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Date:      Wed, 17 Mar 1999 11:30:58 -0500 (EST)
From:      "Crist J. Clark" <>
To: (lÛÇÅS)
Cc:        freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: your mail
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <> from =?ISO-8859-1?Q?l=DB=C7=C5S?= at "Mar 17, 99 04:50:46 am"

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lÛÇÅS wrote,

Whoa! Some pretty funky characters there, Mr. djmoronic.

> Heya,
> i wanna know some stuff about FreeBSD, here are a list of my questions:
> 1) How can i create a new partition on my 6gb HDD and preserve all
> data i had before.

This really isn't a FreeBSD question, but since it is something that
comes up frequently during an install, we'll try to help. But what is
your OS and format of the hard drive?

> 2) A lot of your documentation makes references to msdos 6. I have
> windows 98 and know that there are a lot of hdd access differences,
> does it matter if I install from a windows 98 partition to a blank
> partition?

Oh, OK, that's your system. Win98 uses a FAT format on the hard
drive. If you have a factory installed Win98 (i.e. you did not upgrade
yourself), it's probably FAT32. Most of the partition resizing tools
out there can handle all of the FAT flavors by now. 'Partition
Resizer' is one that I have used. First, use the builtin defragmenter
in Win98, then use a resizer. Then use fdisk, either the MSDOS version
or the FreeBSD version that will pop-up during the the install.

As for question (2), wherever you see 'MSDOS' in the installation
instructions, it is safe to assume the same goes for 'Win9x' (but no
absolute guarantees there). Many M$ critics refer to the Win9x as
nothing more than a GUI version of DOS anyway. OTOH, you _cannot_
assume things will go the same way for DOS and WinNT.

> 3) How big is the entire FreeBSD installation, as I want to be able to
> make an estimate when I am able to finish downloading it.

This varies widely with what you want to download which leads to...

> 4) What files do I need?

At the bare minimum, you'll want to install the bin and manpage
distributions. However, as for what you need to download before you
get to the installation, I personally believe the easiest thing to do
is get the two install floppies and you can go from there. But I have
to admit I have only downloaded from machines with NICs in this
manner, not over a modem.

> 5) Can I convert applications from Windows/DOS to FreeBSD if I dont
> have the source code?

There are a number of DOS and Winblows emulators for FreeBSD. How well
they work is not something I have a lot of personal experience
with. From what I have picked up, Windoze apps are very hit-and-miss,
while DOS is more consistent, but not trivial to get set up.

I am unaware of anything in the reverse direction and would be quite
suprised to find any real efforts in that direction.

> 6) Does FreeBSD have an ISP dialer included like Windows 95/98/NT does?

See the setting up PPP entries in FAQ and Handbook.

> 7) What would the recommended size for a partition for FreeBSD be?

How much do you need for Win98? How much time will you be in FreeBSD?
What do you plan to do? If you have 6 GB, I'd devote at least 1 GB
unless you are really pressed for space in Win98. A 2 or 3 GB split
would be more equitable, and you would not worry about space problems
for a while if you find yourself using FreeBSD a lot.

> 8) Are there any programming languages for FreeBSD that I can download
> as I am very interested in developing FreeBSD applications

A C compiler is part of the basic bin distirbution. GNU C, C++, and
Fortran77 are available. Then of course, Perl, Python, etc.,
etc. Here's a list of the 'language' ports,

% ls /usr/ports/lang
CVS                     gnat                    p5-ePerl
ETHOberonV4             guavac                  pbasic
Gofer                   guile                   perl5
Makefile                hugs                    pkg
README.html             icon                    ptoc
STk                     intercal                python
Sather                  itcl                    rexx-imc
TenDRA                  javac_netscape          ruby
atlast                  jdk                     scheme48
bwbasic                 kaffe                   schemetoc
cim                     kawk                    scm
cmucl                   lcc                     smalltalk
dylan                   logo                    sml-nj
egcs                    mit-scheme              squeak
eiffel                  mixal                   sr
elisp-manual            mocka                   swi-pl
elk                     modula-3                tcl75
emacs-lisp-intro        modula-3-lib            tcl76
eperl                   modula-3-socks          tcl80
expect                  moscow_ml               tcl81
forth                   o2c                     tclX75
g77                     objc                    tclX80
gcc28                   ocaml                   tclplugin
gcl                     p2c                     xpl
glibstdc++28            p5-Tcl                  yorick

Heck, we got logo, what else could you ask for?
Crist J. Clark                 

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