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Date:      Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:24:55 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Chris Rees <>
Subject:   svn commit: r241617 - user/crees/rclint
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: crees (ports committer)
Date: Tue Oct 16 20:24:54 2012
New Revision: 241617

  Allow line breaks in large blocks
  Do basic checking of definitions
  Use tab as delimiter; regexes need colons and backslashes
  Check style and position of functions
  Handle missing rc files more gracefully
  Make regex checks for the whole file


Modified: user/crees/rclint/errors.en
--- user/crees/rclint/errors.en	Tue Oct 16 20:18:15 2012	(r241616)
+++ user/crees/rclint/errors.en	Tue Oct 16 20:24:54 2012	(r241617)
@@ -1,31 +1,42 @@
-# Rigid format of this file; backslash-separated tuples to define
+# Rigid format of this file; tab-separated tuples to define
 # error messages and explanations.
+# Yes, tab isn't a great separator; alternatives that aren't
+# regex chars would be gratefully heard
 # format as follows:
+error_id	message	explanation
-defaults_invalid\Invalid lines in defaults block.\Allowed are variable assignments (including eval statements) and comments.  A blank line ends the block.
-defaults_mandatory_colon\Override blanks in mandatory values (:=/:- vs =/-)\Values that must not be blank (such as _enable) should be set by default as ${var:=value}; thus disallowing blank values (man sh)
-defaults_non_mandatory_colon\Do not clobber blank values for non-mandatory variables\Syntax for variables that are not mandatory is ${var=value}; including := will override var="" set in rc.conf (man sh)
-defaults_old_style\Prefer condensed version for setting default values of variables\When setting the default value for a variable, it is much less verbose and clearer to use the : ${variable=var} notation, as well as it being obvious that the source and destination variable are the same
-defaults_value_quoted\Do not quote values set by default\With the syntax ${variable=value}, value can even contain spaces and does not need quoting
+defaults_invalid	Invalid lines in defaults block.	Allowed are variable assignments (including eval statements) and comments.  A blank line ends the block.
+defaults_mandatory_colon	Override blanks in mandatory values (:=/:- vs =/-)	Values that must not be blank (such as _enable) should be set by default as ${var:=value}; thus disallowing blank values (man sh)
+defaults_non_mandatory_colon	Do not clobber blank values for non-mandatory variables	Syntax for variables that are not mandatory is ${var=value}; including := will override var="" set in rc.conf (man sh)
+defaults_old_style	Prefer condensed version for setting default values of variables	When setting the default value for a variable, it is much less verbose and clearer to use the : ${variable=var} notation, as well as it being obvious that the source and destination variable are the same
+defaults_value_quoted	Do not quote values set by default	With the syntax ${variable=value}, value can even contain spaces and does not need quoting
-load_rc_config_extra\load_rc_config not followed by blank line\The load_rc_config line must form its own block
-load_rc_config_missing\load_rc_config is late, incorrect or missing\Directly following the name/rcvar block must be load_rc_config $name, unquoted
+definitions_missing	Definitions block missing	Following the default definitions must be other definitions (such as command, command_args)
+definitions_quoted	Do not quote values of variables	Unless the value contains spaces/tabs, do not quote variable assignments
-name_missing\name is set late or not at all\Directly following the sourcing of scripts must follow setting of the variable name
-name_quoted\name is quoted\Do not quote the value of name.  If it has spaces, use underscores
