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Date:      Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:40:06 GMT
From:      Ulrich =?utf-8?B?U3DDtnJsZWlu?= <>
Subject:   Re: ports/135593: net-im/ejabberd: ram_file_io_server makes ejabberdevel to not run with R13B_logl
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR ports/135593; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Ulrich =?utf-8?B?U3DDtnJsZWlu?= <>
Subject: Re: ports/135593: net-im/ejabberd: ram_file_io_server makes
 ejabberdevel to not run with R13B_logl
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 14:35:20 +0200

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Disposition: inline
 Hello Bartosz,
 providing a patch against the port, not some random patch against a
 distfile usually improves the chances of someone comitting it.
 Attached is a test patch against the current port, it works both with
 the old erlang port (v12) and new current one (v13). It is the official
 patch from and will come
 out with ejaberd 2.1.0.
 Content-Type: text/x-diff; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ejabberd.diff"
 ? work
 Index: Makefile
 RCS file: /tank/ncvs/ports/net-im/ejabberd/Makefile,v
 retrieving revision 1.30
 diff -u -p -r1.30 Makefile
 --- Makefile	19 Jul 2009 18:59:39 -0000	1.30
 +++ Makefile	22 Jul 2009 12:31:59 -0000
 @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
  PORTNAME=	ejabberd
  CATEGORIES=	net-im
 Index: files/patch-919-fileioserver
 RCS file: files/patch-919-fileioserver
 diff -N files/patch-919-fileioserver
 --- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
 +++ files/patch-919-fileioserver	22 Jul 2009 12:31:59 -0000
 @@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
 +@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ $(BEAMS): $(ERLBEHAVBEAMS)
 + all-recursive: $(ERLBEHAVBEAMS)
 ++# Workaround for R11, that is not capable of compiling the new file:
 ++	-@ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) ram_file_io_server.erl
 ++	@ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) ram_file_io_server_old.erl
 ++	[ -f ram_file_io_server.beam ] \
 ++		|| cp ram_file_io_server_old.beam ram_file_io_server.beam
 + %.beam:       %.erl
 + 	@ERLC@ -W $(EFLAGS) $<
 +--- ejabberd_loglevel.erl
 ++++ ejabberd_loglevel.erl
 +@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ compile_string(Mod, Str) ->
 +     end.
 + open_ram_file(Fname) ->
 +-    ram_file_io_server:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
 ++    RamModule = get_ram_module(),
 ++    RamModule:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
 + close_ram_file(Fd) ->
 +     file:close(Fd).
 +@@ -85,6 +86,14 @@ load_logger(Forms, Mod, Loglevel) ->
 +             ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error ~p~n", [Error])
 +     end.
 ++%% Workaround for R11 and R12, that don't support the new module
 ++get_ram_module() ->
 ++    [AS, BS, _] = string:tokens(erlang:system_info(version), "."),
 ++    case (list_to_integer(AS) >= 5) and (list_to_integer(BS) >= 7) of
 ++	true -> ram_file_io_server;
 ++	false -> ram_file_io_server_old
 ++    end.
 + %% --------------------------------------------------------------
 + %% Code of the ejabberd logger, dynamically compiled and loaded
 + %% This allows to dynamically change log level while keeping a
 +--- ram_file_io_server.erl
 ++++ ram_file_io_server.erl
 +@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@
 + -export([format_error/1]).
 + -export([start/3, start_link/3]).
 +--record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode}).
 ++-record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode,unic}).
 + -define(PRIM_FILE, ram_file).
 + -define(READ_SIZE_LIST, 128).
 +@@ -44,11 +47,11 @@ format_error(ErrorId) ->
 +     erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
 + start(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 +-  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 ++  when is_pid(Owner), is_list(FileName), is_list(ModeList) ->
 +     do_start(spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 + start_link(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 +-  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 ++  when is_pid(Owner), is_list(FileName), is_list(ModeList) ->
 +     do_start(spawn_link, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 + %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 +@@ -61,27 +64,27 @@ do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 + 	erlang:Spawn(
 + 	  fun() ->
 + 		  %% process_flag(trap_exit, true),
 +-		  {ReadMode,Opts} = 
 +-		      case lists:member(binary, ModeList) of
 +-			  true ->
 +-			      {binary,ModeList};
 +-			  false ->
 +-			      {list,[binary|ModeList]}
 +-		      end,
 +-		  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 +-		      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 +-			  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 +-			  exit(Reason);
 +-		      {ok, Handle} ->
 +-			  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 +-			  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 +-			  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 +-			  server_loop(
 +-			    #state{handle    = Handle,
 +-				   owner     = Owner, 
 +-				   mref      = M, 
 +-				   buf       = <<>>,
 +-				   read_mode = ReadMode})
 ++		  case parse_options(ModeList) of
 ++		      {ReadMode, UnicodeMode, Opts} ->
 ++			  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 ++			      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 ++				  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 ++				  exit(Reason);
 ++			      {ok, Handle} ->
 ++				  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 ++				  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 ++				  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 ++				  server_loop(
 ++				    #state{handle    = Handle,
 ++					   owner     = Owner, 
 ++					   mref      = M, 
 ++					   buf       = <<>>,
 ++					   read_mode = ReadMode,
 ++					   unic = UnicodeMode})
 ++			  end;
 ++		      {error,Reason1} = Error1 ->
 ++			  Self ! {Ref, Error1},
 ++			  exit(Reason1)
 + 		  end
 + 	  end),
 +     Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
 +@@ -102,9 +105,61 @@ do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 + 	    {error, Reason}
 +     end.
