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Date:      Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:03:30 +0000
From:      Igor Andrade <>
To:        "" <>
Subject:   Help with Google summer of code
Message-ID:  <>

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Hello FreeBSD community,
I=92m computer science student in the last year of graduation at University=
 of Campinas (Unicamp) and have interest to contribute with something in de=
vice drivers or ports, like theses items in the ideas list [1] and [2]. I a=
lready sent a email to soc-admin [3] and talked with Mahdi Mokhtari which a=
dvised me to send this message.
I do not have a specific project in mind because I never worked in a kernel=
 before and do not have enough knowledge to choose a project suitable to my=
Being these qualifications (...) 5 years and a lot of projects in C, a litt=
le knowledge in linux devices drivers, theory of O.S. and processor archite=
cture and unfortunately no practical experience. :(
If it is possible I would like to work with something related with Power ar=
chitecture or device driver, mostly because of my personal interest and und=
ergraduate research , but I'm totally fine to contribute with more easily o=
r different thing to.

[1] Improve support for an embedded CPU/board<

Best regards,
Igor Matheus Andrade Torrente

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