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From: David Yeske <>
Subject: Re: cvs -rbranch:date + val-tags
To: Archie Cobbs <>
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I am still looking into the -j flag and (r)tag.  This patch was done quickly, and I am still
trying to see what it breaks.  I realized some of the issues I had were also broken with an
unpatched cvs.  So I might have broken something that is already broken.

I am looking through diff -rv1_11_2 -rHEAD in the FreeBSD repository and diff -rCVS1_11_2 -rHEAD
in the NetBSD repository and comparing that with -rHEAD cvs/ccvs from the cvshome repository.

I don't know what the CVS people think of my patch, but I based it off a patch on their website
that they have had for over 4 years.

I would really appreciate it if anyone would give me feedback on what they feel is "broken" about

--- Archie Cobbs <> wrote:
> David Yeske wrote:
> > I am working on getting cvs more usable so I don't have to worry about
> > val-tags when I have read only media, and so I can do stuff like this.
> > 
> > cvs update -rRELENG_4:2002/10/01
> > 
> > cvs diff -rRELENG_4:2002/09/01 -rRELENG_4:2002/09/30
> > 
> > I would appreciate any testing or feedback.  I have tested this some,
> > but it probably has bugs.
> Awesome! I've wanted to be able to do tags like '-rRELENG_4:2002/09/01'
> for years.. 
> Haven't tested your changes but the patch looks reasonable to me.
> ISTR that the '-j' option allows some combinations of branch + date.
> Are you aware of that? Does anything need to be rectified between
> the '-j' stuff and your changes? Also, what do the CVS people think
> of your patch?
> Cheers,
> -Archie
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Archie Cobbs     *     Packet Design     *

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