2015. (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Sat, 26 Dec 2015 08:45:36 -0800 (PST) Sender: Warner Losh Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary="Apple-Mail=_3A881A22-5ED1-4B30-8C08-758FA0B9A7D1"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg=pgp-sha512 X-Pgp-Agent: GPGMail 2.5.2 From: Warner Losh In-Reply-To: Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:45:31 -0700 Cc: freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain , Ian Lepore ,, Message-Id: References: <> <> <> <> To: Mark Millard X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:45:39 -0000 --Apple-Mail=_3A881A22-5ED1-4B30-8C08-758FA0B9A7D1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Thanks, it sounds like I fixed a bug, but there=E2=80=99s more. What were the specific port so I can test it here? And to be clear, this is a buildworld on the RPi 2 using the cross-built = world with CPUTYPE=3Darmv7a or some such, right? Warner > On Dec 25, 2015, at 9:32 PM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 > [I am again breaking off another section of older material.] >=20 > Mixed news I'm afraid. >=20 > The specific couple of ports that I attempted did build, the same ones = that originally got the Bus Error in ar using (indirectly) _fseeko and = memset that I reported. So I expect that you fixed one error. >=20 > But when I tried to buildworld, clang++ 3.7 processing = usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/ materials quickly got a Bus Error at = nearly the same type of instruction (it has a "!" below that the earlier = one did not), but with r4 holding the misaligned address this time: >=20 >> --- _bootstrap-tools-lib/clang/libllvmsupport --- >> --- APFloat.o --- >> clang++: error: unable to execute command: Bus error (core dumped) >> . . . >> # gdb clang++ usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/clang++.core >> . . . >> Core was generated by `clang++'. >> Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error. >> #0 0x00c3bb9c in = clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializatio= nType () >> [New Thread 22a18000 (LWP 100128/)] >> (gdb) x/40i 0x00c3bb60 >> . . . >> 0xc3bb9c = <_ZN5clang35DependentTemplateSpecializationTypeC2ENS_21ElaboratedTypeKeywo= rdEPNS_19NestedNameSpecifierEPKNS_14IdentifierInfoEjPKNS_16TemplateArgumen= tENS_8QualTypeE+356>: >> vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r4]! >> . . . >> (gdb) info all-registers >> r0 0xbfbf81a8 -1077968472 >> r1 0x22f07e14 586186260 >> r2 0xc416bc 12850876 >> r3 0x2 2 >> r4 0x22f07dfc 586186236 >> . . . >=20 >=20 > Thus it appears that there is more code around that likely generates = pointers not aligned so to allow the code generation that is in use for = what is pointed to. >=20 > At this point I have no clue if the issue is just inside clang itself = vs. if it is in something that clang is layered on top of. Nor if there = is just one bad thing or many. >=20 > Note: I had not yet tried buildworld/buildkernel for the context of = the "-f" option that I was experimenting with earlier. So I do not have = a direct compare and contrast at this point. >=20 >=20 >=20 > Older material: >=20 > On 2015-Dec-25, at 5:21 PM, Mark Millard wrote: >=20 >> On 2015-Dec-25, at 3:42 PM, Warner Losh wrote: >>=20 >>=20 >>> On Dec 25, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>> [I'm going to break much of the earlier "original material" text to = tail of the message.] >>>=20 >>>> On 2015-Dec-25, at 11:53 AM, Warner Losh wrote: >>>>=20 >>>> So what happens if we actually fix the underlying bug? >>>>=20 >>>> I see two ways of doing this. In findfp.c, we allocate an array of = FILE * today like: >>>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + ALIGNBYTES + n * = sizeof(FILE)); >>>> but that assumes that FILE just has normal pointer alignment = requirements. However, >>>> due to the mbstate having int64_t alignment requirements, this is = wrong. Maybe we >>>> need to do something like >>>> g =3D (struct glue *)malloc(sizeof(*g) + = max(sizeof(int64_t),ALIGNBYTES) + n * sizeof(FILE)); >>>> which wouldn=E2=80=99t change anything on LP64 systems, but would = result in proper alignment >>>> for ILP32 systems. We=E2=80=99d have to fix the loop that uses = ALIGN afterwards to use >>>> roundup. Instead, we=E2=80=99d need to round up to the neared = 8-byte aligned offset (or technically, >>>> the max of ALIGNBYTES and 8, but that=E2=80=99s always 8 on = today=E2=80=99s systems. If we do this, >>>> we can make sure that each file is 8-byte aligned or better. We may = need to round up >>>> sizeof(FILE) to a multiple of 8 as well. I believe that since it = has the 8-byte alignment >>>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8, but I=E2=80=99ve = not chased that belief to ground. >>>> If not, we may need another decorator (__aligned(8), I think, = spelled with the ugly >>>> max expression above). That way, the contract we=E2=80=99re making = with the compiler will >>>> always be true. ALIGN BYTES is 4 on Arm anyway, so that bit is = clearly wrong. >>>>=20 >>>> This wouldn=E2=80=99t be an ABI change, since you can only get a = valid FILE * from fopen (and >>>> friends), plus stdin, stdout, and stderr. Those addresses aren=E2=80=99= t hard coded into binaries, >>>> so even if we have to tweak the last three and deal with some = =E2=80=98fake=E2=80=99 FILE abuse in libc >>>> (which I don=E2=80=99t think suffers from this issue, btw, given = the alignment requirements that would >>>> naturally follow from something on the stack), we=E2=80=99d still = be ahead. At least for all CONFORMING >>>> implementations[*]... >>>>=20 >>>> TL;DR: Why not make FILE * always 8-byte aligned? The compiler = options are a band-aide. >>>>=20 >>>> Warner >>>>=20 >>>> [*] There=E2=80=99s at least on popular package that has a copy of = the FILE structure in one of its >>>> .h files and uses that to do unnatural optimization things, but = even that=E2=80=99s cool, I think, >>>> since it never allocates a new one. >>>>=20 >>>=20 >>> The ARM documentation mentions cases of 16 byte alignment = requirements. I've no clue if the clang code generation ever creates = such code. There might be wider requirements possible in arm code as = well. (I'm not an arm expert.) As an example of an implication: "The = malloc() function returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes = suitably aligned for any use." In other words: aligned to some figure = that is a multiple of *every* alignment requirement that the code = generator can produce, possibly being the least common multiple. >>>=20 >>> "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." is