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Date:      Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:35:48 -0800 (PST)
From:      "Michael C. Shultz" <>
Subject:   ports/90339: [MAINTAINER] update sysutils/portmanager
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         90339
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [MAINTAINER] update sysutils/portmanager
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Dec 13 17:40:02 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Michael C. Shultz
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Wed Nov 30 13:51:49 PST 2005 i386


	update sysutils/portmanager to 0.4.0_1

	1. Fixes potential seg fault on 4.11 systems.
	2. Added log entry times

	Note to comitter: adds files/patch-0.4.0_1




--- portmanager-0.4.0_1.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN portmanager/Makefile portmanager-0.4.0_1/Makefile
--- portmanager/Makefile	Mon Dec 12 12:04:20 2005
+++ portmanager-0.4.0_1/Makefile	Tue Dec 13 08:36:10 2005
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	portmanager
 CATEGORIES=	sysutils
diff -ruN portmanager/files/patch-0.4.0_1 portmanager-0.4.0_1/files/patch-0.4.0_1
--- portmanager/files/patch-0.4.0_1	Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
+++ portmanager-0.4.0_1/files/patch-0.4.0_1	Tue Dec 13 08:35:41 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMG/src/libMG.h ./libMG/src/libMG.h
+--- ../0.4.0/libMG/src/libMG.h	Sun Dec 11 17:39:06 2005
++++ ./libMG/src/libMG.h	Tue Dec 13 07:39:00 2005
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
+ #include	<sys/types.h>
+ #include	<sys/wait.h>
+ #include	<sysexits.h>
++#include	<time.h>
+ #include	<unistd.h>
+ #include	<sys/resource.h>
+@@ -155,6 +156,24 @@
+ 		while( fflush( stderr ) );	\
+ 		assert( 0 );	\
+ 	}
++#define	MGmSystem( command, environment )				\
++		MGm__pid	= fork();				\
++		if( MGm__pid == 0 )		 /* child */		\
++		{							\
++			execve( command[0], command, environment );	\
++			_exit(127);					\
++		}							\
++		while( waitpid( MGm__pid, &MGm__forkStatus, 0 ) < 0 )	/* parent */	\
++		{							\
++			if( WIFEXITED( MGm__forkStatus ) == 0 )		\
++			{						\
++				fprintf( stderr, "%s error: command %s exited abnormally\n", id, command[0] );	\
++				while( fflush( stderr ) );		\
++				assert( 0 );				\
++			}						\
++		}
+ #define	MGmFopen( fileStream, fileName, mode )	\
+ 	if( mode[0] == 'w' )				\
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMlogAdd.c ./libMGPM/src/MGPMlogAdd.c
+--- ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMlogAdd.c	Sun Dec 11 09:34:27 2005
++++ ./libMGPM/src/MGPMlogAdd.c	Tue Dec 13 08:03:34 2005
+@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
+ {
+ 	FILE*	logFileStream;
+ 	char	id[]		= "MGPMlogAdd";
++	time_t	timeObj;
++	timeObj	= time(NULL);
+ 	if( property->log == 0 )
+ 	{
+@@ -48,7 +51,8 @@
+ 	}
+ 	MGmFopen( logFileStream, property->logFile->parent.path, "a" );
+-	fprintf( logFileStream, "%-35s %-30s\n    %-35s %-35s %-30s\n\n", victemName, victemDir, crime, suspectName, suspectDir );
++	fprintf( logFileStream, "%s %-35s %-30s\n    %-35s %-35s %-30s\n\n",
++		ctime( &timeObj ), victemName, victemDir, crime, suspectName, suspectDir );
+ 	fclose( logFileStream );
+ 	return( 0 );
+ }
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMlogDestroy.c ./libMGPM/src/MGPMlogDestroy.c
+--- ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMlogDestroy.c	Sun Dec 11 09:33:14 2005
++++ ./libMGPM/src/MGPMlogDestroy.c	Tue Dec 13 08:03:40 2005
+@@ -32,9 +32,14 @@
+ int	MGPMlogDestroy( structProperty* property )
+ {
++	FILE*	logHandle;
+ 	char	id[]		= "MGPMlogDestroy";
+ 	char*	command		= NULL;
++	time_t	timeObj;
++	timeObj	= time(NULL);
+ 	if( property->log == 0 )
+ 	{
+ 		return( 1 );
+@@ -49,11 +54,11 @@
+ 		assert(0);
+ 	}
+-	MGmStrcpy( command, "echo \" end of log \" " );
+-	MGmStrcat( command, " >> /var/log/portmanager.log" );
+-	system( command );
+-	MGmStrcpy( command, "date >> /var/log/portmanager.log" );
+-	system( command );
