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Date:      Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:50:47 GMT
From:      Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Subject:   git: 218115b6aab5 - main - science/py-paida: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit 218115b6aab538b4bbfa7333f5a72db52338170d
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-25 13:33:35 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-25 13:38:19 +0000

    science/py-paida: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    With hat:       python
 science/py-paida/Makefile         |    2 +-
 science/py-paida/files/patch-2to3 | 2038 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 2039 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/science/py-paida/Makefile b/science/py-paida/Makefile
index 486a046b5734..c1c3a1ed2af4 100644
--- a/science/py-paida/Makefile
+++ b/science/py-paida/Makefile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ BUILD_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}tkinter>0:x11-toolkits/py-tkinter@${PY_FLA
 COMMENT=	Pure Python scientific analysis package
-USES=		python:3.6+
+USES=		dos2unix python:3.6+
 USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist
 .include <>
diff --git a/science/py-paida/files/patch-2to3 b/science/py-paida/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8d31edcad6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/science/py-paida/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,2038 @@
+--- paida/math/array/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/math/array/
+@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class matrix:
+ 		if hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
+ 			if not hasattr(data[0], '__iter__'):
+ 				data = [data]
+-			self._indicesR = range(len(data))
+-			self._indicesC = range(len(data[0]))
++			self._indicesR = list(range(len(data)))
++			self._indicesC = list(range(len(data[0])))
+ = copy.deepcopy(data)
+ 	def _createCopyLinked(self, indicesR, indicesC):
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class matrix:
+ 		return matrix(data = result)
+ 	def _format(self, data):
+-		return `data`
++		return repr(data)
+ 	def __str__(self):
+ 		if len(self._indicesR) == 1:
+@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class matrix:
+ 			V, H, ort = self._orthes(V, H, ort)
+ 			d, e, V, H = self._hqr2(d, e, V, H)
+-		eigenvalues = zip(d, e)
++		eigenvalues = list(zip(d, e))
+ 		eigenvectors = []
+ 		for j in range(n):
+ 			eigenvector = []
+--- paida/math/optimize/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/math/optimize/
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def _constraint(evaluatorParameterSpace, constraints):
+ 	for constraint in constraints:
+ 		### Jython2.1 doesn't understand exec(code, globals(), locals()) properly.
+ 		#eval(constraint, _normalNameSpace, evaluatorParameterSpace)
+-		exec constraint in _normalNameSpace, evaluatorParameterSpace
++		exec(constraint, _normalNameSpace, evaluatorParameterSpace)
+ def copyEvaluatorParameterSpace(evaluatorParameterSpace):
+ 	newEvaluatorParameterSpace = evaluatorParameterSpace.copy()
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ def fmin_ncg(evaluatorValue, evaluatorGradient, evalua
+ 			break
+ 		### Compute a search direction by applying the CG method.
+-		gradient = map(evaluatorGradient, [evaluatorParameterSpace] * nFreeParameters, freeIndices)
++		gradient = list(map(evaluatorGradient, [evaluatorParameterSpace] * nFreeParameters, freeIndices))
+ 		maggrad = 0.0
+ 		psupi = []
+ 		dri0 = 0.0
+@@ -364,16 +364,16 @@ def fmin_ncg(evaluatorValue, evaluatorGradient, evalua
+ 		warnflag = 1
+ 		mesg = "Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded."
+ 		if display:
+-			print mesg
+-			print "\tCurrent function value: %f" % fval
+-			print "\tIterations: %d" % nIterations
++			print(mesg)
++			print("\tCurrent function value: %f" % fval)
++			print("\tIterations: %d" % nIterations)
+ 	else:
+ 		warnflag = 0
+ 		mesg = "Optimization terminated successfully."
+ 		if display:
+-			print mesg
+-			print "\tCurrent function value: %f" % fval
+-			print "\tIterations: %d" % nIterations
++			print(mesg)
++			print("\tCurrent function value: %f" % fval)
++			print("\tIterations: %d" % nIterations)
+ 	return fval, hessian, warnflag, mesg
+@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def geneticAlgorithm(evaluatorValue, evaluatorGradient
+ 						island2.terminate()
+ 					fval, hessian, warnflag, mesg = result
+ 					if display:
+-						print mesg
++						print(mesg)
+ 					threadEvaluatorParameterSpace = island.getEvaluatorParameterSpace()
+ 					_i2o(threadEvaluatorParameterSpace, limits, freeIndices, freeParameterNames)
+ 					updateEvaluatorParameterSpace(threadEvaluatorParameterSpace, evaluatorParameterSpace)
+@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ def geneticAlgorithm(evaluatorValue, evaluatorGradient
+ 					warnflag = 1
+ 					mesg = "Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded."
