Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 08:29:20 +0000 From: <> To: <> Cc: <>, <>, <> Subject: RE: svn commit: r313043 - head/sys/kern Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <>
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--_002_611243783F62AF48AFB07BC25FA4B1061CED9FD9DLREXMBX01intra_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable To be honest - I feared that when I saw your messages regarding this. Here = is my original message from july. Attached is also a small test program. Hi, I'm trying to use asio (that's boost::asio without boost) to handle listeni= ng sockets asynchronuosly. This appears not to work. There are also some re= ports on the net about this problem. I was able to reproduce the problem wi= th a small C-programm that does the same steps as asio. The relevant sequen= ce of system calls is: kqueue() =3D 3 (0x3) socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,6) =3D 4 (0x4) setsockopt(0x4,0xffff,0x800,0x7fffffffea2c,0x4) =3D 0 (0x0) kevent(3,{ 4,EVFILT_READ,EV_ADD|EV_CLEAR,0x0,0x0,0x0 4,EVFILT_WRITE,EV_ADD|= EV_CLEAR,0x0,0x0,0x0 },2,0x0,0,0x0) =3D 0 (0x0) setsockopt(0x4,0xffff,0x4,0x7fffffffea2c,0x4) =3D 0 (0x0) bind(4,{ AF_INET },16) =3D 0 (0x0) listen(0x4,0x80) =3D 0 (0x0) ioctl(4,FIONBIO,0xffffea2c) =3D 0 (0x0) kevent(3,{ 4,EVFILT_READ,EV_ADD|EV_CLEAR,0x0,0x0,0x0 4,EVFILT_WRITE,EV_ADD|= EV_CLEAR,0x0,0x0,0x0 },2,0x0,0,0x0) =3D 0 (0x0) kevent(3,0x0,0,0x7fffffffe5a0,32,0x0) ERR#4 'Interrupted system call' The problem here is that asio registers each file descriptor with EVFILT_RE= AD and EVFILT_WRITE as soon as it is opened (first kevent call).=20 After bringing the socket into the listening state and when async_accept() = is called it registers the socket a second time. According to the man page = this is perfectly legal and can be used to modify the registration. With this sequence of calls kevent() does not return when a connection is e= stablished successfully. I tracked down the problem and the reason is in soo_kqfilter(). This is cal= led for the first EVFILT_READ registration and decides based on the SO_ACCE= PTCONN flag which filter operations to use solisten_filtops or soread_filto= ps. In this case it chooses soread_filtops. The second EVFILT_READ registration does not call soo_kqfilter() again, but= just updates the filter from the data and fflags field so the listening so= cket ends up with the wrong filter operations. -----Original Message----- From: Gleb Smirnoff []=20 Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 7:08 PM To: Hartmut Brandt Cc:;; svn-src-head@freeb= Subject: Re: svn commit: r313043 - head/sys/kern On Wed, Feb 01, 2017 at 01:12:07PM +0000, Hartmut Brandt wrote: H> Author: harti H> Date: Wed Feb 1 13:12:07 2017 H> New Revision: 313043 H> URL: H>=20 H> Log: H> Merge filt_soread and filt_solisten and decide what to do when checkin= g H> for EVFILT_READ at the point of the check not when the event is regist= ers. H> This fixes a problem