From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Feb 23 21:30:41 2000
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Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:30:28 -0500 (EST)
From: Mail Account <>
To: Ryan Thompson <>
Cc: questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: sysinstall error
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> On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Mail Account wrote:
> > I just installed release 3.4
> > I went to get the kernel source and sysinstall keeps core dumping on me.
> > The core dump only occurs when I try to access the distributions menu.
> > Has anyone else had this problem?
> > Is there a fix?
> Yes, many have had this problem.  This is a know issue with 3.4-R.  Please
> see the file:
> For a complete bug description and workarounds.
The ERRATA says to use the Index menu to get to the Distributions.
This does not work, I get a core dump when the ftp connection is made.
I also tried downloading the updated mfsroot image and booting from
I get all the way to the ftp and it says my disk is full.
This looks like a permissions problem, since my disk is only 22% full.
I either need to do a reinstall with the new image or recompile
Are there any instructions for recompiling sysinstall in /stand ?

-- daniel fisher

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