+ 					if display:
+-						print mesg
++						print(mesg)
+ 					threadEvaluatorParameterSpace = island.getEvaluatorParameterSpace()
+ 					_i2o(threadEvaluatorParameterSpace, limits, freeIndices, freeParameterNames)
+ 					updateEvaluatorParameterSpace(threadEvaluatorParameterSpace, evaluatorParameterSpace)
+@@ -782,8 +782,8 @@ class _Island(threading.Thread):
+ 					islanders[migratorIndex] = migrators[i]
+ 			if display:
+-				print self, generation
+-				print best, evaluationMinimum / ndf
++				print(self, generation)
++				print(best, evaluationMinimum / ndf)
+ 		condition = migrationService.getCondition()
+ 		condition.acquire()
+--- paida/math/pylapack/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/math/pylapack/
+@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ def ilaenv(ispec, name, opts, n1, n2, n3, n4):
+ 		c3 = subnam[3:6]
+ 		c4 = c3[1:3]
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 3:
+ 		subnam = name.upper()
+@@ -224,39 +224,39 @@ def ilaenv(ispec, name, opts, n1, n2, n3, n4):
+ 		c3 = subnam[3:6]
+ 		c4 = c3[1:3]
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 4:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 5:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 6:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 7:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 8:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 9:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 10:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	elif ispec == 11:
+ 		error = 'ilaenv(ispec = %d) is not implemented yet.' % ispec
+-		print error
++		print(error)
+ 		raise error
+ 	else:
+ 		return -1
+--- paida/math/pylapack/pyblas/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/math/pylapack/pyblas/
+@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ def xerbla(srname, info):
+ 	The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list of the calling routine.
+ 	"""
+-	print ' ** On entry to %s parameter number %d had an illegal value' % (srname, info[0])
++	print(' ** On entry to %s parameter number %d had an illegal value' % (srname, info[0]))
+ 	raise stop()
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import types
+ class _convertException:
+ 	def __init__(self, message=None):
+ 		if message != None:
+-			print message
++			print(message)
+ class baseParameter:
+ 	def __init__(self, default):
+@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ class listParameter(baseParameter):
+ 		baseParameter.__init__(self, default)
+ 	def convert(self, dataString):
+-		if isinstance(dataString, types.StringTypes):
++		if isinstance(dataString, (str,)):
+ 			return list(eval(dataString))
+-		elif isinstance(dataString, types.ListType):
++		elif isinstance(dataString, list):
+ 			return dataString
+-		elif isinstance(dataString, types.TupleType):
++		elif isinstance(dataString, tuple):
+ 			return list(dataString)
+ 		else:
+ 			raise _convertException('The parameter was not converted to list type.')
+@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class IBaseStyle:
+ 		return self._parameters[parameterName]
+ 	def availableParameters(self):
+-		names = self._parameters.keys()
++		names = list(self._parameters.keys())
+ 		names.sort()
+ 		return names
+@@ -262,5 +262,5 @@ class IBaseStyle:
+ import paida.paida_gui.PRoot
+-if not locals().has_key('fontList'):
++if 'fontList' not in locals():
+ 	fontList, defaultFont = paida.paida_gui.PRoot.getFontList(['Courier', 'courier'])
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class IFilter:
+ 			return bool(eval(self._code, self._globals, {'_row': self._tupleRows[self._tupleObject._rowIndex]}))
+ 		else:
+ 			if self._count >= self._rowsToProcess:
+-				raise IndexError, "Reached to the specified rowsToProcess."
++				raise IndexError("Reached to the specified rowsToProcess.")
