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Date:      Mon, 14 Apr 2003 07:41:31 -0700
From:      "Jacob S. Barrett" <>
Subject:   em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
Message-ID:  <>

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I am getting these messages every 30 seconds or so.  I searched around 
and found a few other post about this problem with other devices, but no 
answers to the problem.  I didn't notice any of these message until I 
upgrade to 4.8-RELEASE the other day.  This is a dual processor machine. 
  It happens on all my machines that have em devices, which all happen 
to be dual processor machines.  I noticed that almost all the other 
posts on this problem were with dual processor machines as well.  Does 
anyone one have a solution for this?  Does anyone know what this 
happens?  Should I compile without SMP until this is resolved?  Should I 
just downgrade back to 4.7?

dmesg for one machine:
Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
         The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE #17: Sun Apr 13 22:54:14 PDT 2003
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
CPU: Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron (266.44-MHz 686-class CPU)
   Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x633  Stepping = 3
real memory  = 335544320 (327680K bytes)
avail memory = 322281472 (314728K bytes)
Programming 24 pins in IOAPIC #0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 2 -> irq 0
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor motherboard
  cpu0 (BSP): apic id:  1, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee00000
  cpu1 (AP):  apic id:  0, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee00000
  io0 (APIC): apic id:  2, version: 0x00170011, at 0xfec00000
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03c2000.
Preloaded elf module "if_em.ko" at 0xc03c209c.
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
md0: Malloc disk
Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00fdf20
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0: <Intel 82443LX (440 LX) host to PCI bridge> on motherboard
IOAPIC #0 intpin 19 -> irq 2
IOAPIC #0 intpin 17 -> irq 16
IOAPIC #0 intpin 16 -> irq 17
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib1: <Intel 82443LX (440 LX) PCI-PCI (AGP) bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <PCI bus> on pcib1
pci1: <Matrox MGA Millennium II 2164WA-B AG graphics accelerator> at 0.0 
irq 17
isab0: <Intel 82371AB PCI to ISA bridge> at device 2.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel PIIX4 ATA33 controller> port 0xfcd0-0xfcdf at device 2.1 
on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
uhci0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> port 0xfca0-0xfcbf irq 
2 at device 2.2 on pci0
usb0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
Timecounter "PIIX"  frequency 3579545 Hz
chip1: <Intel 82371AB Power management controller> port 0x7000-0x700f at 
device 2.3 on pci0
fxp0: <Intel Pro 10/100B/100+ Ethernet> port 0xfce0-0xfcff mem 
0xfed00000-0xfedfffff,0xfecfd000-0xfecfdfff irq 2 at device 3.0 on pci0
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:a0:c9:ac:c5:5c
inphy0: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
ukphy0: <Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface> on miibus0
ukphy0:  10baseT, 100baseTX, 100baseT4, auto
ahc0: <Adaptec aic7895 Ultra SCSI adapter> port 0xf800-0xf8ff mem 
0xfecff000-0xfecfffff irq 16 at device 9.0 on pci0
aic7895: Ultra Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
ahc1: <Adaptec aic7895 Ultra SCSI adapter> port 0xf400-0xf4ff mem 
0xfecfe000-0xfecfefff irq 16 at device 9.1 on pci0
aic7895: Ultra Wide Channel B, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
em0: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection, Version - 1.4.10> mem 
0xfecc0000-0xfecdffff irq 17 at device 16.0 on pci0
em0:  Speed:1000 Mbps  Duplex:Full
orm0: <Option ROMs> at iomem 
on isa0
fdc0: <NEC 72065B or clone> at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
ppc0: <Parallel port> at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: SMC-like chipset (ECP/EPP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/8 bytes threshold
plip0: <PLIP network interface> on ppbus0
lpt0: <Printer> on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
ppi0: <Parallel I/O> on ppbus0
APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
APIC_IO: routing 8254 via IOAPIC #0 intpin 2
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
ad0: 9671MB <WDC AC310100B> [19650/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
ad1: 39082MB <Maxtor 54098U8> [79406/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a
da0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <WDIGTL WD91 ULTRA2 1.00> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit), Tagged Queueing 
da0: 8727MB (17873040 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1112C)

Jacob S. Barrett

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."

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