++	MGmFopen( logHandle, "/var/log/portmanager.log", "a" );
++	fprintf( logHandle, "%s end of log\n", ctime( &timeObj ) );
++	fclose( logHandle );
+ 	/* 666 indicates demise of this object */
+ 	property->logFile->parent.type	= 666;
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMrCommandLine.c ./libMGPM/src/MGPMrCommandLine.c
+--- ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMrCommandLine.c	Sun Dec 11 09:41:53 2005
++++ ./libMGPM/src/MGPMrCommandLine.c	Mon Dec 12 16:30:28 2005
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ int	rParseCommandLine( structProperty* property, int argc, char** argv );
+ int	rSetXtermTitle( void );
+-int	MGPMrCommandLine( int argc, char** argv )
++int	MGPMrCommandLine( int argc, char** argv, char** argp )
+ {
+ 	DIR*	dirStream	= NULL;
+ 	char	id[]		= "MGPMrCommandLine";
+@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
+ 	signal( SIGINT, MGPMrCatchSignal );
++	property.argp	= argp;
+ 	path		= (char*)calloc( 511, 1 );
+ 	/*
+@@ -260,7 +263,7 @@
+ 			buffer		= calloc( bufferSize, 1 );
+ 			MGmFopen( handle, property->helpFile, "r" );
+ 			fread( buffer, bufferSize, 1, handle );
+-			fprintf( stdout, buffer );
++			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", buffer );
+ 			free( buffer );
+ 			fclose( handle );
+ 			return( 0 );
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMrUpdate.c ./libMGPM/src/MGPMrUpdate.c
+--- ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/MGPMrUpdate.c	Sun Dec 11 21:12:02 2005
++++ ./libMGPM/src/MGPMrUpdate.c	Tue Dec 13 05:48:01 2005
+@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
+ #define		OK	0
+ #include	<libMGPM.h>
++int	MGrIfDirEntry( char* dirName, char* fileName );
+ int	rBsdPortMkPatch( structProperty* property, structLocalProperty* localProperty );
+ int	rCleanDir( char* portDir, char* workDir );
+ int	rCleanUp( structProperty* property, structLocalProperty* localProperty );
+@@ -48,12 +52,10 @@
+ 	char	backUp[]					= "--back-up";
+ 	char	bu[]						= "-bu";
+ 	char	exact[]						= "exact";
+-	char	failMsg1[]					= "failed during make, adding to ignore.db";
+ 	char	id[]						= "MGPMrUpdate";
+ 	char	ip[]						= "-ip";
+ 	char	l[]						= "-l";
+ 	char	log[]						= "--log";
+-	char	space[]						= " ";
+ 	char	strike[]					= "0";
+ 	char	y[]						= "-y";
+ 	char	yes[]						= "--yes";
+@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
+ 	char*	stinker						= NULL;
+ 	char*	stopPortDirPtr					= NULL;
+ 	char*	strikePtr					= NULL;
++	char**	cmd;
+ 	int	answer						= 1;
+ 	int	availableDependenciesDbIDX			= 0;
+ 	int	availableDependenciesDbQTY			= 0;
+@@ -80,7 +83,13 @@
+ 	property->optionsChanged	= 0;
+-	localProperty.options			= calloc( MAXBUFFERSIZE, 1 );
++	localProperty.environment	= malloc( sizeof( char** ) * 4 );
++	localProperty.environment[0]	= malloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE );
++	localProperty.environment[1]	= malloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE );
++	localProperty.environment[2]	= malloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE );
++	localProperty.environment[3]	= 0;
++	localProperty.CURDIR			= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.afterOptionsFileSize	= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.afterOptionsFileTime	= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.batchCheck		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+@@ -92,6 +101,7 @@
+ 	localProperty.installedPortName		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.newPortDir		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.newPortName		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
++	localProperty.options			= calloc( MAXBUFFERSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.optionsCheck		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.optionsDir		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.startPortCmd		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+@@ -99,6 +109,7 @@