+ 			else:
+ 				self._count += 1
+ 				return bool(eval(self._code, self._globals, {'_row': self._tupleRows[self._tupleObject._rowIndex]}))
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class IFitter:
+ 		return self._fitMethod
+ 	def fitParameterSettings(self, name):
+-		if not self._fitParameterSettings.has_key(name):
++		if name not in self._fitParameterSettings:
+ 			self._fitParameterSettings[name] = IFitParameterSettings(name)
+ 		return self._fitParameterSettings[name]
+ 	def listParameterSettings(self):
+-		return self._fitParameterSettings.keys()
++		return list(self._fitParameterSettings.keys())
+ 	def resetParameterSettings(self):
+ 		self._fitParameterSettings = {}
+@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ class IFitter:
+ 			self._checkFitType(fitData)
+ 			_function = data2
+ 			guessed = False
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IFitData) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IFitData) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = data1
+ 			self._checkFitType(fitData)
+ 			_functionFactory = IFunctionFactory(None)
+ 			_function = _functionFactory.createFunctionByName(data2, data2, inner = True)
+ 			guessed = False
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IFitData) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IFitData) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = data1
+ 			self._checkFitType(fitData)
+ 			_functionFactory = IFunctionFactory(None)
+@@ -186,84 +186,84 @@ class IFitter:
+ 			fitData.create3DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create3DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud3D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud3D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create3DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud1D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud1D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create1DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IProfile2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud2D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud2D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create2DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create3DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud3D) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++		elif isinstance(data1, ICloud3D) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.create3DConnection(data1)
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+ 		elif isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet) and isinstance(data2, IFunction) and (data3 == None):
+-			indices = range(data1.dimension())
++			indices = list(range(data1.dimension()))
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.createConnection(data1, indices[:-1], indices[-1])
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
+-			indices = range(data1.dimension())
++		elif isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and (data3 == None):
++			indices = list(range(data1.dimension()))
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.createConnection(data1, indices[:-1], indices[-1])
+ 			return, data2)
+-		elif isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet) and isinstance(data2, types.StringTypes) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
+-			indices = range(data1.dimension())
++		elif isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet) and isinstance(data2, (str,)) and hasattr(data3, '__iter__'):
++			indices = list(range(data1.dimension()))
+ 			fitData = IFitData()
+ 			fitData.createConnection(data1, indices[:-1], indices[-1])
+ 			return, data2, data3)
+@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class IFitter:
+ 				raise RuntimeError()
+ 			### Verbose mode?
+-			if self._option.has_key('verbose'):
++			if 'verbose' in self._option:
+ 				if self._option['verbose'] == True:
+ 					verbose = True
+ 				else:
+@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class IFitter:
+ 			elif engineName in ['SimpleGA', 'GA']:
+ 				minimum, hessian, warnflag, mesg = geneticAlgorithm(evaluatorValue, evaluatorGradient, evaluatorHessian, evaluatorParameterSpace, freeParameterNames, limits, constraints, freeIndices, fixedIndices, ndf, display = verbose)
+ 			else:
+-				raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown engine name:', engineName
++				raise RuntimeError('Unknown engine name:').with_traceback(engineName)
+ 			resultValues = _function.parameters()
+ 			### Is valid?
+@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ class IFitter:
+ 		for parameterIndex, parameterName in enumerate(function.parameterNames()):
+ 			parameterValue = function.parameter(parameterName)
+ 			### This parameter has any setting?
+-			if fitParameterSettings.has_key(parameterName):
++			if parameterName in fitParameterSettings:
+ 				setting = fitParameterSettings[parameterName]
+ 				### This parameter is fixed or bound?
+ 				if setting.isFixed():
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class IFunction:
+ 			codeletList.append(expression)
+ 			codeletList.append('catalog')
+ 		else:
+-			raise ValueError, 'Unknown typeName "%s".' % typeName
++			raise ValueError('Unknown typeName "%s".' % typeName)
+ 		self._codeletString = ':'.join(codeletList)
+ 	def _getParentFactory(self):
+@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ class IFunction:
+ 		for constraint in constraints:
+ 			### Jython2.1 doesn't understand exec(code, globals(), locals()) properly.
