From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Apr  3 11:47:31 2001
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Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 13:33:48 -0500
To: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
From: Pablo Quintana <>
Subject: CD-ROM 4.2 Install Problem
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Dear Sirs,

I've been trying to install 4.2 RELEASE from a burned CD I made with the 
ISO image.

I mounted the drive on a FreeBSD 3.1 server on the network and then I 
created the FTP user directed to /cdrom as detailed in the INSTALL.TXT file 
in the CD.

After booting the new PC from floppies and selecting FTP as the media, the 
install program said that could not find the 4.2 RELEASE on that media and 
to select 'any' on the options screen.

After doing that the setup program tried to copy some files and then crahsed.

Any idea on that problem?

Pablo Quintana
Gerente de Servicios Dedicados
The NetSys Company
San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C. A.

Tel.  : +504 566-1055
Fax   : +504 566-3183
Mobile: +504 991-1847

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Sirs,<br>
I've been trying to install 4.2 RELEASE from a burned CD I made with the
ISO image.<br>
I mounted the drive on a FreeBSD 3.1 server on the network and then I
created the FTP user directed to /cdrom as detailed in the INSTALL.TXT
file in the CD.<br>
After booting the new PC from floppies and selecting FTP as the media,
the install program said that could not find the 4.2 RELEASE on that
media and to select 'any' on the options screen.<br>
After doing that the setup program tried to copy some files and then
Any idea on that problem?<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier">Pablo Quintana<br>
Gerente de Servicios Dedicados<br>
The NetSys Company<br>
San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C. A.<br>
Tel.&nbsp; : +504 566-1055<br>
Fax&nbsp;&nbsp; : +504 566-3183<br>
Mobile: +504 991-1847<br>


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