From owner-freebsd-hackers Wed Mar 8 05:43:45 1995 Return-Path: hackers-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id FAA29074 for hackers-outgoing; Wed, 8 Mar 1995 05:43:45 -0800 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with SMTP id FAA29059 for ; Wed, 8 Mar 1995 05:42:33 -0800 Received: from by with SMTP id AA01251 (5.65c8/HUTCS-S 1.4 for ); Wed, 8 Mar 1995 15:38:59 +0200 From: Heikki Suonsivu Received: (hsu@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.10) id PAA04840; Wed, 8 Mar 1995 15:38:58 +0200 Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 15:38:58 +0200 Message-Id: <> To: (Brian Litzinger) Cc: In-Reply-To:'s message of 8 Mar 1995 08:18:44 +0200 Subject: New Cyclades Driver needs Major Device #? Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Finland Sender: Precedence: bulk I've re-named all the routines to avoid conflicts with the existing FreeBSD cyclades driver. I.E. my driver is 'cyb' as opposed to 'cy'. You can simply remove the existing driver and replace it with our version, The current driver is unfinished port of the NetBSD driver and I never got it quite working, so it is better to get rid of it if better one is available. Shall I request a major device number for it? Or should we assume people will choose between mine and the existing one and assign their choice to the existing cy major device number? I would propose reusing the existing one. p.s.s. while I'm here anyway, why are netBSD and FreeBSD different efforts? Well, there are several possible reasons: - Linux people's secret plan to make sure *BSD won't ever be successfull. - USL's secret plan to make sure free operating systems won't ever be successfull. - BSDI's secret plan to make sure free BSD versions won't ever be successfull. - Free operating system authors have got too much ego. I'll promise to donate $100 of my own, and, say $400 of my company money to BSD (or Free operating system) Consortium if one will ever be set up to get rid of this mess. -- Heikki Suonsivu, T{ysikuu 10 C 83/02210 Espoo/FINLAND, home +358-0-8031121 work -4513377 fax -4555276 riippu SN