From owner-freebsd-arch  Tue Jun 18  6:12: 0 2002
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From: Sheldon Hearn <>
To: Mike Makonnen <>
Cc: arch@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: rcNG rollout in -current 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 18 Jun 2002 06:05:24 MST."
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:12:34 +0200
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On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 06:05:24 MST, Mike Makonnen wrote:

> Which reminds me, could you put a note in UPDATING that:
> - setting rcng_named  on means you have to remove "-u bind -g bind" 
>     from named_flags 

It's not required, but it does look a little funny having the options
repeated in the proctitle.

> - while the boot scripts will start named jailed correctly it's up to
>    the administrator to make sure that configuration and zone files
>    are placed correctly


> - By default /var/run/ will be symlinked to
>    <sandbox>/var/run/ and  syslog will open a socket in
>    <sandbox>/var/run

Are you sure?  I could swear it was /var/run/named/pid and


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