Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 07:25:12 GMT From: Ganael Laplanche <> To: Subject: ports/142159: New port: comms/uhso-kmod - Driver for Option HSDPA modem (USB2 version) Message-ID: <> Resent-Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 142159 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New port: comms/uhso-kmod - Driver for Option HSDPA modem (USB2 version) >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Wed Dec 30 07:30:02 UTC 2009 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Ganael Laplanche >Release: 9.0-CURRENT >Organization: >Environment: FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #4: Mon Nov 9 12:42:19 UTC 2009 i386 >Description: This new port is a 'new USB stack' compliant version of the comms/hso-kmod port, designed to be used on FreeBSD > 800063. >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: Patch attached with submission follows: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # uhso-kmod # uhso-kmod/pkg-plist # uhso-kmod/files # uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-NODEBUG-patch-Makefile # uhso-kmod/files/ # uhso-kmod/files/UHSO-DEBUG-patch-Makefile # uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-DEBUG-patch-Makefile # uhso-kmod/pkg-descr # uhso-kmod/Makefile # uhso-kmod/distinfo # echo c - uhso-kmod mkdir -p uhso-kmod > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - uhso-kmod/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/pkg-plist << '6affc9c499dce2c66ce770f8ba263f3a' X%%PL_UHSOCTL%%bin/uhsoctl X@cwd /boot/modules Xuhso.ko X@exec kldxref %D X@unexec kldxref %D 6affc9c499dce2c66ce770f8ba263f3a echo c - uhso-kmod/files mkdir -p uhso-kmod/files > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-NODEBUG-patch-Makefile sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-NODEBUG-patch-Makefile << '7a767b528b25eb22eb0908f634f17210' X--- Makefile.orig 2009-08-19 14:41:30.923433005 +0000 X+++ Makefile 2009-08-19 14:42:32.492341064 +0000 X@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ X SRCS= uhsoctl.c X PROG= uhsoctl X-CFLAGS+= -g X+#CFLAGS+= -g X #CFLAGS+= -DDEBUG=1 X LDFLAGS+= -lutil X DESTDIR?= /usr/local 7a767b528b25eb22eb0908f634f17210 echo x - uhso-kmod/files/ sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/files/ << '46f03b32b070c46fed8d7a3453e1951a' X X=============================================================================== X XThis port has installed the uhso kernel module. X X1) To load the kernel module at boot time, Xadd the following line to /boot/loader.conf: X Xuhso_load="YES" X X2) If you have built the uhsoctl utility, use it to connect : Xe.g. : uhsoctl -a -p 1234 hso0 X X3) Enjoy ! X X=============================================================================== X 46f03b32b070c46fed8d7a3453e1951a echo x - uhso-kmod/files/UHSO-DEBUG-patch-Makefile sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/files/UHSO-DEBUG-patch-Makefile << '783cba2f023868d632c9ee43d29ceb5a' X--- Makefile.orig 2009-12-28 18:29:47.732668607 +0000 X+++ Makefile 2009-12-28 18:29:56.747883459 +0000 X@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ X S= ${.CURDIR}/../.. X .PATH: $S/dev/usb X X-#CFLAGS+= -DUSB_DEBUG=1 -DUHSO_DEBUG=2 -DUHSO_DEBUG_HEXDUMP=1 -g X+CFLAGS+= -DUSB_DEBUG=1 -DUHSO_DEBUG=2 -DUHSO_DEBUG_HEXDUMP=1 -g X KMOD= uhso X SRCS= opt_bus.h opt_usb.h device_if.h bus_if.h usbdevs.h uhso.c X 783cba2f023868d632c9ee43d29ceb5a echo x - uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-DEBUG-patch-Makefile sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/files/UHSOCTL-DEBUG-patch-Makefile << '4279b6791370f10426d2f3bba7857337' X--- Makefile.orig 2009-08-19 14:41:30.923433005 +0000 X+++ Makefile 2009-08-19 14:42:03.472847525 +0000 X@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ X SRCS= uhsoctl.c X PROG= uhsoctl X CFLAGS+= -g X-#CFLAGS+= -DDEBUG=1 X+CFLAGS+= -DDEBUG=1 X LDFLAGS+= -lutil X DESTDIR?