 ++%%% Returns {ReadMode, UnicodeMode, RealOpts}
 ++parse_options(List) ->
 ++    parse_options(expand_encoding(List), list, latin1, []).
 ++parse_options([],list,Uni,Acc) ->
 ++    {list,Uni,[binary|lists:reverse(Acc)]};
 ++parse_options([],binary,Uni,Acc) ->
 ++    {binary,Uni,lists:reverse(Acc)};
 ++parse_options([{encoding, Encoding}|T],RMode,_,Acc) ->
 ++    case valid_enc(Encoding) of 
 ++	{ok, ExpandedEnc} ->
 ++	    parse_options(T,RMode,ExpandedEnc,Acc);
 ++	{error,Reason} ->
 ++	    {error,Reason}
 ++    end;
 ++parse_options([binary|T],_,Uni,Acc) ->
 ++    parse_options(T,binary,Uni,[binary|Acc]);
 ++parse_options([H|T],R,U,Acc) ->
 ++    parse_options(T,R,U,[H|Acc]).
 ++expand_encoding([]) ->
 ++    [];
 ++expand_encoding([latin1 | T]) ->
 ++    [{encoding,latin1} | expand_encoding(T)];
 ++expand_encoding([unicode | T]) ->
 ++    [{encoding,unicode} | expand_encoding(T)];
 ++expand_encoding([H|T]) ->
 ++    [H|expand_encoding(T)].
 ++valid_enc(latin1) ->
 ++    {ok,latin1};
 ++valid_enc(utf8) ->
 ++    {ok,unicode};
 ++valid_enc(unicode) ->
 ++    {ok,unicode};
 ++valid_enc(utf16) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf16,big}};
 ++valid_enc({utf16,big}) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf16,big}};
 ++valid_enc({utf16,little}) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf16,little}};
 ++valid_enc(utf32) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf32,big}};
 ++valid_enc({utf32,big}) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf32,big}};
 ++valid_enc({utf32,little}) ->
 ++    {ok,{utf32,little}};
 ++valid_enc(_Other) ->
 ++    {error,badarg}.
 + server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 +     receive
 +-	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 ++	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when is_pid(From) ->
 + 	    case file_request(Request, State) of
 + 		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 + 		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 +@@ -118,7 +173,7 @@ server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 + 		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 + 		    exit(Reason)
 + 	    end;
 +-	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 ++	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when is_pid(From) ->
 + 	    case io_request(Request, State) of
 + 		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 + 		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 +@@ -152,7 +207,7 @@ file_request({pread,At,Sz},
 +     case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 + 	{ok,_Offs} ->
 + 	    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
 +-		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode==list ->
 ++		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode =:= list ->
 + 		    std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
 + 		Reply ->
 + 		    std_reply(Reply, State)
 +@@ -203,42 +258,61 @@ std_reply(Reply, State) ->
 + %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 + %%% I/O request 
 +-io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 ++%% New protocol with encoding tags (R13)
 ++io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars}, 
 + 	   #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 +-    put_chars(Chars, State);
 +-io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 ++    put_chars(Chars, Enc, State);
 ++io_request({put_chars, Enc, Chars}, 
 + 	   #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 +     case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
 + 	{error,_}=Reply ->
 + 	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 + 	_ ->
 +-	    put_chars(Chars, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 ++	    put_chars(Chars, Enc, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 +     end;
 + 	   #state{}=State) ->
 +     case catch apply(Mod, Func, Args) of
 +-	Chars when list(Chars); binary(Chars) ->
 +-	    io_request({put_chars,Chars}, State);
 ++	Chars when is_list(Chars); is_binary(Chars) ->
 ++	    io_request({put_chars,Enc,Chars}, State);
 + 	_ ->
 + 	    {error,{error,Func},State}
 +     end;
 +-	   #state{}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, State);
 +-io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, % New in R9C
 + 	   #state{}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars(N, State);
 +-io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArg}, % New in R9C
 ++    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, Enc, State);
 + 	   #state{}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, State);
 +-io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, % New in R9C
 ++    get_chars(N, Enc, State);
 + 	   #state{}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], State);
 +-io_request({setopts, Opts}, % New in R9C
 +-	   #state{}=State) when list(Opts) ->
 ++    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], Enc, State);
 ++io_request({setopts, Opts}, 
 ++	   #state{}=State) when is_list(Opts) ->
 +     setopts(Opts, State);
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    getopts(State);
 ++%% BC with pre-R13 nodes
 ++io_request({put_chars, Chars},#state{}=State) ->
