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Date:      Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:36:48 -0500
From:      Julio Merino <>
To:        Garrett Cooper <>
Cc:, Jilles Tjoelker <>
Subject:   Re: [PATCH] convert /bin/sh tests over to ATF
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <>

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On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:44, Garrett Cooper <> wrote:

> 	The attached patch converts the /bin/sh tests using the existing =
framework bin/sh/tests.
> 	All of the tests pass except locale.0, and that=92s due to some =
[currently] unknown issue with my environment =97 see misc/181151). I =
could make some of the entries more permanent, but I was trying to make =
the tests easier to backport by using shell globs.
> 	Also, I added some functionality so the tests expect failures on =
certain versions of FreeBSD due to missing functionality or conformance =
modifications (see the .valid_osreldate files).
> 	Thoughts? Comments?
> Thanks!
> -Garrett<convert-bin-sh-over-to-atf.patch>

Pasted your diff inline for easier commenting but trimmed stuff.

> diff --git a/bin/sh/tests/Makefile b/bin/sh/tests/Makefile
> index f6ddb8a..e1424f5 100644
> --- a/bin/sh/tests/Makefile
> +++ b/bin/sh/tests/Makefile
> @@ -4,15 +4,8 @@
> =20
> =20
> -TAP_TESTS_SH=3D	legacy_test
> -TAP_TESTS_SH_SED_legacy_test=3D	-e 's,__SH__,/bin/sh,g'
> -# Some tests in here are silently not run when the tests are executed =
> -# root.  Explicitly tell Kyua to drop privileges.
> -#
> -# TODO(jmmv): Kyua needs to do this by default, not only when =
> -# requested.  See
> -TEST_METADATA.legacy_test+=3D required_user=3D"unprivileged"
> +KYUAFILE=3D	auto

KYUAFILE=3Dauto is the default; remove here and anywhere else.
> -SUBDIR+=3D	builtins errors execution expansion parameters parser =
> +ATF_TESTS_SUBDIRS+=3D	builtins errors execution expansion =
parameters parser set-e
> =20
> -.include <>
> +.include <>
> diff --git a/bin/sh/tests/ b/bin/sh/tests/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..0a79fd8
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bin/sh/tests/
> @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
> +# $FreeBSD$
> +
> +
> +KYUAFILE=3D	auto
> +
> +SH_TESTS!=3D	cd ${.CURDIR} && find -Es . -regex '.*\.[0-9]+' | sed -e =
> +
> +SH_TESTS_FILES!=3D	cd ${.CURDIR} && find . \( -type f -and \! -name =
Makefile\* \) | \
> +		sed -e 's,^\./,,g'

This won't work well if you don't use an OBJDIR, will it?

> +
> +
> +
> +	@echo '' > ${.TARGET}

Don't write directly to ${.TARGET} if you have more than one command =
doing so.  Otherwise, if the target fails half-way through (or is =
interrupted), a second invocation of make won't properly regenerate the =

You can either do:

@{ \
   echo ... \
   echo ... \
   ... \
} >${.TARGET}

or create a .tmp file and move "atomically" to the target at the end.

> +	@echo 'OSRELDATE=3D$$(sysctl -n kern.osreldate)' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo ': $${SH=3D/bin/sh}' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo 'export SH' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo '' >> ${.TARGET}
> +.for test in ${SH_TESTS}
> +	@echo 'atf_test_case ${test:S/\//_/g:S/./__/g:S/-/____/g}' >> =
> +	@echo '${test:S/\//_/g:S/./__/g:S/-/____/g}_body() {' >> =
> +	@echo '	cd $$(atf_get_srcdir)' >> ${.TARGET}
> +.if exists(${test}.valid_osreldate)
> +	@echo -n '	[ '`cat ${.CURDIR}/${test}.valid_osreldate`' ] =
&& ' \
> +	    >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo 'atf_expect_fail "expecting failure based on OS version"' =
> +	    >> ${.TARGET}
> +.endif
> +	@echo -n '	atf_check -s exit:${test:E} ' >> ${.TARGET}
> +.if exists(${test}.stderr)
> +	@echo -n '-e "file:$$(atf_get_srcdir)/${test}.stderr" ' >> =
> +.endif
> +.if exists(${test}.stdout)
> +	@echo -n '-o "file:$$(atf_get_srcdir)/${test}.stdout" ' >> =
> +.endif
> +	@echo '$${SH} "./${test}"' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo '}' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo '' >> ${.TARGET}
> +.endfor
> +	@echo '' >> ${.TARGET}
> +	@echo 'atf_init_test_cases() {' >> ${.TARGET}
> +.for test in ${SH_TESTS}
> +	@echo '	atf_add_test_case ${test:S/\//_/g:S/./__/g:S/-/____/g}' =
>> ${.TARGET}
> +.endfor
> +	@echo '}' >> ${.TARGET}

All this logic in a Makefile is too complex and should really not be =

Just create a simple shell script that defines test cases dynamically =
based on the available files and install that instead.  It's shell after =
all, so you can define functions at run time with ease!  The results =
will be much easier to digest.


But now, on a more abstract level...

This approach does not fit the "model" of atf-sh -- nor the model of =
most unit testing libraries for that matter.  An individual test program =
for every test case is overkill and keeping all these tiny files around =
is suboptimal.  The following page has more details on this and the =
corresponding rationales:

I recommend to not do this in this manner.  Instead, what I'd do is the =

First, define one test program for every directory that currently =
exists.  This would leave you with builtins_test errors_test =
execution_test expansion_test parameters_test parser_test set-e_test, =
all in /usr/tests/bin/sh.  There is no reason to put them in separate =

Second, make each of these top-level test programs "auto-discover" the =
various data files in their corresponding subdirectories, define an =
individual test case for each, and run them "as is".  For example, =
builtins_test would inspect srcdir/builtins/*.0, dynamically define an =
atf_test_case, and run the test code from within it.

These two steps change the "glue code" to be atf and expose the =
individual test cases to kyua with minimal changes to the existing code.

And third, separately once the above works, consider merging the =
contents of the individual files into the main test program.  I'm not =
sure keeping tons of small files is worth it, but that's a separate =
discussion once you have got the basic atf structure in place.

This is all very similar to what was done with the ipf tests in NetBSD.  =
You can take a look at them here:


(Before this was done, something similar to what you did above was =
attempted by using awk to generate test programs... it was a nightmare =
to maintain.)

Hope this helps and thanks for looking into this!=

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