a means of controlling/limiting the = range of potential alignments to no more than a fixed, predefined value. = Above that and the code generation has to work in small size accesses = and build-up/split-up bigger values. Using "-fmax-type-align=3D. . ." = allows defining a figure as part of an ABI that is then not subject to = code generator updates that could increase the maximum alignment figure = and break things: It turns off such new capabilities. Other options need = not work that way to preserve the ABI. >>=20 >> That=E2=80=99s true, as far as it goes=E2=80=A6 But I=E2=80=99m not = sure it goes far enough. The premise here is that the problem is = wide-spread, when in fact I think it is quite narrow. >>=20 >>> But in the most fundamental terms process wise as far as I can tell. = . . >>>=20 >>> While the FILE case that occurred is a specific example, every = memory-allocation-like operation is at a potential issue for all such = "allocated" objects where the related code generation requires alignment = to avoid Bus Error (given the SCTLR bit[1] in use). >>=20 >> The problem isn=E2=80=99t general. The problem isn=E2=80=99t malloc. = Malloc will generally return the right thing on arm (and if it = doesn=E2=80=99t, >> then we need to make sure it does). >>=20 >> The problem is we get a boatload of FILEs from the system all at = once, and those are misaligned because of a bug in the code. One = that=E2=80=99s fixed, I believe, in >>=20 >>=20 >>> How many other places in FreeBSD might sometimes return mis-aligned = pointers for the existing code generation and ABI combination? >>=20 >> It isn=E2=80=99t an ABI thing, just a code bug thing. The only reason = it was an issue was due to the optimizing nature of clang. >>=20 >> We=E2=80=99ve had to deal with the arm alignment issues for years. I = wager there are very few indeed. The only reason this was was brought to = light was better code-gen from clang. >>=20 >>> How many other places are subject to breakage when "internal" = structs/unions/fields involved are changed to be of a different size = because the code is not fully auto-adjusting to match the code = generation yet --even if right now "it works"? How fragile will things = be for future work? >>=20 >> If there are others, I=E2=80=99ll bet they could be counted on one = hand since very few things do the =E2=80=98slab=E2=80=99 allocator that = FILE does. >>=20 >>> What would it take to find out and deal with them all? (I do not = have the background knowledge to span much.) >>>=20 >>> My experiment avoided potentially changing parts of the ABI and also = avoided dealing with such a "lots of code to investigate" issue. It may = not be the long term 11.0-RELEASE solution. Even if not, it may be = appropriate for various temporary purposes that need to avoid Bus Errors = in the process. For example if Ian has a good reason to use clang 3.7 = instead of gcc 4.2.1. >>=20 >> The review above doesn=E2=80=99t change the ABI either. >>=20 >>> Other notes: >>>=20 >>>> I believe that since it has the 8-byte alignment >>>> for a member, its size must be a multiple of 8 >>>=20 >>> There are some C/C++ language rules about the address of a structure = equalling the address of the first field, uniformity of the offsets, and = the like. But. . . >>>=20 >>> The C and C++ languages specify no specific numerical alignment = figures, not even relative to specific sizeof(...) expressions. To use = an old example: a 68010 only needs alignment for >=3D 2 byte things and = even alignment is all that is then required. Some other contexts take a = lot more to meet the specifications. There are some implications of the = modern memory model(s) created to cover concurrency explicitly, such as = avoiding interactions that can happen via, for example, separate objects = (in part) sharing a cache line. (I've only looked at C++ for this, and = only to a degree.) >>>=20 >>> The detailed alignment rules are more "implementation defined" than = "predefined by the standard". But the definition is trying to meet = language criteria. It is not a fully independent choice. >>=20 >> Many of them are actually defined by a combination of the standard = language definition, as well as the ABI standard. This is why we know = that mbstate_t must be 8 byte aligned. >>=20 >>> May be some other standards that FreeBSD is tied to specify more = specifics, such as a N byte integer always aligns to some multiple of N = (a waste on the 68010), including the alignment for union or struct that = it may be a part of tracking. But such rules force padding that may or = may not be required to meet the language's more abstract criteria and = such rules may not match the existing/in-use ABI. >>=20 >> It is all spelled out in the ARM EABI docs. >>=20 >>> So far as I can tell explicitly declared alignments may well be = necessary. If that one "popular package", say, formed an array of FILE = copies then the resultant alignments need not all match the ones = produced by your example code unless the FILE declaration forces the = compiler to match, causing sizeof(FILE) to track as well. FILE need not = be the only such issue. >>=20 >> Arrays of FILEs isn=E2=80=99t an issue (except that it encodes the = size of FILE into the app). It=E2=80=99s the specifically quirky way = that libc does it that=E2=80=99s the problem. >>=20 >>> My background and reference material are mostly tied the languages = --and so my notes tend to be limited to that much context. >>=20 >> Understood. While there may be issues with alignment still, tossing a = big hammer at the problem because they might exist will likely mean they = will persist far longer than fixing them one at a time. When we first = ported to arm, there were maybe half a dozen places that needed fixing. = I doubt there=E2=80=99s more now. >>=20 >> Can you try the patch in the above code review w/o the -f switch and = let me know if it works for you? >>=20 >> Warner >=20 > buildworld/buildkernel has been started on amd64 for a rpi2 target. = That and install kernel/world and starting up a port rebuild on the rpi2 = and waiting for it means it will be a few hours even if I start the next = thing just as each prior thing finishes. I may give up and go to sleep = first. >=20 > As for presumptions: I'll take your word on expected status of things. = I've no clue. But absent even the hear-say status information at the = time I did not presume that what was in front of me was all there is to = worry about --nor did I try to go figure it all out on my own. I took a = path to cover both possibilities for local-only vs. more-wide-spread (so = long as that path did not force a