 ++    io_request({put_chars, latin1, Chars},State);
 ++io_request({put_chars,Mod,Func,Args}, #state{}=State) ->
 ++    io_request({put_chars,latin1,Mod,Func,Args}, State);
 ++io_request({get_until,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArgs}, #state{}=State) ->
 ++    io_request({get_until,latin1,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArgs}, State);
 ++io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, #state{}=State) ->
 ++    io_request({get_chars,latin1,_Prompt,N}, State);
 ++io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, #state{}=State) ->
 ++    io_request({get_line,latin1,_Prompt}, State);
 + io_request({requests,Requests}, 
 +-	   #state{}=State) when list(Requests) ->
 ++	   #state{}=State) when is_list(Requests) ->
 +     io_request_loop(Requests, {reply,ok,State});
 + io_request(Unknown, 
 + 	   #state{}=State) ->
 +@@ -265,76 +339,213 @@ io_request_loop([Request|Tail],
 + %% I/O request put_chars
 + %%
 +-put_chars(Chars, #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 ++put_chars(Chars, latin1, #state{handle=Handle, unic=latin1}=State) ->
 +     case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
 + 	{error,_}=Reply ->
 + 	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 + 	Reply ->
 + 	    {reply,Reply,State}
 ++    end;
 ++put_chars(Chars, InEncoding, #state{handle=Handle, unic=OutEncoding}=State) ->
 ++    case unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 ++	Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
 ++	    case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Bin) of
 ++		{error,_}=Reply ->
 ++		    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 ++		Reply ->
 ++		    {reply,Reply,State}
 ++	    end;
 ++	{error,_,_} ->
 ++	    {stop,normal,{error,{no_translation, InEncoding, OutEncoding}},State}
 +     end.
 + %% Process the I/O request get_chars
 + %%
 +-get_chars(0, #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 +-    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode),State};
 +-get_chars(N, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 +-  when integer(N), N > 0, N =< size(Buf) ->
 ++get_chars(0, Enc, #state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEncoding}=State) ->
 ++    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode,InEncoding, Enc),State};
 ++get_chars(N, Enc, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 ++  when is_integer(N), N > 0, N =< byte_size(Buf) ->
 ++    {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 ++    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,latin1,Enc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 ++get_chars(N, Enc, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 ++  when is_integer(N), N > 0, N =< byte_size(Buf) ->
 +     {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 +-    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}};
 +-get_chars(N, #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 +-  when integer(N), N > 0 ->
 +-    BufSize = size(Buf),
 ++    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,latin1,Enc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 ++get_chars(N, OutEnc,#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State) 
 ++  when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
 ++    BufSize = byte_size(Buf),
 +     NeedSize = N-BufSize,
 +-    Size = max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 ++    Size = erlang:max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 +     case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 + 	{ok, B} ->
 +-	    if BufSize+size(B) < N ->
 +-		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode), State);
 ++	    if BufSize+byte_size(B) < N ->
 ++		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode,latin1,OutEnc), State);
 + 	       true ->
 + 		    {B1,B2} = split_binary(B, NeedSize),
 +-		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}}
 ++		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode, latin1,OutEnc),State#state{buf=B2}}
 + 	    end;
 +-	eof when BufSize==0 ->
 ++	eof when BufSize =:= 0 ->
 + 	    {reply,eof,State};
 + 	eof ->
 +-	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode), State);
 ++	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode,latin1,OutEnc), State);
 + 	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 + 	    {stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 +     end;
 +-get_chars(_N, #state{}=State) ->
 ++get_chars(N, OutEnc,#state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEncoding}=State) 
 ++  when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
 ++    try
 ++	%% This is rather tricky, we need to count the actual number of characters 
 ++	%% in the buffer first as unicode characters are not constant in length
 ++	{BufCount, SplitPos} = count_and_find(Buf,N,InEncoding),
 ++	case BufCount >= N of
 ++	    true ->
 ++		{B1,B2} = case SplitPos of
 ++			      none -> {Buf,<<>>};
 ++			      _ ->split_binary(Buf,SplitPos)
 ++			  end,
 ++		{reply,cast(B1, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc),State#state{buf=B2}};
 ++	    false ->
 ++		%% Need more, Try to read 4*needed in bytes...