+ 	localProperty.stopPortCmd		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.stopPortDir		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	localProperty.workDir			= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
++	localProperty.workFullPath		= calloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE, 1 );
+ 	property->availableDependenciesDb	= MGdbOpen( property->availableDependenciesDbFileName );
+ 	property->availablePortsDb		= MGdbOpen( property->availablePortsDbFileName );
+@@ -111,15 +122,39 @@
+ 	if( ( strcmp( "/sysutils/portmanager", oldPortDir ) == 0 || strcmp( "/local/sysutils/portmanager", oldPortDir ) == 0 ) && property->forced )
+ 	{
+ 		fprintf( stdout, "ignoring portmanager, will not self update in forced mode by design\n" );
++		while( fflush( stdout ) );
+ 		MGPMlogAdd( property, "ignoring portmanager ", "will not self update in forced mode by design",
+ 								oldPortDir, "added to ignore.db", " " );
+ 		MGdbAdd( property->ignoreDb, oldPortDir, "skipping portmanager, will not self update in forced mode by design\n", NULL );
+-		while( fflush( stdout ) );
+ 		rCleanUp( property, &localProperty );
+ 		return( 0 );
+ 	}
++	/*
++	 * setup environment
++	 */
++	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.environment[0], "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" );
++	if( getenv( "CCACHE_DIR" ) != NULL )
++	{
++		MGmStrcpy( localProperty.environment[1], "CCACHE_DIR=" );
++		MGmStrcat( localProperty.environment[1], getenv( "CCACHE_DIR" ) );
++	}
++	else
++	{
++		localProperty.environment[1][0]	= 0;
++	}
++	if( getenv( "CCACHE_PATH" ) != NULL )
++	{
++		MGmStrcpy( localProperty.environment[2], "CCACHE_PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" );
++	}
++	else
++	{
++		localProperty.environment[2][0]	= 0;
++	}
+ 	/* 
+ 	 * test for patch
+ 	 */
+@@ -128,6 +163,30 @@
+ 		property->bsdPortMkPatched	= rBsdPortMkPatch( property, &localProperty );
+ 	}
++	/*
++	 * store localProperty.CURDIR
++	 */
++	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.CURDIR, "cd " );
++	MGmStrcat( localProperty.CURDIR, PORTSDIR );
++	MGmStrcat( localProperty.CURDIR, oldPortDir );
++	MGmStrcat( localProperty.CURDIR, " && make -V .CURDIR" );
++	localProperty.buffer[0]	= 0;
++	pHandle		= popen( localProperty.CURDIR, "r" );
++	fread( localProperty.buffer, MAXBUFFERSIZE, 1, pHandle );
++	pclose( pHandle );
++	idx	= 0;
++	while( idx < MAXSTRINGSIZE )
++	{
++		if( localProperty.buffer[idx] == LINEFEED || localProperty.buffer[idx] == TAB || localProperty.buffer[idx] == SPACE )
++		{
++			localProperty.buffer[idx]	= 0;
++			break;
++		}
++		idx++;
++	}
++	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.CURDIR, localProperty.buffer );
+ 	/* 
+ 	 * store localProperty.workDir
+ 	 */
+@@ -152,6 +211,13 @@
+ 	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.workDir, localProperty.buffer );
+ 	/* 
++	 * build localProperty.workFullPath
++	 */
++	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.workFullPath, localProperty.workDir );
++	MGmStrcat( localProperty.workFullPath, localProperty.CURDIR );
++	MGmStrcat( localProperty.workFullPath, "/work" );
++	/* 
+ 	 * store localProperty.optionsDir
+ 	 */
+ 	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.optionsDir, "cd " );
+@@ -182,8 +248,6 @@
+ 	if( MGrIfFileExist( localProperty.optionsDir ) )
+ 	{
+-		MGmFopen( fileStream, localProperty.optionsDir, "r" );
+-		fclose( fileStream );
+ 		MGmStrcpy( localProperty.beforeOptionsFileTime, MGrIntToString( (int)MGrFileTime( localProperty.optionsDir ) ) );
+ 		MGmStrcpy( localProperty.beforeOptionsFileSize, MGrIntToString( MGrFileSize( localProperty.optionsDir ) ) );	
+ 	}
+@@ -402,7 +466,7 @@
+ 		/************************************************************************/
+ 		/*			Command "2" " make conf"				*/
+ 		/************************************************************************/
+-		if( MGrStrlen( localProperty.buffer ) > 4 )
++		if( MGrBufferlen( localProperty.buffer, MAXBUFFERSIZE ) > 4 )
+ 		{
+ /*
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s DEBUG: MGrStrlen( localProperty.buffer )-=>%d localProperty.buffer-=>%s localProperty.optionsDir->%s\n", id,
