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Date:      Wed, 23 Mar 2022 15:21:48 GMT
From:      Baptiste Daroussin <>
Subject:   git: 96424406ee89 - main - games/shockolate: unbreak build on arm64
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The branch main has been updated by bapt:


commit 96424406ee8912401a8e14772d51fdc9aacd8411
Author:     Vasily Postnicov <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-23 15:18:54 +0000
Commit:     Baptiste Daroussin <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-23 15:21:37 +0000

    games/shockolate: unbreak build on arm64
    Incoporate a patch from upstream which eliminates the wrong use of stdarg
    PR:     232657
 games/shockolate/Makefile                          |   2 +-
 .../files/patch-src_Libraries_3D_Source_interp.c   | 718 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 719 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/games/shockolate/Makefile b/games/shockolate/Makefile
index 4c5f8c0047dd..47a90fd2dd5a 100644
--- a/games/shockolate/Makefile
+++ b/games/shockolate/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ PORTNAME=	shockolate
 DISTVERSION=	0.8.2-43
diff --git a/games/shockolate/files/patch-src_Libraries_3D_Source_interp.c b/games/shockolate/files/patch-src_Libraries_3D_Source_interp.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0eff362cddf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/shockolate/files/patch-src_Libraries_3D_Source_interp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+--- src/Libraries/3D/Source/interp.c.orig	2022-03-23 14:33:24 UTC
++++ src/Libraries/3D/Source/interp.c
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.
+ #include "lg.h"
+ //#include <String.h>
+ //#include <_stdarg.h>
+-#include <stdarg.h>
++//#include <stdarg.h>
+ // prototypes;
+ uchar *do_eof(uchar *);
+@@ -133,20 +133,9 @@ extern void g3_light_obj(g3s_phandle norm, g3s_phandle
+ void interpreter_loop(uchar *object);
+-void FlipVector(short n, g3s_vector *vec);
+-void FlipLong(long *lng);
+-void FlipShort(short *sh);
+ // globals
+ extern char gour_flag; // gour flag for actual polygon drawer
+-// clang-format off
+-#ifdef stereo_on
+-  temp_vector      g3s_vector     <>
+-  tmp_address      dd             ?
+-// clang-format on
+ #define OP_EOF 0
+ #define OP_JNORM 1
+@@ -194,7 +183,7 @@ grs_bitmap *_vtext_tab[N_VTEXT_ENTRIES] = {
+ // clang-format on
+ // ptr to stack parms
+-va_list parm_ptr;
++ubyte *parm_ptr; //va_list parm_ptr;
+ // space for parms to objects
+ char parm_data[PARM_DATA_SIZE];
+@@ -205,28 +194,9 @@ char _itrp_check_flg = 0;
+ // MLA not used, - uchar 	*struct_ptr;
+-// process the next opcode
+-next	macro	opsize
+-        ifnb	<opsize>
+-         add	ebp,opsize	// point at next opcode
+-        endif
+-        jmp	interpreter_loop
+-        endm
+-call_next	macro
+-        call	interpreter_loop
+-        endm
+ // c callable context setting routines
+-// set virtual color eax to ebx
+-// inlined in 3d.h for now....
+-// g3_setvcolor:
+-//       add     eax, _vcolor_tab
+-//       mov     byte ptr [eax], bl
+-// takes ptr to object in eax. trashes all but ebp
++// takes ptr to object
+ // this is bullshit, man, takes ptr to object on the freakin' stack!
