From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Jan  7 16:03:50 1998
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From: John Brann <>
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Subject: Re: GATEWAY???
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Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 19:03:16 -0500 (EST)
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Robert wrote...
> how do I define a gateway on freeBSD??
> I just got an ISDN line and I need to make the router the gateway for
> the bsd box.
> help!!
> thanks 
> Robert

Whoa, slow down!

So you got an ISDN line, good for you.  You mention a router.  On the 
assumption that this is some device which talks to the ISDN line and an
ethernet (I have a Netopia, myself), then the command you need is:

add route default <hostname or IP address of router>
(as root, of course).

Just for good measure, you should modify rc.conf (on recent releases) or
/etc/sysconfig (on older ones) to indicate that you want a default route
and what it is.  The line for /etc/rc.conf is:

defaultrouter="<IP address of router>"    # Set to default gateway (or NO).

In this case, make sure you use the address.  This will make sure you get the
route back on a reboot.

Once you think its ready, do a 'netstat -nr' and you should see output of 
this form:

Destination        Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use     Netif Expire
default             UGSc       10        0       ed0

(Your Gateway IP address will be the one you specified, of course)

Of course, if you don't really have a router, then the story is quite 
different :-)


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