split-up of some larger form of atomic = action). >=20 > In my view "-mno-unaligned-access" is an even bigger hammer than I = used. I find no clang statement about what its ABI consequences would = be, unlike for what I did: What mix of more padding for alignment vs. = more but smaller accesses? But as I remember I've seen = "-mno-unaligned-access" in use in ports and the like so its consequences = may be familiar material for some folks. >=20 > Absent any questions about ABI consequences "-mno-unaligned-access" = does well mark the expected SCTLR bit[1] status, far better than what I = did. Again: I was covering my ignorance while making any significant = investigation/debugging as unlikely as I could. >=20 >=20 >> Original material: >>=20 >>> On Dec 25, 2015, at 7:24 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>> [Good News Summary: Rebuilding buildworld/buildkernel for rpi2 = 11.0-CURRENT 292413 from amd64 based on adding -fmax-type-align=3D4 has = so far removed the crashes during the toolchain activity: no more = misaligned accesses in libc's _fseeko or elsewhere.] >>>=20 >>> On 2015-Dec-25, at 12:31 AM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>=20 >>>> On 2015-Dec-24, at 10:39 PM, Mark Millard = wrote: >>>>=20 >>>>> [I do not know if this partial crash analysis related to on-arm = clang-associated activity is good enough and appropriate to submit or = not.] >>>>>=20 >>>>> The /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar on the rpi2b involved = below came from pkg install activity instead of port building. Used = as-is. >>>>>=20 >>>>> When I just tried my first from-rpi2b builds (ports for a rpi2b), = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar crashed. I believe that the = following suggests an alignment error for the type of instructions that = memset for 128 bytes was translated to (sizeof(mbstate_t)) in the code = used by /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar. (But I do not know how to = check SCTLR bit[1] to be directly sure that alignment was being = enforced.) >>>>>=20 >>>>> The crash was a Bus error in /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = : >>>>>=20 >>>>>> libtool: link: /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar cru = .libs/libgnuintl.a bindtextdom.o dcgettext.o dgettext.o gettext.o = finddomain.o hash-string.o loadmsgcat.o localealias.o textdomain.o = l10nflist.o explodename.o dcigettext.o dcngettext.o dngettext.o = ngettext.o pluralx.o plural-exp.o localcharset.o threadlib.o lock.o = relocatable.o langprefs.o localename.o log.o printf.o setlocale.o = version.o xsize.o osdep.o intl-compat.o >>>>>> Bus error (core dumped) >>>>>> *** [] Error code 138 >>>>>=20 >>>>> It failed in _fseeko doing a memset that turned into uses of = "vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0]" instructions, for an address in = register r0 that ended in 0xa4, so was not aligned to 8 byte boundaries. = =46rom what I read such "VSTn (multiple n-element structures)" that have = .64 require 8 byte alignment. The evidence of the code and register = value follow. >>>>>=20 >>>>>> # gdb /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = /usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gettext-tools/work/gettext-0.19.6/gette= xt-tools/intl/ar.core >>>>>> . . . >>>>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>>>> 299 memset(&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); >>>>>> . . . >>>>>> (gdb) x/24i 0x2033adb0 >>>>>> 0x2033adb0 <_fseeko+836>: vmov.i32 q8, #0 ; = 0x00000000 >>>>>> 0x2033adb4 <_fseeko+840>: movw r1, #65503 ; 0xffdf >>>>>> 0x2033adb8 <_fseeko+844>: stm r4, {r0, r7} >>>>>> 0x2033adbc <_fseeko+848>: ldrh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>>> 0x2033adc0 <_fseeko+852>: and r0, r0, r1 >>>>>> 0x2033adc4 <_fseeko+856>: strh r0, [r4, #12] >>>>>> 0x2033adc8 <_fseeko+860>: add r0, r4, #216 ; 0xd8 >>>>>> 0x2033adcc <_fseeko+864>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033add0 <_fseeko+868>: add r0, r4, #200 ; 0xc8 >>>>>> 0x2033add4 <_fseeko+872>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033add8 <_fseeko+876>: add r0, r4, #184 ; 0xb8 >>>>>> 0x2033addc <_fseeko+880>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033ade0 <_fseeko+884>: add r0, r4, #168 ; 0xa8 >>>>>> 0x2033ade4 <_fseeko+888>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033ade8 <_fseeko+892>: add r0, r4, #152 ; 0x98 >>>>>> 0x2033adec <_fseeko+896>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033adf0 <_fseeko+900>: add r0, r4, #136 ; 0x88 >>>>>> 0x2033adf4 <_fseeko+904>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033adf8 <_fseeko+908>: add r0, r4, #120 ; 0x78 >>>>>> 0x2033adfc <_fseeko+912>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033ae00 <_fseeko+916>: add r0, r4, #104 ; 0x68 >>>>>> 0x2033ae04 <_fseeko+920>: vst1.64 {d16-d17}, [r0] >>>>>> 0x2033ae08 <_fseeko+924>: b 0x2033b070 = <_fseeko+1540> >>>>>> 0x2033ae0c <_fseeko+928>: cmp r5, #0 ; 0x0 >>>>>> (gdb) info all-registers >>>>>> r0 0x20651ea4 543497892 >>>>>> r1 0xffdf 65503 >>>>>> r2 0x0 0 >>>>>> r3 0x0 0 >>>>>> r4 0x20651dcc 543497676 >>>>>> r5 0x0 0 >>>>>> r6 0x0 0 >>>>>> r7 0x0 0 >>>>>> r8 0x20359df4 540384756 >>>>>> r9 0x0 0 >>>>>> r10 0x0 0 >>>>>> r11 0xbfbfb948 -1077954232 >>>>>> r12 0x2037b208 540520968 >>>>>> sp 0xbfbfb898 -1077954408 >>>>>> lr 0x2035a004 540385284 >>>>>> pc 0x2033adcc 540257740 >>>>>> f0 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f1 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f2 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f3 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f4 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f5 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f6 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> f7 0 (raw 0x000000000000000000000000) >>>>>> fps 0x0 0 >>>>>> cpsr 0x60000010 1610612752 >>>>>=20 >>>>> The syntax in use for vst1.64 instructions does not explicitly = have the alignment notation. Presuming that the decoding is correct then = from what I read the following applies: >>>>>=20 >>>>>> Home > NEON and VFP Programming > NEON load and store element and = structure instructions > Alignment restrictions in load and store, = element and structure instructions >>>>>>=20 >>>>>> . . . When the alignment is not specified in the instruction, the = alignment restriction is controlled by the A bit (SCTLR bit[1]): >>>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 0, there are no alignment = restrictions (except for strongly ordered or device memory, where = accesses must be element aligned or the result is unpredictable) >>>>>> =E2=80=A2 if the A bit