Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:06:49 -0800 (PST) From: Doug Barton <> To: Vodyanoi <> Cc: FreeBSD Mail List -- Houston <>, FreeBSD-Questions <> Subject: Re: Prompt and Path questions Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --0-583569592-954367609=:49934 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Vodyanoi wrote: > Hello all, > I appear to have a small issue with the setup of both my path and prompt settings. I am using sh for my shell. I have edited the prompt setting in the .shrc file in the home dir but it didn't work quite the way I expected it to. below is what I have in this file. what I had before was the same, I only added the "| `pwd'#" & $ sections. You also have some issues with mail. :) Please wrap your lines at 75 columns or so. I can't see anything past the word "prompt" in this sentence above without some serious scrolling. Fortunately for you, this is a subject near and dear to my heart. :) Take a look at the files I have attached. They approach this problem in a slightly more efficient way than the current default files in skel. > This gives the the prompt that I want (username@host|<current path>$) but it dosn't change when I change paths. I searched the archives for the mailing list and found somethig about using CD insteadof PS1 but not sure what CD is or how to set that up. That's because PS1 is set static when you initialize your shell. More modern shells (like Bash) allow you to do dynamic things with your prompt. I would suggest you install Bash, and then take a look at If you're determined to stick with sh, you can create a function called 'cd' that replaces the builtin cd, and use that function to reset your prompt each time. > Also I seem to be having a problem with some commands that are located in my /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin not running. I get the error message command not found and have to enter the full path with the command. I've checked and these paths are in my path setting. this happens mainly with programs that I've installed and not with the commands and programs that install orignally. > If someone could explain this to me or point me to the documentation about this that I've been missing. i am sure it's out there somewhere I just can't seem to find it Your PATH variable is not being set properly. The .profile I included sets more than you will probably need. Also, look at /etc/login.conf. Good luck, Doug -- "So, the cows were part of a dream that dreamed itself into existence? Is that possible?" asked the student incredulously. The master simply replied, "Mu." --0-583569592-954367609=:49934 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=".shrc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Bourne shell .shrc file Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".shrc" IyAkRnJlZUJTRCQNCiMNCiMgLnNocmMgLSBCb3VybmUgc2hlbGwgc3RhcnR1 cCBmaWxlDQojDQojIFRoaXMgZmlsZSB3aWxsIGJlIHVzZWQgaWYgdGhlIHNo ZWxsIGlzIGludm9rZWQgZm9yIGludGVyYWN0aXZlIHVzZSBhbmQNCiMgdGhl IGVudmlyb25tZW50IHZhcmlhYmxlIEVOViBpcyBzZXQgdG8gdGhlIG5hbWUg b2YgdGhpcyBmaWxlLg0KIw0KIyBTZWUgYWxzbyBzaCgxKSwgZW52aXJvbig3 KS4NCiMNCg0KIyBNYWtlIGludGVyYWN0aXZlIHNoZWxscyBhIGxpdHRsZSBt b3JlIGZyaWVuZGx5DQpzZXQgLW8gZW1hY3MNCg0KIyBTZWFyY2ggcGF0aCBm