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Date:      Wed, 23 May 2001 18:54:04 +1000
From:      Sue Blake <>
To:        "RDWest Sr." <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: mad about questions?    newbies list=what?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <000a01c0e300$3d65c9c0$23730618@ci83514a>; from on Tue, May 22, 2001 at 04:46:13PM -0400
References:  <> <000a01c0e300$3d65c9c0$23730618@ci83514a>

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On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 04:46:13PM -0400, RDWest Sr. wrote:
> i spent 60 freaking bucks for this OS at best buy...      it specifies in
> the BOOK for support to join this list....

It does??? Would you mind letting me know (in private mail if you like)
what book that was, and exactly what words it uses? If people
really are being told to ask _support_questions_ here, that's a shame.
It would mean that they would be stepping outside the list charter.
Keeping within list charters is a condition of using the freebsd
lists. You should go to the authoritative source, the list charters
(descriptions) on the web site.

> i'm a newbie to bsd     and i know everyone who has never even seen a
> unix-like os is going to ask some dumb questions...    i've been useing
> win32 servers and would like to learn the bsd os...  now since i can't find
> ports and packages for v4.0 retail, i d/led the iso of 4.3....
> can i plz get some help here?

Not tech support, no.

If you want help, as for it in the right place. If you want to be
passed around and fed whatever silly or misleading replies people
feel like typing at you, then stay in this chat list and cop it sweet.

Do you want support or don't you?

If you do want support, write to freebsd-questions and you'll get it.

When you don't want any help, but you really need to get something off
your chest, you can do that here. But you already know that.



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