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Date:      Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:10:01 -0800
From:      "Noah Davidson" <>
To:        "FreeBSD-ISP List" <freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Sendmail question
Message-ID:  <>

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I have set up a new FreeBSD box as mainly a backup mail server, although =
it is primary for a couple of domains.  It is running sendmail 8.13.3 =
and it works fine, except for all the spam that is being sent to it to =
bad email addresses.  I have aliased the root account to an email group =
on another server so that someone reads the root mail.  The problem is =
that all the mail that spammers are sending to address that do not exist =
get bounced and the root account a notification (I believe it is the =
postmaster alias which is aliased to root).  Is there any way to not =
have these notifications sent out.  They are filling up the mail boxes.  =
I just want the return to sender, but not to the root / postmaster as =
well.  I have tried using the confCOPY_ERRORS_TO in my .mc file, but =
that just sends it to an additional account as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Noah Davidson

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