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Date:      Fri, 5 Jun 1998 15:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
To:        FreeBSD-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   docs/6868: man 3 corrections
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>Number:         6868
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       man 3 corrections
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Jun  5 15:50:01 PDT 1998
>Originator:     Josh Gilliam
>Release:        FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT i386

src/lib/libutil/_secure_path.3          1.2
src/lib/libc/net/addr2ascii.3           1.4
src/gnu/lib/libdialog/dialog.3          1.6
src/lib/libedit/editline.3              1.4
src/lib/libc/net/gethostbyname.3        1.9
src/share/man/man3/intro.3              1.5
src/lib/libalias/libalias.3             1.6
src/lib/libdisk/libdisk.3               1.6
src/lib/libutil/login_cap.3             1.8
src/lib/libutil/login_class.3           1.5
src/lib/libc/stdio/printf.3             1.8
src/share/man/man3/queue.3              1.12


        'argumenst' -> 'arguments'
        'containes' -> 'contains'
        'origionally' -> 'originally'
        'rudamentary' -> 'rudimentary'
        'apppeared' -> 'appeared'
        'retreival' -> 'retrieval'
        'publically' -> 'publicly'
        'fuction' -> 'function'
        'Fuctions' -> 'Fuctions'
        'staticly' -> 'statically'
        'extablished' -> 'established'
        'occured' -> 'occurred'
        'permissable' -> 'permissible'
        'addresss' -> 'address'
        'paramater' -> 'parameter'
        'quanties' -> 'quantities'
        'equests' -> 'requests'
        'unkown' -> 'unknown'
        'indvidual' -> 'individual'
        'paramters' -> 'parameters'
        'familar' -> 'familiar'
        'supplimental' -> 'supplemental'
        'deafult' -> 'default'
        'typicially' -> 'typically'
        'terrabytes' -> 'terabytes'
        'priviledges' -> 'privileges'
        'occured' -> 'occurred'
        'compatable' -> 'compatible'
        'entires.le_next' -> 'entries.le_next'


--- src/contrib/tcl/doc/CrtSlave.3~	Wed Oct  1 23:46:23 1997
+++ src/contrib/tcl/doc/CrtSlave.3	Fri Jun  5 14:58:13 1998
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 .AP int objc in
 Count of additional object arguments to pass to the alias object command.
 .AP Tcl_Object **objv in
-Vector of Tcl_Obj structures, the additional object argumenst to pass to
+Vector of Tcl_Obj structures, the additional object arguments to pass to
 the alias object command.
 This storage is owned by the caller.
 .AP Tcl_Interp **targetInterpPtr in
--- src/contrib/tcl/doc/ObjectType.3~	Fri Jul 25 12:20:36 1997
+++ src/contrib/tcl/doc/ObjectType.3	Fri Jun  5 14:59:00 1998
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 describes the new type by giving its name
 and by supplying pointers to four procedures
 that implement the type.
-If the type table already containes a type
+If the type table already contains a type
 with the same name as in \fItypePtr\fR,
 it is replaced with the new type.
 The Tcl_ObjType structure is described
--- src/contrib/tcl/doc/WrongNumArgs.3~	Wed Oct  1 23:46:25 1997
+++ src/contrib/tcl/doc/WrongNumArgs.3	Fri Jun  5 14:59:58 1998
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 the abbreviation.  If the \fBTcl_WrongNumArgs\fR command finds any
 \fIindexObjects\fR in the \fIobjv\fR array it will use the full subcommand
 name in the error message instead of the abbreviated name that was
-origionally passed in.  Using the above example, lets assume that
+originally passed in.  Using the above example, lets assume that
 \fIbar\fR is actually an abbreviation for \fIbarfly\fR and the object
 is now an indexObject becasue it was passed to
 \fBTcl_GetIndexFromObj\fR.  In this case the error message would be:
--- src/lib/libutil/_secure_path.3~	Wed May 14 23:06:32 1997
+++ src/lib/libutil/_secure_path.3	Fri Jun  5 14:53:23 1998
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 is used to log any failure of this function, including the
 reason, at LOG_ERR priority.
-The checks carried out are rudamentary and no attempt is made
+The checks carried out are rudimentary and no attempt is made
 to eliminate race conditions between use of this function and
 access to the file referenced.