b3IgY2QoMSkNCkNEUEFUSD0uOiRIT01FDQoNCiMgUHJvbXB0DQpfVVNFUk5B TUU9YHdob2FtaWANClBTMT0iJF9VU0VSTkFNRUBgaG9zdG5hbWUgLXNgIg0K Y2FzZSAiJF9VU0VSTkFNRSIgaW4NCglyb290KSBQUzE9IiR7UFMxfSMgIiA7 Ow0KCSopIFBTMT0iJHtQUzF9JCAiIDs7DQplc2FjDQoNCiMgQWxsb3dzIHBl cm1pc3Npb25zIG9mIC1yd3hyLXhyLXgNCnVtYXNrIDAyMg0KDQojIEdlbmVy YWwgYWxpYXNlcw0KYWxpYXMgbGE9J2xzIC1BJw0KYWxpYXMgbGY9J2xzIC1B RicNCmFsaWFzIGxsPSdscyAtbG9hRicNCmFsaWFzIG09JFBBR0VSDQphbGlh cyBnPSdlZ3JlcCAtaScNCg0KIyBTaGVsbCBzcGVjaWZpYyBhbGlhc2VzDQph bGlhcyBoPSdmYyAtbCcNCmFsaWFzIGo9am9icw0KDQojIEZvciB0aGUgcGFy YW5vaWQNCiNhbGlhcyBjcD0nY3AgLWlwJw0KI2FsaWFzIG12PSdtdiAtaScN CiNhbGlhcyBybT0ncm0gLWknDQoNCiMgSW1wbGVtZW50IGEgY3NoLWxpa2Ug dW5saW1pdCBjb21tYW5kLiAgVW5wcml2aWxpZ2VkIHVzZXJzIG1heQ0KIyBu b3QgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBjaGFuZ2Ugc29tZSBvZiB0aGVzZSBsaW1pdHMuDQp1 bmxpbWl0ICggKSB7DQoJZWNobyAnICAgU2V0dGluZyBzb2NrIGJ1ZiBzaXpl JzsJdWxpbWl0IC1iIHVubGltaXRlZA0KCWVjaG8gJyAgIFNldHRpbmcgY29y ZSBmaWxlIHNpemUnOwl1bGltaXQgLWMgdW5saW1pdGVkDQoJZWNobyAnICAg U2V0dGluZyBkYXRhIHNpemUnOwkJdWxpbWl0IC1kIHVubGltaXRlZA0KCWVj aG8gJyAgIFNldHRpbmcgZmlsZSBzaXplJzsJCXVsaW1pdCAtZiB1bmxpbWl0 ZWQNCgllY2hvICcgICBTZXR0aW5nIGxvY2tlZCBtZW0gc2l6ZSc7CXVsaW1p dCAtbCB1bmxpbWl0ZWQNCgllY2hvICcgICBTZXR0aW5nIHJlcyBzaXplJzsJ CXVsaW1pdCAtbSB1bmxpbWl0ZWQNCgllY2hvICcgICBTZXR0aW5nIGZkcyc7 CQkJdWxpbWl0IC1uIHVubGltaXRlZA0KCWVjaG8gJyAgIFNldHRpbmcgc3Rh Y2sgc2l6ZSc7CQl1bGltaXQgLXMgdW5saW1pdGVkDQoJZWNobyAnICAgU2V0 dGluZyBjcHUgdGltZSc7CQl1bGltaXQgLXQgdW5saW1pdGVkDQoJZWNobyAn ICAgU2V0dGluZyBtYXggcHJvY2Vzc2VzJzsJdWxpbWl0IC11IHVubGltaXRl ZA0KfQ0KDQojIFVuY29tbWVudCB0byBkaXNwbGF5IGEgcmFuZG9tIGNvb2tp ZSBlYWNoIGxvZ2luOg0KI1sgLXggL3Vzci9nYW1lcy9mb3J0dW5lIF0gJiYg L3Vzci9nYW1lcy9mb3J0dW5lDQoNCg== --0-583569592-954367609=:49934 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=".profile" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Bourne shell .profile Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".profile" IyAkRnJlZUJTRCQNCiMNCiMgLnByb2ZpbGUgLSBCb3VybmUgU2hlbGwgc3Rh cnR1cCBzY3JpcHQgZm9yIGxvZ2luIHNoZWxscw0KIw0KIyBzZWUgYWxzbyBz aCgxKSwgZW52aXJvbig3KS4NCiMNCg0KWyAteCAvdXNyL2xvY2FsL2Jpbi9i YXNoIF0gJiYNCglleGVjIC91c3IvbG9jYWwvYmluL2Jhc2ggLS1yY2ZpbGUg JEhPTUUvLmJhc2hfcHJvZmlsZQ0KDQojIEV4cG9ydCBhbGwgdGhlIGVudmly b25tZW50IHZhcmlhYmxlcyB0byBjbGVhbiB0aGluZ3MgdXAgYSBiaXQNCnNl dCAtbyBhbGxleHBvcnQNCg0KIyBSZW1vdmUgL3Vzci9nYW1lcyBhbmQgL3Vz ci9YMTFSNi9iaW4gaWYgeW91IHdhbnQNClBBVEg9L3Vzci9iaW46L2Jpbjov dXNyL3NiaW46L3NiaW46L3Vzci9sb2NhbC9iaW46L3Vzci9sb2NhbC9zYmlu Oi91c3IvWDExUjYvYmluOi91c3IvZ2FtZXM6JEhPTUUvYmluDQoNCiMgU2V0 dGluZyBURVJNIGlzIG5vcm1hbGx5IGRvbmUgdGhyb3VnaCAvZXRjL3R0eXMu ICBPbmx5IG92ZXJyaWRlDQojIGlmIHlvdSdyZSBzdXJlIHRoYXQgeW91J2xs IG5ldmVyIGxvZyBpbiB2aWEgdGVsbmV0LCB4dGVybSBvciBhDQojIHNlcmlh bCBsaW5lLg0KIyBVc2UgY29uczI1bDEgZm9yIGlzby0qIGZvbnRzDQpURVJN PSR7VEVSTTotY29uczI1fQ0KDQpFRElUT1I9dmkNClBBR0VSPW1vcmUNCkJM T0NLU0laRT1LDQoNCiMgVHVybiBvZmYgYWxsZXhwb3J0IHRvIHByZXZlbnQg cG9zc2libGUgZm9vdC1zaG9vdGluZw0Kc2V0ICtvIGFsbGV4cG9ydA0KDQoj IFNldCBFTlYgdG8gYSBmaWxlIGludm9rZWQgZWFjaCB0aW1lIHNoIGlzIHN0 YXJ0ZWQgZm9yIGludGVyYWN0aXZlIHVzZS4NCkVOVj0kSE9NRS8uc2hyYzsg ZXhwb3J0IEVOVg0KDQo= --0-583569592-954367609=:49934-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message
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