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Date:      Sat, 26 Sep 2020 19:53:39 -0700
From:      Mark Millard <>
To:        tech-lists <>
Cc:        freebsd-arm <>
Subject:   Re: head -r365677 and later do not have the xhci related DMA problem fixed
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

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On 2020-Sep-24, at 23:34, tech-lists <tech-list at> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 05:53:06PM -0700, Mark Millard via freebsd-arm =
>> So far I'm unable to figure out how to have a u-boot environment
>> that boots the RPi4B's: figuring out what needs to be different
>> than the rather modern raspberry pi files that I have in place.
>> Also: fully modern eeprom content. As stands I've not been using
>> a microsd card at all: it uses the msdos file system from the
>> USB3 SSD.
> Mine *will* boot, even after the eeprom upgrade. What it won't do =
(what was
> always the case) is boot after I modify config.txt in any way at all.
. . .

Mine too, for how I did things.

My previous notes about not being able to boot when modern
eeprom content is present and modern rpi firmware is also
present on the USB3 SSD did not cover having the
indirection of pulling the FreeBSD kernel from the microsd
card and having the FreeBSD kernel be what first gets to
the USB3 SSD. But what I actually did eventually was have
FreeBSD's kernel be the first thing that gets to the USB3
SSD. (Requires that the microsd card with rpi-firmware
and u-boot on it has priority when present.) The USB-MSD
aspect of the various rpi updates is not required at all
for what I did.

This also avoids u-boot needing to be able to deal with
the xHCI or drives that involve xhCI use generally --but
requires the use of a microsd card.

(Not that I think u-boot requiring old, beta rpi-firmware
is good as a long-term context.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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