--- src/lib/libc/net/addr2ascii.3~	Fri Jun  5 11:03:37 1998
+++ src/lib/libc/net/addr2ascii.3	Fri Jun  5 11:03:51 1998
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 .Xr inet 4
 An interface close to this one was originally suggested by Craig
-Partridge.  This particular interface originally apppeared in the
+Partridge.  This particular interface originally appeared in the
 .Tn IPv6
--- src/gnu/lib/libdialog/dialog.3~	Sun Apr 13 15:37:12 1997
+++ src/gnu/lib/libdialog/dialog.3	Fri Jun  5 11:17:11 1998
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 .Ft "void"
 .Fn dialog_create_rc "unsigned char *filename"
-Dump dialog library settings into \fBfilename\fR for later retreival
+Dump dialog library settings into \fBfilename\fR for later retrieval
 as defaults.  Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
 .Ft "int"
--- src/lib/libedit/editline.3~	Tue Apr 28 01:27:26 1998
+++ src/lib/libedit/editline.3	Fri Jun  5 11:15:23 1998
@@ -530,5 +530,5 @@
 should not modify the supplied
 .Va argv[0] .
-The tokenization functions are not publically defined in
+The tokenization functions are not publicly defined in
 .Li <histedit.h> .
--- src/lib/libc/net/gethostbyname.3~	Tue Apr 28 01:27:09 1998
+++ src/lib/libc/net/gethostbyname.3	Fri Jun  5 11:11:33 1998
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 .Fa af
 argument must be specified as
-else the fuction will return
+else the function will return
 after having set
 .Va h_errno
--- src/share/man/man3/intro.3~	Sat Feb 22 05:24:16 1997
+++ src/share/man/man3/intro.3	Fri Jun  5 10:12:38 1998
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 The manual page entry for each compatibility routine
 indicates the proper interface to use. 
 .It Xr libkvm Pq Fl l Ns Ar kvm
-Fuctions used to access kernel memory are in this library.  They can be used
+Functions used to access kernel memory are in this library.  They can be used
 against both a running system and a crash dump.
 .Pq See Xr kvm 3 . )
 .It Xr libl Pq Fl l Ns Ar l
--- src/lib/libalias/libalias.3~	Tue Apr 28 01:25:36 1998
+++ src/lib/libalias/libalias.3	Fri Jun  5 11:02:13 1998
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 can be linked to different public addresses,
 comprising several distinct many-to-one
 mappings.  Also, a given public address
-and port can be staticly redirected to
+and port can be statically redirected to
 a private address/port.
 The packet aliasing engine was designed
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 (e.g. an FTP data connection), this mode bit
 specifies that a socket be allocated as a place
 holder to prevent port conflicts.  Once a
-connection is extablished, usually within a
+connection is established, usually within a
 minute or so, the socket is closed.
 If this mode bit is set, traffic on the
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 .Bl -hang -offset left
 An internal error within the packet aliasing
-engine occured.
+engine occurred.
 The packet aliasing process was successful.
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@
 .Em buffer r,
 .Em maxpacketsize
-indicates the maximum packet size permissable
+indicates the maximum packet size permissible
 should the packet length be changed.  IP encoding
-protocols place addresss and port information in
+protocols place address and port information in
 the encapsulated data stream which have to be
 modified and can account for changes in packet
 length.  Well known examples of such protocols
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
 .Bl -hang -offset left
 An internal error within the packet aliasing
-engine occured.
+engine occurred.
 The packet aliasing process was successful.
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
 This function specifies that traffic from a
 given remote address/port to an alias address/port
 be redirected to a specified local address/port.
-The paramater
+The parameter
 .Em proto
 can be either IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_UDP, as
 defined in <netinet/in.h>.
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
 should be handled.)
