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Date:      Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:21:59 -0600
From:      Warner Losh <>
To:        David Chisnall <>
Cc:        FreeBSD Current <>, John Baldwin <>,, " CURRENT" <>, "Sam Fourman Jr." <>, Boris Samorodov <>
Subject:   Re: GCC withdraw
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On Aug 29, 2013, at 11:02 AM, David Chisnall wrote:

> On 29 Aug 2013, at 15:57, John Baldwin <> wrote:
>>  I have not seen any convincing
>> argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
>> Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
>> really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.
> Apparently I haven't been good at communicating, so I'll try to here.  =
I apologise for ignoring this thread for the last week: I've been rather =
busy organising the DevSummit.  The notes for the sessions will be =
posted to various mailing lists soon (and summarised for a special =
status report), but since the ports and toolchain build sessions are =
already largely up you can check these on the wiki.  You'll notice that =
in both sessions the topic of removing gcc / libstdc++ was raised and =
there was no objection (not sure if it's in the notes, but there was a =
lot of support during the ports session from people who didn't want the =
pain of maintaining compatibility with gcc-in-base, and especially with =
g++/libstdc++ in base). =20
> This is not a new plan, it is the plan that has been on the wiki and =
discussed at at least two DevSummits that I have attended before this =
week and probably others that I missed, as well as on various mailing =
lists and in IRC. =20
> To summarise the current issues:
> Our libstdc++ is ancient.  It supports C++98 well, it kind-of supports =
C++03.  It doesn't support C++11 at all and never will, nor does it =
support C++14.  An increasing number of ports are depending on C++11, =
because it provides much cleaner syntax than C++98 and so these are =
being forced to depend on gcc46 or gcc47 to build.  Unfortunately, =
libstdc++ in ports is not ABI compatible with the libstdc++ that we =
ship, which causes library ABI versions.  This problem will only get =
worse over the coming years.  An increasing number of these ports do =
build with libc++ (since it's the only option on OS X / iOS - most do =
already and most of the fixes needed are just adding some inclusions =
since libc++ doesn't leak C headers as much as libstdc++), so defaulting =
to libc++ will reduce these problems over time. =20

True, but this doesn't cause any problems for gcc, just g++.

> Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to =
modify it whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new =
libm functions) and this requires developer time tracking down the new =
bugs (because the static configuration files no longer match the =
included headers) and fixing them.

Fair enough, but the number of these has been, to date, quite small.

> Maintaining out gcc is also not a zero-effort operation.  Even though =
it is not the default compiler for amd64 or i386, we still have to add =
support for new instructions to them, even if we only want to use them =
in machine-dependent code on these architecture. =20

It actually is close to zero effort. The effort level is quite small, as =
evidence by the small number of commits to gcc over time. Not zero, but =
not as huge a deal as you make it out to be.

However, we still need to make the efforts so long as it is part of the =

> Our g++ in base can only work with libstdc++, not libc++.  This means =
that shipping gcc in 10.0 in base means that we'd be shipping two C++ =
compilers, which preferred different standard libraries, with =
incompatible ABIs.  This is setting us up for a world of pain.

This is a legitimate issue, for g++, not for gcc. But on !x86 targets =
we'll need to continue to do this.

> When we enable LLDB during the 10.x timeframe (emaste has been working =
hard, but it's probably not quite ready for 10.0), it will have to link =
against both LLVM libraries and libc++ (as it uses C++11 and doesn't =
work with our libc++).  This is a minor issue, as the only requirement =
here is that we switch to linking LLVM against libc++ instead of =
libstdc++, but it is an example of one more piece of code that won't =
build with our gcc that is in the base system (not yet enabled by =
default).  Clang 3.4 will not build with our gcc either (which will =
cause some bootstrapping problems that we'll have to address for people =
going from 9.x to 10.1, but the clang 3.3 in 9.2 should be useable as =
long as we tweak the build system to use clang and not cc for the =
bootstrap build).

Seems more like an issue for 11 not 10.

Also, we need to be able to bootstrap the base tools with gcc, since =
that's been the fallback bootstrap method for some time for people =
upgrading from really old systems: build the system with clang disabled =
the first time, and then use that to bootstrap clang since the gcc there =
can build it. I'd hate to loose this fallback plan, but do recognize at =
some point we must.