+functions_brace_inline	Braces should have their own lines	Do not put a brace on the same line as the function definition; it should have its own line
+functions_brace_missing	Function definition does not start with a brace	The function definition must begin with an opening brace on its own line, and end with a closing brace on its own line
+functions_neverending	Unclosed function block	Functions must end with a closing brace on its own line
+functions_short	One-line functions discouraged; put command directly in variable	It is wasteful to write a function just for one command.  It is possible to put commands directly inside declarations; name_prestart="install -d -o $name_user /var/run/$name" for example
+functions_spaces	No spaces allowed in function definitions	Do not separate the function name from the parentheses with spaces; func() not func ()
-rc_subr_late\rc.subr sourcing late or nonexistent\The first non-comment non-blank line in any rc file must be sourcing /etc/rc.subr
+load_rc_config_extra	load_rc_config not followed by blank line	The load_rc_config line must form its own block
+load_rc_config_missing	load_rc_config is late, incorrect or missing	Directly following the name/rcvar block must be load_rc_config $name, unquoted
-rcorder_keyword_freebsd\Do not include FreeBSD in the KEYWORD rcorder line\Historically FreeBSD scripts were marked in the KEYWORD section.  This is no longer necessary
-rcorder_missing\Missing rcorder block\Following the FreeBSD RCSId keyword must be nothing but empty comment lines and an rcorder block
-rcorder_order\rcorder block in the wrong order; should be PROVIDE/REQUIRE/BEFORE/KEYWORD\See the article on RC scripting
+name_missing	name is set late or not at all	Directly following the sourcing of scripts must follow setting of the variable name
+name_quoted	name is quoted	Do not quote the value of name.  If it has spaces, use underscores
-rcvar_extra\extra lines in name/rcvar block\Order should be [blank line]/name=/rcvar=/[blank line]
-rcvar_incorrect\rcvar is not set correctly\rcvar must be directly set to name_enable.  Do not quote, and do not use indirection; ${name}_enable is slower than example_enable
-rcvar_missing\rcvar is set late or not at all\Setting rcvar must be done straight after setting name
-rcvar_quoted\rcvar is quoted\Do not quote the value of rcvar
+rc_subr_late	rc.subr sourcing late or nonexistent	The first non-comment non-blank line in any rc file must be sourcing /etc/rc.subr
-rcsid\Missing FreeBSD RCSId keyword\All rc scripts must contain a line beginning # $FreeBSD$.  Do not include blank lines without comment markers at the beginning (#) until the script begins
+rcorder_keyword_freebsd	Do not include FreeBSD in the KEYWORD rcorder line	Historically FreeBSD scripts were marked in the KEYWORD section.  This is no longer necessary
+rcorder_missing	Missing rcorder block	Following the FreeBSD RCSId keyword must be nothing but empty comment lines and an rcorder block
+rcorder_order	rcorder block in the wrong order; should be PROVIDE/REQUIRE/BEFORE/KEYWORD	See the article on RC scripting
-shebang\Incorrect shebang used\All rc scripts must start with the correct shebang; #!/bin/sh
+rcvar_extra	extra lines in name/rcvar block	Order should be [blank line]/name=/rcvar=/[blank line]
+rcvar_incorrect	rcvar is not set correctly	rcvar must be directly set to name_enable.  Do not quote, and do not use indirection; ${name}_enable is slower than example_enable
+rcvar_missing	rcvar is set late or not at all	Setting rcvar must be done straight after setting name
+rcvar_quoted	rcvar is quoted	Do not quote the value of rcvar
+rcsid	Missing FreeBSD RCSId keyword	All rc scripts must contain a line beginning # $FreeBSD$.  Do not include blank lines without comment markers at the beginning (#) until the script begins
+shebang	Incorrect shebang used	All rc scripts must start with the correct shebang; #!/bin/sh