is 1, accesses must be element = aligned. >>>>>> If an address is not correctly aligned, an alignment fault = occurs. >>>>>=20 >>>>> So if at the time the "A bit" (SCTLR bit[1]) is 1 then the Bus = error would have the context to happen because of the mis-alignment. >>>>>=20 >>>>> The following shows the make.conf context that explains how = /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar came to be invoked: >>>>>=20 >>>>>> # more /etc/make.conf >>>>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>>>> # >>>>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a >>>>>> .export CC >>>>>> .export CXX >>>>>> .export CPP >>>>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings= >>>>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>>>> .export AS >>>>>> .export AR >>>>>> .export LD >>>>>> .export NM >>>>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>>>> .export RANLIB >>>>>> .export SIZE >>>>>> .export STRINGS >>>>>> .endif >>>>>=20 >>>>>=20 >>>>> Other context: >>>>>=20 >>>>>> # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU >>>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>>> 11.0-CURRENT >>>>>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r292413M: Tue = Dec 22 22:02:21 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 >>>>>=20 >>>>>=20 >>>>>=20 >>>>> I will note that world and kernel are my own build of -r292413 = (earlier experiment) --a build made from an amd64 host context and put = in place via DESTDIR=3D. My expectation would be that the amd64 context = would not be likely to have similar alignment restrictions involved in = its ar activity (or other activity). That would explain how I got this = far using such a clang 3.7 related toolchain for targeting an rpi2 = before finding such a problem. >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> I realized re-reading the all above that it seems to suggest that = the _fseeko code involved is from /usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar = but that was not my intent. >>>>=20 >>>> is from my buildworld, including the fseeko = implementation: >>>>=20 >>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from = /usr/lib/debug//lib/ >>>> done. >>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/ >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> head/sys/sys/_types.h has: >>>>=20 >>>> /* >>>> * mbstate_t is an opaque object to keep conversion state during = multibyte >>>> * stream conversions. >>>> */ >>>> typedef union { >>>> char __mbstate8[128]; >>>> __int64_t _mbstateL; /* for alignment */ >>>> } __mbstate_t; >>>>=20 >>>> suggesting an implicit alignment of the union to whatever the = implementation defines for __int64_t --which need not be 8 byte = alignment (in the abstract, general case). But 8 byte alignment is a = possibility as well (in the abstract). >>>>=20 >>>> But printing *fp in gdb for the fp argument to _fseeko reports the = same not-8-byte aligned address for __mbstate8 that was in r0: >>>>=20 >>>>> (gdb) bt >>>>> #0 0x2033adcc in _fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D, whence=3D, ltest=3D) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:299 >>>>> #1 0x2033b108 in fseeko (fp=3D0x20651dcc, offset=3D18571438587904, = whence=3D0) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fseek.c:82 >>>>> #2 0x00016138 in ?? () >>>>> (gdb) print fp >>>>> $2 =3D (FILE *) 0x20651dcc >>>>> (gdb) print *fp >>>>> $3 =3D {_p =3D 0x2069a240 "", _r =3D 0, _w =3D 0, _flags =3D 5264, = _file =3D 36, _bf =3D {_base =3D 0x2069a240 "", _size =3D 32768}, = _lbfsize =3D 0, _cookie =3D 0x20651dcc, _close =3D 0x20359dfc = <__sclose>, >>>>> _read =3D 0x20359de4 <__sread>, _seek =3D 0x20359df4 <__sseek>, = _write =3D 0x20359dec <__swrite>, _ub =3D {_base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, = _up =3D 0x0, _ur =3D 0, _ubuf =3D 0x20651e0c "", _nbuf =3D 0x20651e0f = "", _lb =3D { >>>>> _base =3D 0x0, _size =3D 0}, _blksize =3D 32768, _offset =3D 0, = _fl_mutex =3D 0x0, _fl_owner =3D 0x0, _fl_count =3D 0, _orientation =3D = 0, _mbstate =3D {__mbstate8 =3D 0x20651e34 "", _mbstateL =3D 0}, _flags2 = =3D 0} >>>>=20 >>>> The overall FILE struct containing the _mbstate field is also not = 8-byte aligned. But the offset from the start of the FILE struct to = __mbstate8 is a multiple of 8 bytes. >>>>=20 >>>> It is my interpretation that there is nothing here to justify the = memset implementation combination: >>>>=20 >>>> SCTLR bit[1]=3D=3D1 >>>>=20 >>>> mixed with >>>>=20 >>>> vst1.64 instructions >>>>=20 >>>> I.e.: one or both needs to change unless some way for forcing = 8-byte alignment is introduced. >>>>=20 >>>> I have not managed to track down anything that would indicate = FreeBSD's intent for SCTLR bit[1]. I do not even know if it is required = by the design to be constant (once initialized). >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> I have (so far) removed the build tool crashes based on adding = -fmax-type-align=3D4 to avoid the misaligned accesses. Details follow. >>>=20 >>> src.conf on amd64 for the rpi2 targeting buildworld/buildkernel now = looks like: >>>=20 >>>> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.rpi2-clang.amd64-host >>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>> FROM_TYPE=3Damd64 >>>> TOOLS_FROM_TYPE=3Dx86_64 >>>> VERSION_CONTEXT=3D11.0 >>>> # >>>> KERNCONF=3DRPI2-NODBG >>>> TARGET=3Darm >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> TARGET_ARCH=3D${TO_TYPE} >>>> .export TARGET_ARCH >>>> .endif >>>> # >>>> WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER=3D >>>> # >>>> # For WITH_BOOT=3D . . . >>>> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation = R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a = shared object; recompile with -fPIC >>>> WITHOUT_BOOT=3D >>>> # >>>> WITH_FAST_DEPEND=3D >>>> WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=3D >>>> WITH_CLANG=3D >>>> WITH_CLANG_IS_CC=3D >>>> WITH_CLANG_FULL=3D >>>> WITH_LLDB=3D >>>> WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS=3D >>>> # >>>> WITHOUT_LIB32=3D >>>> WITHOUT_GCC=3D >>>> WITHOUT_GNUCXX=3D >>>> # >>>> NO_WERROR=3D >>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>> #CFLAGS+=3D -DELF_VERBOSE >>>> # >>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>> # >>>> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related = bintutils... >>>> # >>>> #CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=3D${TO_TYPE}-gcc >>>> X_COMPILER_TYPE=3Dclang >>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> XCC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> XCXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> XCPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> .export