From owner-freebsd-hubs  Mon Sep 10  1:56:43 2001
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Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 22:56:27 -1000 (HST)
From: Vincent Poy <vince@oahu.WURLDLINK.NET>
To: John Polstra <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: CVSup upgrade to fix the timestamp bug
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On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, John Polstra wrote:

> In article <20010909123920.G45219-100000@oahu.WURLDLINK.NET>, Vincent
> Poy <vince@oahu.WURLDLINK.NET> wrote:
> >       Yep, the packages are as good as they can get... It installed
> > on all 20 machines flawlessly...
> Great news!

	Yep, still working like a charm! :-)

> > Atleast you only lost 1/2 of Sunday,
> Heh, I think I'll be busy for a while longer. :-) The public
> announcement just hit freebsd-announce, and there are a lot of
> questions coming in as a result of that.  A few early birds got ahold
> of the bad packages before I got them updated on the web site.

	Heh, I was surprised to see the announcement on freebsd-announce
since for some reason, I'm on the list but I haven't seen anything from
that alias for a few years while every other mailing list alias there
works.  Hopefully the questions volume has gone down by now.

> Then there there are the major users outside of FreeBSD to notify,
> like Lycos and IMDB and XFree86 and others ... And lots more binaries
> to make ... Nope, I don't think I'm done yet.  This makes the
> jakarta-tomcat debacle look like a picnic.

	Heh, I remember that one.

> On the positive side, I may have the distinction of creating the
> world's only S1G bug. :-)

	Heh, atleast you'll be famous for being the one and only :-)

> > not the other 1/2 after reading Jun's original post.
> BTW, we have Jun to thank for noticing the problem almost instantly
> and reporting it to me.

	Yeah, thanks Jun.  It was just the last mails Jun sent that almost
created another panic for you.

> > Thanks again John!
> You're welcome.  It is not good, but the only thing to do is grind
> through it and try to minimize the damage.
> Once again, thanks to all of you for getting your mirrors updated
> quickly and for helping me test the binaries.

	No problem at all.  Glad to help!

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