+ void g3_interpret_object(ubyte *object_ptr, ...) {
+     int i, scale;
+@@ -242,100 +212,13 @@ void g3_interpret_object(ubyte *object_ptr, ...) {
+             opcode_table[OP_JNORM] = &do_ljnorm;
+     }
+-// clang-format off
+-#ifdef stereo_on
+-  test    _g3d_stereo,1
+-  jz      g3_interpret_object_raw
+-  //       call normally if eyesep/distance is small enough (angular change is small)
+-  //       transform 0,0,0 to get the z distance
+-  mov     eax,_view_position.x
+-  fixmul  view_matrix.m3
+-  mov     ecx,eax
++    // get addr of stack parms
++    parm_ptr = (&object_ptr) + sizeof(object_ptr); //va_start(parm_ptr, object_ptr);
+-  mov     eax,_view_position.y
+-  fixmul  view_matrix.m6
+-  add     ecx,eax
+-  mov     eax,_view_position.z
+-  fixmul  view_matrix.m9
+-  add     ecx,eax
+-  neg     ecx
+-  mov     eax,_g3d_eyesep_raw
+-  fixmul  _matrix_scale.z
+-  fixdiv  ecx
+-  cmp     eax,STEREO_DIST_LIM
+-  jl      g3_interpret_object_raw
+-  mov     _g3d_stereo,0    // kill stereo
+-  pop     eax     // grab real return address
+-  mov     tmp_address,eax         // save it for later
+-  push    ret1    // fake out the poor thing so it jumps back here
+-  jmp  g3_interpret_object_raw
+-  // shift view_position
+-  ret1:
+-  // save the current position
+-  lea     edi,temp_vector
+-  lea     esi,_view_position
+-  movsd
+-  movsd
+-  movsd
+-  mov     eax,_g3d_eyesep_raw
+-  mov     ebx,_matrix_scale.x
+-  fixdiv  ebx     // make ebx the scaled down eyesep
+-  mov     ebx,eax
+-  // get x slewed over (top row of current vector and scale)
+-  mov     eax,view_matrix.m1
+-  fixmul  ebx
+-  add     _view_position.x,eax
+-  mov     eax,view_matrix.m4
+-  fixmul  ebx
+-  add     _view_position.y,eax
+-  mov     eax,view_matrix.m7
+-  fixmul  ebx
+-  add     _view_position.z,eax
+-  set_rt_canv             // install rt canvas
+-  // this time when you call it, its still all set
+-  call    g3_interpret_object_raw
+-  mov     _g3d_stereo,1    // restore stereo
+-  set_lt_canv             // restore left canvas
+-  // restore view position
+-  lea     esi,temp_vector
+-  lea     edi,_view_position
+-  movsd
+-  movsd
+-  movsd
+-  // weeee, pretend we were here all along, but I suppose we
+-  // could just jmp there
+-  push    tmp_address
+-  ret
+-        // clang-format on
+-        va_start(parm_ptr, object_ptr); // get addr of stack parms
+-    // MLA- not used ever?
+-    /*
+-            mov	eax,16[esp]	// get angle
+-            mov	struct_ptr,eax*/
+     // mark res points as free
+     LG_memset(resbuf, 0, N_RES_POINTS * 4);
+     // scale view vector for scale
+-    FlipShort((short *)(object_ptr - 2));
+     scale = *(short *)(object_ptr - 2);
+     if (scale) {
+         if (scale > 0) {
+@@ -383,7 +266,6 @@ g3_interpret_object_raw:
+ // interpret the object
+ void interpreter_loop(uchar *object) {
+     do {
+-        FlipShort((short *)object);
+         object = ((uchar * (*)(uchar *)) opcode_table[*(short *)object])(object);
+     } while (object);
+ }
+@@ -400,9 +282,6 @@ uchar *do_eof(uchar *opcode) // and return extra level
+ // v=viewer coords-p
+ // if (n*v)<0 then branch to lbl
+ uchar *do_jnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipVector(2, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     if (g3_check_normal_facing((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 16), (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4)))
+         return opcode + 28; // surface is visible. continue
+     else
+@@ -411,9 +290,6 @@ uchar *do_jnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+ // lnres pnt0,pnt1
+ uchar *do_lnres(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     g3_draw_line(resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)], resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 4)]);
+     return opcode + 6;
+ }
+@@ -421,14 +297,10 @@ uchar *do_lnres(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_multires(uchar *opcode) {
+     short count;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     count = *(short *)(opcode + 2);
+-    FlipVector(count, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6));
+     g3_transform_list(count, (g3s_phandle *)(resbuf + (*(short *)(opcode + 4))), (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6));
+-    return opcode + 6 + (count * 12); // fixup: ebp = esi + ecx*12
++    return opcode + 6 + (count * 12);
+ }
+ // this should do some cute matrix transform trick, not this ugly hack
+@@ -459,68 +331,22 @@ uchar *do_scaleres(uchar *opcode) {
+             return opcode;
+              */
+-    /*
+-           movzx	ecx,w 2[ebp]	// get count
+-           movzx	eax,w 4[ebp]	// get scale factor
+-           movzx	ebx,w 6[ebp]	// get dest start num
+-           mov     eax,d parm_data [eax]
+-           add     ebp,8
+-   //	lea	esi,[ebp]	// get vector array start
+-   do_sr_loop:
+-           push    eax
+-           push    ecx
+-           push    ebx
+-           mov     ecx, eax
+-           mov     esi, OFFSET temp_pnt
+-   // do better scaling here.....