with asio when accepting a connection. H> =20 H> Reviewed by: kib@, Scott Mitchell This goes into opposite direction with what I am doing: Can you please explain the problem with asio when accepting a connection? --=20 Totus tuus, Glebius. --_002_611243783F62AF48AFB07BC25FA4B1061CED9FD9DLREXMBX01intra_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="k.c" Content-Description: k.c Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="k.c"; size=1459; creation-date="Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:47:39 GMT"; modification-date="Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:47:39 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy9zb2NrZXQuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzeXMvdHlwZXMuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRl IDxzeXMvZXZlbnQuaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzeXMvZmlsaW8uaD4NCg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy9p b2N0bC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG5ldGluZXQvaW4uaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxzdGRpby5oPg0KI2lu Y2x1ZGUgPHN0cmluZy5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPGVyci5oPg0KDQpzdGF0aWMgdm9pZA0Kd2FpdF9s b29wKGludCBrcSwgaW50IHNvY2spDQp7DQoJc3RydWN0IGtldmVudCBldlszMl07DQoJc3RydWN0 IHNvY2thZGRyX2luIGFkZHI7DQoJc29ja2xlbl90IHNvY2tsZW47DQoNCglmb3IgKDs7KSB7DQoJ CWludCBuZXYgPSBrZXZlbnQoa3EsIE5VTEwsIDAsIGV2LCAzMiwgTlVMTCk7DQoJCWlmIChuZXYg PCAxKQ0KCQkJZXJyKDEsICJrZXZlbnQiKTsNCgkJZm9yIChpbnQgaSA9IDA7IGkgPCBuZXY7ICsr aSkgew0KCQkJaWYgKGV2W2ldLmlkZW50ID09IHNvY2spIHsNCgkJCQlwcmludGYoImFjY2VwdFxu Iik7DQoJCQkJaW50IGZkID0gYWNjZXB0KGV2W2ldLmlkZW50LA0KCQkJCSAgICAoc3RydWN0IHNv Y2thZGRyICopJmFkZHIsICZzb2NrbGVuKTsNCgkJCQlpZiAoZmQgPT0gLTEpDQoJCQkJCWVycigx LCAiYWNjZXB0Iik7DQoJCQl9DQoJCX0NCgl9DQp9DQoNCmludA0KbWFpbigpDQp7DQoJc3RydWN0 IHNvY2thZGRyX2luIGFkZHI7DQoNCgkvKiBvcGVuIGEgVENQIHNvY2tldCAqLw0KCWludCBrcSA9 IGtxdWV1ZSgpOw0KDQoJaW50IHNvY2sgPSBzb2NrZXQoUEZfSU5FVCwgU09DS19TVFJFQU0sIDAp Ow0KDQoJc3RydWN0IGtldmVudCBldlsyXTsNCglFVl9TRVQoJmV2WzBdLCBzb2NrLCBFVkZJTFRf UkVBRCwgRVZfQUREIHwgRVZfQ0xFQVIsIDAsIDAsIE5VTEwpOw0KCUVWX1NFVCgmZXZbMV0sIHNv Y2ssIEVWRklMVF9XUklURSwgRVZfQUREIHwgRVZfQ0xFQVIsIDAsIDAsIE5VTEwpOw0KDQoJaW50 IG9wdCA9IDE7DQoJc2V0c29ja29wdChzb2NrLCBTT0xfU09DS0VULCBTT19OT1NJR1BJUEUsICZv cHQsIHNpemVvZihvcHQpKTsNCg0KCWlmIChrZXZlbnQoa3EsIGV2LCAyLCBOVUxMLCAwLCBOVUxM KSA9PSAtMSkNCgkgICAgZXJyKDEsICJrZXZlbnQiKTsNCg0KCXNldHNvY2tvcHQoc29jaywgU09M X1NPQ0tFVCwgU09fUkVVU0VBRERSLCAmb3B0LCBzaXplb2Yob3B0KSk7DQoNCgltZW1zZXQoJmFk ZHIsIDAsIHNpemVvZihhZGRyKSk7DQoJYWRkci5zaW5fcG9ydCA9IGh0b25zKDEwMDAwKTsNCg0K CWJpbmQoc29jaywgKHN0cnVjdCBzb2NrYWRkciAqKSZhZGRyLCBzaXplb2YoYWRkcikpOw0KCWxp c3Rlbihzb2NrLCAweDgwKTsNCg0KCWlvY3RsKHNvY2ssIEZJT05CSU8sICZvcHQpOw0KDQoJaWYg KGtldmVudChrcSwgZXYsIDIsIE5VTEwsIDAsIE5VTEwpID09IC0xKQ0KCQllcnIoMSwgImtldmVu dCIpOw0KDQoJd2FpdF9sb29wKGtxLCBzb2NrKTsNCn0NCg== --_002_611243783F62AF48AFB07BC25FA4B1061CED9FD9DLREXMBX01intra_--
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