From owner-freebsd-hackers  Fri Sep  1 13:36:21 1995
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Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 15:35:22 -0500 (EST)
From: John Fieber <>
To: Michael Smith <>
Subject: Re: How to abort a DMA transfer?
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On Fri, 1 Sep 1995, Michael Smith wrote:

> J Wunsch stands accused of saying:
> > As Frank Durda IV wrote:
> > [very excellent description of the PeeCee DMA stuff deleted.]
> > 
> > Do people think this would make sense to be put along with the other
> > share/FAQ/Text items we've got (or their HTML replacements)?
> Yes, definitely.  Commentaries like that are _extremely_ worthwhile
> keeping around; they're often better than formal documentation when it
> comes to understanding things.

Would someone email a copy to me for inclusion in the handbook?  (I've
been to busy to do anything but random sampling of the mailing lists and
article in question slipped by.) I think I'll make a chapter of "Technical
Tidbits" for things like this.  We already have a few things, like memory
utilization and the booting process that would be good companions for such
a chapter.  I've also got a few "Terry Lambert Sermons" on assorted topics
that I've saved. 


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