XCC >>>> .export XCXX >>>> .export XCPP >>>> XAS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>> XAR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>> XLD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>> XNM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>> XOBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>> XOBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>> XRANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>> XSIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>> XSTRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>> .export XAS >>>> .export XAR >>>> .export XLD >>>> .export XNM >>>> .export XOBJCOPY >>>> .export XOBJDUMP >>>> .export XRANLIB >>>> .export XSIZE >>>> .export XSTRINGS >>>> .endif >>>> # >>>> # Host compiler stuff: >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp = -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin >>>> .export CC >>>> .export CXX >>>> .export CPP >>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings= >>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>> .export AS >>>> .export AR >>>> .export LD >>>> .export NM >>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>> .export RANLIB >>>> .export SIZE >>>> .export STRINGS >>>> .endif >>>=20 >>> make.conf for during the on-rpi2 port builds now looks like: >>>=20 >>>> $ more /etc/make.conf >>>> WRKDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/portswork >>>> WITH_DEBUG=3D >>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES=3D >>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION=3D >>>> # >>>> TO_TYPE=3Darmv6 >>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=3Darm-gnueabi >>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ >>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} =3D=3D 0 >>>> CC=3D/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> CXX=3D/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> CPP=3D/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi = -march=3Darmv7a -fmax-type-align=3D4 >>>> .export CC >>>> .export CXX >>>> .export CPP >>>> AS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as >>>> AR=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar >>>> LD=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld >>>> NM=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm >>>> OBJCOPY=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy >>>> OBJDUMP=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump >>>> RANLIB=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib >>>> SIZE=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size >>>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=3D/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings >>>> STRINGS=3D/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings >>>> .export AS >>>> .export AR >>>> .export LD >>>> .export NM >>>> .export OBJCOPY >>>> .export OBJDUMP >>>> .export RANLIB >>>> .export SIZE >>>> .export STRINGS >>>> .endif >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> =3D=3D=3D >>> Mark Millard >>> markmi at >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>> _______________________________________________ >>> mailing list >>> >>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to = "" >=20 >=20 >=20 --Apple-Mail=_3A881A22-5ED1-4B30-8C08-758FA0B9A7D1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc Content-Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: GPGTools - iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWfsQsAAoJEGwc0Sh9sBEAXM0QAKRH78oT70ZQFQDPar9s9qIc LJBzzu5FaK4R+Ztv+t1ypx1dx8CLUUOkji/GXrKGnEblY2AwAoGv2deAC5Y6Q5AE N/vd5p4V8Z11iKrH/YqFakBoFabdtbtl+gjHLyEBZMH6jjqI9s+8oA71LOwyPsX6 5rutJPHFAP4HYGTNMv9Jn9vF5mr4CyCtgHw6VNyB8PW9rbNX+a9Ox3dlwkgWqLes RDpVri0Sc0QYCaagfvnZHqsuww8W+MYL9TnT2ioArQZVhECZCrYh5NcCP2JiiyX7 Tq/4+lXroggDDY45BTZq+M1dhlJf57DCJf84oqFx0f/+ygoEODC83FRfnQPFAA2M y+5HwlyDaThfY7387/IgyBPIH2T6zC/xj1JiXwRNPVjtJPsSRlYfomCyNeEQTZwu gM3LJXfJCvxCyYh2f7yYbPAdZu9AbLDJctVsqgRhy22jy/l/xfcOmdi7UzaLMdDq gaBbekcp+VwAojeciJU0baOu1uwWBT4FNx3ErhzmjND+2oDCWWt7JH2jpEiUVpt/ Wbo0avYU4QZW2K5qJjgcIwDRWLZRFnR+fWQJ81accWMOAYANHcWZDrYK97lAPaUV QfQf7fXOtZ3lfxdLqoS/oBEzmmpnj/qR9Uni8faFzrQJQvt9CBbJDXo2vZCjmcT7 CjUy0akjLstzZ12O7RN8 =l7Th -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --Apple-Mail=_3A881A22-5ED1-4B30-8C08-758FA0B9A7D1-- From Sat Dec 26 17:00:22 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DF11CA5251C for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 17:00:22 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BAD1D1398 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 17:00:22 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from (unknown []) by (Halon Mail Gateway) with ESMTPSA; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:59:41 +0000 (UTC) Received: from rev (rev []) by (8.14.9/8.14.9) with ESMTP id tBQH0DWq010253; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 10:00:14 -0700 (MST) (envelope-from Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Ian Lepore To: Mark Millard , Warner Losh Cc:, freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 10:00:13 -0700 In-Reply-To: References: <> <> <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.16.5 FreeBSD GNOME Team Port Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 17:00:23 -0000 On Fri, 2015-12-25 at 17:21 -0800, Mark Millard wrote: > In my view "-mno-unaligned-access" is an even bigger hammer than I > used. I find no clang statement about what its ABI consequences would > be, unlike for what I did: What mix of more padding for alignment vs. > more but smaller accesses? But as I remember I've seen "-mno > -unaligned-access" in use in ports and the like so its consequences > may be familiar material for some folks. > > Absent any questions about ABI consequences "-mno-unaligned-access" > does well mark the expected SCTLR bit[1] status, far better than what > I did. Again: I was covering my ignorance while making any > significant investigation/debugging as unlikely as I could. After reading the docs more carefully, I think -mno-unaligned-access isn't a bigger hammer, it's just a different tool that addresses a different problem than the one you ran into, and it's one we need. In particular, it prevents alignment-required accesses to potentially unaligned fields in a struct marked as 'packed', which is something we rely on (it's why we mark some structs as packed). -- Ian From Sat Dec 26 19:07:57 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 52AC5A526B8 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:07:57 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 