From owner-freebsd-current Tue Mar 11 00:18:25 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id AAA05556 for current-outgoing; Tue, 11 Mar 1997 00:18:25 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id AAA05550 for ; Tue, 11 Mar 1997 00:18:15 -0800 (PST) Received: (from jmg@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) id AAA12361; Tue, 11 Mar 1997 00:18:06 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 00:18:06 -0800 From: John-Mark Gurney To: FreeBSD Current Subject: problems with not making the compressed Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Mailer: Mutt 0.64_p3-9,11-13,16-17,20-23,25-27 Reply-To: John-Mark Gurney Organization: Cu Networking X-Operating-System: FreeBSD 2.2-960801-SNAP i386 X-PGP-Fingerprint: B7 EC EF F8 AE ED A7 31 96 7A 22 B3 D8 56 36 F4 Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk I am having troubles getting make all to make the compressed version of the info files... My environment is really messed up... I'm running 2.2-960801-SNAP... but I've rebuilt and installed texinfo (for install-info and friends), make, expr, sh, and test... and it still doesn't want to make the gz versions... if I type them manually like make infofile.gz, it will make the file... and yes... I'm not defining NOINFOCOMPRESS... I've confired it with a make -dA 2>&1 | grep COMPRESS | more... any help would be great... and yes... I know I need to upgrade the system.. :) -- John-Mark Modem/FAX: (541) 683-6954 (FreeBSD Box) Live in Peace, destroy Micro$oft, support free software, run FreeBSD (unix)