+@@ -410,8 +474,8 @@
+ while( fflush( stderr ) );
+ */
+ 			/*
+-			 * If here we know OPTIONS is defined, now need to know if 
+-			 * /var/db/ports/{package name}/options exists
++			 * If here we know OPTIONS is defined, need to run make config
++			 * if /var/db/ports/{package name}/options exists
+ 			 */
+ 			if( MGrIfFileExist( localProperty.optionsDir ) == 0 )
+ 			{
+@@ -429,20 +493,12 @@
+ 				fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #2 of 14  %s\n", id, PACKAGE_VERSION, localProperty.command );
+ 				fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 				while( fflush( stdout ) );
+ 				system(localProperty.command);
+-				fclose( fileStream );
+-				localProperty.afterOptionsFileTime[0]	= 0;
+-				localProperty.afterOptionsFileSize[0]	= 0;
+ 			}
+-			else
+-			{
+-				MGmStrcpy( localProperty.afterOptionsFileTime,
++			MGmStrcpy( localProperty.afterOptionsFileTime,
+ 					MGrIntToString( (int)MGrFileTime( localProperty.optionsDir ) ) );
+-				MGmStrcpy( localProperty.afterOptionsFileSize,
++			MGmStrcpy( localProperty.afterOptionsFileSize,
+ 					MGrIntToString( MGrFileSize( localProperty.optionsDir ) ) );	
+-			}
+ 			/*
+ 			 * test to see if any options changed
+@@ -958,29 +1014,70 @@
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+ 	/*			Command "9" " make"				*/
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+-	MGmStrcpy( localProperty.command, "cd " );
+-	MGmStrcat( localProperty.command, PORTSDIR );
+-	MGmStrcat( localProperty.command, oldPortDir );
+-	MGmStrcat( localProperty.command, " && make " );
+ 	if( MGrStrlen( localProperty.options ) > 0 )
+ 	{
+-		MGmStrcat( localProperty.command, localProperty.options );
++		cmd	= malloc( sizeof( char** ) * 3 );
++		cmd[0]	= malloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE );
++		cmd[1]	= malloc( MAXBUFFERSIZE );
++		cmd[2]	= 0;
++		MGmStrcpy( cmd[0], PORTSDIR );
++		MGmStrcat( cmd[0], oldPortDir );
++		if( chdir( cmd[0] ) != 0 )
++		{
++			fprintf( stderr, "%s error: chdir %s failed\n", id, cmd[0] ); 
++			perror( "chroot" );
++			while( fflush( stderr ) );
++			assert( 0 );
++		}
++		MGmStrcpy( cmd[0], "/usr/bin/make" );
++		MGmBuffercpy( cmd[1], localProperty.options, MAXBUFFERSIZE );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "update %s \n", oldPortName );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #9 of 14  %s\nOPTIONS-=>%s\n", id, PACKAGE_VERSION, cmd[0], cmd[1] );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		while( fflush( stdout ) );
++		MGmSystem( cmd, localProperty.environment );	
++		free( cmd[0] );
++		free( cmd[1] );
++		free( cmd );
+ 	}
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "update %s \n", oldPortName );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #9 of 14  %s\n", id, PACKAGE_VERSION, localProperty.command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+-	while( fflush( stdout ) );
+-	if( ( errorCode = system(localProperty.command) ) )
++	else
+ 	{
+-		MGPMlogAdd( property, oldPortName, oldPortDir, failMsg1, space, space );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s %s error: make returned an error, adding %s to ignore.db\n", id, PACKAGE_VERSION, oldPortDir );
++		cmd	= malloc( sizeof( char** ) * 2 );
++		cmd[0]	= malloc( MAXSTRINGSIZE );
++		cmd[1]	= 0;
++		MGmStrcpy( cmd[0], PORTSDIR );
++		MGmStrcat( cmd[0], oldPortDir );
++		if( chdir( cmd[0] ) != 0 )
++		{
++			fprintf( stderr, "%s error: chdir %s failed\n", id, cmd[0] ); 
++			perror( "chroot" );
++			while( fflush( stderr ) );
++			assert( 0 );
++		}
++		MGmStrcpy( cmd[0], "/usr/bin/make" );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "update %s \n", oldPortName );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #9 of 14  %s\n", id, PACKAGE_VERSION, cmd[0] );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		while( fflush( stdout ) );
+-		MGdbAdd( property->ignoreDb, oldPortDir, "failed during make", NULL );
++		MGmSystem( cmd, localProperty.environment );	
++		free( cmd[0] );