> Lots of configure scripts will use gcc in preference to cc (or g++ in =
preference to c++) if they find them in the same place.  Many of these =
no longer work with our old gcc, but do work with clang, adding more =
effort to ports.  According to the test runs that bapt did at the =
DevSummit this week, we have more ports failing on 10 with gcc than on =
10 with gcc removed.

Won't this still be an issue for !x86?

> Our gcc does not support the ARM EABI hard float variant.  I misspoke =
earlier when I thought it didn't support EABI at all, but it turns out =
that it's only the case for hard-float.  This is the ABI that we want to =
be using on pretty much all ARMv6 and newer systems, because a lot of =
ARM cores (such as the Cortex A8 in the Efika MX that the Foundation has =
paid for FreeBSD to be ported on to use as a demo ARM device) require a =
complete pipeline flush when moving between integer and floating point =
registers and the soft-float variant of the ABI puts all arguments in =
integer registers.  This means that a simple function that takes a =
rectangle (4 floating point values) as an argument will require 8 =
pipeline flushes to call, which various Linux distributions have found =
is crippling for graphical applications. =20

True, but we're using it now for EABI w/o issue except for doing soft =
floats. Yes, this is a problem, but we don't have all the infrastructure =
in place to do hard floating point yet. So absent the required =
infrastructure to do hard float, this point shouldn't have much weight. =
What we do on ARM has no bearing on x86 anyway.

So this is more of an interesting side note for future effort that has =
no bearing at all on the issue at hand.

> We want to start shipping binary packages for ARMv6.  At the moment, =
i386, amd64, and ARMv6 are the only architectures where you can get =
cheap, off-the-shelf, hardware that looks enough like a normal computer =
that you'd expect to be able to use a stock install, and so they are the =
only platforms where the default build configuration makes a difference. =
 For all of these preferences, clang is the default and there is no =
reason to prefer our gcc: if you actually want to use gcc (e.g. if you =
care about the C99 floating point craziness, or you have OpenMP code to =
build) then one of the gcc versions in ports will give you much better =
code (and better error reporting). =20

clang generates good code on the ARM, but we still keep hitting issues =
on the arm with it that go away when gcc is used.  This argument, though =
is not an argument for why gcc shouldn't be built, but rather why clang =
should be default. Again, not relevant to the issues at hand. We've had =
enough problems on arm that we must continue to have gcc easily and =
readily available.

> Unlike clang, gcc is not intrinsically a cross compiler.  This means =
that if you are targeting a non-x86, non-ARM architecture then you are =
already building a cross-gcc to use as part of your bootstrap process =
and so not having the x86-only gcc on your host system does not cost you =
anything.  As someone who spends day-job time working on FreeBSD/MIPS, =
I've never found the need to use the installed base-gcc (my life would =
be much happier if we had some nice infrastructure for building packages =
of the MIPS toolchain, headers, and shared libraries, but that's an =
unrelated issue). =20

This is total bollox. gcc is intrinsically a cross compiler and has been =
since 2.0. Our use of it is so limited that you might think that gcc =
isn't intrinsically a cross compiler.

Also, I often install the base gcc compiler using the 'xdev' targets. =
This allows me to hack together primitive port cross building support =
because it installs all the right links for gnu configure based scripts =
to generally work things out. Again, this is more of a use =
(freebsd-arm-gcc vs gcc -Bfreebsd-arm) due to how we build gcc. We =
could, in theory, build all the back ends into our gcc, but we chose a =
long time ago not to do that.

But this also is not a relevant point to your argument. It is a cool =
feature that we build clang to include all the other targets, but not =
relevant to whether to keep gcc in or out of the base system on x86.

> The tinderboxes will prevent any gcc-incompatible code from appearing =
in the MI bits of the kernel.  Optional parts of the userland can slowly =
migrate to supporting newer language features. =20

At the expense of the tree being broken more often, but this will be =
true whether or not gcc is enabled by default.

> Last but not quite least, people keep complaining about =
ever-increasing build times and the size of the base system.  Building a =
gcc and libstdc++ by default every time, that we're telling people not =
to use, won't help with that...

Also an orthogonal issue.

> I have not heard any compelling arguments for keeping gcc and =
libstdc++ as part of the default install on x86, and I have listed a =
number of reasons why doing so creates extra work for people who =
maintain the toolchain and who work on ports.  I intend to commit the =
change to remove both from the default build and make libc++ the default =
STL for clang++ as soon as I get an okay from bapt. =20

If you are going to do this, then doing it before 10 is best. The stdc++ =
issue is a compelling one. The base gcc (not g++) is much less so.


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