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Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:56:58 +0100
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Subject: Re: [Probably a bit OT] A question about mail systems [SOLVED]
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2011-01-17 11:04, Maciej Milewski skrev:
>  >
>  > I find using ~/.forward for this a bit of an ugly hack, but as long as
>  > I'm the only one using this computer, I can live with it, though I would
>  > prefer to have it in /etc/mail/aliases instead, but that just gives me
>  > warnings about deliver not being run as the correct user (yes, I did try
>  > with the -d option). If someone knows how to fix that, I'd be greatful,
>  > but it's not that important, at least not for the time being, so don't
>  > lose any sleep over it for me.
>  >
>  > Anyway, thanks again for the input,
>  >
>  > Rolf Nielsen
> As you left sendmail and not mention about reconfiguring it I think that
> you should do it according to Dovecot wiki:
> Maciej

I read that, and according to the instructions, it assumes sendmail is 
set up for virtual hosting and that local system mail is not handled by 
deliver. The way I have it configured now, and the way I want it, I have 
no virtual hosting (what would be the point of that with one user 
account?), and all mail, including local system mail, is passed through 
deliver. This way I only need one mail reader, regardless of where the 
mail comes from and which mailbox it's sent to. And since I also have 
root's mail forwarded to my regular user account (via 
/etc/mail/aliases), I get all mail, whether local system mail or from 
the outside world, "transparently" delivered to ~/Maildir, and I can 
read it from whichever IMAP capable client I choose.