+-           imul    d [ebp]
+-           shrd    eax,edx,16
+-           mov     [esi],eax
+-           mov     eax, ecx
+-           imul    d 4[ebp]
+-           shrd    eax,edx,16
+-           mov     4[esi],eax
+-           mov     eax, ecx
+-           imul    d 8[ebp]
+-           shrd    eax,edx,16
+-           mov     8[esi],eax
+-           call    g3_transform_point
+-           pop     ebx
+-           mov     resbuf[ebx*4],edi
+-           inc     ebx
+-           add     ebp,12
+-           lea     esi,[ebp]
+-           pop     ecx
+-           pop     eax
+-           dec     ecx
+-           jnz     do_sr_loop
+-           next
+-    */
+     return 0;
+ }
+ // these put the address of an old point in the interpreter respnt array
+ // note they will get freed when the interpreter punts
+ uchar *do_vpnt_p(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)] = (g3s_point *)(*(long *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2))));
+     return opcode + 6;
+ }
+ uchar *do_vpnt_v(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)] = _vpoint_tab[(*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)) >> 2];
+     return opcode + 6;
+ }
+ uchar *do_defres(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipVector(1, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)] = g3_transform_point((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     return opcode + 16;
+ }
+@@ -528,10 +354,6 @@ uchar *do_defres(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_defres_i(uchar *opcode) {
+     g3s_phandle temphand;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 16));
+-    FlipVector(1, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     temphand = g3_transform_point((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)] = temphand;
+@@ -545,13 +367,9 @@ uchar *do_defres_i(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_polyres(uchar *opcode) {
+     int count, count2;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     count2 = count = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2);
+     opcode += 4;
+     while (--count >= 0) {
+-        FlipShort((short *)(opcode + (count << 1)));
+         poly_buf[count] = resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + (count << 1))];
+     }
+@@ -567,10 +385,6 @@ uchar *do_polyres(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_sortnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipVector(2, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 26));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 28));
+     if (g3_check_normal_facing((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 14), (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 2))) {
+         interpreter_loop(opcode + (*(short *)(opcode + 26)));
+         interpreter_loop(opcode + (*(short *)(opcode + 28)));
+@@ -583,25 +397,18 @@ uchar *do_sortnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_goursurf(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gouraud_base = (*(short *)(opcode + 2)) << 8;
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 2;
+     return opcode + 4;
+ }
+ uchar *do_gour_p(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gouraud_base = parm_data[(*(short *)(opcode + 2))] << 8;
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 2;
+     return opcode + 4;
+ }
+ uchar *do_gour_vc(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gouraud_base = ((long)_vcolor_tab[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)]) << 8;
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 2;
+     return opcode + 4;
+@@ -610,8 +417,6 @@ uchar *do_gour_vc(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_draw_mode(uchar *opcode) {
+     short flags;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     flags = *(short *)(opcode + 2);
+     _itrp_wire_flg = flags >> 8;
+     flags &= 0x00ff;
+@@ -628,15 +433,10 @@ uchar *do_setshade(uchar *opcode) {
+     uchar *new_opcode;
+     g3s_phandle temphand;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     i = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2); // get number of shades
+     new_opcode = opcode + 4 + (i << 2);
+     while (--i >= 0) {
+-        FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4 + (i << 2)));
+-        FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 6 + (i << 2)));
+         temphand = resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 4 + (i << 2))]; // get point handle
+         temphand->i = *(short *)(opcode + 6 + (i << 2));
+         temphand->p3_flags |= PF_I;
+@@ -650,14 +450,9 @@ uchar *do_rgbshades(uchar *opcode) {
+     int i;
+     g3s_phandle temphand;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     i = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2); // get number of shades
+     new_opcode = opcode + 4;
+     while (--i >= 0) {
+-        FlipShort((short *)new_opcode);
+-        FlipLong((long *)(new_opcode + 2));
+         temphand = resbuf[*(unsigned short *)new_opcode]; // get point handle
+         temphand->rgb = *(long *)(new_opcode + 2);
+         temphand->p3_flags |= PF_RGB;
+@@ -669,10 +464,6 @@ uchar *do_rgbshades(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_setuv(uchar *opcode) {
+     g3s_phandle temphand;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 8));
+     temphand = resbuf[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)]; // get point handle
+     temphand->uv.u = (*(unsigned long *)(opcode + 4)) >> 8;
+     temphand->uv.v = (*(unsigned long *)(opcode + 8)) >> 8;
+@@ -685,15 +476,9 @@ uchar *do_uvlist(uchar *opcode) {
+     int i;
+     g3s_phandle temphand;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     i = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2); // get number of shades
+     opcode += 4;
+     while (--i >= 0) {
+-        FlipShort((short *)opcode);
+-        FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 2));
+-        FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+         temphand = resbuf[*(unsigned short *)opcode]; // get point handle
+         temphand->uv.u = (*(unsigned long *)(opcode + 2)) >> 8;
+         temphand->uv.v = (*(unsigned long *)(opcode + 6)) >> 8;
+@@ -706,24 +491,18 @@ uchar *do_uvlist(uchar *opcode) {
+ // should we be hacking _itrp_gour_flg?