 ++		NeedSize = (N - BufCount) * 4,
 ++		Size = erlang:max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 ++		case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 ++		    {ok, B} ->
 ++			NewBuf = list_to_binary([Buf,B]),
 ++			{NewCount,NewSplit} = count_and_find(NewBuf,N,InEncoding),
 ++			case NewCount >= N of
 ++			    true ->
 ++				{B01,B02} = case NewSplit of
 ++						none -> {NewBuf,<<>>};
 ++						_ ->split_binary(NewBuf, NewSplit)
 ++					    end,
 ++				{reply,cast(B01, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc),
 ++				 State#state{buf=B02}};
 ++			    false ->
 ++				%% Reached end of file
 ++				std_reply(cast(NewBuf, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc), 
 ++					  State#state{buf = <<>>})
 ++			end;
 ++		    eof when BufCount =:= 0 ->
 ++			{reply,eof,State};
 ++		    eof ->
 ++			std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode,InEncoding,OutEnc), State#state{buf = <<>>});
 ++		    {error,Reason}=Error ->
 ++			{stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf = <<>>}}
 ++		end
 ++	end
 ++    catch
 ++	exit:ExError ->
 ++	    {stop,ExError,{error,ExError},State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 ++    end;
 ++get_chars(_N, _, #state{}=State) ->
 +     {error,{error,get_chars},State}.
 +-get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State);
 +-get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 +-    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 ++get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, OutEnc, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, OutEnc, State);
 ++get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, OutEnc, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, OutEnc, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 +-get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, 
 ++get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1,
 ++		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode, unic=latin1}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 ++	{ok,Bin} ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1, State, Bin);
 ++	eof ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, latin1, State, eof);
 ++	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 ++	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 ++    end;
 ++get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc,
 + 		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 +     case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 + 	{ok,Bin} ->
 +-	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, Bin);
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, Bin);
 ++	eof ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, eof);
 ++	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 ++	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 ++    end.
 ++get_chars_notempty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc,
 ++		   #state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode,buf = B}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 ++	{ok,Bin} ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, list_to_binary([Bin,B]));
 + 	eof ->
 +-	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, eof);
 ++	    case B of
 ++		<<>> ->
 ++		    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, OutEnc, State, eof);
 ++		_ ->
 ++		    {stop,invalid_unicode,{error,invalid_unicode},State}
 ++	    end;
 + 	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 + 	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 +     end.
 +-get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, 
 +-		#state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State, Data0) ->
 ++get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, latin1,
 ++		#state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=latin1}=State, Data0) ->
 +     Data1 = case ReadMode of
 +-	       list when binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 ++	       list when is_binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 + 	       _ -> Data0
 + 	    end,
 +-    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, XtraArg) of
 ++    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, latin1, XtraArg) of
 + 	{stop,Result,Buf} ->
 + 	    {reply,Result,State#state{buf=cast_binary(Buf)}};
 + 	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
 + 	    {stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 + 	S1 ->
 +-	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, State)
 ++	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, latin1, State)
 ++    end;
 ++get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, OutEnc,
 ++		#state{read_mode=ReadMode,unic=InEnc}=State, Data0) ->
 ++    try 
 ++	{Data1,NewBuff} = case ReadMode of
 ++			      list when is_binary(Data0) -> 
 ++				  case unicode:characters_to_list(Data0,InEnc) of
 ++				      {Tag,Decoded,Rest} when Decoded =/= [], Tag =:= error; Decoded =/= [], Tag =:= incomplete ->
 ++					  {Decoded,erlang:iolist_to_binary(Rest)};
 ++				      {Tag, [], _} when Tag =:= error; Tag =:= incomplete -> 
 ++					  exit(invalid_unicode);
 ++				      List when is_list(List) ->
 ++					  {List,<<>>}
 ++				  end;
 ++			      binary when is_binary(Data0) ->
 ++				  case unicode:characters_to_binary(Data0,InEnc,OutEnc) of
 ++				      {Tag2,Decoded2,Rest2} when Decoded2 =/= <<>>, Tag2 =:= error; Decoded2 =/= <<>>, Tag2 =:= incomplete ->
 ++					  {Decoded2,erlang:iolist_to_binary(Rest2)};
 ++				      {Tag2, <<>>, _} when Tag2 =:= error; Tag2 =:= incomplete ->
 ++					  exit(invalid_unicode);
 ++				      Binary when is_binary(Binary) ->
 ++					  {Binary,<<>>}
 ++				  end;
 ++			      _ -> %i.e. eof
 ++				  {Data0,<<>>}
 ++			  end,
 ++	case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, OutEnc, XtraArg) of
 ++	    {stop,Result,Buf} ->
 ++		{reply,Result,State#state{buf = (if
 ++						     is_binary(Buf) ->
 ++							 unicode:characters_to_binary(Buf,OutEnc,InEnc);
 ++						     is_list(Buf) ->
 ++							 unicode:characters_to_binary(Buf,unicode,InEnc);
 ++						     true ->
 ++							 <<>>
 ++						end)}};
 ++	    {'EXIT',Reason} ->
 ++		{stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 ++	    S1 ->
 ++		get_chars_notempty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, OutEnc, State#state{buf=NewBuff})
 ++	end
 ++    catch
 ++	exit:ExReason ->
 ++	   {stop,ExReason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 ++	error:ErrReason ->
 ++	   {stop,ErrReason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State}
 +     end.