= /usr/local X 4279b6791370f10426d2f3bba7857337 echo x - uhso-kmod/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/pkg-descr << 'c810917e0452da540cece7dd34dd9b5d' XFreeBSD driver for newer Option HSDPA USB dongles. X XThe driver have been tested with the following devices X X * Option GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2 (2.4.6Hd firmware) X * Option GlobeSurfer iCON 225 X XOlder cards should work just fine with ubsa(4) or any similar XUSB-over-serial driver. X XNote that this driver should be considered beta and will Xwork with FreeBSD 8.0 (with USB2) or superior only. XPlease use comms/hso-kmod for previous versions of FreeBSD. X XWWW: c810917e0452da540cece7dd34dd9b5d echo x - uhso-kmod/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/Makefile << 'a36a38188bd7a94f2d65e46a7a1e9b3e' X# New ports collection makefile for: uhso-kmod X# Date created: 28 December 2009 X# Whom: Ganael Laplanche <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= uhso XPORTVERSION= 20091122 XCATEGORIES= comms kld XMASTER_SITES= XPKGNAMESUFFIX= -kmod XDISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= Driver for Option HSDPA modem (USB2 version) X XCONFLICTS= hso-kmod-[0-9]* X XNO_PACKAGE= should be recompiled for a particular FreeBSD kernel X XOPTIONS= UHSOCTL "Build uhsoctl tool" on \ X DEBUG "Build with debug symbols" off X XSUB_FILES= pkg-message XKMODDIR?= /boot/modules XPLIST_SUB+= KMODDIR=${KMODDIR} XMAKE_ENV+= KMODDIR=${KMODDIR} X XMAN4= uhso.4 X X.include <> X X.if !exists(/usr/src/sys/Makefile) XIGNORE= requires kernel source files X.elif ${OSVERSION} <= 800063 XIGNORE= requires FreeBSD 8.0 (with USB2) or superior X.endif X X.if !defined(WITHOUT_UHSOCTL) XUHSOCTL_VERSION= 20090820 XDISTFILES+= uhsoctl-beta-${UHSOCTL_VERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} XWRKSRC_UHSOCTL= ${WRKDIR}/uhsoctl-beta-${UHSOCTL_VERSION} XPLIST_SUB+= PL_UHSOCTL="" XMAN1= uhsoctl.1 X.else XPLIST_SUB+= PL_UHSOCTL="@comment " X.endif X X.if defined(WITH_DEBUG) XEXTRA_PATCHES+= ${PATCHDIR}/UHSO-DEBUG-patch-Makefile X.endif X Xpost-patch: X.if !defined(WITHOUT_UHSOCTL) X.if defined(WITH_DEBUG) X @${PATCH} -d ${WRKSRC_UHSOCTL} < ${PATCHDIR}/UHSOCTL-DEBUG-patch-Makefile X.else X @${PATCH} -d ${WRKSRC_UHSOCTL} < ${PATCHDIR}/UHSOCTL-NODEBUG-patch-Makefile X.endif X.endif X Xpost-build: X.if !defined(WITHOUT_UHSOCTL) X @cd ${WRKSRC_UHSOCTL} && ${SETENV} NO_MANCOMPRESS= ${MAKE} all X.endif X Xpost-install: X ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN4:S|^|${WRKSRC}/|} ${PREFIX}/man/man4 X.if !defined(WITHOUT_UHSOCTL) X @cd ${WRKSRC_UHSOCTL} && \ X ${SETENV} DESTDIR=${PREFIX}/ BINDIR=bin MANDIR=man/man NO_MANCOMPRESS= \ X ${MAKE} install X.endif X @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} X X.include <> a36a38188bd7a94f2d65e46a7a1e9b3e echo x - uhso-kmod/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >uhso-kmod/distinfo << 'e6dbb561951d5960b25e15f24fe64e9d' XMD5 (uhso-20091122.tar.gz) = 68e96e3d6fab93ba9eab148c1ef79ca7 XSHA256 (uhso-20091122.tar.gz) = a861411fecbc1d1f1fb8910026eeafb6331a1a87ec6562f2b46797e92f1db043 XSIZE (uhso-20091122.tar.gz) = 14430 XMD5 (uhsoctl-beta-20090820.tar.gz) = cb430d12217511554a3d7f13385432db XSHA256 (uhsoctl-beta-20090820.tar.gz) = c512b821c632cd3a5295bae764d30654e2538f42357bca365a7cc9a9edae57b8 XSIZE (uhsoctl-beta-20090820.tar.gz) = 10626 e6dbb561951d5960b25e15f24fe64e9d exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted:
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