+ 			#eval(constraint, _normalNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+-			exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++			exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 		fp = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 		parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 		parameterNameSpace[parameterName] -= eps2
+ 		for constraint in constraints:
+-			exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++			exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 		fm = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 		result = (fp - fm) / 2.0 / eps2
+ 		parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+@@ -205,42 +205,42 @@ class IFunction:
+ 		if parameterIndex1 == parameterIndex2:
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fc = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] += eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fp = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] -= eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fm = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			result = (fp + fm - 2.0 * fc) / eps**2
+ 		else:
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] += eps
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName2] += eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fpp = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] -= eps
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName2] -= eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fmm = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] += eps
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName2] -= eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fpm = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			parameterNameSpace.update(currents)
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName1] -= eps
+ 			parameterNameSpace[parameterName2] += eps
+ 			for constraint in constraints:
+-				exec constraint in innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace
++				exec(constraint, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			fmp = eval(compiledDeriv0, innerNameSpace, parameterNameSpace)
+ 			result = (fpp + fmm - fpm - fmp) / eps**2 / 4.0
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 	def _log(self, data):
+ 		if data._0 in self._zeros:
+-			raise ValueError, 'Called log(0.0).'
++			raise ValueError('Called log(0.0).')
+ 		elif data._1 in self._zeros:
+ 			_0 = 'log(%s)' % (data._0)
+ 			_1 = '0.0'
+@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 		evalNameSpace = {}
+ 		eval2NameSpace = {}
+ 		evalExpression = ''
+-		functionNameList = innerNameSpace.keys()
++		functionNameList = list(innerNameSpace.keys())
+ 		try:
+ 			while 1:
+ 				item = parser.get_token()
+@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 		parser = _Shlex(expression)
+ 		evalNameSpace = {}
+ 		evalExpression = ''
+-		functionNameList = innerNameSpace.keys()
++		functionNameList = list(innerNameSpace.keys())
+ 		try:
+ 			while 1:
+ 				item = parser.get_token()
+@@ -561,28 +561,28 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 							if item in functionNameList:
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != '.':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected "." but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected "." but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != '_getDeriv1':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected "_getDeriv1" but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected "_getDeriv1" but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != '(':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected "(" but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected "(" but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != '_parameterNameSpace_':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected "_parameterNameSpace_" but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected "_parameterNameSpace_" but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != ',':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected "," but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected "," but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != ' ':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected " " but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected " " but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								deriv1Index = int(parser.get_token())
+ 								item2 = parser.get_token()
+ 								if item2 != ')':
+-									raise RuntimeError, 'Expected ")" but "%s".' % (item2)
++									raise RuntimeError('Expected ")" but "%s".' % (item2))
+ 								innerFunction = innerNameSpace[item]
+ 								if innerFunction._deriv1 == None:
+@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 	def createFunctionByName(self, path, expression, parameterNamePrefix = None, inner = False):
+ 		parameterNames, dimension = self._getParameterNamesByName(expression)
+ 		if parameterNames == None:
+-			raise ValueError, 'The expression contains unknown function name.'
++			raise ValueError('The expression contains unknown function name.')
+ 		newParameterNames = []
+ 		for parameterName in parameterNames:
+ 			if parameterNamePrefix == None:
+@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 		if inner == False:
+ 			if self._catalog.add(name, newFunction) == False:
+ 				### Catalogging failed.
+-				raise RuntimeError, 'Catalogging "%s" function failed.' % name
++				raise RuntimeError('Catalogging "%s" function failed.' % name)
+ 			self._tree._mkObject(path, newFunction)
+ 		return newFunction
+@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ class IFunctionFactory:
+ 		if inner == False:
+ 			if self._catalog.add(name, newFunction) == False:
+ 				### Catalogging failed.