 + %% Convert error code to make it look as before
 + err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) ->
 +@@ -347,35 +558,100 @@ err_func(_, F, _) ->
 + %% Process the I/O request setopts
 + %%
 + %% setopts
 +-setopts(Opts0, State) ->
 +-    Opts = proplists:substitute_negations([{list,binary}], Opts0),
 +-    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 ++setopts(Opts0,State) ->
 ++    Opts = proplists:unfold(
 ++	     proplists:substitute_negations(
 ++	       [{list,binary}], 
 ++	       expand_encoding(Opts0))),
 ++    case check_valid_opts(Opts) of
 + 	true ->
 +-	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary}};
 ++	    do_setopts(Opts,State);
 + 	false ->
 +-	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=list}};
 ++	    {error,{error,enotsup},State}
 ++    end.
 ++check_valid_opts([]) ->
 ++    true;
 ++check_valid_opts([{binary,_}|T]) ->
 ++    check_valid_opts(T);
 ++check_valid_opts([{encoding,_Enc}|T]) ->
 ++    check_valid_opts(T);
 ++check_valid_opts(_) ->
 ++    false.
 ++do_setopts(Opts, State) ->
 ++    case valid_enc(proplists:get_value(encoding, Opts, State#state.unic)) of
 ++	{ok,NewUnic} ->
 ++	    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 ++		true ->
 ++		    {reply,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary, unic=NewUnic}};
 ++		false ->
 ++		    {reply,ok,State#state{read_mode=list, unic=NewUnic}};
 ++		undefined ->
 ++		    {reply,ok,State#state{unic=NewUnic}}
 ++	    end;
 + 	_ ->
 +-	    {error,{error,badarg},State}
 ++	    {error,{error,badarg},State} 
 +     end.
 ++getopts(#state{read_mode=RM, unic=Unic} = State) ->
 ++    Bin = {binary, case RM of
 ++		       binary ->
 ++			   true;
 ++		       _ ->
 ++			   false
 ++		   end},
 ++    Uni = {encoding, Unic},
 ++    {reply,[Bin,Uni],State}.
 + %% Concatenate two binaries and convert the result to list or binary
 +-cat(B1, B2, binary) ->
 ++cat(B1, B2, binary,latin1,latin1) ->
 +     list_to_binary([B1,B2]);
 +-cat(B1, B2, list) ->
 ++cat(B1, B2, binary,InEncoding,OutEncoding) ->
 ++    case unicode:characters_to_binary([B1,B2],InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 ++	Good when is_binary(Good) ->
 ++	    Good;
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 ++    end;
 ++%% Dialyzer finds this is never used...                                                       
 ++%% cat(B1, B2, list, InEncoding, OutEncoding) when InEncoding =/= latin1 ->
 ++%%     % Catch i.e. unicode -> latin1 errors by using the outencoding although otherwise
 ++%%     % irrelevant for lists...
 ++%%     try
 ++%% 	unicode:characters_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary([B1,B2],InEncoding,OutEncoding),
 ++%% 				   OutEncoding)
 ++%%     catch
 ++%% 	error:_ ->
 ++%% 	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 ++%%     end.
 ++cat(B1, B2, list, latin1,_) ->
 +     binary_to_list(B1)++binary_to_list(B2).
 + %% Cast binary to list or binary
 +-cast(B, binary) ->
 ++cast(B, binary, latin1, latin1) ->
 +     B;
 +-cast(B, list) ->
 +-    binary_to_list(B).
 ++cast(B, binary, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
 ++    case unicode:characters_to_binary(B,InEncoding,OutEncoding) of
 ++	Good when is_binary(Good) ->
 ++	    Good;
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 ++    end;
 ++cast(B, list, latin1, _) ->
 ++    binary_to_list(B);
 ++cast(B, list, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
 ++    try
 ++	unicode:characters_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary(B,InEncoding,OutEncoding),
 ++				   OutEncoding)
 ++    catch
 ++	error:_ ->
 ++	    exit({no_translation,InEncoding,OutEncoding})
 ++    end.
 + %% Convert buffer to binary
 +-cast_binary(Binary) when binary(Binary) ->
 ++cast_binary(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
 +     Binary;
 +-cast_binary(List) when list(List) ->
 ++cast_binary(List) when is_list(List) ->
 +     list_to_binary(List);
 + cast_binary(_EOF) ->
 +     <<>>.
 +@@ -386,10 +662,150 @@ read_size(binary) ->
 + read_size(list) ->
 +-max(A, B) when A >= B ->
 +-    A;
 +-max(_, B) ->
 +-    B.
 ++%% Utf utility
 ++count_and_find(Bin,N,Encoding) ->
 ++    cafu(Bin,N,0,0,none,case Encoding of 
 ++			   unicode -> utf8;
 ++			   Oth -> Oth
 ++			end).
