From owner-freebsd-hackers Fri Jan 31 12:36:21 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id MAA10884 for hackers-outgoing; Fri, 31 Jan 1997 12:36:21 -0800 (PST) Received: from Sisyphos.MI.Uni-Koeln.DE (Sisyphos.MI.Uni-Koeln.DE []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id MAA10855 for ; Fri, 31 Jan 1997 12:36:14 -0800 (PST) Received: from (annexr3-15.slip.Uni-Koeln.DE) by Sisyphos.MI.Uni-Koeln.DE with SMTP id AA07342 (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for ); Fri, 31 Jan 1997 21:36:10 +0100 Received: (from se@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.6.9) id VAA04082; Fri, 31 Jan 1997 21:36:22 +0100 (CET) Message-Id: <> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 21:36:21 +0100 From: (Stefan Esser) To: Subject: PCI LKM: How to find object file from PCI ID ... X-Mailer: Mutt 0.59-PL19 Mime-Version: 1.0 Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk Hi all! I've been thinking about the best way to have a user-land program determine, whether any of the object files in the /lkm directory might be appropriate for some PCI device, for which no driver exists in the kernel. I test-implemented all of them, and found that all approaches that relie on some text being present in the object file as a string or as part of a symbol require this information to be inlined verbatim (i.e. you can't just reference a macro like NCR_810_ID, since it is only defined regarding its numeric contents). Possibilities: 1) Have a config file that contains PCI ID to LKM mappings. 2) Put the PCI IDs as character strings into the LKM binary. 3) Create symbols with names that allow to derive PCI IDs supported. 4) Put an array of PCI IDs into the LKM under a well known name. Examples: 1) File containing lines like: D 00011000 ncr.o D 000f1000 ncr.o D 802910ec if_ed.o [ The "D" denotes a PCI Device ID, while "C" would match a PCI Class, and "S" a Subvendor ID. ] 2) Create (symbolic) links that contain the PCI ID and point to the LKM file: /dev/pci/d_00011000 -> ../ncr.o /dev/pci/d_000f1000 -> ../ncr.o /dev/pci/d_802910ec -> ../if_ed.o 3) Include a string into the binary, for example: static const char pciids [] = "\nPCI_D 00011000 000f1000\n"; 4) Define a character variable, of which only the name is significant: static char pci_d_00011000; static char pci_d_000f1000; 5) Build an array of integers under a known name: static const int pci_d_ids [] = { 0x00011000, 0x000f1000 }; Advantages: 1) Trivial implementation, no driver changes required. Fast lookup from a script possible, for highest flexibility. 2) Trivial implementation, extremely fast lookup, high flexibility. Similar to 1), but uses file names as keys to directly access the LKM required. 3) Easy to implement and to use (just a "strings | grep"). 4) Easy to implement and to use, but requires system command "nm" instead of "strings". 5) The only one not worried about the details of the representation of the number (i.e. operating on a number instead of a string). 3+4+5) do not require any steps beyond copying the LKM into the target directory for making it available to the PCI LKM loader. Disadvantages: 1) File must be maintained on driver updates (but this could be automated to happen in the install target of the LKM's Makefile or the package "description" of a LKM distributed as binary). 2) Lots of file names are to be created, since a single driver may support devices with up to 10 distinct PCI IDs. Inconsistencies are possible, if a LKM is replaced by one for a different (set of) PCI device(s), but the old PCI IDs still point to the LKM name (this could be avoided by using hard links). 3) Requires an action to be performed on each file in the LKM directory, which is significantly slower than a grep on a file. False hits are possible, but can be minimized by choosing a good lead in string for each line. The character array increases the kernel space requirement of the driver. 4) Same as 3), with "nm" being slower and possibly not available on a system (if it is not at all used for software development). 5) Can't be done in a simple shell script. (Ok, you could make this a shell script calling the debugger to extract symbol information :) A C program is required to extract the symbol table with reasonable performance. 3+4+5) Could take advantage of cacheing information retrieved on boot time in file, and then the advantages of 1) could be provided :) Conclusions: I'm not going to choose either of these for the time being, but would like to receive some feedback from interested parties. Since USB uses very similar device IDs and will require loading and unloading of LKMs whenever a device is connected or deconnected (USB supports hot-pluggable devices !), I would like to find a solution that applies to USB, too. It is for that reason, that I consider the real and CPU times required to identify the LKM ... My prefered solution would be 1), currently, since only a low number of PCI drivers exist. The file of PCI IDs could be automatically maintained by each drivers install target in the Makefile. Solution 2) also has its advantages. But it requires the creation of a new directory (under /lkm to allow for hard links to point there). It does not differ from 1) that much, actually ... 3+4+5) put all the information into the LKM binary, and need no further steps to be performed, besides moving the LKM in an agreed-upon directory. I do not like the overhead of looking into some 30 files, which easily might become 3 times as many, if more drivers are made available as LKM. If a file is created from the Any further ideas ? Regards, STefan