+-				raise RuntimeError, 'Catalogging "%s" function failed.' % name
++				raise RuntimeError('Catalogging "%s" function failed.' % name)
+ 			self._tree._mkObject(path, newFunction)
+ 		return newFunction
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 		return self._parameters[parameterName]
+ 	def availableParameters(self):
+-		names = self._parameters.keys()
++		names = list(self._parameters.keys())
+ 		names.sort()
+ 		return names
+@@ -222,22 +222,22 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 				y = self._tabY
+ 				w = 1.0 - 2 * x
+ 				h = 1.0 - 2 * y
+-			elif (type(x) == types.FloatType) and (y == None) and (w == None) and (h == None):
++			elif (type(x) == float) and (y == None) and (w == None) and (h == None):
+ 				x = float(x)
+ 				y = self._tabY
+ 				w = 1.0 - x - self._tabX
+ 				h = 1.0 - 2 * y
+-			elif (type(x) == types.FloatType) and (type(y) == types.FloatType) and (w == None) and (h == None):
++			elif (type(x) == float) and (type(y) == float) and (w == None) and (h == None):
+ 				x = float(x)
+ 				y = float(y)
+ 				w = 1.0 - x - self._tabX
+ 				h = 1.0 - y - self._tabY
+-			elif (type(x) == types.FloatType) and (type(y) == types.FloatType) and (type(w) == types.FloatType) and (h == None):
++			elif (type(x) == float) and (type(y) == float) and (type(w) == float) and (h == None):
+ 				x = float(x)
+ 				y = float(y)
+ 				w = float(w)
+ 				h = 1.0 - y - self._tabY
+-			elif (type(x) == types.FloatType) and (type(y) == types.FloatType) and (type(w) == types.FloatType) and (type(h) == types.FloatType):
++			elif (type(x) == float) and (type(y) == float) and (type(w) == float) and (type(h) == float):
+ 				x = float(x)
+ 				y = float(y)
+ 				w = float(w)
+@@ -258,12 +258,12 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 			columns = 1
+ 			rows = 1
+ 			index = 0
+-		elif (type(columns) == types.IntType) and (rows == None) and (index == None):
++		elif (type(columns) == int) and (rows == None) and (index == None):
+ 			rows = 1
+ 			index = 0
+-		elif (type(columns) == types.IntType) and (type(rows) == types.IntType) and (index == None):
++		elif (type(columns) == int) and (type(rows) == int) and (index == None):
+ 			index = 0
+-		elif (type(columns) == types.IntType) and (type(rows) == types.IntType) and (type(index) == types.IntType):
++		elif (type(columns) == int) and (type(rows) == int) and (type(index) == int):
+ 			pass
+ 		else:
+ 			raise IllegalArgumentException()
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 		else:
+ 			raise IllegalArgumentException()
+-	def next(self):
++	def __next__(self):
+ 		self.setCurrentRegionNumber((self.currentRegionNumber() + 1) % self.numberOfRegions())
+ 		return self.currentRegion()
+@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 			self._getGuiPlotter().setImageWrite(fileName, self._parameterData('landscape'), fileType)
+ 		else:
+-			raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown GUI engine name "%s".' % engineName
++			raise RuntimeError('Unknown GUI engine name "%s".' % engineName)
+ 	def _postScriptCreate(self, fileName):
+ 		### Get postscript strings.
+@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ class IPlotter:
+ 		self._getGuiPlotter().setTitle(title)
+ 	def setTitle(self, title):
+-		if type(title) in types.StringTypes:
++		if type(title) in (str,):
+ 			self._setWindowTitle(title)
+ 			tags = ['globalTitle']
+ 			guiPlotter = self._getGuiPlotter()
+--- paida/paida_core/	2022-03-18 21:34:04 UTC
++++ paida/paida_core/
+@@ -592,10 +592,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -605,10 +605,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -618,10 +618,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IHistogram3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -631,10 +631,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud1D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud1D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -644,10 +644,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud2D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud2D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -657,10 +657,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud3D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud3D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, ICloud3D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -670,10 +670,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile1D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile1D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile1D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -683,10 +683,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile2D)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile2D)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IProfile2D)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -696,10 +696,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IFunction)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IFunction)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IFunction)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IFunction)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IFunction)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -709,10 +709,10 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		elif (isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(None)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet)) and (type(data2) in types.StringTypes) and (data3 == None):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet)) and (type(data2) in (str,)) and (data3 == None):