 ++cafu(<<>>,0,Count,ByteCount,_SavePos,_) ->
 ++    {Count,ByteCount};
 ++cafu(<<>>,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos,_) ->
 ++    {Count,SavePos};
 ++cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, utf8) ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,utf8);
 ++cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, utf8) when N < 0 ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,utf8);
 ++cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, utf8) ->
 ++    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 ++    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,utf8);
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf16,big}) ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf16,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,big}) when N < 0 ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf16,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-big,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,big}) ->
 ++    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 ++    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf16,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf16,little}) ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf16,little});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,little}) when N < 0 ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf16,little});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf16-little,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf16,little}) ->
 ++    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 ++    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf16,little});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf32,big}) ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf32,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,big}) when N < 0 ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf32,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-big,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,big}) ->
 ++    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 ++    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf32,big});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos, {utf32,little}) ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,ByteCount,{utf32,little});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,little}) when N < 0 ->
 ++    cafu(Rest,-1,Count+1,0,SavePos,{utf32,little});
 ++cafu(<<_/utf32-little,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos, {utf32,little}) ->
 ++    Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
 ++    cafu(Rest,N-1,Count+1,ByteCount+Delta,SavePos,{utf32,little});
 ++cafu(_Other,0,Count,ByteCount,_,_) -> % Non Unicode character, 
 ++                                     % but found our point, OK this time
 ++    {Count,ByteCount};
 ++cafu(Other,_N,Count,0,_SavePos,Enc) -> % Not enough, but valid chomped unicode
 ++                                       % at end.
 ++    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 ++	false ->
 ++	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    {Count,none}
 ++    end;
 ++cafu(Other,_N,Count,ByteCount,none,Enc) -> % Return what we'we got this far
 ++					   % although not complete, 
 ++					   % it's not (yet) in error
 ++    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 ++	false ->
 ++	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    {Count,ByteCount}
 ++    end;
 ++cafu(Other,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos,Enc) -> % As above but we have 
 ++					       % found a position
 ++    case cbv(Enc,Other) of
 ++	false ->
 ++	    exit(invalid_unicode);
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    {Count,SavePos}
 ++    end.
 ++%% Bluntly stolen from stdlib/unicode.erl (cbv means can be valid?)
 ++cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,0:1,_:5>>) -> 
 ++    1;
 ++cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:4,R/binary>>) -> 
 ++    case R of
 ++	<<>> ->
 ++	    2;
 ++	<<1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 ++	    1;
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    false
 ++    end;
 ++cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:3,R/binary>>) ->
 ++    case R of
 ++	<<>> ->
 ++	    3;
 ++	<<1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 ++	    2;
 ++	<<1:1,0:1,_:6,1:1,0:1,_:6>> ->
 ++	    1;
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    false
 ++    end;
 ++cbv(utf8,_) ->
 ++    false;
 ++cbv({utf16,big},<<A:8>>) when A =< 215; A >= 224 ->
 ++    1;
 ++cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:2>>) ->
 ++    3;
 ++cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10>>) ->
 ++    2;
 ++cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10,55:6,_:2>>) ->
 ++    1;
 ++cbv({utf16,big},_) ->
 ++    false;
 ++cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8>>) ->
 ++    1; % or 3, we'll see
 ++cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2>>) ->
 ++    2;
 ++cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2,_:8>>) ->
 ++    1;
 ++cbv({utf16,little},_) ->
 ++    false;
 ++cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8>>) ->
 ++    3;
 ++cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8>>) when X =< 16 ->
 ++    2;
 ++cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8,Y:8>>) 
 ++  when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) ->
 ++    1;
 ++cbv({utf32,big},_) ->
 ++    false;
 ++cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8>>) ->
 ++    3;
 ++cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8,_:8>>) -> 
 ++    2;
 ++cbv({utf32,little},<<X:8,255:8,0:8>>) when X =:= 254; X =:= 255 ->
 ++    false;
 ++  when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) ->
 ++    1;
 ++cbv({utf32,little},_) ->
 ++    false.
 + %%%-----------------------------------------------------------------
 + %%% ?PRIM_FILE helpers
 +@@ -399,10 +815,10 @@ max(_, B) ->
 + position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
 +     position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
 +-position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when list(Buf) ->
 ++position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when is_list(Buf) ->
 +     ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-length(Buf)});
 +-position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when binary(Buf) ->
 +-    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-size(Buf)});
 ++position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when is_binary(Buf) ->
 ++    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-byte_size(Buf)});
 + position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
 +     ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).
 +--- /dev/null
 ++++ ram_file_io_server_old.erl
 +@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
 ++%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
 ++%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 ++%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
 ++%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
 ++%% retrieved via the world wide web at
 ++%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 ++%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
 ++%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 ++%% under the License.
 ++%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
 ++%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
 ++%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
 ++%%     $Id$
 ++%% This file is mostly copied from Erlang file_io_server.erl
 ++%% See:
 ++%% for details on ram_file_io_server.erl (Erlang OTP R11B-2)
 ++%% A simple file server for io to one file instance per server instance.
