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Date:      Fri, 2 Aug 1996 16:52:07 -0700
From:      "Neil C. Jensen" <>
To:        "''" <>
Subject:   Apache 1.1.1 and 'lost' files
Message-ID:  <>

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I'm not sure if this is an OS problem or a problem
with Apache.....

FreeBSD 2.1.5.R
Apache 1.1.1
PHP 2.0b3 module
SSleay 0.62 module

I had the above configuration running great for over a
week without any problems. Inexplicably, the server
seemed to lose the documents and produce "File not
found". The access_log just started producing lots
of 404s while the error_log produced lots of "access
to /usr/home/fininfo failed for, reason:
File does not exist".

These results were consistent for the root server
and two virtual domains. They were also consistent
regardless of browser (Lynx,Mosaic,NS,MSIE).

One interesting point is that all DocumentRoots were
specified as "/home/name/htdocs" (which was where
the documents really were). However, the error_log
always showed "access to /home/name failed". For
some reason the 'htdocs' was left off the error_log.
I don't know if this is just a quirk of the logging
or perhaps a hint to why things are failing.

I checked the following just to make sure nothing
had changed from the working configuration:
- all file locations, permisssions, etc.
- httpd.conf file still pointing to correct places
- fsck'd the file system - ok
- all system logs (don't think anyone hacked in)
- all files could still be read and edited.

I also re-compiled the system with only Apache 1.1.1
and no modules and the problem persisted. I even
reinstalled 1.0.5 and the problem still persisted!

To solve the problem, I copied all the files from
the /home/name/htdocs directories into directories
in the base apache htdocs directory and modified
the httpd.conf file and it worked! I don't know why.

Just to re-stress the point: This was a working
system; nothing was changed before the problem
started. I have also had 1.0.5 running for quite some
time without problems.

Does anybody have any clues or suggestions
to where I should look next?

Neil Jensen
Habanero Studios Ltd.

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