+ uchar *do_setcolor(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gr_set_fcolor(*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2));
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 0;
+     return opcode + 4;
+ }
+ uchar *do_getvcolor(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gr_set_fcolor(_vcolor_tab[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)]);
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 0;
+     return opcode + 4;
+ }
+ uchar *do_getpcolor(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     gr_set_fcolor(*(unsigned short *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2))));
+     _itrp_gour_flg = 0;
+     return opcode + 4;
+@@ -732,9 +511,6 @@ uchar *do_getpcolor(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_getvscolor(uchar *opcode) {
+     short temp;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     temp = (byte)_vcolor_tab[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)];
+     temp |= (*(short *)(opcode + 4)) << 8;
+     gr_set_fcolor(gr_get_light_tab()[temp]);
+@@ -744,9 +520,6 @@ uchar *do_getvscolor(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_getpscolor(uchar *opcode) {
+     short temp;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     temp = (unsigned short)parm_data[*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)];
+     temp &= 0x00ff;
+     temp |= (*(short *)(opcode + 4)) << 8;
+@@ -755,70 +528,39 @@ uchar *do_getpscolor(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_x_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] = g3_copy_add_delta_x(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6));
+     return opcode + 10;
+ }
+ uchar *do_y_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] = g3_copy_add_delta_y(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6));
+     return opcode + 10;
+ }
+ uchar *do_z_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] = g3_copy_add_delta_z(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6));
+     return opcode + 10;
+ }
+ uchar *do_xy_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 10));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] =
+         g3_copy_add_delta_xy(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6), *(fix *)(opcode + 10));
+     return opcode + 14;
+ }
+ uchar *do_xz_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 10));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] =
+         g3_copy_add_delta_xz(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6), *(fix *)(opcode + 10));
+     return opcode + 14;
+ }
+ uchar *do_yz_rel(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 10));
+     resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 2)] =
+         g3_copy_add_delta_yz(resbuf[*(short *)(opcode + 4)], *(fix *)(opcode + 6), *(fix *)(opcode + 10));
+     return opcode + 14;
+ }
+ uchar *do_icall_p(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipVector(1, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 18));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 2));
+     g3_start_object_angles_x((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6), *(fixang *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 18))));
+     interpreter_loop((uchar *)(*(long *)(opcode + 2)));
+     g3_end_object();
+@@ -827,10 +569,6 @@ uchar *do_icall_p(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_icall_h(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipVector(1, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 18));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 2));
+     g3_start_object_angles_y((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6), *(fixang *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 18))));
+     interpreter_loop((uchar *)(*(long *)(opcode + 2)));
+     g3_end_object();
+@@ -839,10 +577,6 @@ uchar *do_icall_h(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_icall_b(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipVector(1, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 18));
+-    FlipLong((long *)(opcode + 2));
+     g3_start_object_angles_z((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 6), *(fixang *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 18))));
+     interpreter_loop((uchar *)(*(long *)(opcode + 2)));
+     g3_end_object();
+@@ -851,8 +585,6 @@ uchar *do_icall_b(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_sfcal(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+     interpreter_loop(opcode + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)));
+     return opcode + 4;
+ }
+@@ -862,10 +594,6 @@ uchar *do_getparms(uchar *opcode) {
+     long *src, *dest;
+     int count;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 6));