 ++-export([start/3, start_link/3]).
 ++-record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode}).
 ++-define(PRIM_FILE, ram_file).
 ++-define(READ_SIZE_LIST, 128).
 ++-define(READ_SIZE_BINARY, (8*1024)).
 ++-define(eat_message(M, T), receive M -> M after T -> timeout end).
 ++%%% Exported functions
 ++format_error({_Line, ?MODULE, Reason}) ->
 ++    io_lib:format("~w", [Reason]);
 ++format_error({_Line, Mod, Reason}) ->
 ++    Mod:format_error(Reason);
 ++format_error(ErrorId) ->
 ++    erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
 ++start(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 ++  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 ++    do_start(spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 ++start_link(Owner, FileName, ModeList) 
 ++  when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
 ++    do_start(spawn_link, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
 ++%%% Server starter, dispatcher and helpers
 ++do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
 ++    Self = self(),
 ++    Ref = make_ref(),
 ++    Pid = 
 ++	erlang:Spawn(
 ++	  fun() ->
 ++		  %% process_flag(trap_exit, true),
 ++		  {ReadMode,Opts} = 
 ++		      case lists:member(binary, ModeList) of
 ++			  true ->
 ++			      {binary,ModeList};
 ++			  false ->
 ++			      {list,[binary|ModeList]}
 ++		      end,
 ++		  case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
 ++		      {error, Reason} = Error ->
 ++			  Self ! {Ref, Error},
 ++			  exit(Reason);
 ++		      {ok, Handle} ->
 ++			  %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
 ++			  M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
 ++			  Self ! {Ref, ok},
 ++			  server_loop(
 ++			    #state{handle    = Handle,
 ++				   owner     = Owner, 
 ++				   mref      = M, 
 ++				   buf       = <<>>,
 ++				   read_mode = ReadMode})
 ++		  end
 ++	  end),
 ++    Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
 ++    receive
 ++	{Ref, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->
 ++	    erlang:demonitor(Mref),
 ++	    receive {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
 ++	    Error;
 ++	{Ref, ok} ->
 ++	    erlang:demonitor(Mref),
 ++	    receive
 ++		{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 ++		    {error, Reason}
 ++	    after 0 ->
 ++		    {ok, Pid}
 ++	    end;
 ++	{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 ++	    {error, Reason}
 ++    end.
 ++server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
 ++    receive
 ++	{file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 ++	    case file_request(Request, State) of
 ++		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 ++		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    server_loop(NewState);
 ++		{error, Reply, NewState} ->
 ++		    %% error is the same as reply, except that
 ++		    %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
 ++		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    server_loop(NewState);
 ++		{stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
 ++		    file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    exit(Reason)
 ++	    end;
 ++	{io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
 ++	    case io_request(Request, State) of
 ++		{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
 ++		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    server_loop(NewState);
 ++		{error, Reply, NewState} ->
 ++		    %% error is the same as reply, except that
 ++		    %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
 ++		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    server_loop(NewState);
 ++		{stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
 ++		    io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
 ++		    exit(Reason)
 ++	    end;
 ++	{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
 ++	    exit(Reason);
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    server_loop(State)
 ++    end.
 ++file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
 ++    From ! {file_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
 ++io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
 ++    From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
 ++%%% file requests
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 ++    case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 ++	{ok,_Offs} ->
 ++	    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
 ++		{ok,Bin} when ReadMode==list ->
 ++		    std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
 ++		Reply ->
 ++		    std_reply(Reply, State)
 ++	    end;
 ++	Reply ->
 ++	    std_reply(Reply, State)
 ++    end;
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 ++    case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
 ++	{ok,_Offs} ->
 ++	    std_reply(?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Data), State);
 ++	Reply ->
 ++	    std_reply(Reply, State)
 ++    end;
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:sync(Handle) of
 ++	{error,_}=Reply ->
 ++	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 ++	Reply ->
 ++	    {reply,Reply,State}
 ++    end;
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 ++    {stop,normal,?PRIM_FILE:close(Handle),State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 ++    std_reply(position(Handle, At, Buf), State);
 ++	     #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Handle) of
 ++	{error,_Reason}=Reply ->
 ++	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 ++	Reply ->
 ++	    {reply,Reply,State}
 ++    end;
 ++	     #state{}=State) ->
 ++    Reason = {request, Unknown},
 ++    {error,{error,Reason},State}.
 ++std_reply({error,_}=Reply, State) ->
 ++    {error,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 ++std_reply(Reply, State) ->
 ++    {reply,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}}.
