From owner-freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG  Mon May 26 17:26:23 2003
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Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 17:24:59 -0700
From: Terry Lambert <>
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To: Ted Unangst <>
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Subject: Re: Change request for mount_null manpage
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Ted Unangst wrote:
> On Mon, 26 May 2003, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > Making connections via TCP will also prevent Netscape or
> > Mozilla from eating all your memory for bitmaps, which are
> > not cached on a window basis, so you basically "leak" them
> > until you exit the application and it loses its connection
> > to the X Server, if you use a local connection, which lets
> > it use the shared memory extension.
> off topic, but this caught my eye.  can you clarify what you mean?  maybe
> using two sentences? :)

The shared memory extension is used to communicate bitmaps
to the X server quickly.  When Netscape does this, the bitmap
is reference counted.  If you are using the shared memory
extension, the reference doesn't go away until the application
beaks its connection to the X server.  The browser case is the
degenerate case of this, since it maintains its connection for
pretty much forever.  One fix for this is to close and open an
X server connection per window, so the X server can do resource
tracking on a window/connection basis, rather than doing it on
an application/connection basis.  Another is to quit and restart
the program.  A final one is to make it avoid using the shared
memory extension at all by telling it the connection isn't local.

-- Terry