Added: user/crees/rclint/problems.en
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ user/crees/rclint/problems.en	Tue Oct 16 20:24:54 2012	(r241617)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Format of this file: regex<TAB>short_explanation<TAB>explanation
+regex	explain	explanation

Modified: user/crees/rclint/
--- user/crees/rclint/	Tue Oct 16 20:18:15 2012	(r241616)
+++ user/crees/rclint/	Tue Oct 16 20:24:54 2012	(r241617)
@@ -34,12 +34,27 @@ import logging
 import re
 import textwrap
-def error_explain(error):
-	if verbosity > 0: print textwrap.fill(error['explanation'], initial_indent='==> ', subsequent_indent='    ')
+def read_db(dbname, language):
+    try:
+	with open('%s.%s' % (dbname, language)) as f:
+		logging.debug('Sucking in %s database' % dbname)
+		contents = { }
+		for e in f.readlines():
+			if not e or e[0] == '#':
+				continue
+			e = e.split('	')
+			contents[e[0]] = e[1:]
+    except:
+	logging.error('Cannot open %s database for language %s' % (dbname, language))
+	exit()
+    return contents
+def explain(error):
+	if verbosity > 0: print textwrap.fill(error[1], initial_indent='==> ', subsequent_indent='    ')
 def error(type, line_number, filename):
-	logging.error("[%d]%s: %s " % (line_number, filename, errors[type]['message']))
-	error_explain(errors[type])
+	logging.error("[%d]%s: %s " % (line_number, filename, errors[type][0]))
+	explain(errors[type])
 def check_quoted(string):
 	return True if string[0] == '"' or string[0] == "'" else False
@@ -49,12 +64,12 @@ def mandatory(var):
 	return True if var.split('_')[-1] in mand else False
 def get_value(var, line):
-	n = re.match('%s=(\S*)$' % var, line)
-	if n:
-		return value
-	else:
-		return False
+	try:	return re.match('%s=(\S+)$' % var, line).group(1)
+	except:	return False
+def get_assignment(line):
+	try: return re.match('(\S+)=(\S+)$', line).groups()
+	except: return False
 def check_header(lines, num, filename):
 	# Basic order; shebang, copyright, RCSId, gap, rcorder
@@ -156,7 +171,7 @@ def check_defaults(lines, num, filename)
 	default = { }
-	    while lines[num] != '':
+	    while lines[num]:
 		while lines[num][0] == '#' or lines[num][:4] == 'eval': num += 1
 		if lines[num][0] == ':':
 			# Shorthand set self-default assignment
@@ -184,15 +199,99 @@ def check_defaults(lines, num, filename)
 		error('defaults_invalid', num, filename)
+	# Allow line breaks in the middle; if we put
+	# gaps in that's usually good style.  Lookahead!
+	if lines[num+1] and (':' in lines[num+1] or '-' in lines[num+1]):
+		return check_defaults(lines, num, filename)
+	else:
+		return num
+def check_definitions(lines, num, filename):
+	logging.debug('Checking the basic definitions')
+	num += 1
+	while lines[num]:
+		while lines[num][0] == '#' or lines[num][:4] == 'eval': num += 1
+		try:
+			(var, value) = get_assignment(lines[num])
+		except:
+			error('definitions_missing', num, filename)
+			return num
+		if check_quoted(value):
+			if ' ' not in lines[num] and '	' not in lines[num]:
+				error('definitions_quoted', num, filename)
+		num += 1
+	# As in check_defaults, allow line breaks in the middle; if we put
+	# gaps in that's usually good style.  Lookahead!
+	if lines[num+1] and '=' in lines[num+1]:
+		return check_definitions(lines, num, filename)
+	else:
+		return num
+def check_functions(lines, num, filename):
+	logging.debug('Now checking functions')
+	num += 1
+	func = { }
+	while lines[num]:
+		while not lines[num] or lines[num][0] == '#': num += 1
+		if lines[num][-2:] != '()':
+			if lines[num][-1] == '{':
+				error('functions_brace_inline', num, filename)
+			else:
+				logging.debug('No functions left!')
+				return num
+		if ' ' in lines[num]:
+			error('functions_spaces', num, filename)
+		func['name'] = lines[num][:-2]
+		num += 1
+		if lines[num] != '{':
+			error('functions_brace_missing', num, filename)
+		num += 1
+		tmp = num
+		try:
+			while lines[num] != '}':
+				tmp += 1
+				if lines[num] and lines[num][0] != '#':
+					func['length'] += 1 
+		except:
+			error('functions_neverending', num, filename)
+			return num
+		if func['length'] == 1:
+			error('functions_short', num, filename)
+def general_checks(lines, filename):
+	logging.debug('Checking for unrecommended sequences')
+	for num in range(0, len(lines)):
+		for regex in problems.keys():
+			if lines[num] and, lines[num]):
+				logging.warn("[%d]%s: %s " % (num, filename, problems[key][1]))
+				explain(problem)
 def do_rclint(filename):
 	logging.debug('Suck in file %s' % filename)
-	lines=[line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(filename)]
-	begin_num = 0
-	endofheader_num = check_header(lines, begin_num, filename)
-	endofintro_num = check_intro(lines, endofheader_num, filename)
-	endofdefaults_num = check_defaults(lines, endofintro_num, filename)
+	try:
+		lines=[line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(filename)]
+	except: 
+		logging.error('Cannot open %s for testing' % filename)
+		return
+	lineno = { 'begin': 0 }
+	lineno['header'] = check_header(lines, lineno['begin'], filename)
+	lineno['intro'] = check_intro(lines, lineno['header'], filename)
+	lineno['defaults'] = check_defaults(lines, lineno['intro'], filename)
+	lineno['definitions'] = check_definitions(lines, lineno['defaults'], filename)
+	lineno['functions'] = check_functions(lines, lineno['definitions'], filename)
+	general_checks(lines, filename)
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs = '+')
@@ -202,22 +301,10 @@ parser.add_argument('-v', action='count'
 args = parser.parse_args()
 verbosity = args.v
-errordb = 'errors.%s' % args.language[0]
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if verbosity > 1 else logging.ERROR)
-logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if verbosity > 1 else logging.ERROR))
-	with open(errordb) as f:
-		logging.debug('Sucking in error database')
-		errors = {}
-		for e in f.readlines():
-			if e[0] == '#' or len(e) == 1:
-				continue
-			e = e.split('\\')
-			errors[e[0]] = { 'message': e[1], 'explanation': e[2] }
-	logging.error('Cannot open database for language %s' % errordb)
-	exit()
+errors = read_db('errors', args.language[0])
+problems = read_db('problems', args.language[0])
 for file in args.filenames:

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