 ++%%% I/O request 
 ++io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 ++	   #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 ++    put_chars(Chars, State);
 ++io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
 ++	   #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
 ++    case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
 ++	{error,_}=Reply ->
 ++	    {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    put_chars(Chars, State#state{buf= <<>>})
 ++    end;
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    case catch apply(Mod, Func, Args) of
 ++	Chars when list(Chars); binary(Chars) ->
 ++	    io_request({put_chars,Chars}, State);
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    {error,{error,Func},State}
 ++    end;
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, State);
 ++io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, % New in R9C
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars(N, State);
 ++io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArg}, % New in R9C
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, State);
 ++io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, % New in R9C
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], State);
 ++io_request({setopts, Opts}, % New in R9C
 ++	   #state{}=State) when list(Opts) ->
 ++    setopts(Opts, State);
 ++	   #state{}=State) when list(Requests) ->
 ++    io_request_loop(Requests, {reply,ok,State});
 ++	   #state{}=State) ->
 ++    Reason = {request,Unknown},
 ++    {error,{error,Reason},State}.
 ++%% Process a list of requests as long as the results are ok.
 ++io_request_loop([], Result) ->
 ++    Result;
 ++		{stop,_Reason,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
 ++    Result;
 ++		{error,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
 ++    Result;
 ++		{reply,_Reply,State}) ->
 ++    io_request_loop(Tail, io_request(Request, State)).
 ++%% I/O request put_chars
 ++put_chars(Chars, #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
 ++	{error,_}=Reply ->
 ++	    {stop,normal,Reply,State};
 ++	Reply ->
 ++	    {reply,Reply,State}
 ++    end.
 ++%% Process the I/O request get_chars
 ++get_chars(0, #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 ++    {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode),State};
 ++get_chars(N, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 ++  when integer(N), N > 0, N =< size(Buf) ->
 ++    {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
 ++    {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}};
 ++get_chars(N, #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) 
 ++  when integer(N), N > 0 ->
 ++    BufSize = size(Buf),
 ++    NeedSize = N-BufSize,
 ++    Size = max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
 ++	{ok, B} ->
 ++	    if BufSize+size(B) < N ->
 ++		    std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode), State);
 ++	       true ->
 ++		    {B1,B2} = split_binary(B, NeedSize),
 ++		    {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}}
 ++	    end;
 ++	eof when BufSize==0 ->
 ++	    {reply,eof,State};
 ++	eof ->
 ++	    std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode), State);
 ++	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 ++	    {stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
 ++    end;
 ++get_chars(_N, #state{}=State) ->
 ++    {error,{error,get_chars},State}.
 ++get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State);
 ++get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
 ++    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
 ++get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, 
 ++		#state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
 ++    case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
 ++	{ok,Bin} ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, Bin);
 ++	eof ->
 ++	    get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, eof);
 ++	{error,Reason}=Error ->
 ++	    {stop,Reason,Error,State}
 ++    end.
 ++get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0, 
 ++		#state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State, Data0) ->
 ++    Data1 = case ReadMode of
 ++	       list when binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
 ++	       _ -> Data0
 ++	    end,
 ++    case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, XtraArg) of
 ++	{stop,Result,Buf} ->
 ++	    {reply,Result,State#state{buf=cast_binary(Buf)}};
 ++	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
 ++	    {stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
 ++	S1 ->
 ++	    get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, State)
 ++    end.
 ++%% Convert error code to make it look as before
 ++err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) ->
 ++    F;
 ++err_func(_, F, _) ->
 ++    F.
 ++%% Process the I/O request setopts
 ++%% setopts
 ++setopts(Opts0, State) ->
 ++    Opts = proplists:substitute_negations([{list,binary}], Opts0),
 ++    case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
 ++	true ->
 ++	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary}};
 ++	false ->
 ++	    {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=list}};
 ++	_ ->
 ++	    {error,{error,badarg},State}
 ++    end.
 ++%% Concatenate two binaries and convert the result to list or binary
 ++cat(B1, B2, binary) ->
 ++    list_to_binary([B1,B2]);
 ++cat(B1, B2, list) ->
 ++    binary_to_list(B1)++binary_to_list(B2).
 ++%% Cast binary to list or binary
 ++cast(B, binary) ->
 ++    B;
 ++cast(B, list) ->
 ++    binary_to_list(B).
 ++%% Convert buffer to binary
 ++cast_binary(Binary) when binary(Binary) ->
 ++    Binary;
 ++cast_binary(List) when list(List) ->
 ++    list_to_binary(List);
 ++cast_binary(_EOF) ->
 ++    <<>>.
 ++%% Read size for different read modes
 ++read_size(binary) ->
 ++read_size(list) ->
 ++max(A, B) when A >= B ->
 ++    A;
 ++max(_, B) ->
 ++    B.
 ++%%% ?PRIM_FILE helpers
 ++%% Compensates ?PRIM_FILE:position/2 for the number of bytes 
 ++%% we have buffered
 ++position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
 ++    position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
 ++position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when list(Buf) ->
 ++    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-length(Buf)});
 ++position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when binary(Buf) ->
 ++    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-size(Buf)});
 ++position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
 ++    ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).

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