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Date:      Tue, 24 Jan 2023 06:21:55 -0800
From:      Fred Finster <>
Subject:   Advertising FreeBSD 14.0 on Raspberry Pi on Podcast , a forum post
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next in thread | raw e-mail | index | archive | help  FreeBSD 14.0 install  is mentioned on 
BSDNOW.TV  podcast 489.  WorldWide Baby!  wow! 
forum post. Other O/S --> FreeBSD -->
(Solved), HDMI audio sound output through TV speakers Freebsd 13 or 14 
plus VCHIQ audio patch file

Fred Finster's blog, detailing starting from a new Raspberry Pi 4B and 
installing FreeBSD using a USB Flash drive stick and "bsdinstall" to 
install FreeBSD over the internet to a 500GB SSD drive. Plus details of  
building a new kernel with VCHIQ patch to enable HDMI Audio sound over 
HDMI TV speakers.

Yes, we are all busy with our own particular needs and interests as to 
why we choose to use FreeBSD versus the well supported Raspberry Pi O/S 

Could you take a moment and create a short forum post in the FreeBSD 
subtopic about your reason to use FreeBSD and what value you

obtained by using FreeBSD versus using Linux.   A little advertising 
will grow arm64 FreeBSD using population on the Raspberry Pis.

We will all benefit from having a few more users.   Without us sharing 
FreeBSD knowledge, we will stay a tiny secret UNIX(tm) clan group.

Here is FreeBSD Subtopic at

Create a forum post in your own style and direction.   Include a short 
paragraph, This is why I use FreeBSD and the value it gives me over 
using the available Linux distributions.

A few more forum posts and replies might help grow the number of FreeBSD 
users on arm64 hardware.

Thank you, Fred  You are welcome to submit your own ideas to or email

ps.  Here is forum post asking for a BSD supporter to update the FreeBSD

With the sake of completeness some BSD fan could please update this table: 

Does the Camera support motion hosted on Raspberry Pi Zero W?   
Particularly I'm interested if the camera works with motion with the 
latest FreeBSD on RPI Zero W.

As I see it will be a nogo because WIFI is not supported either, unless 
that doc is completely obsolete. :X

Fred  Finster
+1 971-718-9144

Original Email sent to November 22, 2022

Subject: Installing FreeBSD 14.0 to 500gb SSD usb external drive, using bsdinstall. (solved) HDMI audio patch to FreeBSD kernel

Hello gentlemen,

Sharing with your listeners this Forum Post about:
1.) starting from a bare Raspberry Pi 4B or RasPi 400 keyboard,
2.) adding a usb external (usb - sata )  ssd drive,
3.) burning a Freebsd 14.0 snapshot image,
4.) booting freebsd from usb flash drive,
5.) installing Freebsd 13.1 or 14.0 over the internet to ssd drive using 
bsdinstall command.

link to my forum post ARM Open-Source Telegram group to 
discuss ARM software. Single Board Computing Telegram Group

I share these sites to encourage others to have a inexpensive desktop 
computer of their own.
Since Freebsd Foundation has made ARM64 a Tier 1 supported cpu  Desktop 
Environments like MATE and XFCE4 are available along with 30,000 other 
packages.  All Free to use for DIY (do it yourself).

Welcome others to test and share this method around the 🌍 world.  yes 
Linux is also good O/S, yet I choose Freebsd for stability.


Fred Finster
+1 971-718-9144

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