From owner-freebsd-stable Fri Aug 8 13:22:15 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id NAA10753 for stable-outgoing; Fri, 8 Aug 1997 13:22:15 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id NAA10302 for ; Fri, 8 Aug 1997 13:13:06 -0700 (PDT) Received: (from mark@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.6.12) id QAA00781; Fri, 8 Aug 1997 16:06:40 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 16:06:39 -0400 From: Mark Mayo To: Richard Foulk Cc: freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: Netscape native version References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Mailer: Mutt 0.81e In-Reply-To: <>; from Richard Foulk on Fri, Aug 08, 1997 at 03:26:05AM -1000 Sender: owner-freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk On Fri, Aug 08, 1997 at 03:26:05AM -1000, Richard Foulk wrote: > } On Thu, Aug 07, 1997 at 10:06:37PM -0700, Chad R. Larson wrote: > } Anyone else notice that it often just refuses to die?? I'd say about 60% > } of the time for me, when I close it by selecting "Exit" from the menu, > } or close the window using the window manager, Netscape disapears from > } the screen, but a process list shows me it's still there, eating up > } 20MB or RAM and burning away my CPU. 'kill -9' is your friend.. > > Dies just fine for me. > > } Also, the java performance just seems HORRIBLE with the FReeBSD version.. > } Idon't know what they're doing, but for some reason the FreeBSD version > } runs about 1000% slower than the Linux version of Communicator (and the > } BSDI 3.0 series). > > My Java performance seems okay. Haven't tried the other versions yet > to compare. Try the Linux version, or a version from 3.0 -- I'd really like to know if it's just something with my setup, or if it's freebsd commuicator barfing. For example, on my web page: There is an applet that renders a reflection of a sunset onto a rippling lake. On every Java browser I've used on every platform (including by *old* 486 running oth FreeBSD and now Win95 - don't ask..) the appplet runs fine and is very smooth. And generally the CPU usage is quite low. Running Linux Communicator 4.0b6 on my FreeBSD machine (a PPro 166) is fine as well. The FreeBSD native version, however, can't even smoothly render the image, uses up 100% of the CPU, and even makes the mouse jittery. Hmm. Something is definately wrong. > > } Finally, Communicator locked up on me last night - actuallly it locked > } up and took out my system with it.. complete freeze. X was still > } "displaying", but the keyboard and mouse were dead. The machine wouldn't > } even answer pings... complete freeze. Needless to say, since I've been > } running FreeBSD (almost 2 years) this is the first time this has ever > } happened to me. Lock up. Not even a crash. Nothing is worse, and horrible > } images of win95 were filling my head. > } > } Solution: > } rm -rf /usr/local/netscape > } mount /cdrom > } pkg_add /cdrom/packages/All/slynx-2.7.tgz > } > } Communicator may have a pretty interface, but it's a behemouth, > } resource eating, system crashing, poor performing monster. Surely they > } can do better... > > Communicator is a fairly important product. That Netscape is now apparently > supporting FreeBSD is a *very* important development! It raises the status > of FreeBSD considerably. > > It works reasonably well considering that it's in beta right now. > > Please lighten up. Yeah yeah yeah... Fine it's an important product, I'm just expressing my disgust over the gigantic resources that Netscape seems to require these days just to browse the web. Netscape and Microsoft are battling over stupid technologies just to outdo each other, and the end result is that this garbage is being pushed down the users' throats. My major concern is that while it may be a FreeBSD native version, and it may work "reasonably well", every other platform's version is working much, much better. It may give FreeBSD some 'status', but how happy are new users going to be when they fire up Netscape on their new FreeBSD install and it doesn't perform like they expect? Hopefully Netscape will get their act together and give us a good version, and since I can't figure out how to mail them bug reports directly, I'm hoping maybe they read this list and will get them this way! This list also give me a chance to see if others are having the same problems. cya, -mark > > > Richard -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Mayo RingZero Comp. finger for my PGP key and GCS code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- University degrees are a bit like adultery: you may not want to get involved with that sort of thing, but you don't want to be thought incapable. -Sir Peter Imbert