1351F15DE for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:07:56 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 2835 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 19:07:49 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 19:07:49 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:07:48 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 6369 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 19:07:47 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 19:07:47 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 6B8A1B1E001; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 11:07:45 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: 11.0-CURRENT (r292413) on a rpi2b: arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ar, _fseeko, and memset vs memory alignment (SCTRL bit[1]=1?): Explains the Bus error? From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: <> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 11:07:48 -0800 Cc: Warner Losh ,, freebsd-arm , FreeBSD Toolchain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-Id: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> To: Ian Lepore X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:07:57 -0000 On 2015-Dec-26, at 9:00 AM, Ian Lepore wrote: > On Fri, 2015-12-25 at 17:21 -0800, Mark Millard wrote: >> In my view "-mno-unaligned-access" is an even bigger hammer than I >> used. I find no clang statement about what its ABI consequences would >> be, unlike for what I did: What mix of more padding for alignment vs. >> more but smaller accesses? But as I remember I've seen "-mno >> -unaligned-access" in use in ports and the like so its consequences >> may be familiar material for some folks. >>=20 >> Absent any questions about ABI consequences "-mno-unaligned-access" >> does well mark the expected SCTLR bit[1] status, far better than what >> I did. Again: I was covering my ignorance while making any >> significant investigation/debugging as unlikely as I could. >=20 > After reading the docs more carefully, I think -mno-unaligned-access > isn't a bigger hammer, it's just a different tool that addresses a > different problem than the one you ran into, and it's one we need. In > particular, it prevents alignment-required accesses to potentially > unaligned fields in a struct marked as 'packed', which is something we > rely on (it's why we mark some structs as packed). >=20 > -- Ian >=20 >=20 If clang uses the same interpretation as gcc for arm then I agree: > -munaligned-access > -mno-unaligned-access > Enables (or disables) reading and writing of 16- and 32- bit values = from addresses that are not 16- or 32- bit aligned. By default unaligned = access is disabled for all pre-ARMv6 and all ARMv6-M architectures, and = enabled for all other architectures. If unaligned access is not enabled = then words in packed data structures are accessed a byte at a time. I see that linux went with SCTLR bit[1] being cleared for >=3D armv6 for = the kernel: = 8428e84d42179c2a00f5f6450866e70d802d1d05 Interestingly clang -cc1 -help only mentions -mno-unaligned-access as a = note to -mstrict-align: > # clang++ -cc1 -help | grep align > -fmax-type-align=3D > Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on = pointers lacking an explicit alignment > -fno-bitfield-type-align > Ignore bit-field types when aligning = structures > -fpack-struct=3D Specify the default maximum struct packing = alignment > -mstack-alignment=3D > Set the stack alignment > -mstackrealign Force realign the stack at entry to every = function > -mstrict-align Force all memory accesses to be aligned = (same as mno-unaligned-access) Also -munaligned-access is not mentioned at all. Apparently "clang -cc1 = -help" does not generally document gcc compatibility syntax. gcc's AArch64 page = = only mentions -mstrict-align : "Do not assume that unaligned memory = references are handled by the system". (Not as explicit for = interpretation as the earlier-quoted arm wording.) gcc's arm page = only = mentions -munaligned-access and -mno-unaligned-access (as quoted = earlier), not -mstrict-align . powerpc's page at = _002f6000-and-PowerPC-Options only mentions -mstrict-align and = -mno-strict-align : "On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do not = (do) assume that unaligned memory references are handled by the system". It looks like being compatible for the command line syntax requires = separate cases across architectures, especially when spanning both clang = and gcc. From Sat Dec 26 20:51:49 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8004FA523C0 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 20:51:49 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 336911EB1 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 20:51:48 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 20400 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 20:51:53 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 20:51:53 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 15:51:48 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 4015 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 20:51:48 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 20:51:48 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id D4113B1E001 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 12:51:42 -0800 (PST) From: Mark Millard Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: fyi: 11.0-current rpi2 systat -vmstat shows around 24k interrupts for bcm283x_dw Message-Id: <> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 12:51:46 -0800 To: freebsd-arm Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 20:51:49 -0000 Context: > # freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU > 11.0-CURRENT > 11.0-CURRENT > FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #2 r292413M: Fri Dec 25 = 18:03:19 PST 2015 = root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG arm = 1100091 1100091 For a basically near-idle context systat -vmstat lists "Int" and 23k to = 25k normally (almost always 24k) and bcm283x_dw at the right shows = figures like 24118. "generic_ti" is more like 232 and "ipi 76" is more = like 111. The others at the right are normally blank (other than total). Lots of bcm283x_dw interrupts if around 24k is correct. As the numbers = do not change scale when the systat refresh interval is explicitly = scaled, I assume that the figures are per second (or per some other time = unit, possibly just for the most recent unit instead of mean). I'm not sure it will be readable but the below is a capture of a systat = -vmstat display. > 2 users Load 0.01 0.02 0.00 Dec 