+ 			plotterStyle =
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data2)
+-		elif (isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in types.StringTypes):
++		elif (isinstance(data1, IDataPointSet)) and (isinstance(data2, IPlotterStyle)) and (type(data3) in (str,)):
+ 			plotterStyle = data2
+ 			options = optionAnalyzer(data3)
+@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 					return False
+ 	def _needReplace(self, options):
+-		if options.has_key('mode'):
++		if 'mode' in options:
+ 			if options['mode'] == 'replace':
+ 				return True
+ 			elif options['mode'] == 'overlay':
+@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 	def _needRescale(self, options):
+ 		if self._needReplace(options):
+ 			return False
+-		elif options.has_key('rescale'):
++		elif 'rescale' in options:
+ 			if options['rescale'] == True:
+ 				if self._getNItemData() == 1:
+ 					return False
+@@ -868,63 +868,63 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 	def _getOrderedBins2D(self, axisX, axisY, surfaceYZz, surfaceZXz):
+ 		if surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#0
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#3
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
+ 		elif surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#1
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#2
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
+ 		return binsX, binsY
+ 	def _getOrderedBins3D(self, axisX, axisY, axisZ, surfaceXYz, surfaceYZz, surfaceZXz):
+ 		if surfaceXYz < 0.0 and surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#0
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz < 0.0 and surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#3
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz < 0.0 and surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#1
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz < 0.0 and surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#2
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz >= 0.0 and surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#4
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins()))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz >= 0.0 and surfaceYZz < 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#7
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins()))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz >= 0.0 and surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz < 0.0:
+ 			#5
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1)
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins() - 1, -1, -1))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins()))
+ 		elif surfaceXYz >= 0.0 and surfaceYZz >= 0.0 and surfaceZXz >= 0.0:
+ 			#6
+-			binsX = range(axisX.bins())
+-			binsY = range(axisY.bins())
+-			binsZ = range(axisZ.bins())
++			binsX = list(range(axisX.bins()))
++			binsY = list(range(axisY.bins()))
++			binsZ = list(range(axisZ.bins()))
+ 		return binsX, binsY, binsZ
+ 	def _plotHistogram1D(self, item, plotterStyle, options):
+@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		parameterShowMarkers = dataStyle._parameterData('showMarkers')
+ 		parameterShowErrorBars = dataStyle._parameterData('showErrorBars')
+ 		binsX = [axisX.UNDERFLOW_BIN]
+-		binsX.extend(range(axisX.bins()))
++		binsX.extend(list(range(axisX.bins())))
+ 		binsX.append(axisX.OVERFLOW_BIN)
+ 		previousHeight = y1
+ 		tempFillLineStyle = ILineStyle()
+@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		parameterShowErrorBars = dataStyle._parameterData('showErrorBars')
+ 		if parameterFormat == 'histogram':
+-			if options.has_key('nBinsX'):
++			if 'nBinsX' in options:
+ 				nBinsX = int(options['nBinsX'])
+ 			else:
+ 				nBinsX = 50
+@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		parameterShowMarkers = dataStyle._parameterData('showMarkers')
+ 		parameterShowErrorBars = dataStyle._parameterData('showErrorBars')
+ 		binsX = [axisX.UNDERFLOW_BIN]
+-		binsX.extend(range(axisX.bins()))
++		binsX.extend(list(range(axisX.bins())))
+ 		binsX.append(axisX.OVERFLOW_BIN)
+ 		tempErrorLineStyle = ILineStyle()
+ 		if dataStyle._getCustomized('errorBarsColor'):
+@@ -1299,13 +1299,13 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 				bestLowerY, bestUpperY = self._getAxisValueRangeY()
+ 			else:
+ 				### X range.
+-				if options.has_key('minX'):
++				if 'minX' in options:
+ 					bestLowerX = float(options['minX'])
+ 				elif self._getXLimits()[0] != None:
+ 					bestLowerX = self._getXLimits()[0]
+ 				else:
+ 					bestLowerX = -10.0
+-				if options.has_key('maxX'):
++				if 'maxX' in options:
+ 					bestUpperX = float(options['maxX'])
+ 				elif self._getXLimits()[1] != None:
+ 					bestUpperX = self._getXLimits()[1]
+@@ -1313,13 +1313,13 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 					bestUpperX = 10.0
+ 				### Y range.
+-				if options.has_key('minY'):
++				if 'minY' in options:
+ 					bestLowerY = float(options['minY'])
+ 				elif self._getYLimits()[0] != None:
+ 					bestLowerY = self._getYLimits()[0]
+ 				else:
+ 					bestLowerY = -10.0
+-				if options.has_key('maxY'):
++				if 'maxY' in options:
+ 					bestUpperY = float(options['maxY'])
+ 				elif self._getYLimits()[1] != None:
+ 					bestUpperY = self._getYLimits()[1]
+@@ -1336,11 +1336,11 @@ class IPlotterRegion:
+ 		convertX, convertY = self._getConvertersToCanvas()
+ 		### Plot.
+-		if options.has_key('minX'):
*** 1088 LINES SKIPPED ***

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