 Each aliasing link must have a unique
-combination of the following five quanties:
+combination of the following five quantities:
 alias address/port, remote address/port
 and protocol.  This ensures that several
 machines on a local network can share the
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@
 can be monitored to see when the associated
 aliasing link should be deleted.  Aliasing links
 for UDP transactions (and ICMP echo and timestamp
-equests) work on a simple timeout rule.  When
+requests) work on a simple timeout rule.  When
 no activity is observed on a dynamic link for
 a certain amount of time it is automatically
 deleted.  Timeout rules also apply to TCP
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@
 .Ss A.3 Partially Specified Aliasing Links
 Aliasing links can be partially specified,
 meaning that the remote address and/or remote
-ports are unkown.  In this case, when a packet
+ports are unknown.  In this case, when a packet
 matching the incomplete specification is found,
 a fully specified dynamic link is created.  If
 the original partially specified link is dynamic,
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
 exists, then a default address, usually the
 address of the packet aliasing host, is used.
 If necessary, this default address can be
-changed as often as each indvidual packet
+changed as often as each individual packet
 The aliasing port number is determined
--- src/lib/libdisk/libdisk.3~	Tue Apr 28 01:27:26 1998
+++ src/lib/libdisk/libdisk.3	Fri Jun  5 11:10:14 1998
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 are experimental, do not use.
 .Fn Create_Chunk
-creates a chunk with the specified paramters.
+creates a chunk with the specified parameters.
 .Fn All_FreeBSD
 makes one FreeBSD chunk covering the entire disk; if
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 .Ql subtype .
 .Fn slice_type_name
-returns "unknown" for slices it isn't familar with.
+returns "unknown" for slices it isn't familiar with.
 .Ql / .
 .Nm Libdisk
--- src/lib/libutil/login_cap.3~	Tue Nov  4 20:03:05 1997
+++ src/lib/libutil/login_cap.3	Fri Jun  5 14:51:56 1998
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 If the first
 .Ar name
 argument is NULL, an empty string, or a class that does not exist
-in the supplimental or system login class database, then the system
+in the supplemental or system login class database, then the system
 .Em default
 record is returned instead.
 If the second
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 .Em login ,
 it should be noted that some options cannot by overridden by
 users for two reasons; many options, such as resource settings
-and deafult process priorities, require root privileges 
+and default process priorities, require root privileges 
 in order to take effect, and other fields in the user's file are
 not be consulted at all during the early phases of login for
 security or administrative reasons.
@@ -330,11 +330,11 @@
 parameter is returned.
 .It Fn login_getcapsize
 .Fn login_getcapsize
-returns a value representing a size (typicially, file or memory)
+returns a value representing a size (typically, file or memory)
 which may be expressed as bytes (the default), 512 byte blocks,
 kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and on systems that support the
 .Ar long long
-type, terrabytes.
+type, terabytes.
 The suffix used determines the units, and multiple values and
 units may be used in combination (e.g. 1m500k = 1.5 megabytes).
 A value with no suffix is interpreted as bytes,  B as 512-byte
--- src/lib/libutil/login_class.3~	Sun Apr 13 15:37:58 1997
+++ src/lib/libutil/login_class.3	Fri Jun  5 11:13:02 1998
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 selecting an appropriate set of environment and resource settings
 for system daemons based on login classes.
 These functions may only be called if the current process is
-running with root priviledges.
+running with root privileges.
 If the LOGIN_SETLOGIN flag is used this function calls
 .Xr setlogin 2 ,
 and due care must be taken as detailed in the manpage for that
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 .Fn setclasscontext
 .Fn setusercontext
-return -1 if an error occured, or 0 on success.
+return -1 if an error occurred, or 0 on success.
 If an error occurs when attempting to set the user, login, group
 or resources, a message is reported to
 .Xr syslog 3 ,
--- src/lib/libc/stdio/printf.3~	Tue Mar 18 16:52:54 1997
+++ src/lib/libc/stdio/printf.3	Fri Jun  5 11:05:10 1998
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
 .Fn vasprintf
 first appeared in the GNU C library.  This implementation is thought
-to be compatable but is not derived from the GNU code.  This implementation
+to be compatible but is not derived from the GNU code.  This implementation
 was written by Peter Wemm <> and first appeared in
 .Fx 2.2 .
--- src/share/man/man3/queue.3~	Tue Mar 18 18:57:50 1997
+++ src/share/man/man3/queue.3	Fri Jun  5 11:08:52 1998
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
 n1 = head.lh_first;			/* Faster List Delete. */
 while (n1 != NULL) {
-	n2 = n1->entires.le_next;
+	n2 = n1->entries.le_next;
 	n1 = n2;

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