From owner-freebsd-stable  Fri Mar 23 18: 1:58 2001
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Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:01:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt Dillon <>
Message-Id: <>
To: Dave Tweten <>, freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: 4.3-RC Kernel Buffer Corruption (Was: 4.3-BETA makeworld of current STABLE Fails)
References: <> <> <>
Sender: owner-freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
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X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG

    More questions #3 

    Can you test without any of the following kernel options?


options		CPU_FASTER_5X86_FPU	#Enable faster FPU exception handler
options		CPU_SUSP_HLT		#Enables suspend on HALT
options 	INET6			#IPv6 communications protocols
options		IPSEC			#IP security
options		IPSEC_ESP		#IP security (crypto; define w/ IPSEC)
options		NFS_NOSERVER		#Disable the NFS server code
options		NSWAPDEV=1		#Number of swap devices
options		PERFMON			#Performance counter driver compiled
options		PPS_SYNC		#Enable PLL for xntpd
options		ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:ad0s1a\"

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