26 20:33 >=20 > Mem:KB REAL VIRTUAL VN PAGER = SWAP PAGER > Tot Share Tot Share Free in out = in out > Act 29944 6384 199516 7404 27876 count > All 34164 8100 225364 26156 pages =20 > Proc: = Interrupts > r p d s w Csw Trp Sys Int Sof Flt ioflt 24461 = total > 23 502 6 36 24k 100 cow = mbox0 1 > zfod = vchiq0 2 > 0.1%Sys 0.0%Intr 0.0%User 0.0%Nice 99.8%Idle ozfod 24118 = bcm283x_dw > | | | | | | | | | | %ozfod = bcm_dma0 > daefr = uart0 65 > 8 dtbuf prcfr = sdhci_bcm0 > Namei Name-cache Dir-cache 64790 desvn totfr 232 = generic_ti > Calls hits % hits % 64150 numvn react 111 = ipi 76 > 3 3 100 38416 frevn pdwak > 1 pdpgs > Disks mmcsd md0 da0 intrn > KB/t 0.00 0.00 0.00 195896 wire > tps 0 0 0 2620 act > MB/s 0.00 0.00 0.00 711648 inact > %busy 0 0 0 cache > 27876 free > 88292 buf =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at From Sat Dec 26 22:55:56 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 140DEA52135 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 22:55:56 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c06::230]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN "", Issuer "Google Internet Authority G2" (verified OK)) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E4B2F158B for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 22:55:55 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: by with SMTP id 186so283622965iow.0 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:55:55 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc:content-type; bh=YI43NukjCg5+ZzoQNo62Cdj6X79YU7CYpLXfm1aQl3g=; b=ziWdFfLq+Vxv2ejOvVNCTsEFOZSB06JnxymbIG2MRAmJJ2kuCrotLYt/rhbVFuSPgm MfCkQk+ya2PQt3jdQz2FfwycBl7cn9W656aM9Tk2z60rvl1na6O/RxECMlbHqKNZ0EgZ j5amyOKCue7ONbSlflLY8IzUnCzZyPGq8nfSTkSEia3iQ7lEzoqTOsJD+8t/GHbqRTKN IZEwM2kmfq+KnPo4FwV3swmk5YN4rK6EymRqqDIobknrrKF/csncwCAxC0Qm/Xe8V9/J BvZC4wTLea+HkBUijKOjRJJ5BKg2Pbv9B7x0PVVMma1VfaeXEm/ya6lDNqoBjEIq8hZa bZvQ== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id 86mr35465434iok.75.1451170555203; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:55:55 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:55:55 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 14:55:55 -0800 Message-ID: Subject: Re: fyi: 11.0-current rpi2 systat -vmstat shows around 24k interrupts for bcm283x_dw From: Adrian Chadd To: Mark Millard Cc: freebsd-arm Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 22:55:56 -0000 What's teh output of 'vmstat -ia' ? -a From Sat Dec 26 23:02:32 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1CB1DA522E4 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:02:32 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D659A1ADD for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:02:31 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: (qmail 22980 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 23:02:36 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 23:02:36 -0000 Received: by (Reflexion email security v7.80.0) with SMTP; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 18:02:28 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 5107 invoked from network); 26 Dec 2015 23:02:27 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with SMTP; 26 Dec 2015 23:02:27 -0000 X-No-Relay: not in my network X-No-Relay: not in my network Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 8C7D2B1E001; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 15:02:24 -0800 (PST) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 8.2 \(2104\)) Subject: Re: fyi: 11.0-current rpi2 systat -vmstat shows around 24k interrupts for bcm283x_dw From: Mark Millard In-Reply-To: Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 15:02:28 -0800 Cc: freebsd-arm Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-Id: <> References: <> To: Adrian Chadd X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2104) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:02:32 -0000 On 2015-Dec-26, at 2:55 PM, Adrian Chadd wrote: > > What's teh output of 'vmstat -ia' ? > > > -a > # vmstat -ia interrupt total rate 0 0 irq1: mbox0 9128 0 irq2: vchiq0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq17: bcm283x_dwco 1724827933 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq24: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq25: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq26: bcm_dma0 892 0 irq27: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq28: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq29: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq30: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq31: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq32: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq33: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq34: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq35: bcm_dma0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq57: gpio0 0 0 irq58: gpio0 0 0 irq59: gpio0 0 0 irq60: gpio0 0 0 irq61: iichb0 0 0 irq62: spi0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq65: uart0 2253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq70: sdhci_bcm0 448 0 0 0 irq72: generic_time 0 0 irq73: generic_time 17291857 2 0 0 irq75: generic_time 0 0 irq76: ipi 9086219 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . very many double zeros omitted . . . Total 1751218733 24478 === Mark Millard markmi at From Sat Dec 26 23:07:43 2015 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:1900:2254:206a::19:1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AF747A523C8 for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:07:43 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 414A91B9A for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:07:42 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from [] ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 2B3262297FA for ; Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:59:29 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: fyi: 11.0-current rpi2 systat -vmstat shows around 24k interrupts for bcm283x_dw To: References: <> From: Karl Denninger Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 16:59:23 -0600 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.4.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha-512; boundary="------------ms010504070804030805000601" X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.20 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.20 Precedence: list List-Id: "Porting FreeBSD to ARM processors." