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Date:      Wed, 07 Feb 2024 15:16:43 +0000
From:      Jonathan Adams <>
To:        Greg 'groggy' Lehey <>
Subject:   Re: Need help with a makefile
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On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 at 10:38 PM, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <grog@free=> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 at 3:21:00 +0000, Jonathan Adams wrote:
> =

> > 7 =E2=94=82 ifeq ($(UNAME),FreeBSD) \
> > 8 =E2=94=82 CFLAGS +=3D -D BSD \
> > 9 =E2=94=82 else ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) \
> > 10 =E2=94=82 CFLAGS +=3D -D LINUX \
> > 11 =E2=94=82 endif
> =

> This looks like GNU make.
> =

> And you're feeding it to BSD make.

 Doh! Than explains a lot. I mean, of course I know that I'm using BSD mak=
e, ;-), it just hadn't yet occurred to me that all the wonderful examples =
I was reading were GNU make specific. My first clue _should_ have been, wh=
en reading the man page, that I actually notice the different conditionals=
! At least I can be embarrassed about this in front of an understanding gr=
oup. :-)

> The simple answer: use GNU make.

Yeah, I hadn't yet felt the need to install it, but I can. It is the most =
straight-forward solution. Though, my program doesn't _have_ to compile on=
 Linux, it's just nice that it can.

> However, I've put this through gmake, and it complains:
> =

> $ gmake
> Makefile:7: extraneous text after 'ifeq' directive
> =

> I don't know GNU make very well, but possibly you can find the reason.
> Quoting, maybe?

  Hmm, OK. I'm just getting started today and haven't yet touched this. I'=
ll play around with this, and see what sort of trouble I can get myself in=

Thanks again Greg,

"Before Turing, things were done to numbers.
After Turing, numbers began doing things"
- George Dyson

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