++		free( cmd );
++	}
++	if( MGrIfDirEntry( localProperty.workFullPath, ".build_done" ) == 0 )
++	{
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s error:  %s %s failed during make, adding to ignore.db\n", id, oldPortName, oldPortDir );
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		while( fflush( stderr ) );
++		MGPMlogAdd( property, oldPortName, oldPortDir, "port failed to build during make, adding to ignore.db", " ",  " " );
++		MGdbAdd( property->ignoreDb, oldPortDir, "port failed to build during make\n", NULL );
+ 		rCleanUp( property, &localProperty );
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+ 	/*			Command "10" pkg_create -b			*/
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+@@ -1468,6 +1565,13 @@
+ 	MGdbDestroy( property->installedPortsDb );
+ 	MGdbDestroy( property->strikesDb );
++	free( localProperty->environment[0] );
++	free( localProperty->environment[1] );
++	free( localProperty->environment[2] );
++	free( localProperty->environment );
++	free( localProperty->CURDIR );
+ 	free( localProperty->afterOptionsFileSize );
+ 	free( localProperty->afterOptionsFileTime );
+ 	free( localProperty->batchCheck );
+@@ -1487,6 +1591,7 @@
+ 	free( localProperty->stopPortCmd );
+ 	free( localProperty->stopPortDir );
+ 	free( localProperty->workDir );
++	free( localProperty->workFullPath );
+ 	return(0);
+ }
+@@ -1782,4 +1887,27 @@
+ 	}
+ 	free( command );
+ 	return( 0 );
++int	MGrIfDirEntry( char* dirName, char* fileName )
++/*			char	id[]		= "MGrIfDirEntry";	*/
++			DIR*	dirStream;
++	struct		dirent*	dirRecord;
++	unsigned	int	fileNameLength	= 0;
++	fileNameLength	= MGrStrlen( fileName );
++	dirStream	= opendir( dirName );
++	while( ( dirRecord = readdir( dirStream ) ) != NULL )
++	{
++		if( dirRecord->d_namlen >= fileNameLength && strncmp( fileName, dirRecord->d_name, fileNameLength ) == 0 )
++		{
++			closedir( dirStream );
++			return( 1 ); 	/* FOUND */
++		}
++	}
++	closedir( dirStream );
++	return( 0 );			/* NOT_FOUND */
+ }
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/libMGPM.h ./libMGPM/src/libMGPM.h
+--- ../0.4.0/libMGPM/src/libMGPM.h	Sun Dec 11 09:33:14 2005
++++ ./libMGPM/src/libMGPM.h	Mon Dec 12 21:00:55 2005
+@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
+ typedef struct
+ {
++	char*	CURDIR;
+ 	char*	afterOptionsFileSize;
+ 	char*	afterOptionsFileTime;
+ 	char*	batchCheck;
+@@ -112,13 +113,16 @@
+ 	char*	stopPortCmd;
+ 	char*	stopPortDir;
+ 	char*	workDir;
++	char*	workFullPath;
+ 	char*	xtermTitle;
++	char**	environment;
+ 	int	bufferSize;
+ 	int	optionsBufferSize;
+ } structLocalProperty;
+ typedef struct
+ {
++	char**	argp;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * default flags
+ 	 */
+@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@
+ int		MGPMlogDestroy( structProperty* property );
+ int		MGPMrBestOldPort( structProperty* property, char* oldPortDir, char* oldPortName );
+ int		MGPMrCleanUp( structProperty* property );
+-int		MGPMrCommandLine(  int argc, char** argv );
++int		MGPMrCommandLine( int argc, char** argv, char** argp );
+ int		MGPMrController( structProperty* property, char* path, char** argv );
+ int		MGPMrCreateAllUpdateStatusDb( structProperty* property );
+ int		MGPMrCreateInstalledDb( structProperty* property );
+diff -ruN ../0.4.0/portmanager/portmanager.c ./portmanager/portmanager.c
+--- ../0.4.0/portmanager/portmanager.c	Sat Dec 10 06:00:32 2005
++++ ./portmanager/portmanager.c	Mon Dec 12 16:20:58 2005
+@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
+ /*
+  * Jumping through a hoop so main is accessable with gdb
+  */
+-int	main( int argc, char** argv )
++int	main( int argc, char** argv, char** argp)
+ {
+ 	int	errorCode	= 0;
+-	errorCode	= MGPMrCommandLine( argc, (char**)argv ); 
++	errorCode	= MGPMrCommandLine( argc, (char**)argv, (char**)argp ); 
+ 	exit( errorCode );
+ }
+Binary files ../0.4.0/portmanager-0.4.1.tar.gz and ./portmanager-0.4.1.tar.gz differ
--- portmanager-0.4.0_1.diff ends here ---


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