+     dest = (long *)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)));
+     src = (long *)(parm_ptr + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 4)));
+     count = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 6);
+@@ -880,10 +608,6 @@ uchar *do_getparms_i(uchar *opcode) {
+     long *src, *dest;
+     int count;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 6));
+     dest = *(long **)(parm_data + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 2)));
+     src = (long *)(parm_ptr + (*(unsigned short *)(opcode + 4)));
+     count = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 6);
+@@ -894,31 +618,7 @@ uchar *do_getparms_i(uchar *opcode) {
+ }
+ uchar *do_dbg(uchar *opcode) {
+-// clang-format off
+-#ifdef  _itrp_dbg
+-  mov     ax, w 4[ebp]    // code
+-  and     ax, _itrp_dbg_mask // mask in current debug mode
+-  jz      dbg_end         // none currently on
+-  cmp     ax, DBG_POLY_ID // itrp_pcode
+-  jnz     dbg_nxt1
+-  mov     ax, w 6[ebp]    // pgon_id
+-  cmp     ax,_pgon_id_low
+-  jl      pgon_skip
+-  cmp     ax,_pgon_id_high
+-  jle     dbg_end
+-  movsx	eax,w 2[ebp]    // skip whatever
+-  next	eax
+-  cmp     ax, DBG_POLY_MAX
+-  jnz     dbg_end
+-  mov     ax, w 6[ebp]
+-  mov     _pgon_max, ax
+-//        jmp     dbg_end
+-                                                                      // clang-format on
+-                                                                      return opcode +
+-                                                                      8;
++    return opcode + 8;
+ }
+ extern void (*g3_tmap_func)();
+@@ -928,13 +628,9 @@ uchar *do_tmap_op(uchar *opcode) {
+     int count, count2;
+     short temp;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 4));
+     count2 = count = *(unsigned short *)(opcode + 4);
+     count--;
+     do {
+-        FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 6 + (count << 1)));
+         temp = *(short *)(opcode + 6 + (count << 1));
+         poly_buf[count] = resbuf[temp];
+@@ -953,9 +649,6 @@ uchar *do_tmap_op(uchar *opcode) {
+ // if (n*v)<0 then branch to lbl
+ // does lit version of jnorm, for flat lighting
+ uchar *do_ljnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipVector(2, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     if (g3_check_normal_facing((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 16), (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4))) {
+         g3_light_obj((g3s_phandle)(opcode + 4), (g3s_phandle)(opcode + 16));
+         return opcode + 28;
+@@ -967,9 +660,6 @@ uchar *do_ljnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+ uchar *do_ldjnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+     fix temp;
+-    FlipShort((short *)(opcode + 2));
+-    FlipVector(2, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+     if (g3_check_normal_facing((g3s_vector *)(opcode + 16), (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4))) {
+         temp = g3_vec_dotprod(&_g3d_light_vec, (g3s_vector *)(opcode + 4));
+         temp <<= 1;
+@@ -986,61 +676,7 @@ uchar *do_ldjnorm(uchar *opcode) {
+         return opcode + (*(short *)(opcode + 2)); // surface not visible
+ }
+-// MLA - this routine doesn't appear to ever be called anywhere
+-// check if a surface is facing the viewer and save the view vector and
+-// its dot product with everything.  Normalizes view vec and stuff
+-// takes esi=point on surface, edi=surface normal (can be unnormalized)
+-// trashes eax,ebx,ecx,edx. returns al=true & sign set, if facing
+-        call g3_eval_view
+-        mov     eax,_g3d_view_vec.x
+-        imul    [edi].x
+-        mov     ebx,eax
+-        mov     ecx,edx
+-        mov     eax,_g3d_view_vec.y
+-        imul    [edi].y
+-        add     ebx,eax
+-        adc     ecx,edx
+-        mov     eax,_g3d_view_vec.z
+-        imul    [edi].z
+-        add     eax,ebx
+-        adc     edx,ecx
+-        // now save this to ldotv
+-        sets    al      // al=true if facing
+-        ret
+-void FlipShort(short *sh) {
+-    /*uchar temp;
+-    uchar *src = (uchar *) sh;
+-    temp = src[0];
+-    src[0] = src[1];
+-    src[1] = temp;*/
+-void FlipLong(long *lng) {
+-    /*short *src = (short *) lng;
+-    short	temp;
+-    temp = src[0];
+-    src[0] = src[1];
+-    src[1] = temp;
+-    FlipShort(src);
+-    FlipShort(src+1);*/
+-void FlipVector(short n, g3s_vector *vec) {
+-    /*int		i,j;
+-    for (i=0; i<n; i++, vec++)
+-            for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+-                    FlipLong((long *) &vec->xyz[j]);*/
++//external calls to these do-nothing functions can be safely removed
++void FlipShort(short *sh) {}
++void FlipLong(long *lng) {}
++void FlipVector(short n, g3s_vector *vec) {}

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