From owner-freebsd-stable Sun Feb 8 21:49:12 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id VAA06917 for stable-outgoing; Sun, 8 Feb 1998 21:49:12 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id VAA06887 for ; Sun, 8 Feb 1998 21:49:07 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Received: (from paul@localhost) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id XAA09000; Sun, 8 Feb 1998 23:49:07 -0600 (CST) (envelope-from paul) Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 23:49:07 -0600 From: Paul Saab To: freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: panic .. where to go next Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Mailer: Mutt 0.88 Sender: owner-freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk I recently upgraded my machine's memory to 128 meg and ran into all sorts of problems with sig 11's while building world and kernels. I at first thought it may be the ram was bad so I took it out and replaced it with the orginal 64 meg and placed the 128 into another machine to see what the problem may be. The other machine I put the 128 meg into has compiled world fine about 10 times now and no errors. I have run world on the original machine and I am still getting sig11's and ocasionally a panic. Can anyone shed some light on my problem? I am stuck as to where to go next. I thought my problems was the new ram but seeing how it is running in a machine similar to the one I have at home (it is a little newer model motherboard) and it has yet to have any of the problems I am experiencing at home. Below is the output from dmesg and from gdb on the kernel core file. Thanks, Paul Copyright (c) 1992-1997 FreeBSD Inc. Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. FreeBSD 2.2.5-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 8 00:34:38 CST 1998 CPU: Pentium (165.79-MHz 586-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x52c Stepping=12 Features=0x1bf real memory = 67108864 (65536K bytes) avail memory = 62500864 (61036K bytes) Probing for devices on PCI bus 0: chip0 rev 2 on pci0:0 chip1 rev 2 on pci0:7:0 chip2 rev 2 on pci0:7:1 vga0 rev 1 int a irq 10 on pci0:18 ahc0 rev 0 int a irq 11 on pci0:20 ahc0: aic7880 Wide Channel, SCSI Id=7, 16 SCBs ahc0 waiting for scsi devices to settle (ahc0:0:0): "MICROP 4421-07 0502SJ 0502" type 0 fixed SCSI 2 sd0(ahc0:0:0): Direct-Access 2047MB (4193360 512 byte sectors) (ahc0:1:0): "Quantum XP32150W L912" type 0 fixed SCSI 2 sd1(ahc0:1:0): Direct-Access 2050MB (4199760 512 byte sectors) (ahc0:2:0): "IBM DCAS-34330W S65A" type 0 fixed SCSI 2 sd2(ahc0:2:0): Direct-Access 4134MB (8467200 512 byte sectors) Probing for devices on the ISA bus: sc0 at 0x60-0x6f irq 1 on motherboard sc0: VGA color <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x0> sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa sio0: type 16550A sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa sio1: type 16550A lpt0 at 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa lpt0: Interrupt-driven port lp0: TCP/IP capable interface psm0 not found at 0x60 fdc0 at 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold fd0: 1.44MB 3.5in wdc1 at 0x170-0x177 irq 15 on isa wdc1: unit 0 (atapi): , removable, accel, dma, iordis wcd0: 1378Kb/sec, 128Kb cache, audio play, 256 volume levels, ejectable tray wcd0: 120mm audio disc loaded, unlocked npx0 on motherboard npx0: INT 16 interface sb0 at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 on isa sb0: sbxvi0 at 0x0 drq 5 on isa sbxvi0: sbmidi0 at 0x330 on isa bash-2.01# gdb -k kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.0 GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details. GDB 4.16 (i386-unknown-freebsd), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc... IdlePTD 233000 current pcb at 206298 panic: bad dir #0 boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:266 266 dumppcb.pcb_cr3 = rcr3(); (kgdb) where #0 boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:266 #1 0xf0111872 in panic (fmt=0xf01a3161 "bad dir") at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:390 #2 0xf01a31a3 in ufs_dirbad (ip=0xf1003300, offset=0, how=0xf01a2500 "mangled entry") at ../../ufs/ufs/ufs_lookup.c:589 #3 0xf01a2a01 in ufs_lookup (ap=0xefbffe18) at ../../ufs/ufs/ufs_lookup.c:284 #4 0xf012ef09 in lookup (ndp=0xefbffeac) at vnode_if.h:31 #5 0xf012ea4b in namei (ndp=0xefbffeac) at ../../kern/vfs_lookup.c:156 #6 0xf0132afc in stat (p=0xf0e13200, uap=0xefbfff94, retval=0xefbfff84) at ../../kern/vfs_syscalls.c:1288 #7 0xf01bfc2f in syscall (frame={tf_es = 39, tf_ds = 39, tf_edi = 18032, tf_esi = 18032, tf_ebp = -272642772, tf_isp = -272629788, tf_ebx = 134787168, tf_edx = 102528, tf_ecx = 6, tf_eax = 188, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 7, tf_eip = 134694561, tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 534, tf_esp = -272642896, tf_ss = 39}) at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:890 #8 0x80746a1 in ?? () #9 0x535b in ?? () #10 0x46ab in ?? () #11 0x9c21 in ?? () #12 0x1095 in ?? () To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe stable" in the body of the message