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 23:07:43 -0000 This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms010504070804030805000601 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable interrupt total rate 0 0 irq1: mbox0 27 0 irq2: vchiq0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq17: bcm283x_dwco 51925940 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq24: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq25: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq26: bcm_dma0 97728 43 irq27: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq28: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq29: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq30: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq31: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq32: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq33: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq34: bcm_dma0 0 0 irq35: bcm_dma0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq57: gpio0 0 0 irq58: gpio0 0 0 irq59: gpio0 0 0 irq60: gpio0 0 0 irq61: iichb0 0 0 irq62: spi0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq65: uart0 3659 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 irq70: sdhci_bcm0 12026 5 0 0 irq72: generic_time 0 0 irq73: generic_time 505978 225 0 0 irq75: generic_time 0 0 irq76: ipi 243562 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 =2E... Total 52788922 23444 Hmmm... I wonder if this is related to the bcm sound driver going "mute" and needing a reboot to recover? On 12/26/2015 16:55, Adrian Chadd wrote: > What's teh output of 'vmstat -ia' ? > > > -a > _______________________________________________ > mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" --=20 Karl Denninger /The Market Ticker/ /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ --------------ms010504070804030805000601 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgMFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCC Bl8wggZbMIIEQ6ADAgECAgEpMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4G A1UECBMHRmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3Rl bXMgTExDMRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhND dWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMB4XDTE1MDQyMTAyMjE1OVoXDTIwMDQxOTAyMjE1OVowWjEL MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBM TEMxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUthcmwgRGVubmluZ2VyIChPQ1NQKTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggIPADCCAgoCggIBALmEWPhAdphrWd4K5VTvE5pxL3blRQPyGF3ApjUjgtavqU1Y8pbI3Byg XDj2/Uz9Si8XVj/kNbKEjkRh5SsNvx3Fc0oQ1uVjyCq7zC/kctF7yLzQbvWnU4grAPZ3IuAp 3/fFxIVaXpxEdKmyZAVDhk9az+IgHH43rdJRIMzxJ5vqQMb+n2EjadVqiGPbtG9aZEImlq7f IYDTnKyToi23PAnkPwwT+q1IkI2DTvf2jzWrhLR5DTX0fUYC0nxlHWbjgpiapyJWtR7K2YQO aevQb/3vN9gSojT2h+cBem7QIj6U69rEYcEDvPyCMXEV9VcXdcmW42LSRsPvZcBHFkWAJqMZ Myiz4kumaP+s+cIDaXitR/szoqDKGSHM4CPAZV9Yh8asvxQL5uDxz5wvLPgS5yS8K/o7zDR5 vNkMCyfYQuR6PAJxVOk5Arqvj9lfP3JSVapwbr01CoWDBkpuJlKfpQIEeC/pcCBKknllbMYq yHBO2TipLyO5Ocd1nhN/nOsO+C+j31lQHfOMRZaPQykXVPWG5BbhWT7ttX4vy5hOW6yJgeT/ o3apynlp1cEavkQRS8uJHoQszF6KIrQMID/JfySWvVQ4ksnfzwB2lRomrdrwnQ4eG/HBS+0l eozwOJNDIBlAP+hLe8A5oWZgooIIK/SulUAsfI6Sgd8dTZTTYmlhAgMBAAGjgfQwgfEwNwYI KwYBBQUHAQEEKzApMCcGCCsGAQUFBzABhhtodHRwOi8vY3VkYXN5c3RlbXMubmV0Ojg4ODgw CQYDVR0TBAIwADARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCBaAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgXgMCwGCWCGSAGG+EIB DQQfFh1PcGVuU1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUxRyULenJaFwX RtT79aNmIB/u5VkwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUJHGbnYV9/N3dvbDKkpQDofrTbTUwHQYDVR0RBBYw FIESa2FybEBkZW5uaW5nZXIubmV0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBPf3cYtmKowmGIYsm6 eBinJu7QVWvxi1vqnBz3KE+HapqoIZS8/PolB/hwiY0UAE1RsjBJ7yEjihVRwummSBvkoOyf G30uPn4yg4vbJkR9lTz8d21fPshWETa6DBh2jx2Qf13LZpr3Pj2fTtlu6xMYKzg7cSDgd2bO sJGH/rcvva9Spkx5Vfq0RyOrYph9boshRN3D4tbWgBAcX9POdXCVfJONDxhfBuPHsJ6vEmPb An+XL5Yl26XYFPiODQ+Qbk44Ot1kt9s7oS3dVUrh92Qv0G3J3DF+Vt6C15nED+f+bk4gScu+ JHT7RjEmfa18GT8DcT//D1zEke1Ymhb41JH+GyZchDRWtjxsS5OBFMzrju7d264zJUFtX7iJ 3xvpKN7VcZKNtB6dLShj3v/XDsQVQWXmR/1YKWZ93C3LpRs2Y5nYdn6gEOpL/WfQFThtfnat HNc7fNs5vjotaYpBl5H8+VCautKbGOs219uQbhGZLYTv6okuKcY8W+4EJEtK0xB08vqr9Jd0 FS9MGjQE++GWo+5eQxFt6nUENHbVYnsr6bYPQsZH0CRNycgTG9MwY/UIXOf4W034UpR82TBG 1LiMsYfb8ahQJhs3wdf1nzipIjRwoZKT1vGXh/cj3gwSr64GfenURBxaFZA5O1acOZUjPrRT n3ci4McYW/0WVVA3lDGCBRMwggUPAgEBMIGWMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4GA1UECBMH RmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExD MRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNDdWRhIFN5 c3RlbXMgTExDIENBAgEpMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAwUAoIICTTAYBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxCwYJKoZI hvcNAQcBMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0xNTEyMjYyMjU5MjRaME8GCSqGSIb3DQEJBDFCBEAi iZGoPLD2Ie/kE1gYyDdxudgu6lUAujcFu940eymVwsw+JDJlWzxpguFGGUBmMnYmAeK4jq8U i9WVEKZxpfS0MGwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDzFfMF0wCwYJYIZIAWUDBAEqMAsGCWCGSAFlAwQBAjAK BggqhkiG9w0DBzAOBggqhkiG9w0DAgICAIAwDQYIKoZIhvcNAwICAUAwBwYFKw4DAgcwDQYI KoZIhvcNAwICASgwgacGCSsGAQQBgjcQBDGBmTCBljCBkDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNV BAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExEjAQBgNVBAcTCU5pY2V2aWxsZTEZMBcGA1UEChMQQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1z IExMQzEcMBoGA1UEAxMTQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTQ3Vk YSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQQIBKTCBqQYLKoZIhvcNAQkQAgsxgZmggZYwgZAxCzAJBgNVBAYT AlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIEwdGbG9yaWRhMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlOaWNldmlsbGUxGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1 ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMxHDAaBgNVBAMTE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ExIjAgBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQEWE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ECASkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggIAKwJ1pERT g5TPzzbbaEP7e9GtOfkboJrhK/V5MWNA/l29UoX7JG1oY6a9qzltxVfSSllPltXtQgcVcbM/ vpCk0TKSC5mhqmCKsij+LD8JaTP73Ka1OQxS13WZWhk1oArWMoLd/QAdf9Y5t4ydFUUIHpyI nxyNxV1oSaNGs9KYMJvFaGzfXvTi7uYvSaUyRTyaV21YjTqtW+3lwBVE6pRoq/tcJDmTEXCA 7PlnOwu9UBj9uXzkuVwy/etqK6NVPNaHnhcMevB9rEFC3TLLjNjMUkUfmxiuW8t7S8BE+bDR hDSsnUwyEkNjm8mXVMwhnR76oCa+ruOD7/4nQakFc/F1DfjwL7IKgSe6TQZBYBlCYJ8NQ7/M mQfsvIPKDk37dPPVtNmIH8VJHpr23WwEwcyWuxy1+YtYDrACseTPeVCpGZ3p8jJUOA/XKfNB voLPxt6JBqCBePXT3S5nBECnil7LECoH+FAUHM/awTbXygNo8luj+sYr2Zfa6u6rvqg22g62 brk/4rLJbhuv3W9DbzEet+AZhOeiojczuQSbB6NO0ypjoQ5suJpWlQYZTdTcawGegAb6wcKF 2Ha+7r4oenX0H7jTV77dBw/+AWWSn9A0W0a/1SumumJV8NsgCER0erV6yBc9725zmiO6HILA zUx30ndAFXSAUv4hInXKk653uQUAAAAAAAA= --------------ms010504070804030805000601--