From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Mar 20 11:10:30 2001
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Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:10:58 -0500 (EST)
From: "" <>
To: richard childers <>
Cc: Neil Blakey-Milner <>,
	Doug Young <>,
	Duke Normandin <>,
	David Johnson <>, Mike Meyer <>,, freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: documentation issues generally
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This posting is a real mess. Try using line-wraps. Just visit greg's site:

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, richard childers wrote:

> Neil Blakey-Milner complains:
> "You mean people like myself, Jeroen, Alex, Jim, Nik, and others?"
> "Oh.  We suck."
> "Never mind."
> I don't see it being targeted personally but if you want to take it that way you are
> welcome to. I believe in free will ... and full responsibility.
> On the other hand, if you cared about it you'd be subscribed to freebsd-questions and
> you wouldn't need people surreptitiously forwarding my messages to you; you would
> have spoken up much sooner, in defense of your group; you'd be proactively responding
> to negative feedback instead of getting defensive.
> For instance, every time mail gets directed to, I get a reply from
> Michael's qmail installation telling me that that my mail has been redirected to a
> non-existent address and is being returned as undeliverable. This, based on
> information and belief, is Mike's best approach to dealing with negative feedback. I
> can probably forward the bounce to this message, when I get it, if you don't believe
> me.
> If that's the sort of behavior that you think should garner your team my respect ...
> think again.
> All that aside, there is some nice FreeBSD documentation out there as well as some
> bad stuff and I have no basis for assuming that you personally are the author of any
> of the documents I have heard complaints about, at this point in time.
> Apparently you have not received all of the complaints that were voiced about
> documentation, if you are only replying to my comments, and no one else's. Whomever
> was forwarding my comments to you may have done you a disservice by not providing the
> entire exchange; of course, we could argue that you did yourself a disservice by not
> acquainting yourself with the topic at hand before commenting, also.
> -- richard
> Neil Blakey-Milner wrote:
> > On Fri 2001-03-16 (06:56), richard childers wrote:
> > > FreeBSD probably could have addressed this, early in its existence, by adapting
> > > into the team, a few people whose job was, not to write code, but to work with
> > > the developers and to insure that their (often incoherent) documentation was
> > > turned into sequential, step-by-step instructions.
> >
> > You mean people like myself, Jeroen, Alex, Jim, Nik, and others?
> >
> > Oh.  We suck.
> >
> > Never mind.
> >
> > Neil
> > --
> > Neil Blakey-Milner
> >
> --
> Richard A. Childers
> Senor UNIX Administrator
> (email)
> 415.664.6291 (voice/msgs)
> # Providing administrative expertise (not 'damage control') since 1986.
> # PGP fingerprint: 7EFF 164A E878 7B04 8E9F  32B6 72C2 D8A2 582C 4AFA
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