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Date:      Fri, 26 Aug 2022 10:33:45 +0200 (CEST)
From:      Ronald Klop <>
Subject:   pkg builds on arm-v6 broken?
Message-ID:  <1878504613.87.1661502825966@localhost>

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See Pkg builds for armv6 are broken for quite a while on the main branch.

The build if ports-mgmt/pkg already fails. The error log indicates that it can't find the compiler "/nxb-bin/usr/bin/cc". Why does it use such a weird location for the compiler? Other architectures don't need to do this.

Anyway. Somebody interested in taking a look? I don't have access to these pkg build servers. Otherwise I would be happy to take a look myself.

If a fix is hard some information about the plans would be appreciated too.

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<html><head></head><body>Hi,<br />
<br />
See <a href=";all=1">;all=1</a>. Pkg builds for armv6 are broken for quite a while on the main branch.<br />
<br />
The build if <a href="" target="_new" title="freshports for ports-mgmt/pkg">ports-mgmt/pkg</a> already fails. The <a href="">error log</a> indicates that it can't find the compiler &quot;/nxb-bin/usr/bin/cc&quot;. Why does it use such a weird location for the compiler? Other architectures don't need to do this.<br />
<br />
Anyway. Somebody interested in taking a look? I don't have access to these pkg build servers. Otherwise I would be happy to take a look myself.<br />
<br />
If a fix is hard some information about the plans would be appreciated too.<br />
<br />
Regards.<br />
Ronald.<br />

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