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Date:      Fri, 2 Feb 2024 03:38:29 -0800
From:      "Luis Martinez" <>
To:        <>
Message-ID:  <>

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Dear Friend,


My name is Luis Martinez, former Safe Deposit Vault Manager at now clo=
sed Mossack Fonseca Investment Corporation with offices in Panama, Zur=
ich Switzerland, Paris, Florida, New York USA and London UK.

During my work years at Mossack Fonseca, I supervised many offshore in=
vestments and safe deposits for foreign investors who invested and dep=
osited their wealth in secret investments and deposits at Mossack Fons=
eca Investments and Safe Deposit Corporation.

One of the investors that deposited her Diamonds, Gold items and cash =
deposit of US$6,850,000 in Safe Deposit Vault at Mossack Fonseca has l=
ong died in the Caribbean Island of Martinique while on vacation and t=
he Diamonds, Gold and cash she kept with the company for Safe Keep are=
 yet to be claimed because she has passed on and left no contact detai=
ls of any extended family or representative to claim the Diamonds, Gol=
d and Cash.

I want to present you to Mossack Fonseca Payment Officials as her Heir=
 Next of Kin Representative so that you can claim these items for us t=
o share it accordingly. I have the original copies of the Safe Deposit=
 Documents which will be required to release the personal items to you=
 as her heir representative to claim them. All I need from you is maxi=
mum secrecy and cooperation while I present you as her representative =
so that we can successfully claim the items since I have the original =
copies of the safe keeping documents.

However, due to series of issues relating to Tax, Mossack Fonseca was =
directed by the United States Government and European Union Government=
s to stop operations and close their offices and ensure that all inves=
ted and deposits at the company are processed and paid out to the resp=
ective investors or their heir next of kin representatives (where the =
investor has died). The Corporation Payment Officials and their Banker=
s, UBS Bank are paying out all funds and deposits as directed.

These items will be shipped to your address as soon as we commence the=
 claim process because I have the original copies of the Deposit Docum=
ents which they will require to approve and process the claim.

You can read more about Mossack Fonseca via below links:

List of people named in the Panama Papers - Panama Papers
I shall give you further details as you reply.
I therefore await your reply to enable us to commence the claim proces=


Luis Martinez

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<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-=
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META name=3D"format-detection" content=3D"telephone=3Dno"> <title>Re: =
 <body bgcolor=3D"#ffffff"> <P><FONT size=3D"4">Dear Friend,</FONT></p=
ITEMS &amp; US$ 6,850,000)</FONT></p><p><FONT size=3D"4">My name is Lu=
is Martinez, former Safe Deposit Vault Manager at now closed Mossack F=
onseca Investment Corporation with offices in Panama, Zurich Switzerla=
nd, Paris, Florida, New York USA and London UK.</FONT></p><p><FONT siz=
e=3D"4">During my work years at Mossack Fonseca, I supervised many off=
shore investments and safe deposits for foreign investors who invested=
 and deposited their wealth in secret investments and deposits at Moss=
ack Fonseca Investments and Safe Deposit Corporation.</FONT></p><p><FO=
NT size=3D"4">One of the investors that deposited her Diamonds, Gold i=
tems and cash deposit of US$6,850,000 in Safe Deposit Vault at Mossack=
 Fonseca has long died in the Caribbean Island of Martinique while on =
vacation and the Diamonds, Gold and cash she kept with the company for=
 Safe Keep are yet to be claimed because she has passed on and left no=
 contact details of any extended family or representative to claim the=
 Diamonds, Gold and Cash.</FONT></p><p><FONT size=3D"4">I want to pres=
ent you to Mossack Fonseca Payment Officials as her Heir Next of Kin R=
epresentative so that you can claim these items for us to share it acc=
ordingly. I have the original copies of the Safe Deposit Documents whi=
ch will be required to release the personal items to you as her heir r=
epresentative to claim them. All I need from you is maximum secrecy an=
d cooperation while I present you as her representative so that we can=
 successfully claim the items since I have the original copies of the =
safe keeping documents.</FONT></p><p><FONT size=3D"4">However, due to =
series of issues relating to Tax, Mossack Fonseca was directed by the =
United States Government and European Union Governments to stop operat=
ions and close their offices and ensure that all invested and deposits=
 at the company are processed and paid out to the respective investors=
 or their heir next of kin representatives (where the investor has die=
d). The Corporation Payment Officials and their Bankers, UBS Bank are =
paying out all funds and deposits as directed.</FONT></p><p><FONT size=
=3D"4">These items will be shipped to your address as soon as we comme=
nce the claim process because I have the original copies of the Deposi=
t Documents which they will require to approve and process the claim.<=
/FONT></p><p><FONT size=3D"4">You can read more about Mossack Fonseca =
via below links:<BR></FONT><A href=3D"
tic-scramble/"><FONT size=3D"4">
ramble/</FONT></A><BR><FONT size=3D"4">List of people named in the Pan=
ama Papers - Panama Papers<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I shall give you further detai=
ls as you reply.<BR>I therefore await your reply to enable us to comme=
nce the claim process.</FONT></p><p><FONT size=3D"4">Regards,</FONT></=
p><p><FONT size=3D"4">Luis Martinez</FONT></P></body>


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