From owner-freebsd-ports  Mon Dec 14 14:04:51 1998
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Subject: Re: ports/9070
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>> # Please notify about newly added patch or other files.
>> ??  Not quite sure I follow you here.
>> The patches that you committed are the ones I submitted to
>> one of the libtool maintainers.  They have been in their
>> CVS tree for quite some time now.  Not quite sure how come
>> they haven't released a new version yet, since I was told
>> the next release was due within days of submitting the fixes
>> their bugs mailing list.  That was a couple of weeks ago
>> at least. :(

I'm sorry, I tried to say:
"Please notify if you have added/removed any file of the port.
We committers have to issue cvs commands to maintain the CVS
Repository in case."

SADA Kenji <>                  "There's a rainbow in my soul"
<URL:>                           Gene Chandler

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