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Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:19:27 +0100
From: Jens Schweikhardt <>
To: "Tim J. Robbins" <>
Cc: freebsd-standards@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: standards/36076: Implementation of POSIX fuser command
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On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 05:59:02PM +1100, Tim J. Robbins wrote:
# On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 06:55:09PM +0100, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
# > Then I'd consider rcp/scp broken as designed. I think choking on funny
# > filenames is a POLA violation.
# Fix it then. While you are at it, here are some more for you to fix:
[zap list]

I already started with c89(1).

# and when you're done with those, I will find some more for you.

I know, but is this a reason to introduce more utilities that behave this
way? I think not.

# > If C is the only way to DTRT, so be it. Additional work to get something
# > right instead of kludged up (and also violating the Standard!) was never a
# > valid argument.
# There is way too much overlap with fstat for them to be separate programs,
# but the structure of fstat does not present an easy way to make it act
# as fuser.
# My script does not violate the standard; double quote (char. 34) is not
# in the portable pathname character set.

The POSIX 2001 portable pathname character set is [-._A-Za-z0-9] and we
generally assume much more than that to be "portable", think foo,v. Yes,
you handle foo,v in your script, but I *do* encounter more and more
filenames with spaces or tabs in them (admitted, not in the base OS) and
this is where almost all scripts are notoriously failing. Does it handle
those too?

I understand that sometimes it's hard to make bullet-proof software, but
still I think it's a worthwhile goal -- and a value-add compared to
other competing open source operating systems that shall remain nameless :-)


Jens Schweikhardt
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